Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @erienne--I missed the post about your uncle--so sorry to hear about your loss.

    @laurie--I will be sending positive vibes for good news from our doc tomorrow! :flowerforyou: Sorry your PD was worthless--I'm looking forward to that on Friday. :grumble:

    @bettjo--that's got to be rought trying to adjust your sleep schedule--you are nice to do so considering it's only for a few days. Just a few ideas for higher calorie/lower carb foods--avocado, almonds, peanut butter, and hummus (eat it on raw veggies rather than pita chips or crackers to keep the carbs down.

    @ushkii--happy to hear you've been enjoying your summer with some camping trips. Do you go with a tent or a camper?

    @marsha--yes, chocolate is also bad for dogs, but at least with that scientists know that darker chocolate is worse and most dogs can handle some chocolate relative to their body weight. With grapes/raisins they have no idea how much is too much--and some dogs have to response whatsoever. You are also right about onions or really anything in that family including garlic, leeks, chives, etc. Another that I recently learned about is avocado--some oil in the flesh and on the skin is toxic to them,

    @robin--that is really interesting about the willpower.

    @kelley--thanks for all of the info on protein bars. I never do the powder, but occasionally eat the bars. To add to your list a friend of mine recently introduced me to Quest bars which also have a high protein content with relatively low calories. Oh, and frosted mini-wheats are the devil!! :devil: I've had exactly one box of those in my house since I started MFP. I actually did okay and made the box last a week, but it took every ounce of willpower I possess. And as robin just taught us, that left me drained of willpower to deal with any other temptations. I'm not as bad with other cereals, but not great either. Just typing about this is giving me cravings. :laugh:

    @kate--it took losing about 35 lbs before people really started to notice and comment on my weight loss, and even though I'm no longer obese, I still sometimes see the "fat girl" in the mirror. I think that takes a long time to get past. Rejoice in every NSV (non-scale victory) like the looser fanny pack and shorts. Those are the best way to measure you success anyways. :flowerforyou: I haven't lost any of my immediate family members yet, so I can't imagine what it's like for you, but I do suppose time will help heal that sadness.

    @lori--I started c25k when I weighed about 240 lbs, and I've seen a lot of heavier people doing races. Yes, you need to be careful not to overdo it, but you don't have to wait until you reach a certain weight to begin running provided your doctor says your heart can handle it. I also highly recommend wearing a heart rate monitor while doing any form of cardio. It will help you see when to back off before you HR gets dangerously high.

    Wed. Wish:
    My wish is that it doesn't rain tomorrow for my race. Scattered storms in the forcast. :grumble:

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--gym DONE + short walk w/ gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + 5k
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = 37
    100g of protein = 6/31 days
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Thank you all for your condolences. I have not heard any details of a funeral yet. I am sure they are still waiting on autopsy results. My guess is heart attack. He was very unhealthy, unfortunately.

    Today at work we have been organizing our office. It is really starting to feel like my space now. After work, I went with a friend to have a burrito at Panchero's and then we saw Into the Storm. I really enjoyed the movie, such a thriller! When I got home, I folded up all the laundry and put it away (minus hanging up the clothes, my absolute LEAST favorite) and then we filled the baskets again with all the clothes on the floor. We also discovered mold in the basement...anyone know how to deal with this? it is in the wall.

    Wednesday Wish: I wish that the basement didn't sometimes flood and wasn't so damp to accrue mold. Or if it did, I wish it wasn't finished so it wouldn't matter. I really hope we don't have to do something drastic like rip up all the carpet or take out a wall (did I mention everything in our house was gutted and flipped before we bought it? EVERYTHING is brand new).

    Monday- rest
    Tuesday- c210k w12d1 DONE!
    Wednesday- strength DONE
    Thursday- c210k w12d2
    Friday- strength
    Saturday- Free choice
    Sunday- free

    I took out belly dance tomorrow because I forgot I am doing my friend's hair. We have one more day of kids this week! Woo!
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    @skinnyjean and @grammywhammy~Thank you for the concern for my puppers but I did not feed him the grapes. He stole them and I initially freaked out too. According to my husband, who has had this dog for the last 15 years, this is a ritual with him. He likes grapes. He is fine though and this has not happened with me before. We have been together for 6 years and this is the first time I have seen him eat grapes. My German Shepard has a thing for chocolate. He has gotten through a sealed box that was supposed to be sent to Iraq and ate almost 5 pounds of chocolate. The box was on a high counter and no one was home. Again, I freaked out, took him to the vet and he was fine (this was 4 years ago). With him, we have to be very careful because he will snatch some chocolate if given the chance. Good thing we do not buy chocolate all that often! All 4 of my dogs have their things that they lose their mind over. These 2 just need to be watched more closely when it comes to grapes and chocolate.

