Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    @karenleona - well done resisting the urge! That can be so hard sometimes. Keep busy! :)

    @hansea - I'm sorry about the work stress, that can be so hard. Hang in there! Good for you, keeping up with the wall sits and planks... I'm such a plank wuss. :tongue:

    @RobinB - that's a great walk - I love walking along the beach. shin splints are soooo painful, I've dealt with them many time. Ice and rest and lots of stretching! I think the colour runs look like so much fun, can't wait to hear your report.

    @ushkii - grow, peas, grow!

    @RobinsEgg - sleep can be so elusive, I hope you get some rest soon! Also, April 28th is my birthday so I declare it a very good day to have surgery. It's going to go great.

    @kah - you have me drooling at the thought of that salad, except I wouldn't skip the gorgonzola... yum!

    @tlh - Doritos are a weakness for me, too... yum! We all have days like that, don't beat yourself up. Back on track, press on!

    @ann27 - I keep my 1/2 marathon training checklist on the fridge, it really does help!

    @mel - hope you're feeling better by now! I know how it feels to be consumed by the thought of losing weight. One day at a time, one healthy decision at a time... it's really a series of good choices, until eventually you realize you don't have to work so hard to choose the right thing anymore.

    @jnettie - so jealous o you and your gardening! I can't wait for our snow to melt.

    Thanks everyone for the kind comments re: my photos... I do feel better than I did 33 lbs ago - I notice it especially at work; my kitchen is in the basement of the building and I do a lot of running up and down the stairs... and now, I can actually run up the stairs instead of dragging myself up while holding onto the hand rails. Today I was carrying 20 lbs of potatoes upstairs and felt my knees trying to give out... makes me realize how much extra I was carrying around.

    AFM: still just plodding along, one foot in front of the other. Brutal physio session this morning but I'm well-taped in preparation for our last long walk before the 1/2 marathon... on Friday we'll be walking 15 miles (24 km)... can't wait to start the taper! Really feeling the wear and tear right now, it will be good to get the 1/2 done on May 11th and take a break for a couple of months. :smile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @L2T, heidi, kelley, tracy, and any others who are as addicted to doritos as I am. They are the devil! :devil: Here's a really interesting article that explains why they are so addicting--long story short, they are designed to be:

    @karenleona--great job realizing you weren't hungry and resisting the urge to eat. I also have the cleaning bug, but no time to do anything about it. Hope it's still biting when I do have the time.

    @hansea--I see you referenced the doritos article I just posted the link to. Good luck with making the decision about whether to change positions at work. Change can be tough, but sometimes making a move is the best thing you can do. When our AP teacher let us know he was leaving the district, I wasn't sure if I wanted to take on his classes. I knew it would mean a lot of new curriculum to learn and a lot more grading (for no additional pay), but I went for it b/c I wanted the challenge. Even though I often whine about all of the papers piled on my desk, I have no regrets. I have the absolute best literature students in the school, and they make it worth it pretty much every day. :smile:

    @robinB--sounds like a great walk with your daughter.

    @ushkii--great job staying under goal at the restaurant! :drinker:

    @robin--thanks for sharing that website. :smile: I hope the mouthguard gives you the relief you've been seeking. And thanks for the sympathy about my grading stress--I know everyone in every profession has those busy times. As much as it seems never-ending during the school year, I'm acutely aware of how fortunate I am to be in one of the few professions that actually DOES have an end-point every year. After the kids, I think what I love most about my job is that I get a clean slate every summer.

    @kelley--sorry about your software fiasco--that must be so frustrating. We don't have Gordon Biersch in our area, but when we were in KC for a conference a few years ago, we went there. The fact that I remember it and that we went there BOTH days for lunch should tell you how I felt about it. :wink:

    @kaye--wow, you're really racking up the mileage! :drinker:

    Wednesday Wish:
    Well, I granted my own wish for some stress relief. My AP students have those in-class essays every couple of weeks, but they also had an out of class (more formal) essay assignment for this semester. They had to choose a novel, read it independently, and write a 3-4 page Lit Theory analysis. The papers were due tomorrow, but I've had a lot of kids coming in for writing conferences over the past week with papers that still need a lot of work. I was stressing about adding yet another pile of papers to my desk, when I realized last night that I don't HAVE to collect them tomorrow. I checked with the other AP teacher (who's just as stressed as me) and we decided to push off the due date until Monday. That will give us the weekend to get started on the last in-class essays, and it gives the students a 3-day weekend to revise their essays (which will mean easier grading for us).

