Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Welcome to the newlings!! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--that's so awesome that you get to travel to Vegas for a conference. My district has a policy that they will not pay for any travel or lodging expenses for professional development. When I used to sponsor the yearbook, I got to travel to journalism conferences with my staff, but our student account (fundraised by the staff) paid those expenses. I also got to go to Vegas once without the student staff, but that was for training of the new graphic design program we were switching to for the book design.

    @susan--I did watch all of this season's Biggest Loser, and yes, I think Rachael looked a bit too thin. However, I don't blame her for going to that extreme to win the money. I read that she had only been working part time since leaving the BL ranch so she could workout for several hours/day and was on a 1600 calorie allowance. It sounds like she wasn't starving herself--though perhaps exercising at a somewhat unhealthy level if it were for the long term. Having said that, I'm sure she plans to slow down with the exercise now that a quarter million dollars isn't at stake. I read a response from her regarding all of the criticism and though I can't recall her exact words, she made some reference to finding a balance now and maintaining a healthy weight from this point forward. I interpret that to mean she doesn't plan to continue the excessive exercise routine.

    @kaye--yes, we've all had those days where we just get off track--glad you are working to get it back in check. :flowerforyou:

    @susan--yes, I also love seeing what others do for their workouts. It gives me ideas of how to mix up my own routine, or as you said, goals for the future.

    @ushkii--great job pre-logging! :drinker:

    @alice--I also tend to quit out of boredom rather than b/c I can't achieve a goal. I've been able to progress with eating healthy and exercising by constantly shifting my goals. Our monthly challenges in this group really help keep things interesting for me. Also, I switch up my workouts a lot to keep from getting bored with exercise.

    @amanda--so happy you are enjoying the gym with your workout buddy. I'm one of those who enjoys working out alone--I would much rather be on my own schedule doing my own thing, but I understand why some people like the company. I do enjoy doing races and mud runs with friends, but even then, I'm perfectly happy to just meet at the finish line if I'm with someone who is faster than me.

    @mel--it's really hard to eat well when I'm sick--I just want comfort food that's doesn't take too much energy to prepare, so I completely understand. Good job working to get back on track--feel better! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--great GD challenge goal!

    @tom--better and better each day! :drinker:

    @camille--I've never done Leslie, but I think there are several others on this thread who do, or have in the past.

    @kelley--yes, it's really tough to make healthy choices when dining on Chinese food. I'm lucky that it's one of those foods that my DH rarely wants. He's more likely to suggest a pizza which is much easier for me to resist (unless it's Chi-town deep dish! :noway: ).

    @helena--sending good thoughts your way for your mom's treatment. :flowerforyou:

    @nettie--glad the DH took the car and won't be trying to walk with all of the snow!

    Thursday Truth:
    I really should start doing my taxes, but I just don't want to. :grumble: I'm sure I will put it off until Spring Break as I do every year. :ohwell:

    I had curriculum writing all day today and my co-teacher and I got a lot done. We revised out final assessment for The Great Gatsby (which we just started reading this week). We also updated our grading rubric for the Junior Research Paper and got all of our materials in order for peer-editing lessons. Finally, we already looked at data from last year's 2nd semester final exam scores and made appropriate changes to this year's exams. All in all, a pretty productive day.

    My colleagues and I went to lunch today to Potbelly's. I was glad they made that choice b/c I knew I could find something healthy on the menu. I ended up having the Skinny TKY and a side of tomato soup--it was delicious!

    After work I was tempted to stay in my nice, warm house, but I also really wanted to work out, so I braved the bitter cold. :laugh: I tried the level 9 weight loss program on the TM. It was just slightly too hard. It increased the running intervals from 5 to 5.5 which was great, but it also increased the walking intervals from 4 to 4.2. That was fine when flat, but at an 8 incline--no way! I had to reduce the speed back to 4 for those incline sections. My goal is still to get to level 10 by summer, so I will just keep at it. I also did 20 minutes of HIIT on the stationary bike and about 20 minutes of circuits between weight machines and ab work.

    Trying to decide what I want for my evening snack--I'm already at my protein goal and have over 300 calories left. It may be a good night to finish off those pesky doritos--I think there's about one serving left in the bag.

    Groundhog Day Challenge:
    6/28 days at 100g or more of protein

    Grading goals:
    1. a few thesis revisions (not sure how many) that I will get done tomorrow

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--rest day CORE WORK INSTEAD
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym (circuit training + HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + (circuit training + HIIT)
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (cardio)
    Sun--walk gunner + (circuit training + HIIT)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    @ushkii--great job pre-logging! :drinker:

    Well I did not stick to the plan, mostly because my boy is going next month on a Mission and I want to do what he wants to do and we always like sushi so, left the plan behind. The good thing was I was still under my goal. boo ya! still in the game!
  • Thursday truth: I was definitely under on cals today =/. Just haven't been feeling too well and had to force myself to eat. I only hit right about 1200 and chose not to work out because of it. I make sure to note in my food diary when I need to eat more and what not. Past few days I have been super on protein over 130 both tuesday and wednesday. I also have not had a chance to catch up on here. Hopefully tomorrow. I'm just too tired tonight. I think Deputy knows how tired I am because I napped for about an hour and he stayed cuddled in my arms the whole time. What a sweet boy (dog) he is.

    Have a good night everyone!
  • llearningtolive
    llearningtolive Posts: 8 Member
    Thursday truth: I have not stuck with my meal plan all week! I started the week out exhausted and there's no excuse for it, my meal planning defaulted to old habits and I feel really guilty about it. I need to pick my *kitten* up off the floor and end this week strong!
  • pamelajean8098
    pamelajean8098 Posts: 5 Member
    Fitness Friday. I plan on setting up my gym in the basement this weekend. I have a punching bag and a stationary bike, some free weights also. I am hoping I can keep myself motivated to go down there daily and get some exercise in. Hardest thing is winter in Wisconsin! Wish I could just take the dogs for a walk, but this winter has been killer cold. Looking forward to Spring!!!!! I hope my eating all weekend can be as good as it was this week. I lost 8 lbs. this last week! I was shooting for 10, but I'll take it. This week's goal is 2 lbs. I will shoot for 3 lbs. to make up for not hitting 10.
  • kie_kie
    kie_kie Posts: 106 Member
    Fitness fridays-

    Today is arms day at the gym. Am I the only one that loves to do pull ups? I mean I hate them because they are so hard but I love that they leave me sore all weekend!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Friday at last! And way past time to catch up on personals:

    @kah – How wonderful that you’ve inspired someone to improve their health! And how nice they took the time to let you know. I’m glad it came at a time when you needed the encouragement. It’s funny how our current mood impacts how we take things people say. As you know I’ve been in a lousy mood and the scale hasn’t been moving. I went to my monthly lunch with some very close girlfriends the other day (after missing last month) and they all said how great I look. I smiled and said thanks and felt like a fraud the entire time. Clearly, I judge myself much more harshly than I ever would anyone else and I do it based on what the number on the scale says every morning. Sigh, yet another thing I need to work on.

    @robin – Great GHD challenge!

    @rachelbec – I think we all can relate to your fear. Only thing that scares me more than not reaching my goal is gaining all the weight back. I’ve done that before and can only hope I’m smarter this time around.

    @susan – So jealous that you and Laurie will get to meet. Too bad we can’t turn this into field trip for Robin’s thread. I honestly don’t want to tack on any time in Cabo. DH suggested that and I asked if we’d have to hang out with coworkers if we did and he said “I think we’d have to”. Uh… no thanks. I have decided to quit complaining about going and just shut up and go. I told DH that and he said he’d owe me big time for going. I will try and use my power for good and not evil, but no promises.

    @skinnyjeanz – Taxes. Ugh. DH asked me last weekend if I wanted to start on them. I said no, but he was welcome to do so. He then walked away quickly so I guess it’s back to me. Every year when I finish, I vow that next year I’m going to be one of those people who takes a shopping bag full of receipts to an accountant and let them deal with it all. Then my cheapness rears its head and I spend 2 weekends crunching numbers and cussing. I’m sure this year will be no different.

    Friday Fitness – I finally stopped planning to try an exercise class at the church near me and did it! It was actually kinda fun and the regulars were all really nice and welcoming. I will now become a regular on Tuesday and Thursday evening and I am going to do 2 other classes during the day every week. I will still position myself at the back of the class due to my concern for the view I inflict on others, but I’m getting over my dislike (fear?) of exercising in a group.

    On a down note, I had a bone density scan yesterday and the tech said not only did I have arthritis in my spine (no surprise to me), but I had bone loss in both my hips. It’s not to the level of osteoporosis yet, but does earn me a diagnosis of osteopenia which is apparently the last stop on the train before osteoporosis. I’m sure I’ll be hearing from my doctor once he gets the report with a plan to (hopefully) delay full on osteoporosis as long as possible. Sure hope my mammogram holds no nasty surprises. This getting old thing is not for sissies.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning & TGIF!

    Well, we ended up with more snow than they had predicted (of course) – it was just an inch (enough to shut things down here) so schools were released early and we were sent home a bit early. Commute home wasn’t too bad, had issues getting up my driveway. It was worse this morning since the slush had frozen overnight. I slid out of my driveway and had a couple of instances where the anti-skid control on my car engaged which always freaks me out! They say 50% coverage of snow/freezing rain later morning, which could bring up to another 1/2" - guess some of the schools closed in anticipation (they have to make it up, no snow days in Texas).

    @Robin~Thanks for the advice. I’m not sure reducing calories is the answer because of my activity – we’ll see what the metabolic specialist says about the results of the test, which hasn’t been scheduled yet.

    @Susan~I sure hope you’ll be thru Dallas when I’m in town – I’ll be gone from 3/14-3/26.

    I definitely thought the Biggest Loser winner was too thin, she looked emaciated to me. She was up against two really big guys, both were over 400# at the beginning of the season – she wanted to win and did what she had to do, $250k is a lot of money. Like Karen said, she said she was eating according to BL guidelines but was taking four exercise classes a day which was too much. She will gain some of the weight back, they all do, I think she’ll look healthier if she gains back about 15#.

    @Tom~Would having single-serve snack packs around help with your snacking? It works for some people, they’re pretty good about just having one package – of course on the other end of the spectrum some people can’t and eat the whole box! :wink:

    @ushkii~Great job with dinner out and still being under, Sushi can actually be a healthy choice.

    @Helena~Its amazing how our pets know when we aren’t feeling well. I hope today is a better day. :flowerforyou:

    We had a few more new people stop by, welcome to all – you found the best kept secret on MFP. Check back often for support and motivation.

    AFM~Well, no gym yesterday because of the weather. I definitely need to get there today and I hope I can get a workout in early tomorrow before meeting my mom for a day of bonding and shopping – :love: spending time with my mom. I was trying to avoid the scale until I weigh in with my trainer on Sunday, but it was taunting me in the bathroom so I weighed and was down from Monday – as long as its lower that’s all I care about, I’m still a few away from my all time low though so not tracking it.

    Oh, this is interesting. So, my knee and my calf (Achilles) have been bothering me lately - as have my sneakers (which I haven't had long). I got online last night and video chatted with a rep from the on line sporting goods store I use - she suggested my sneakers were too wide causing some lateral shifting which subsequented in aggravating my knee/calf. So they are sending me new runners in a narrower width - hope this is the answer.

    Anyone into the Olympics? I'm obsessed with the Winter Olympics (specifically the skiing since I pretty much grew up on skis). They started yesterday, so naturally I was up late watching. The opening ceremonies are tonight, can't wait!

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Gym, elliptical/treadmill DONE!
    Tuesday~Gym, NOT DONE (stuck at work late)
    Wednesday~Gym, Training Session DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, arc training NOT DONE (weather)
    Friday~Gym, treadmill
    Saturday~Gym, arc trainer (before shopping I hope)
    Sunday~Gym, training session

    ETA: @L2T~One of the hardest barriers to overcome is accepting compliments, I struggle from time to time too. I often feel like I make excuses to people when they say something positive. :embarassed: That compliment from someone I only know in passing came at a great time though, I needed the pick me up that day. I hope you enjoy your time in cabo even though its with DHs coworkers. How cool you found a fun exercise class, it takes finding something we enjoy to get us moving – kudos! :flowerforyou:

    Everyone have a super day and stay warm!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    @ushkii--great job pre-logging! :drinker:

    Well I did not stick to the plan, mostly because my boy is going next month on a Mission and I want to do what he wants to do and we always like sushi so, left the plan behind. The good thing was I was still under my goal. boo ya! still in the game!

    Where is your son going on his mission? Best of luck to him.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @kah - Can you enlighten me about having a metabolic study done? How does that work exactly and what info do you come away with? My fear is that my metabolism is so low at my present weight that it's going to be impossible to lose any more. I can't go lower on calories since I'm already at 1200 and have been for quite some time. I know I can build up to working out longer/harder, but I'm never going to morph into a marathon runner and won't my body get used to a harder workout and I'll be right back to where I am now? I don't expect losing the rest to be easy, but I'd be devastated if the study revealed it to be impossible.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning MFPers!

    Ellen- Snacking out of the package is a big problem for me and you are right I need to stop that. Keep up your eating breakfast. Amy does not eat breakfast and I have tried to get her to but it is not happening.

    Kaye- I hope you’re snacking and munching gets better. It must be hard making all that food and not sampling some. Onward and downward!

    Laurie- If you and Susan are not having a girl’s night out when you are in town I would like to meet both of you. If you are going to Chippendale’s or Thunder down under you can probably count me out.:laugh: I would like to meet both of you because you have both been inspirations for me on here for quite a while.

    Karen- Way to keep that protein up!

    Kelley- “some people can’t and eat the whole box! ” I can do that but I am going to try my best not to. I probably should try the small single severing packs. You and Susan have got me excited for your upcoming trips, I would like to take a trip on a ship but Amy is afraid to try it. Hope you, Susan and Cyrus all have great times on your trips!

    Welcome pamelajean and kie_kie!

    Groundhog Challenge 2.85 miles, 5 days in a row over 2 miles!

    “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” –Benjamin Franklin

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Friday Fitness -
    Yesterday's protein - 97. :happy:

    2 more workouts and I have successfully completed my routine! I am pretty excited that I am so close to reaching my fitness goal!

    Yesterday I had a Gilad mishap. While doing kickboxing my ankle rolled. I started falling towards the right. If I fell I would have smashed my head into a bookshelf. I straightened out my ankle to prevent this from happening. In the process I managed to knock my other foot off balance and fell backward on my tush in a sitting position. (Thank goodness for extra padding - it didn't hurt) I walked off my pain in my ankle and was feeling good so I completed my workout. I was fine for the rest of the day until work. One of my students eloped and my aide I scheduled to work with him sat on her *ss shaking her hand saying "Come back here" I screamed "Go get him" she slowly ran out one door and I ran out the other. I ended up sprinting down two hallways to catch him while my aide slowly pranced on her tiptoes trying to catch him. When we got back to the class she proceeded to tell everyone that she caught him. :huh: :noway: :grumble: Later when we were in gym the same boy acted out and began pushing another child. He knew he was wrong and in trouble. As soon as I approached him to redirect him he sprinted. My boss ran one way and I ran the other. We managed to close in on him. Another one of my students, who has emerging language and working on social skills, came up to me and hit me then ran away. I knew he wanted me to chase him. It is rare that he interacts so of course I prompted him to say "Mrs. F, chase me." Then chased him around the gym. The smile on his face was priceless however by the time we walked back across the school to my classroom my ankle was throbbing. :ohwell: Last night I iced up and am feeling so much better this morning.

    My plan for today is to complete my workout but stick to low impact with my ankle wrapped for extra support. Of course if I begin to experience pain or any discomfort I will stop. I know some of you may think this foolish but I am so close to goal that I don't want to take today off. Plus Brian and I are headed upstate this weekend for a pre-birthday celebration with friends. If I use today as a rest day that means I have to workout on Sunday after a 4 hour car ride home. I don't think after being in the car that long I will want to work out.

    I probably won't get on here this weekend to post but will still be logging in and tracking my food from my phone. I spoke to my friend this morning and it sounds like she has a fun weekend planned for us. She wants to take me snowshoeing.

    Camille - Welcome to the group!

    Tom - We are birthday neighbors. I am the 11th!

    Robin - Congrats on being 6 for 6 of your challenge!

    Mel - Sorry to hear you are still felling crummy.

    Rachel - This journey can be quite challenging and overwhelming at times. Just take it one day at a time, learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward. You can do this!!!

    Aliceinweightland - Welcome. I love your screen name, it's adorable.

    Susan - Wow on the protein!!! And here I was thinking my 97 was high! :blushing: That's exciting that your parents are coming for a visit. I hope you have a great time when they arrive!

    Susan and Skinny -
    I agree with you on the Biggest Loser winner for this season. I first heard about it when Brian showed me a picture and asked me what I thought. I am 5'2" and my goal weight is roughly 120 lbs. I may change my goal as I get closer if I think 120 is too low. I cannot imagine at my height being 105 lbs. IMO this is too thin. I also believe the show should not have awarded her with the prize since she was under the recommended weight for her height. I hope this causes the producers to put a clause in that prevents the contestants from winning if they go below the recommended weight range for someone of their height and age. Maybe something like this would help to prevent contestants from losing too much just so they win the grand prize and put more emphasis on getting to a healthy goal. My concerns with something like this is she will become a role model for all the wrong reasons. I am concerned people will look up to her for completing a goal but won't lose weight and become healthier. Instead they may become encouraged to lose too much becoming unhealthy.
    Karen - But like you said, hopefully she will stand by her word, change her routine and gain back some of the weight to put herself into a healthy weight range.

    Susan - I don't watch the show either. I tried watching a season from the beginning and I was disturbed by the way the trainers were screaming at the contestants. I didn't make it past 2 episodes. IMO when someone is obese and never exercises you should not throw them into an intense routine for extended periods of time and expect them to complete it as someone who is physically fit. I believe the better approach would be ease them into an exercise regime then increase the duration and intensity as they progress. I don't believe the way to motivate someone is screaming at someone for their limited physical ability and telling them to quit. I imagine myself in that type of a situation. I would absolutely hate it and would have given up before giving myself a change to succeed. I understand it is a reality show with a hefty prize at the end for the winner. But I still disagree with the shows methods.

    Kaye - I agree with you on the naysayers. They drive me bonkers too. I love your saying about dial-a-prayer.

    Laurie - Congrats to the work conference to Vegas. I hope it is a good conference!

    llearningtolive- You can take this week and turn it into a positive learning experience. Next time you feel like you are going off track remember how this week made you feel and think about if feeling that way was worth it. I do that in times when I go slightly off track and I find it helps me stay focused. Hang in there. You can do this!

    Pamelajean - Your home gym sounds great. Hope you get a lot of good use out of it!

    Lives - Congrats on the class. I am sorry to hear about your bone density test.

    Kah - That is great about the runners. Hopefully the new pair will be better for you.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @L2T~A resting metabolic test is a breathing test that tells you your resting metabolic rate. It measures oxygen output and carbon dioxide input (some also do an EKG) – you wear a special mask (only allowing you to breathe thru your mouth), while resting in a dark room for 15-20 minutes. After the test is complete the test administrator (usually a dietician or metabolic specialist) go over the results with you. It takes the guess work out of metabolism and how many calories you need and how many calories you burn at rest. One of the things it can tell you is whether or not you are a fat burner or sugar burner, allowing you to adjust your macros to compensate – the metabolic specialist at my gym will give me those macros, along with a daily caloric allotment. There is also an active metabolic assessment, which is a treadmill test, that tells you in what heart rate zones you burn the most fat – I do this test also. Both tests are very beneficial.

    @Tom~You and Amy should look into a cruise on calm waters for her first cruise – I recommend Alaska. Pacific waters are more calm than Atlantic waters and the inside passage in Alaska is really calm if that is what she is afraid of – besides she’ll be so preoccupied by the scenery she may forget she’s on a ship. :laugh: Also, with Alaska you are in a different port every day – so quite a bit of time spent off the ship. I think it’s a good cruise for first timers. Princess Cruise Lines is my favorite (I think Susan’s too), Royal Caribbean is my runner up. I have only really felt movement of the ship at night a couple of times, but not bothersome and not enough to cause seasickness - I always take ginger root capsules just in case but have never had to use them (knock on wood - hope I didn't just jinx myself). :wink:

    @Nettie~Take it easy on your ankle, ice up after your workout and maybe take some ibuprofen for a couple of days to help ease inflammation. Have a great road trip this weekend!
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    I actually wanted to comment on Rachel from the Biggest Loser the other night, but I guess I didn’t want to be the first one. Was I the only one that saw Jillian’s face when Rachel walked out on stage? I could see it all over her face when she turned to Bob and said, “Oh my God!” It didn’t seem like a “wow, she looks amazing” kind of look and comment. It definitely looked like she was genuinely concerned for Rachel’s health. When Rachel walked out, I saw my niece. My niece was obese (around 225 lbs) several years back, now she is battling anorexia. For two years she has been battling to gain weight. At her lowest last summer she was around 85 pounds. No one knows for sure because she won’t confess other than “in the eighties”. She is now around 105 pounds, right where Rachel weighed in. She is clinically OCD and weight loss became an obsession to her. I suppose that is the case with most anorexic people. She has been to a few different therapists before finding one that she is comfortable with and is actually helping her. Like one video snippet I saw the other day, I hope Rachel is not saying hello to an eating disorder.

    @robin – I struggle with breakfast sometimes too. I drink my half a cup of coffee and I don’t feel like eating. :noway: The last few weeks I have gotten better with it.

    @kah – there is nothing better than spending time with mom! And I am with you, I LOVE the Olympics! Summer OR Winter, love them! I will be giving my DVR a good workout these next few weeks!! :laugh:

    @Morgori – snacking out of the package is a danger zone for me too. Last weekend I bought some Chex Mix (Turtle flavor-Mmm). I sat with my food scale, snack size zip lock baggies and I proportion the entire bag out so that I can grab a pre-measured bag and be on my way. I also proportioned out a bag of pretzel sticks and a bag of Goldfish. It’s a lot cheaper than buying the single servings and sometimes what you want isn’t packaged that way. :happy:

    @Nettie – I am sorry to hear about your injury, but something tells me that you are the type of person that thinks it was all worth it to get the interaction you got from your student. My mom was a school bus driver for exceptional students and my sister and niece both work as para-professionals. I have a great respect for teachers that are so devoted to their students. :flowerforyou:

    AFM: Fitness Friday actually started last night. I spent hours on YouTube searching videos of Leslie Sansone’s “Walk” workouts. I am so excited!! I don’t have to spend a penny on DVDs, everything you could want is right there on YouTube!! I kept seeing Kaye and a few others say that the weather was bad so they would be “walking with Leslie today”. I have to say, curiosity got the best of me so I googled to see the what/why/how and where of this Leslie person. I was delightfully surprised to see that there were YouTube videos of her workouts (and many, many others as well)!! Being in Florida, my weather issues will hit in the summer when it’s just too damn hot to be outside for an extended period of time for a workout.
    For anyone else who is thinking about buying a workout DVD, DON’T!! There is a plethora on YouTube! I don’t have a smart TV, but I sure have a laptop and a tablet that I can set up!

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • hayley5680
    hayley5680 Posts: 36 Member
    So, I won't go into details, but depression-wise, this week as been seriously crappy. I don't know how else to put it. I just want to crawl into bed and be done with it till Monday!

    I went to the mental health clinic where my doctor is to see if there's anything we can do till winter is over. He was out of the office till Monday, so I talked to his nurse and she didn't want to change any meds without asking him and wasn't sure it would help anyway because I'm already on three different antidepressants, max-dosages. Since gaining all this weight, I've had to be on max-dosages of all my meds, which also includes propranolol to slow my heart rate and BP meds. I look forward to the day when I can take normal or no dosages at all!

    Anyway, I didn't make it to the gym at all Wed., Thurs., or today. I even called in to work on Thursday. I have a case pending in disability court, but I keep getting denied. I only work 7 hours a week, and sometimes I can't even do is that NOT a disability?! Okay: rant over.

    So, haven't been logging food because I haven't been eating. (Hard to do that when you don't get out of bed for days at a time...hmmm) They weighed me a the clinic, and I'm now in the 280s, but I don't think it'll last, so I'm going to weigh myself on Monday, too. If it lasts all weekend, I'll record it. Weekends are hard for me because we go grocery shopping on Friday nights and there's just plain more food in the house on weekends than there is during the week.

    I found a recipe on for honey-mustard kale chips, and I think I'm going to try it if I can get kale pretty cheaply. I've never had kale, but I'm game for any kind of "chips" and honey-mustard sounds delish! I'll let you know if I try them and if I like them!

    I talked to a friend on the phone today who lives about 3 hours away now, but used to be my college rooomie. She's so upbeat and such a generally nice person, that it kinda pulled me outta my funk for about 45 minutes when we were on the phone. We made plans to see each other the last week in Feb. She got time off work and I'm going to go on a Sunday afternoon, stay all day Monday. and leave Tuesday morning so I can work Tuesday night. She just got a juicer and has been making lots of yummy juices and eating stuff from her garden that she canned. I'm excited to try out her diet for a couple of days.

    I did go for a walk (under my Mom's orders to get outside and see some sunshine). I took Brandy and we went around the block, which takes about 10 minutes with all the peeing (Brandy, not me!) and sniffing (again: Brandy!) It's cold, about 35F, but not nearly as cold as it has been this week. I just wore a coat and gloves, didn't need scarf and hat, so that's good. My parents think I'm a little weird anyway because I enjoy cold weather and snow. I can't wait till I'm 60 or so and get to retire and go live in Maine or Michigan or Wisconsin or Alaska...someplace cold and snowy! I'll just have to be sure to buy a snowblower and a 4-wheel-drive truck. My hubby will be 70 then, so I don't think I'll be asking him to shovel...haha!

    Well, friends, I'm feeling a little better and we get my stepson this weekend so I'm going to try to suck it up for him. I don't need my "issues" to become his. Anway, if you feel like sending prayers or happy healthy thoughts my way, I'd love that!

    loves :love:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning fellow losers:happy: Today is a happy day. My hubby got back home at 2 am last night. He was only gone for a month this time but his home time last time was so short that it is really great to have him back. Our cold temps continue but I have gotten the dogs out for a little bit every day. Today was actually a full walk again but we were all real happy to get back to the warm house by the end. Overall I have been real happy with how good I have been at hitting my fitness goals for the last couple of weeks. Now I just need to get my late afternoon snacking under control. For whatever reason I always start to feel like I am starving around 3 or so and I grab a healthy snack and then I seem to just keep grabbing. I know it is pretty much all in my head so I just need to take control again. :tongue: Well time to go spoil the hubby. I hope you all have a great day.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:

    Todays workout per HRM:
    74 min
    1267 cals/claimed 750
    3.45 miles
    8618 steps
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    RobinB, I don't spend any money on exercise stuff. I'd rather spend my money on new clothes when the old ones get too big.:happy:
    I got a different compliment last night. I don't remember how the subject came up, but we were visiting at dinner. I said something about MFP. DD's 13-year-old foster boy asked what it was. I told him that it was the diet website that I used. He said, 'Why do you need a diet website?' He has only known me for about 6 weeks.
    Today is my oldest grandson's 17th birthday. I've made a red velvet cake for him. He didn't want to have a party, so I'll have to someone to give the leftovers to. I also had to make cookies for a funeral dinner tomorrow. Another day spent in the kitchen. :frown:
    Hope you are all having a great day and have a fun weekend planned.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • humbleheart
    humbleheart Posts: 66 Member
    Just got home from the grocery and am pretty proud of my choices...... mostly vegetables, chicken, ground turkey, turkey bacon.
    I have divided them into serving portions to freeze so maybe I won't go for the whole package!
    Hubby comes home for the weekend so lots more cooking. Hopefully I can manage to get by with the healthier foods and
    control my own portion sizes!
    Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Just popping in the say HI!
    Robin B: I don't spend my on my workout DVDs, I go to the library and borrow them. They have pretty much everybody I would want to try. I did buy 30Day Shred. Because Level 2 and 3 aren't on youtube. But I got it highly discounted! :happy:
    Humbleheart: great job planning...
    Nettie: Sorry about your ankle.. I'm glad you are giving a bit of a break. You do sound like an amazing teacher. Those kids are very blessed to have you.
    As for the biggest loser... I hope she uses that money to get her lifestyle back under control now. :ohwell: I hope it is worth it to her in the long run and she hasn't done permanent damage.
    AFM: I just trying to cheer myself up... feeling sad today. Thanks guys, just reading the forum helps.
    Sorry I know there are personals I'm missing but I have to get ready for work. Have a great weekend.
  • NaomiGibbins
    NaomiGibbins Posts: 57 Member
    It’s been a whole week I think since I’ve been able to spend some time on here. I’ve been reading all your comments, but just haven’t had time to reply. I’ve seen some great weighloss this week, and some difficult times too. My heart goes out to those of you suffering. I hope you are all staying safe in the terrible cold over there. We are suffering once again with heat over the 40C (this time for 10 days in a row & not cooling down much overnight eigher), but have the aircon now & are coping much better.
    @Helenavee – so excited for you to be under 300lb!
    @Mel – great news on being off the blood pressure meds. It is because you have made a commitment, well done you.
    @ushkii – love the scale story, would have been good had the scale was right. Glad to hear you have now got yourself a working one. Nasty thing, sticking to it’s story like that.
    @alupinsk – getting chatted up sounds like fun. It’s so hard to change our own mindset – you have to start seeing yourself as you really are, a beautiful girl who is happy inside and out & takes care of herself really well. Good on you! Hope you get some results with your pain/numbness.
    @L2T – keep on keeping on. You can do this, it’s just a matter of keeping on going, and understanding that this is a life choice to be healthy. Have you considered eating at maintenance for a few weeks then going back into loss mode? I have read on other forums that this has worked for some people. Sounds scary to me, LOL.
    @Nettie – Perhaps you should travel to Australia for your next birthday – you can experience one without snow & sleet, and enjoy some sunshine, LOL. Such a pain to be on hourly pay, and not get paid if they shut the school due to poor weather.
    @SraCr – what a great idea, having a biggest loser challenge at your workplace. Good on you for joining. Keep at it, I’m sure you will achieve great things.
    @pamelajean - great idea on having a gym at home, so easy to get there regardless of the weather. Of course, now we know about it, you will have to tell us you are using it, so no excuses, LOL.
    @Skinny – Great job on getting more protein. Not sure if you like a boiled eggs, but they are great for protein, and easy to pop into the lunch box. Congrats on the loss.
    @Susan – I get on the scale every day, yes I admit it. I only log my weight on MFP once a week though, on a Wednesday morning. That’s simply because I started this on a Wednesday. I don’t worry too much about daily fluctuations, but at the moment they are only downward anyway as I’ve only been on this journey (heading in the right direction) for about 7 weeks.
    @p1x – Congrats on using the Wii & reaching such a high level. I’m struggling just to do the Wii fit plus step aerobics session, LOL!
    Welcome to the Newbies, this is a great thread.
    AFM – has been a good week. I’m loving tracking my food all the time, and using MFP to plan ahead, struggling to think of NSV though.
    3/27 at least one serve of fruit every day. – need to pick up on this a bit better from now on.