    @Laurie~I considered eating my dinner for breakfast but I already have issues with eating breakfast so having pork loin, or chicken, or fish at 5am seems like a really bad idea! I am just going to add more good breakfast food and cut my dinner portions again. I will look into the EAS brand protein. Thanks for the feedback.

    Thanks for all the feedback on my hunger issue yesterday. I think the best thing for me to do right now is to add more to my breakfast time. I have to do a bit of meal planning and find some options. I will also look into some of the protein shakes or bars to have as an afternoon snack. More research will have to go into this because I am very leery about using protein. Everything in moderation though.

    Thursday Truth: I was over my 1930 calories but under my total allotment after I logged my workout. I take this as a success because I was able to listen to my body and ate accordingly. Since I was starving yesterday, I figured it was okay to eat back some of my workout calories but not be out of control with it. I did try a protein powder thing that one of my co-workers gave me. It was an individual bottle of powder that you just add water to. I was okay but a little too much. When I read the bottle and then logged it, I realized it was the equivalent to 3 scoops of powder, which seems crazy to me. Now I know where my limits are, I guess.
  • Mine_Time
    Mine_Time Posts: 588 Member
    Thurs truth - In all honesty. I am upset. I haven't lost anything since last Saturday. I am frustrated as all get out. I'm not giving up, but it is hard.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Thursday Truth: I am having a hard time with my body image today.
  • lmgbebe254
    Hello Everyone!!! I am a newbie. I started logging in this week. I have been working out and watching what I eat since Monday and it is Thursday now. I find it easy to eat right and under my calorie goal when I am alone, but it is when others try to push food on me or when we have events at work is when I need HELP. What do you guys do? If everyone else is eating what is being served and I bring a salad or something healthy I feel bad...It is funny how food brings people today and how we center things and events around it...I have to get out of that mentality...I have to be strong and JUST SAY NO!!!!!
  • littleshadowfeet
    littleshadowfeet Posts: 109 Member
    back on the wagon after a rough few weeks... I haven't done the August challenge but will hopefully join in for Sept. I'm back at work on Monday and am hoping the structure will be good. Waiting on another specialist referral for my sinuses. On Monday, DH is starting a "hypo-allergenic elimination diet" for his autoimmune disease. ... god help me. The list of food he is allowed to eat is much shorter than what he's not allowed, and I'm not sure how we're going to make it work!
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Imgbebe~ Welcome to the group! I feel your pain on the food when others are around. The best thing that I found that works for me is portion control. When there is an event at work or we are out to dinner or even in everyday life, I pay very close attention to how much I am eating. I do not like limiting myself on what I can and cannot have so I allot for everything. I also log EVERYTHING. I try to log before I eat so that I know what I can have but that doesn’t always work so it is best to just eat a little bit of it. I always use potato salad as an example. I LOVE potatoes and at a picnic or something I could eat the entire bowl of potato salad. Since potato salad is not exactly healthy, I just limit myself to under 1 cup. That way I get to have one of my favorite things without over indulging. You don’t have to say “NO”, you just have to say “not that much”!! Good luck.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    Each year on August 21 there are various events and activities held, across the United States, in recognition of National Senior Citizens Day. This day was created as a day to support, honor and show appreciation to our seniors and to recognize their achievements and the contributions they make to our communities
    On August 19, 1988, President Ronald Reagan signed Proclamation 5847 declaring August 21 as National Senior Citizens Day. In his Presidential Proclamation, he said:
    “For all they have achieved throughout life and for all they continue to accomplish, we owe older citizens our thanks and a heartfelt salute. We can best demonstrate our gratitude and esteem by making sure that our communities are good places in which to mature and grow older — places in which older people can participate to the fullest and can find the encouragement, acceptance, assistance, and services they need to continue to lead lives of independence and dignity.”
    To celebrate National Senior Citizens Day, spend time with the senior citizens that you know, which may be your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors friends, and etc. Let them know that they are special, appreciated and loved. It may also be a good day to volunteer at a retirement home and share your smile with those who may not otherwise get a visitor today.
    If you are a senior citizen, check for special discounts and promotions that may be offered at stores and restaurants in your area.

    “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain.” ~Maya Angelou

  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Uggh once again this is going to be quick fly-by to say hi!! :bigsmile:

    I read the comments to Brenda and wanted to chime in. I do think eating a bigger breakfast, light lunch and even lighter dinner is good for weight loss. I eat like that when I work until 8pm and I'm always within my calories. On my off days when I cook dinners I'm often over my calories, and I usually don't have any kind of a loss.