    Needless to say, my students were ecstatic when I made the announcement today. I actually had a few tear up--that's how grateful they were for the extra time.

    In addition, I finished the last of the Yeats journals today, so I can check those off the list. :happy: I skipped the gym in order to do that, but I think I pulled a quad on Monday so probably a good choice all around.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 18/50 satirical cartoon analyses
    2. 70/70 AP journals DONE
    3. 70/70 AP quizzes DONE
    4. x/70 AP essays

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--gym DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--rest day
    Fri--not sure--spending the day with my niece
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner

    Wall sit = 55 sec
    Forearm plank = 60 sec
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Good luck with the grading, that is a major list you have going on right now. At least testing will give you a little break from all the assignments. Enjoy your first 5 K. I found a virtual 5K on line by moon joggers and I might do that. Every month they post a virtual race and you complete your desired distance anytime during the window for the race. You can register and get a medal and a decal, or pay a smaller fee for registering. The registration fees benefit different charitable organizations. The current one honors the victims of the Boston Marathon last year. I am tempted to sign up and do the 5K on my own. You select the distance and race route then report your results to the website.

    Kelley- Our weather is still cold here since we have freeze warning in effect from 2 am until 9 am this morning. Mother Nature needs to make up her mind about what season it is suppose to be. I guess this is better than jumping right to summer and missing Spring.

    Hansea- Sorry work is so stressful right now. Hope it calms down quickly.

    Robin B- The beach sounds great right now. Keep resting the shin splints so they will heal before the color run. It is about finishing and working with the body that you have that day. Meaning- even the best and elite athletes have bad race days because their body does not want to respond the way we want it to and we just need to deal with it.

    RobinE- I hope the night guard works for you. I like my night guard and it prevents me from grinding and clinching my jaw.

    As I was telling Karen, I found a website that does a virtual race. This could be a fun way for all of us to complete a challenge no matter our fitness level or location. Something to think about. You estimate your time and complete it during a specific time period about 2-3 weeks.

    Tonight, I went to the Master's swim team practice for the first time. I had a wonderful time and it was an easier workout than I thought it would be. I actually swim more on my own than I did tonight but the benefits was getting some instruction on my strokes. I plan to swim again on Saturday morning then go biking. Sunday, I will run for at least a half to a mile.

    Wish- That I could swim with the Master's group more often or that they did not practice so late at night (8pm). There is no way way I can swim that late and expect to get to bed by 10-10;30pm and up the next morning. Speaking of bed, I am winding down for the night so it is time to call it a night. Sleep well.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--Yes, I'm excited to get back out for my first race of the year! I will be walking another 5k with Brian V and another friend on May 3rd (the Glo Run) which should be a lot of fun, but I'm really looking forward to running my first of 2014 on May 31st. The fact that it benefits gunner's shelter is icing on the cake! I will check out the virtual ones as well.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement on my walking. I got a late start this evening so I had to settle for 3.5 so it wouldn't get dark on me. I was not in well-lit area. With a couple of half mile walks to get Keith to and from school, I did get over 4 miles today. I really want to do a 5k, but I haven't heard of one in the area. The Susan G Koman Race for the Cure is in Boise in May, but it is huge, thousands of participants. I just don't want to start with such a big event.
    I am so enjoying following all of your successes and frustrations. You all inspire me every day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Glad to read that lots of other people have an issue with Doritos. I can moderate very well with other chips, but not those. So I just don't buy them. And they're not the only thing I avoid. I guess we all have our limits when it comes to willpower.

