Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. The week was off to a real rocky start but seems to be evening out now. Yesterday was really just a wth kinda morning. I was walking the dogs and went to clean up after Zeus and discovered he hass worms so that started the day with a 48 dollar prescription. Then on the way home for the walk someone must have turned off the child locks in my car and zeus got the window down and proceeded to fall out of it. Thank god I was going very slowly around a sharp corner and he just jumped right up and was fine but took a couple years off of my life. As if that wasnt enough I topped it off with pulling to far forward in the drive and cracked the chevy emblem on the front of my car and I promise it is the first thing my husband will notice when he gets home:noway: Well all I can say is thank god for a new day. Yesterdays eating was also horrendous so i am going to stay out of my exercise cals for the next couple days to make it up. Today is off to a much better start. Had a nice long walk at the lake with the dogs incident free:smile: Got lots of fun little household plans for the rest of the day.

    Robin it sounds like you had a good weekend. I was happy to see that, though I am sure the fall was scary.
    Nettie I swear everytime I read your posts I feel like such a slacker. You are amazing.
    Mowmow your kitty looks so comfy. I wish I had half your creativity.
    Littleshadow the difference in the pics is really noticeable. Great job.

    For everyone else as always I am over here cheering you on in everyhting . Have a great day guys:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    It is a rainy and cold day here so no motivation to exercise today. Plus, I think my body needed a down/rest day from exercise so I cleaned my room. Not quite the deep cleaning that some of you have been doing but it looks so much better now. Tomorrow I will exercise at the gym for a little while just not sure how much since I plan on swimming at night.

    Laura- That phone call from your internship supervisor sounds strange. I am wondering if you will be expected to cook for the residents so they don't always eat the healthy foods. Remember to rest your knees from running and Zumba both are high impact activities.

    JT- Thank God, Zeus is okay. That event reminds me of a scene from "Marley and Me" when Marley jumped out of the car was being held by one of his owners as the tried to pull over to safely get him back in the car.

    tlh-We could not see the lunar eclipse last night due to the cloud cover. I bet it was beautiful.

    Hansea- The new treadmills sound great and what a wonderful distraction for the inclines.

    If I get an energy burst after dinner tonight I will go out with a group of people for a little while to socialize. They are eating at a Mexican restaurant so I will be eating a healthy dinner at home. Then again if I see nacho's then I will eat them.

    Goals- To rest up this week and relax while having fun.
  • tlaknat
    tlaknat Posts: 2
    Anyone overweight plz add. I want lose about 120lbs and would love to have some motivation and be someone's motivation
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    I sent you a friend request! :)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I woke up surprisingly sore today for the fall I took. Weird it took 2 days to hurt. Of course I had to give up Advil as of yesterday for a Pre-Op rule for surgery so maybe thats it. I sure do miss the advil for my tongue, which swells without it. :sad: Oh such is life. 2 week countown.

    Went to the grocery store - had to make it quick as I had a friend dropping by and I had left late for the store so I could only buy half my items. I got my deli, my bread, milk, and my freezer items.

    Now I'm going to pick the onions out of the deli chicken salad :laugh: make mysellf a sandwich, drink my water, read tonights paper, and go to bed early. I'm tired.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Not much to report today, still taking an exercise break while on vacation. My weight dropped this morning from 216 to 214.6 ... I was shocked. The last few days I've been eating over my fitbit burn, maybe the decrease in stress is having an impact. Whatever it is, I will take it. Went shopping today for new jeans and yoga pants. I'm fitting into size 16 now, but frustrated that the trend these days is skinny/slim... I like boot cut because I have big knees and calves, those other jeans are not flattering on me. I still need to take in the waist, but my mom does that for me.

    When we got home I proceeded to go through all my clothes and was surprised how big some of my clothes fit. I got rid of 3 garbage bags of clothes, though only half a bag can be donated, I bought many of those clothes at second hand stores so they were worn out/faded.

    I'm finding that I'm less hungry while I've been doing less, I never used to pay attention to hunger signals before and would pig out on vacation... As a treat. Constantly LOL
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! Sorry I've been a bit MIA. I've been keeping up with posts, but haven't had time to respond.

    @tanya--congrats on the size 16s! Glad you are enjoying your vacation and continuing the healthy choices while taking a break from the exercise.

    @robin--sorry you are sore from your fall, but thankful you weren't seriously injured. Thanks for the purging tips. :smile:

    @laurie--we have also had some dreary weather, but ours came in the form of snow. :noway: Hoe you get that burst and enjoy a night out. Mmm--nachos.

    @tammy--sounds like a rough day! Gunner had worms when we first got him. We spent our first 10 days administering a liquid drug with one of those squirty syringe looking things. He was NOT cooperative! DH would have to sit on the floor and wrap his arms and legs around him while I shoved the applicator in his mouth to squirt the medicine down his throat. It's a wonder he bonded with us considering he probably thought we were torturing him! :laugh: I hope you have an easier time with zeus' medicine.

    @hansea--I tried one of those treadmills once when I went as the guest of a friend to her fancy gym. They are really neat!

    @nettie--gardening is such a great calorie burn--I can't wait until I can have more of those productive burns. Don't know when that will happen considering the snow we had yesterday. :ohwell:

    @tracy--like laurie's, our view of the eclipse was also prevented due to cloud cover. Glad you got to enjoy it.

    @mel--sorry you have been sick. I think I spent most of 2013 in that mode of "thinking but not doing." Now that I'm really working at the weight loss, I hope to see some progress on the scale. Nothing yet...

    @kelley--that's awesome about the trails you found! Sorry your 5k got canceled. :grumble: My friend from work found one that benefits the shelter where we got gunner. It's May 31st, so I have a new goal--would like to beat my current PB of 35:59. I haven't actually run a race since last August :noway: b/c I had a migraine for my Turkey Trot and walked with a friend for my Oktoberfast 5k. It is already motivating to have an upcoming race and I haven't even registered.

    @ann--great idea to post something on the fridge!

    @kaye--glad to hear about your DH's clean bill. That's always nice to hear.

    @heidi--you can definitely see a difference in your pics! :drinker:

    @aimee--I love your post about no more chafing. I remember when I first started running, everything rubbed--I felt like I had to cover my entire self in Body Glide to go for a run. I swear I was ready to buy stock in that stuff! :laugh: Now, I can't remember the last time I had to use it.

    @jess--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @ushkii, L2T, and anyone else I missed on this post--I'll catch you on the next round. :flowerforyou:

    Monday check-in:
    We had somewhat of a blizzard yesterday afternoon, so no walk for gunner, but I went to the gym. Made up for almost all of the extra calories--only about 30 over at this point. That may increase a bit today, but I will be back in the black tomorrow for sure.

    Tuesday Goal:
    Starting to feel completely overwhelmed by grading. What I have listed below doesn't even scratch the surface, but if I list everything I may just curl up in a fetal position and give up hope of ever finishing. :cry: My goal is to just take it one day at a time and to not let the stress of this busiest time of the year derail my nutrition and exercise.

    The good news is that we have a 3-day weekend; plus, next week is state testing which means no new assignments coming in that week.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 18/50 satirical cartoon analyses
    2. 50/70 AP journals
    3. 70/70 AP quizzes DONE
    4. x/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--rest day
    Fri--not sure--spending the day with my niece
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner

    Wall sit = 55 sec
    Forearm plank = 60 sec
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good evening, I had a busy day keeping up with the kids and doing the laundry. It was cool and a bit windy this evening, but DH and I went for a good walk. We walked 3.58 together. Then he dropped off and I walked almost another mile, 4.48 total.
    My goal this week is to get better control of the snacking and walk 4+ miles at least 4 times.
    Keep up the good work, everyone.
    Robin, I hope the time before your surgery passes quickly. I'm sorry that you have to be without some of your medication.
    Tanya, good loss.
    Laurie and Karen, good luck with the next few weeks. Its a busy time for teachers.
    Onward and downward, Kaye
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @kaye - great news on your DHs clean bill of health! And good work on your walk.

    @robin - sorry you're now sore from your fall, but thank goodness it didn't result in breaking anything.

    @kelley - those trails sound great. I love it when I find new places to walk.

    @skinnyjeanz - ugh on winter making a return. I have all my plants covered with towels and will have to do so again tonight. It's time for this to be over!

    AFM - Just another Wednesday filled with work, class and whatever else comes up. Hope everyone has a good one!

    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    At or under Calorie goal: 13/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 5 miles walking DONE
    Sunday - 3 miles walking DONE
    Monday- Rest Day DONE
    Tuesday - Pilates DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • oshanzo
    oshanzo Posts: 3 Member
    Following... New and need lots of support!
  • oshanzo
    oshanzo Posts: 3 Member
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    This will be short and sweet. Yesterday was awful...darn you Doritos!!! On the plus side, they are no longer in my house and ready to tempt me at every turn. It's terrible how I can be so good about other things that I love, but those show up in my house and it's like I lose all self control! Then it led to eating crappy with everything else. I didn't get the cleaning done, I didn't get my roses made and I didn't get to bed before 10:00. I also missed my calorie goal and didn't drink all my water.

    Wednesday wish: That I remember how crappy I felt yesterday after my binge. My body recognizes how terrible and "too much" the food was yesterday. I hope I can channel this feeling everytime I think about eating that much again.

    Today is the day for the gym with my trainer and choir. Have a good day.
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    My wish for this Wednesday... that this vegan thing sticks!
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    This will be short and sweet. Yesterday was awful...darn you Doritos!!! On the plus side, they are no longer in my house and ready to tempt me at every turn. It's terrible how I can be so good about other things that I love, but those show up in my house and it's like I lose all self control! Then it led to eating crappy with everything else. I didn't get the cleaning done, I didn't get my roses made and I didn't get to bed before 10:00. I also missed my calorie goal and didn't drink all my water.

    Wednesday wish: That I remember how crappy I felt yesterday after my binge. My body recognizes how terrible and "too much" the food was yesterday. I hope I can channel this feeling everytime I think about eating that much again.

    Today is the day for the gym with my trainer and choir. Have a good day.

    I felt a bit faint and went into a slight swoon when I read "Doritos". They are one of the things I do not dare bring into my house. I will eat the entire bag.... in one sitting.

    Hope today is better!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tracy~Doritos and Cheetos are not allowed to pass thru the door, they taunt me!!! Forget yesterday, its over – today is a new day! :wink:

    @Robin~Sorry you woke up sore from your fall. I’m sorry you have to stop the Advil until after surgery – it’s amazing the long line of foods and medications you need to avoid two weeks prior to surgery.

    @Tammy~I’m glad that Zeus is okay.

    @Hansea~I wish my gym had cool treadmills like that, I have to rely on my tablet for entertainment. :wink:

    @Laurie~Its been chilly here too, but not rainy. Sounds like you had a productive day though, hope the weather holds out for the rest of your break.

    @Karen~Yikes on the grading, I know you’re overwhelmed – hopefully you can get caught up next week. Summer is just around the corner - well, according to the calendar anyway, not sure Mother Nature is aware! :laugh:

    @Tanya~Hooray for new jeans! I need to do a clothes purge too, I’ve started but still have so much to go through and decide “donate or trash.”

    AFM~Yesterday was exasperating at work thanks to problems with the new software install, so it took longer than expected. We did break and go out for lunch, went to Gordon Biersch – love that place and had my favorite salad (grilled chicken with romaine, apples, grapes, craisins and pecans – I skip the gorgonzola). I got out of work too late to go to the gym (it gets too packed for me) so went home and got on my elliptical for 45 minutes, I was going to walk but after the run on Monday decided I needed to do something different. I’ll see my trainer this afternoon.

    Last night I purchased Bob Harper’s Skinny Rules book for my Kindle, has anyone read this? I’m curious what his recommendations are – the book includes some recipes and he just released a recipe book “Skinny Meals,” so may get that as well since I’m a cookbook junkie. :laugh:

    April Renaissance:

    Planks 15/30
    Under Calories 12/30

    Tentative Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Cardio/resistance outside DONE! (running drills)
    Tuesday~Cardio DONE! (Elliptical at home)
    Friday~Rest Day
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Tanya - WOOT on the weight loss and the new size 16's! Happy Dance for YOU!!!! :flowerforyou: :love: :heart: Great that your purging clothes. All that space your freeing up will be nice!
    Good observation about those Hunger Signals. Keep an eye on that! We all should.

    Skinny - Sorry to hear that grading is so stressful. I can look back at when I was working and we had grant deadlines. It was never just one grant at a time, there were always a ton of residents doing the same grants wanting them polished up and ready for submission - all submitting changes at the last minute - it would drive me crazy and I'd be up all hours to the absolute last minute before the grant had to be Fed-Exed to the NIH - I even made runs to the Fed-Ex office at the airport in the dark of the night to get them in on time. It was the worst stress ever. But it was infrequent not all the time, like your stress. OMG - I couldn't stand it either - I go fetal too!

    Kaye - great news about your hubby. Your walks are getting so close to doing a 5k. When are you going to compete?

    oshanzo - hi there and welcome. Its great your following. Please feel free to post your personal thoughts.

    tih - ugh - Dorito breath - the worst!

    nerdybookgirl - welcome and good luck!

    Other Treadmill Users - If you want to use a notebook device to watch vvideos of trail scenes while usng treadmills or ellipticals, heres a great website: its suppoed to be end-to-end walks across 4 National parks. It looks pretty neat.
    Maybe it will be what you want.

    AFM: Thanks for all the well wishes. I am doing OK without the advil so far. Didn't make it to bed til 12:30 last nite. Shame on me. Almost fell asleep in chair but made it into bed which I consider a great success. My butt is still dragging and today I hope to get it down to pool for a good PT workout. I also see the dentist because my mouth guard comes in. I hope it gives me relief and helps me stop biting my tongue at nite. Also have to go to pharmacy and a few other errands. House cleaning should be done but that seems to get shunted aside, esp. vacuuming.
    Gardening - I am enjoying some pansies I bought - just six. My chair is by my patio door and the pansies are right outside so I can see them. I've been covering them on nites we have frost. They are such a pick-me-up with this crazy weather. Sad to say, I had 3 patio trees, Arborvitae in large pots on my deck, that because I was so sick, I ignored all winter, and we had a terribly dry winter with no snow or water - I didn't water them either. I checked on them and they are so DEAD - dry dry dry as kindling. Darn it - I had nursed them along for years. Well, things do change. Time to move on and either re-pot the huge pots they were in or make space on the patio for more chairs. Hmmm......dilemma.
    Also, one of my neighbors died this week. He had been very old, on oxygen, and very ill. It was expected. So I get to keep one of the tomato plants I had planned on giving out to all my neighbors for Easter. Huh, never grown veggies before. Wish me luck.

    April Renaissance:

    Swim 3 times a week.

    Get through April 28 surgery.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Wed. Wish: To get my peas in and watch them grow!

    Yesterday was good, went out to eat again but was able to keep it under and hoping today will be good as well.

    3 under cal 4/7 days
    2 Drink 8cups 4/7 days
    1 Walk 30 min 4/7 days

    Mon: 1 =1
    Tue: 123 = 6

    Weak total: = 7
    Last week = 32 (76.19%)
  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    Time gets away from me soo quickly! I take the time to catch up, then 3-4 days go by before I finally get a change for personals and it takes me more time to catch up AGAIN!

    @Kelley – I am in AWE of you!! OMG your weights in the gym?? Holy WONDER WOMAN batman!! I am embarrassed to say that I JUST on Monday was able to put the pin back in making for a 15# lift on one of the arm thingy machines! Another arm thingy machine I am pleased to say that I can handle 20#! YAY me!! :laugh: Apparently, my max is a FRACTION of your warm up! (I am as weak as my gym “vocabulary” and knowledge!)

    @Nettie – Glad to hear that your floors are nearly done (or might be complete by now)! I can relate to the frustrations with Fitbit. I don’t usually have a problem with Active Minutes, but sometimes I don’t earn exercise calories for doing the exact same thing from day to day. Monday I had 47 Active Minutes and nearly 100% of those minutes were consecutive which should have afforded me at least 100 or so exercise calories and it awarded me NONE! Maybe it was part of the same bug as your issue because if memory serves, Monday is when you had issues too.

    @myM0wM0w – I love the apothecary set up you have in your bathroom! I might have to steal that idea!

    @Kaye – So glad to hear about your DH! And awesome on the mileage you are racking up with your daily walks! Keep it going!

    @Robin – Sorry to hear about your fall! That must have been frightening for you. I love pansies! Your deck sounds like a wonderful escape once the weather breaks with some consistent warmth. Good luck with your tomato plant, next it will be more veggies instead of pansies! Also, thanks for the website info. I might give that a try on the treadmill.

    @Tracy – Congrats on your planks! The planks and wall sits are so out of my league right now.

    @jt – I gasped at my desk when I read your post about your horrendous day on Monday. I am glad that everyone made it through the day unscathed (sans your Chevy emblem)!

    @Laura – I agree with some of the others, that phone call seemed odd to say the least. :huh:

    @ushkii – You and your peas! You make me chuckle.

    As for me, my daughter and I walked along the beach on Saturday. It’s been forever since we’ve been and I was pleasantly surprised that they actually have progression mile markings on the sidewalk. We finally found the “START HERE” marking and the subsequent ¼ mile, ½ mile and ¾ mile but never did find the 1 mile marking before the sidewalk came to an end shortly after the ¾ mark. Hmmm! So, we opted to walk from the start to the ½ mile and turn around to head back to the Start again. When all was said and done, we walked just under 4 miles. Sadly, I didn’t watch the time so I have no idea how long it took, but suffice it to say that I need a good ½ mile slow warm up to avoid the shin splits before I can up my speed to something resembling more than a crawl. As long as we can tolerate the weather we decided we will walk by the beach every weekend.

    Treadmill times:
    Tuesday, 3/25 - 2.53 miles in 60 mins
    Thursday, 3/27 - 2.70 miles in 60 mins
    Tuesday, 4/1 - 2.88 miles in 60 mins
    Thursday, 4/3 - 2.35 miles in 60 mins
    Tuesday, 4/8 – rested the shin splints
    Thursday, 4/10 – 2.62 miles in 60 mins
    Tuesday, 4/15 – 2.54 miles in 60 mins

    I am right back to where I started 3 weeks ago, but that’s ok. Because the shin splints have pretty much derailed my plans of finishing The Color Run in under an hour, I’ve decided that I will be happy to just FINISH! When I think back to a few short months ago (Christmas time) when I couldn’t walk 100 yards without having to sit down to rest my back, I can’t believe how far I have come!!

    Until next time; wishing everyone peace, love and weight loss! :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Welcome to the newbies! Keep checking in here. This is the best place on MFP. :flowerforyou:

    RobinB- Good for you for nursing your shin splints and plugging along! Finishing a 5K is an awesome goal. You'll get one in under an hour as your shin splints and fitness level continue to rise.

    Ushkii- Nice "6" yesterday! Hope you meet your goals this week, and that you get your peas in.

    Robin- Sorry about your arbovitae. So, might be a pansies-and-tomatoes kind of world out there on your patio now. You can't eat arbovitae anyway. :wink:
    Hope that mouth guard does the job!

    JT- I was pining over humane society adoption sites the other night and trying to talk my husband into adding a dog to our home, but now that I read about your day with Zeus.....hmmm. Maybe he's right. We have enough going on without a dog right now! :laugh: Glad everything turned out all right in the end.

    Tanya- Congrats on the sudden loss and the size 16's! I'm not a fan of the skinny jeans either. I think boot cut is more flattering for my shape, too. I know some people prefer skinny/slim, though. I wish all cuts were readily available all the time.

    Laurie- Enjoy your relaxation time!

    Skinny- Hang in there. It sounds like the break and the testing week will help with your workload, anyway. I hope you're able to get caught up!

    Kaye- All your walking is very impressive! You're nearly to a 10K walk!

    L2T- I was just reading an article about how Doritos uses textures and color, etc to make their chips irresistible. It's not's THEM!

    Kah- That salad sounded good!

    AFM- I'm getting my fitness in! I went to the gym on my lunch hour today and did a quick 16 minutes on the elliptical, and did my wall sit and plank, too.
    My Wednesday Wish is that noone calls in sick or does anything else dramatic over the next few days...I'm taking Thursday and Friday and Monday off, but working the weekend...and our newest hire has some issues...fingers crossed and prayers sent!
    Also, wishing for some ability to see into the future. I want to know exactly what is going to happen with our staffing. Will we find a second shift person? When? And, is a manager correct? Should I apply for a technical advisor position when it becomes available? Could I do it? Would I be good at it? Would it destroy my nice little life I've got going here??? Argh. :explode:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.... Acutally resisted an urge to grab something out of the kitchen but asked myself if I was hungry and the answer was no, so I just walked on by