    This week I have been doing a lot of research and thinking about how I can change up my lunches at work. As you know I do sales and I've decided to stop taking myself out of rotation to go sit in the break room and eat. So, I want things that are quick, easy, and super nutritious to have at my desk. A co-worker sales Shaklee products and gave me some sample shakes and snack bars to try. The shakes are nasty!! They would be good if I could blend them but just stirring or shaking them leaves lots of chewy chunks. Plus, the cost would be around $2.86 a shake. That is too high!! :noway:

    I also like to chew so last night I went to the Vitamin Store and bought some Quest bars. They are a little pricy but the protein and fiber is amazing and there is hardly any sugar. I'm going to give them a try and see if they keep me full. I will of course also eat things like Greek yogurt, string cheese, and fruit.

    Have a great day and I will try to check in later. Oh, I was down a little on the scale this morning. Woot Woot!!! :drinker:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Imgbebe, I agree 100% with Brenda. It's all about portion control. The other thing that works when you are tempted by treats left in the break room, etc., is to say, 'other people's food'.
    Thursday truth: So far, so good, for this week. Not seeing any loss yet, but I am on point and walking a lot. It is cooler in the evening this week, and I am really taking advantage of that. My DIL is having some health issues. Her Dr. told her she had to get some exercise. She felt that she would be too slow, and isn't up to our evening distances, so I have been going out with her right after dinner for a 1.5 mile walk, before we take our longer walk.
    I think we will be able to go get our car tomorrow afternoon. It is 4 hours away.
    Have a great Thursday. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Laurie~Sending you positive vibes for your follow-up with the doc today!

    @Karen~I like the Quest bars as well, SO much fiber though. :laugh:

    @Betty~Honestly, I don’t think you should try so hard to reach that 1,200 calories right now. I’ve heard of that “dumping” syndrome and know how miserable that can make a person. Your body is accustomed to and set up for lower calories right now, try and stick with that to avoid any repercussions —soon you'll be without that device and you can move towards a healthier way of eating. I would just hate for you to be miserable until its removed.

    @Teresa~Those Quest bars are pricey, should keep you satisfied though with all of the protein and fiber that they contain. They are derived from natural ingredients too, so a good choice for bars.

    @littleshadow~Welcome back, good to see you! Hope everything goes well with your husband’s elimination diet.

    @Tom~One of my favorite quotes! :wink:

    AFM~Had a session with my trainer last night—we did a circuit that included deads and bench press (which I haven’t done since before my thumb surgery), felt great afterwards. I was on tight schedule so we moved thru it pretty fast, which kept my heart rate up the whole time—so good workout. Afterwards, I met a friend for the paint your pet class—tons of fun. My profile pic is my rendition of Zoe, I think it turned out well. :bigsmile: I will try to post a bigger pic tonight. Not sure if I’ll get to the gym tonight—came in late so may have to work late.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer NOT DONE (Rescheduled for Monday)
    Monday~Cardio DONE! (trainer instead)
    Tuesday~Cardio NOT DONE (rest day instead)
    Wednesday~Trainer DONE!
    Saturday~Cardio or Active Rest Day (housework most likely)
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    New to the group here- just found the thread and I think it will be great for me! Posting and ghosting now as I'm downing my morning snack and off to my Thursday afternoon barre class, but I will be back later to write more.

    Looking forward to following along and getting to know everyone here!
  • lmgbebe254
    Imgbebe~ Welcome to the group! I feel your pain on the food when others are around. The best thing that I found that works for me is portion control. When there is an event at work or we are out to dinner or even in everyday life, I pay very close attention to how much I am eating. I do not like limiting myself on what I can and cannot have so I allot for everything. I also log EVERYTHING. I try to log before I eat so that I know what I can have but that doesn’t always work so it is best to just eat a little bit of it. I always use potato salad as an example. I LOVE potatoes and at a picnic or something I could eat the entire bowl of potato salad. Since potato salad is not exactly healthy, I just limit myself to under 1 cup. That way I get to have one of my favorite things without over indulging. You don’t have to say “NO”, you just have to say “not that much”!! Good luck.

    Thank you Brenda! I will keep that in mind when I go to an event. Also, for you or anyone else who may be reading this...Let's say I have something to eat at an event that has lots of things in it. How in the world would you log that in...or should I just stay away? I don't want to limit myself, but not knowing what is in something is scary when I want to log it.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Imgbebe~ Welcome to the group! I feel your pain on the food when others are around. The best thing that I found that works for me is portion control. When there is an event at work or we are out to dinner or even in everyday life, I pay very close attention to how much I am eating. I do not like limiting myself on what I can and cannot have so I allot for everything. I also log EVERYTHING. I try to log before I eat so that I know what I can have but that doesn’t always work so it is best to just eat a little bit of it. I always use potato salad as an example. I LOVE potatoes and at a picnic or something I could eat the entire bowl of potato salad. Since potato salad is not exactly healthy, I just limit myself to under 1 cup. That way I get to have one of my favorite things without over indulging. You don’t have to say “NO”, you just have to say “not that much”!! Good luck.