    Not much to report around here. Had to cover the plants again last night, but it looks like it'll be the last time. What an odd, roller coaster Spring. Going to finish planting the pots this weekend, clean out the garage and have Easter lunch with family. And get in a long walk on Sunday afternoon. We have a great greenway system in Charlotte and I'm planning on exploring them all. I think the one that wends it's way through uptown is on tap for this weekend.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    April Renaissance - Fighting Complacency:

    At or under Calorie goal: 14/30

    Exercise Goals:

    Saturday - 5 miles walking DONE
    Sunday - 3 miles walking DONE
    Monday- Rest Day DONE
    Tuesday - Pilates DONE
    Wednesday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch DONE
    Thursday - Pilates
    Friday - Cardio/Weights/Stretch
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Wahoo. Floors are done. Spent the entire day cleaning yesterday. I moved all the furniture to vacuum under it, vacuumed all the walls and ceilings then shampooed the carpets and couches. Moved all the extra flooring out of the living room and into the garage so I could clean that room too. Did 4 loads of laundry (towels from linen closet) folded and put back in the closet after I scrubbed the closet down. Put back together the coat closet in the foyer. Swept the floors again and vacuumed up the dirt. I was exhausted by the time I went to bed last night. It was nice when I woke up this morning and stepped out into a clean living area. Today's goal is to put the console table back in the foyer and put the dining room back together. I still have to clean the bedrooms too. Even though we shut the doors, the some dust still got in the rooms. At least they are not as bad as the rest of the house and should not take as long. Once everything is set back up I will take pictures and post.

    When I was cleaning the den I decided to move around all the furniture. After I had it all set up I decided I liked it better the original way and moved it all back. The sofa with the couch bed in it sure was heavy and challenging to move. I am sure it helped burn some extra calories. :laugh:

    Hansea - The virtual setting on the treadmill sounds really fun. Great job at the gym!

    jtconst - So sorry to hear about Zeus. How scary that must have been. Sorry to hear about your car. I hate when stuff like that accidentally happens.

    Laurie - Did you get snow too? I woke up yesterday to a dusting. Today it is only supposed to get into the high 40's. Too cute about your cleaning. Bet you felt great when you were finished. I love that satisfaction feeling after I cleaned a room.
    I love Mexican food. Yummy! The virtual 5K sounds fun!

    tlaknat - Welcome to the group. Friend request sent.

    Tanya - Congrats on the loss. TOM hit me so I have a temporary 1 lb gain. I can't wait for the bloat to go away so I can see a difference in the scale. Congrats on the 16s. I feel the exact same way about the skinny/slim pants and prefer boot cut for the same reasons. Good for you for clearing out the old clothes. Yesterday when I was putting back together the hall closet I found a black pea coat that I forgot I had. It fit perfectly. I was able to put a few coats in the donation pile as well. It was a good feeling. :happy:

    Skinny - How much snow did you get? We got hit too but only had a dusting. Temps dropped significantly after our rain on Tuesday. Now we have frost warnings. :grumble: Mother Nature is really interfering with my gardening plans but at least it give me a good excuse to stay inside and clean. :wink:

    oshanzo - Welcome to the group. Check back in often and be sure to post.

    Nerdybookgirl - Welcome. I am a vegetarian. I am going to send you a friend request. :flowerforyou:

    Tracy & Kah - Doritos don't suck me in as much as the Cheetos do. YUMMY. Thanks for mentioning them, now I want Cheetos. :wink: :laugh:

    Kah - I am a cookbook junkie too. Though mine are all vegetarian books.

    Robin - Hooray for the mouth guard coming in. I love pansies. They are so pretty. So sorry to hear about the loss of your neighbor.

    RobinB - Guess how many active minutes Fitbit gave me for my 10.5 hours of cleaning yesterday....Z E R O!!! Yup, you read it correctly. Absolutely nothing for all that physical work. I am beginning to think my Fitbit hates me. :wink: :laugh: Though it did tell me that I met my steps for the day and when I synced it gave me 507 calories from exercise. I'll take it though, at least it measured something. :tongue: Nice job on the walk with your daughter.

    LittleShadow - Your description of dragging yourself up the stairs made me chuckle because I know exactly what you mean. I don't have stairs in my house but I notice when I go to my parents house I can run up their stairs and not have any difficulty. It's a great feeling.

    April Renaissance:

    Protein Goal at least 80 grams: 12/30 days
    Exercise goal:11/25 days (Allowing 1 rest day a week)

    Exercise goal:
    Sunday: Walk with Brian (2.26 mi, 42 min), 2 hours gardening
    Monday: Gardening - 5 hours
    Tuesday: Rest day. Light cleaning once John was done.
    Wednesday: Major cleaning 10.5 hours.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday Truth: You all impress me with your spring cleaning that is going on. I know some of it is “required” due to flooring projects, but man! I think I need to take a day off, with no plans in the evening, and just bust a move. While I get things cleaned, it seems like I never get to devote enough time to get it all done at once. We’ll see if I can find a day after Easter to do so.

    @Ushkii…any snoring at that movie? If I had a recliner, I’d probably snooze. :yawn:

    @jtconst…Glad Zeus was okay. That reminds me of what happened to my little sister. Dad had picked her up from daycare and just had her sit in the front seat of the pick up (back then car seats weren’t such an automatic thing). Apparently the door wasn’t latched tightly and as he took a left hand 90 degree turn, the door popped open and she rolled out of the moving pick up. Luckily he was going slow enough and it was in the country, so she probably hit the grassy side of the road, so there was no injury at all (except maybe my dad’s ears when Mom heard about it).

    @Kelley…ahh new software. I was heavily involved when we got an entire new operating system for a company we took over and I hope to never be that involved again.

    @Robin…my dad did tomatos in a container (weird for a farmer) and had one of the best crops he ever had. They were facing south so he did have to water them every single day.

    @Robin B….look how far you’ve come since Christmas – good for you!! :flowerforyou:

    @Karen…the thought of all those essays that you have to grade on a consistent basis makes my heart very glad I never became an English teacher. But like you said, you love teaching and that is part of it. It’s like any job – busy times, super times, bad times etc. The most important part is that you find what you love to do and do it. :heart:

    @Laurie…I think that’s a great idea about all of us getting to do a virtual 5K together. Glad you enjoyed the swim team practice, but wish it was earlier for your sake too.

    @Kaye…you should check out your local Y (or as local as it gets for you :smile: ). They probably have a list or you can check out website. They have lists of all registered events and maybe you could find something.

    @L2T…yes spring has been so up and down this year. With an April 7th birthday, I can look back on my birthday parties – sometimes we were snowmobiling and sometimes we were on three wheelers. But I have a hard time recalling so much of the back and forth – here’s 70 degrees today, snow and 30 tomorrow. HA! I’m just glad I’m not in Minnesota—I heard 15-20 inches fell yesterday. :noway:

    @Nettie…yay!!! The floors have been a big mess for you, but when it’s all done, your house is going to be so nice and clean!!!

    AFM…Much better day yesterday. :love: I think I started with too many carbs and not enough protein. It seems that those are the days that I struggle all day with eating. I’m going to try to pay close attention to that. My workout yesterday was a tough one. I told her about my heal pain and the exercises she had me do avoided moves that would aggravate it. We covered the gamut…push ups on the bosu, squats, kettle bell, pulls ups, lunges, crunches, pikes, hip bridges (ouch!) ( a few more I don’t recall) and then I ended with a forearm plank. I was all sure I’d be okay at it since I’ve done 70 seconds on a full arm plank. Two things; 1. Forearm is way harder 2. Not sure the end of a sweat dripping workout is the time to try to do them…I only got 13 seconds the first time through and 9 seconds the second time through.

    Today’s goals:
    **drink my water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    **finish my Easter cake
    **finish at calorie goal
    **Sing at Maunday Thursday service
    **Finish up the bathroom (organization yesterday and cleaning today!!)
    **Change the sheets on my bed

    April Goals:
    30 Day Plank – 75 seconds will be attempted today
    Remember why I want to do this!!!
    Drinking my water – 10/30
    Calorie intake – 10/30

    This weeks' goals:
    Monday - Gym and Cake Decorating Class KINDA DONE (MODIFIED) AND DONE
    Tuesday - Walking DONE
    Wednesday - Gym with Trainer DONE
    Thursday - Walking
    Friday - Gym with Sister
    Saturday - Rest (Easter with Family) - relaxing walk
    Sunday - Rest (Easter)
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Thur Truth: Got my pea bed ready last night, will need to work on trellis.

    RobinB: Keep walking! Listen to your body. Drink.
    karenleona: Great job on walking on by and being aware of your wants/needs.
    Jnettie - WOW I am exhaused just reading all that work!
    tlh - lol, full tummy, dark room, evening, recliner, oh yea. but i made it without snoozing.

    I went to dinner with friends last night, I am eating out a lot! I have a great breakfast and lunch and then dinner lately has been fat ladden yummy goop. I will have to watch that. tonight is pizza night, I will have two slices as opposed to the half a pizza i use to eat or more! I get full much faster and try hard to eat slower. Again drinking water really helps me not to keep craming food in the pie hole just because I can. hope to have another day of meeting my goals. Going to enter my food now and then hope that keeps me on track.

    3 under cal 4/7 days
    2 Drink 8cups 4/7 days
    1 Walk 30 min 4/7 days

    Mon: 1 =1
    Tue: 123 = 6
    Wed: 123 = 6

    Weak total: = 13
    Last week = 32 (76.19%)
  • CherryMonRose520
    CherryMonRose520 Posts: 12 Member
    I often find myself crying when i'm alone because I feel like i'm going to be stuck with this weight all my life. I'm 19 and 304 lbs, yes I know it's disgusting! I've tried weight watchers and it didn't work, I tried the hCg diet and it was working but I ended up fainting and in the hospital because of it. I don't want to die but it seems like all the food choices I make state otherwise. And yes I know exactly what I'm doing but I get so sad sometimes that literally food is the only thing to make me feel better. It's getting harder for me to move around and do simple things like climb the stairs, or tie my shoelaces or even getting on a ride at the amusement park, and on top of all that because of my obesity I suffer from acanthosis nigricans on my neck and in between my breasts. Today I've decided that i'm tired of feeling sorry for myself and i'm ready to go on this journey and take it seriously. I need too. I'm tired of crying about my weight then shoving pizza and wings down my throat smh. I know I have a long way to go but atleast I made the choice to do something about it. I'm gonna come back to this thread often for motivation and support, a lot of the weight loss stories and journeys on here are amazing! I just hope to be as lucky as you all.... Felt good to get that off my chest.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Cherry - welcome! Glad you've decided to join us. You've got a great attitude. Now remember, this is for the rest of your life - don't let one little (or big) stumble make you quit on us! We'll support you quite well on your journey. I recommend (if you're not already) to start with logging all your foods. Even if your not sticking to your calorie goal, even if your going over, just keep recording your food and soon that calorie count will start going down and you'll start getting control over it. Your're going to be a success!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Got back from my physical therapy visit a short while ago. My legs are really sore, I guess from all the walking I did while out shopping yesterday. Anyway, she talked to me about weight lifting - I want to get back to doing my squats and over-head lifts. I do something like a squat in the water, although I can't squat as deep as I used to be able to.
    She told me with my Back in the shape it was in (bulging disks, osteo and scolio) that it was not a good idea to do my Goblet squats anymore. She showed me a squat done against the wall and I think its a lot like your wall sit challenge this month. Although she showed me how to do it also with holding a 5 lb weight with both hand against my belly button. She also said doing standing over-head lifts was bad for my back. She said sitting down on a bench or ottoman was better and doing the same form was fine.

    So I'm started back to doing them, as well as continuing my water P.T. 3 times a week, Need to have plenty of good work-outs between now and surgery.
  • CherryMonRose520
    CherryMonRose520 Posts: 12 Member
    Robin - Thank you so much for your encouragement! My problem is once I make a little stumble it always turns into a big one then I just give up. Like if I cheat and eat a chip i'll feel like a failure and say to myself to hell with it and i'll eat the whole bag and candy and soda then eventually I just completely give up and end up 30 lbs heavier. I'm going to follow your advice and make this time different!
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    Robin - Thank you so much for your encouragement! My problem is once I make a little stumble it always turns into a big one then I just give up. Like if I cheat and eat a chip i'll feel like a failure and say to myself to hell with it and i'll eat the whole bag and candy and soda then eventually I just completely give up and end up 30 lbs heavier. I'm going to follow your advice and make this time different!

    I'm new to this topic... and I don't have 100 lbs to lose, just saw it in the message boards.. but ,

    When you make a small slip up and it tempts you to throw everything away, you're not looking at the big picture. You're paying attention to details and when one small thing messes up, you feel like you've "ruined" the day.
    If you step away from the small slip up and look at the big picture, you'll see that eating an extra serving of chips (160 calories) or a small piece of pie (200-400 calories, depending on the type and size of the slice, etc..)

    Doesn't make much but a dent in your over all weekly goal (which might be a deficit of 3,500 - or losing one lb/week) Really, even if you have a day where you eat a bit more than the other days, you can make up for it by cutting out 50-100 extra calories a day, or you can just shrug and get back up. You're doing fantastic and you will eventually get to your weight loss goal. Negative talk /thoughts lead to negative results, we must strive to get rid of the negative mindset - lose it while losing the weight =) Being kind to yourself makes it so much easier to take care of yourself! After all, if you're against yourself, how can you win the race?

    Hang in there, we all have those days.
  • Hey everyone!
    I am new as of today. Hoping to get to know all of you as the time goes on. A little about me. I am married with 2 kids and am disabled so I cannot exercise like some do. I am limited in my abilities. But my goal is to lose 100lbs! I am hoping it will help my mobility. My daughter and I just started the green coffee extract this week. I did lose 5lbs so far. Haven't really been eating less. Have any of you tried the green coffee extract and did it help at all? Just curious.
    Well hope you all are having a good day. :-)
  • CherryMonRose520
    CherryMonRose520 Posts: 12 Member
    Sophrosyne - Wow, I never thought of it that way. That makes so much sense!!!
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Great to see the new people coming around. This is a great group and some great support can be found here.
    I have been in and out of this group and weight loss many times. Sometimes life just seems to get you down and my go to is food. Well the best thing I have found to deal with my food habit is to log it all and log it honestly. This made me look at what I was eating and eventually allowed me to make better choices. It is a slow change and a huge one. Log ALL your food and start there.
    Oh my new latest gem is drink water; this has helped me so much to keep in my goals.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Just a note for the new ones. Rose, your despair breaks my heart. You can do this. I want to share my success with all three of you. In September 2012 at the age of 68, I started this journey again. I've lost track of the number of times I've lost weight and gained it back again. I was determined that this time I would keep it simple so I could do it for the rest of my life. I set my MFP goal for 2# per week. I have used the calorie goals that they gave me, and tried to use very few of my exercise calories. My exercise of choice is walking. Because of my age and health it works the best for me. Choose something you like, and stick with it. I have not worried about any of the other macros, bought no food supplements or 'diet' foods, have no forbidden foods. You can't cheat if nothing is forbidden. It is important to use portion control and avoid your trigger foods most of the time. A few months ago, I chose to change my goal to 0.5# per week because I want to ease into a maintenance routine. I want to lose about 20# more, but am in no hurry. As you can see, I have lost 95#. I can now walk 4+ miles at 3 mph. I've gone from a snug-fitting size 24 to a comfortable 12, and am less pear shaped than I have ever been. There are a few pictures on my profile. The only money I've spent has been on new clothes. I hope you understand that I am telling you this, not to brag, but to let you know how uncomplicated this can be. There are a lot of people on this thread who can offer lots of wisdom and encouragement. They keep me going every day.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • CherryMonRose520
    CherryMonRose520 Posts: 12 Member
    Kaye - Wow!!! You are an inspiration!!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Welcome to the new people!:flowerforyou:

    I am still around I just do not post much. Amy gets back from her trip to Disneyland that she took her Girl Scout troop today!:smooched: Good thing because I'm feeling like I want to go out to eat and that usually means I go over.:frown: I did pretty well while she was gone but I had to stay home and eat what was in the house.:laugh:

    Kaye- you are doing great with your walking, Onward and Downward!

    Robin- sounds like you are doing better, best wishes for getting your health back!

    “If food is your best friend, it’s also your worst enemy.” ~Edward “Grandpa” Jones