    Thank you Brenda! I will keep that in mind when I go to an event. Also, for you or anyone else who may be reading this...Let's say I have something to eat at an event that has lots of things in it. How in the world would you log that in...or should I just stay away?
    I don't want to limit myself, but not knowing what is in something is scary when I want to log it.
    I try to find something in the database that looks close and use that. This lifestyle has to last for the rest of our lives so we have to learn to make adjustments to make it fit comfortably into the lifestyle that we already are living. It's all about making it 'normal'.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    So sorry no personals - in a way its good I've been busy - I heard this tidbit on the am news and wanted to share it - about WILL POWER and how it CAN BE USED UP DAILY - DID ANY ONE KNOW THAT? I SURE DIDN'T.!!

    Many scientific studies were done on willpower and they all came to the same conclusion. We are all born with a certain quantitiy of willpower and we use it up during the day - on each and every stressor that comes into our life - BIG or SMALL. So, if your kids are quarelling before school and you have to make several decisionis right then, you use up some of your willpower then. If you are at work, and are given several tasks, and you have to prioritize them , THAT uses up some of your willpower, if during your day, you are tempted with knowing there are sweets in the room next to you , then you are constantlly using up some willpower each time you think about the sweets and successfully resist them, you are using up some willpower. I could give 10 more examples, but I think you get it.

    The point of these studies is to show that you ONLY have SO MUCH WILL POWER and you have to MONITOR it. You have to SAVE SOME for each EVENING's temptations or you will end up giving in to them.

    Something to think about!

    I hope no one took this to mean that if you are totally exhausted at the end of the day you can slack off and due to lack of will power let yourself indulge. NOPE - I don't mean that.
    I think what the authors intend to say is, you must refresh yourself during the day with your exercise routine and also a relaxation routine. Ha - gotcha there!
  • chelleicious
    Newbie here, been using MFP on and off for about a year at the advice of diabetes educators. Started seeing weight loss Dr in April who wants me to journal everything and suggested MFP. I had been doing great until some health issues came up and slacked off again. I just had laparoscopic salpingo oopherectomy done 6 days ago (removal of ovaries and tubes). I was told I can not try to loose weight during the healing process but surgery alone made me gain 10 pounds from the fluids (iv) and air they pump into you. I have been a little crazy with my diet over the past week but have managed to loose 8 of those 10 pounds so I would say I am back to where I started before surgery. I have a personal and medical goals that I want to meet by loosing weight. I am seeing a bariatric physician but do not plan on having bariatric surgery. I have never stuck to any diet or fitness plan for more than a few weeks/months in my entire life which is what brought me to 300 pounds one year ago. I come from along line of overweight people, on both sides of my family, a long line of diabetes, high blood pressure,and all that good stuff. Now they have a diagnosis for people like me called Metabolic syndrome, I meet every requirement that they have for this disease, but I will not let it take my life early like it did my father. I will work to loose weight and keep it off! I am down 34 pounds from one year ago. I have 70-100 more that I want to loose.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    ebailey - I had a mold problem just off my bathroom - here's a good link and worth following - although they recommend bleach, it is not as good as vinegar (which I used despite the stink) or ammonia in killing mold forever.

    NEWBIES - WELCOME! Happy to have each one of you join us here. you'll find the "extra" little something that might have been missing before - such as personal commentary on your personal journeys.

    Chellleicious - congrats on getting that post-op weight gone so fast! Sorry you had to have that surgery ....sigh....and 34 pounds down in a year is excellent! I can relate to you in that I have a bunch of medical problems I must overcome to lose weight as well. We'll fight together!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Hello All,
    Truthful Thursday. Yikes.

    Met with the trainer today, did evaluations, goals and assessments.
    Did not weigh today, will do so tomorrow.

    I now have a fitness plan for the next two months. He wants me to start RPM class tomorrow. I was planning on working my way in there, but it will be trial by fire. Truth is I am afraid of that class. I am going to buy new bike shorts tonight.

    Food is going well yesterday and today so far.

    Thanks to all for the tips on the event eating, That too is one of my weaknesses.

    I am now using the protein powder from the gym. A little pricey but does not have a lot of junk in it and very low on carbs. Tastes pretty good. Supplement RX Protein. 1 or 1 1/2 scoops after morning WO. I can then get through until my next meal without eating everything in sight.
    Love to all
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Just a quick drive by, as I need to get ready for my race tonight. My friends are going with me after all, so we will be driving downtown in about an hour. It's drizzly here in the northern burbs, and there's a 50% chance of thundershowers at Soldier Field at the race start time. :ohwell: Not looking forward to running in the rain--I just hope there's no lightning. It would stink to get all the way down there to have the event canceled due to weather. Shooting for a sub-36 minute 5k--wish me luck! :drinker: