Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hi everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Just a quick drive by, as I need to get ready for my race tonight. My friends are going with me after all, so we will be driving downtown in about an hour. It's drizzly here in the northern burbs, and there's a 50% chance of thundershowers at Soldier Field at the race start time. :ohwell: Not looking forward to running in the rain--I just hope there's no lightning. It would stink to get all the way down there to have the event canceled due to weather. Shooting for a sub-36 minute 5k--wish me luck! :drinker:

    Good luck, Karen, I know you'll do great! Hope the weather cooperates. :wink:
  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    good afternoon, ladies :flowerforyou: my first truthful Thurs fess up...I stepped on my scale to see 344lbs STILL :sad: :explode: :sad: it's not budged for a week now :cry: :frown: I'm feeling pretty low, ladies. I'm struggling here.

    @kah68 - I'm beginning to feel the same way as you about me trying over and over to reach 1200 calories each day. it's just impossible for me. I think I will back off and just eat normal amounts for myself...whatever that calorie amount ends up being. Once my lapband has been removed, I know my dieting life will improve. now it's just a waiting game until I have a removal date.
    @skinnyjeanzbo - thanks for the list of high calorie/low carb foods. Would you believe I have never tried an avocado or hummus??? how do you eat these 2 foods normally?

    NEWBIES @Imgbebe254, enzosmama, and chelleicious - hello and welcome!! I'm looking forward to getting to know you ladies :flowerforyou:
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    HI All, just checking in. Back from the cottage for a day, then going back up tomorrow for the weekend. I can really tell that the summer is almost over as we've had the heat on and the leaves have started to change colour up north.

    Thursday Truths: The good news is that I lost 2.4 lbs. this week. Strange thing is that I'm feeling a little depressed. I feel terrific, health wise, but a little down in the dumps. Not sure why. I should be thrilled with the weight loss. I guess I look at the long road that I've got to go and it's daunting.
    Not eating really well today, but will log it all in. I needed to change my foods up a little, getting monotonous.

    My calorie goals are set for 1300. The only reason for this is that my computer kind of broke, lost the program (it was set at 1400) and decided to lower the goal when I reset it. It seems that it doesn't matter to me what the goal is, I tend to eat the same amount most days (around 1400-1700). I won't succeed if I feel deprived. In fact, I don't really think it matters to my body losing weight if the calories vary a few hundred every day. I wasn't logging food before and was still losing by avoiding certain foods. Not sure how I'm doing it, but it seems to finally be working. I guess I'll figure it out as I continue.
  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    Hello all,

    I am a newbie on this thread. I have been on MFP for a little over a month now. In February I decided that I really needed to get my backside in gear. I had hit 441 on the scale and I didn't like it. I am also 28 so I figured it was as good an age as any to change. I have been working out and eating healthier since then and I am currently at 387. I still have a ways to go, but I am at least headed in the right direction. Tonight is basketball night so as always that will be a good time.

  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    @ronercat - Hi Zac :smile: and welcome!!! We have the pounds in common. I'm 344lbs right now. If I blink it will be my luck it will be 345 any second :laugh: :grumble: can't seem to get mine to go DOWN at this time for some doggone reason. But that doesn't stop me from trying. You will see this is a wonderful thread to be on. The ladies I've met here are very kind and helpful and you will feel right at home in no time. Good luck on your weight loss journey!! I'll send you a friend request now :smile:
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Thursday Truth: I am a sloth! Yep, This afternoon all I want to do is read...well, honestly, I want to read and eat chocolate. So I do a load of wash, and then read; I water some plants and read, feed the pets and read, and so on. Trying not to feel guilty for not doing something productive, so I'll just say I'm celebrating Nat'l Senior Citizen's Day (Thanks, Tom). Oh, and as far as the chocolate part is concerned--only one Skinny Cow candy bar has been harmed by my slothfulness. The book: Queen's Gambit by Elizabeth Fremantle.

    Karen/skinny: good luck with your race.
    Kelley/kah: love Zoe's portrait!

    Still under my August goal 21/21 days (I hope, as it's not midnight yet :bigsmile: )

    Welcome all newbies, Zac, et cetera! You are in the best place to be.

  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Imgbebe~ Welcome to the group! I feel your pain on the food when others are around. The best thing that I found that works for me is portion control. When there is an event at work or we are out to dinner or even in everyday life, I pay very close attention to how much I am eating. I do not like limiting myself on what I can and cannot have so I allot for everything. I also log EVERYTHING. I try to log before I eat so that I know what I can have but that doesn’t always work so it is best to just eat a little bit of it. I always use potato salad as an example. I LOVE potatoes and at a picnic or something I could eat the entire bowl of potato salad. Since potato salad is not exactly healthy, I just limit myself to under 1 cup. That way I get to have one of my favorite things without over indulging. You don’t have to say “NO”, you just have to say “not that much”!! Good luck.

    Thank you Brenda! I will keep that in mind when I go to an event. Also, for you or anyone else who may be reading this...Let's say I have something to eat at an event that has lots of things in it. How in the world would you log that in...or should I just stay away?
    I don't want to limit myself, but not knowing what is in something is scary when I want to log it.
    I try to find something in the database that looks close and use that. This lifestyle has to last for the rest of our lives so we have to learn to make adjustments to make it fit comfortably into the lifestyle that we already are living. It's all about making it 'normal'.

    I'm with GrandmaKay on this as well. This is is a lifestyle not a diet. We have to find a balance of what works so that we can maintain a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating habits. At an even the food options are homemade or store bought. The database on here has a good mix so you can usually find the product or something very close. It sounds like a daunting task but it really isn't.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen-Good luck with your race. I ran in the rain last night but it was a relatively light rain most of time but it did chase us inside at one point. I hope you reach your goal.

    My wish for this week came true. I received all the test results today and they all came back normal. :bigsmile: :drinker: The only problem is the heart murmur but the good news is that I can do whatever exercise I want and not worry about it. I will have another echocardiogram next year just to monitor it. My heart is the right size and not enlarged. My vitamin D level is within the normal range but low so I will be taking a vitamin once a week but I can live with that for now. Thank you for all the support during the past 2 weeks.

    Truth- Nothing major to report this week. This year I have been hesitating to do a triathlon mostly because I was not sure I wanted to do it and if I could. Well, after these past 2 weeks, I am more determined than ever to complete a Sprint triathlon within the next year. Time to start looking for a local event.

    imgbebe-learning to eat healthy when there is other food around is difficult but it can be done. If you must have some of what they are eating- split a dish with someone, eat half a doughnut etc. Today at lunch, I ended up eating some of my friends fries instead of getting my own. It became a win-win for both of us- I had some fries and she got rid of some of hers. I agree with the others on finding something similar in the data base.

    Mel- Congrats on the loss.:drinker: :drinker: I know you are very busy how much activity are you getting per day? You may need the calories to compensate for your level of activity. If you sit most of your day then get out and move more. You will do this. It is also harder for us to see the difference in ourselves as we are losing. Take pictures, they will tell the story.
  • Jemellc
    Jemellc Posts: 308 Member
    I should have just stayed on my almased phase 1 .... but I screwed up yesterday, did awesome on day one and now im back on it on day 3... two more days and then just 2 shakes per day.... cant wait to start exercising!!

    btw: don't get me wrong, I love ALMASED.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    welcome Newbies!

    Well I kinda posted my Thursday Truth on my Blog Page. Its Kind of a Snooze really. Only read it if you want to know about my health saga over these past 9 months - and a bit more.....decided to let it all hang out.
    Heres the link:
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Hi All!!! I know it's been awhile. This board is almost overwhelming to keep up too!!! I tried to read and catch up three times and now I'm just going to start new.
    Just wanted to say congrats to Nettie!!! and welcome back to Susan!
    I got back from vacation almost 3 weeks ago. I had a great time. Went watersliding, played a lot on the beach with the kids, beach volleyball... even played some REALLY BAD tennis with the hubby. All of this was so much easier than before. Camping was lovely in the mountains (except for my minor bear paranoia :ohwell: ). I actually broke even weight wise because my activity level was so high.
    I've been on a bit of a yoyo for the last three weeks. I was doing great and then I stressed out. My oldest has been asking why no one likes him and wants to play with him at school. I don't know how to help him. I'm very worried that they're talking about diagnosing my middle with ADD. I'm supposed to have a meeting with the paediatrician next week to discuss it. The same child managed to get a bug bit at home... that became infected and developed blisters all over and a rash. At least that is clearing up though I'll never know for sure what happened (according to the dr). And then I went to see my grandmother and grandfather ashes be scattered together. Which would of been lovely and sad... if I hadn't gotten bad instructions. I drove four hours with the whole fam, only to be in the wrong place and miss the whole ceremony. I'm really upset about it.
    I feel right now that I'm fighting an uphill battle and I'm losing. I feel so anxious.

    Wow this is more of a bummer than I meant but hey... Thursday Truth. :sad:
  • tvmama
    tvmama Posts: 8 Member
    Hi All,

    @Robin - I love that post about the constant need to renew willpower and motivation. I've struggled with weight since college, but it really became a struggle when I had my kids. With 3 little kids, a full-time job, and too many other things on my plate, I often give myself permission to let things go with diet. I tell myself, everything else is so hard, so regulated, so I can give myself a break with food.

    The problem is, of course, that this isn't giving myself a break. it's setting me up for fatigue, frustration, even self-loathing. How do I reverse this script, from giving myself a break by eating bad foods to taking care of myself with nutrition?

    I'd love to develop a friendship network on MFP to keep myself accountable -- I'm doing much dropping in and dropping out, depending on my day. Definitely haven't achieved the 7 fruits/veggies goal yet, but I'm working on it!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    So... I finished the Giant Project (Loncon 3, the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention, which happened last weekend in London's Docklands). And I promised myself that I'd be back here on Wednesday, but in fact there was a barbecue Wednesday afternoon, and then lunch with friends yesterday and a pub meeting yesterday night.

    So here I am, logging. And I have missed you guys! But I don't have time to do personals right this minute, and maybe not for the next few days.

    But here's the thing. Sensible eating, back on the plan, and plenty of good exercise are my top priority for the next four months. Even above getting a job (it looks like my mate and I might be starting up a startup...).

    Friday Fitness: I have a Misfit Shine now; it's very pretty but I'm not sure it's very good. I might go back to Fitbit. While working on the Worldcon, I hit my exercise target by lunchtime every day (and carried on walking around like mad afterwards). But today I might miss it. So let's have a plan.

    Friday: housework and gardening, just a bit (I'm still very tired); badminton this evening
    Saturday: volunteering at parkrun, housework and gardening
    Sunday: badminton
    Monday: running, or run/walking
    Tuesday: strength maybe? no plans
    Wednesday: running, or run/walking
    Thursday: no plans

    And I'd like to fit in swimming at some point. But I'm so out of it at present!
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Friday Fitness: My weekend is going to be jam packed again with school work. I also have to go shopping to plan for my work trip. This week is going to be CRAZY!!! Looking forward to a mini vacation with the hubby next weekend though!

    Have a happy Friday
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Top of the morning to everyone.

    Welcome Jemellc and all the new people.

    Welcome back Alison!:drinker:

    August 22, 2014 is Be An Angel Day!
    Happy Be An Angel Day!
    This day was established by Jayne Howard Feldman in 1993. Its purpose is to encourage people to perform random acts of kindness and to help those in need.
    Use today to put others before yourself, and to reach out to those who need some extra support. Even a small act of kindness can go a long way! Fill a random parking meter, mow your neighbor's lawn, or send an unexpected note to a loved one. All of these acts are great ways to be an angel for a day!
    Every act of generosity can make a difference. Today, take the time to be an angel to someone. Whether you choose to do a favor for a friend or volunteer your time to assist others in your community, be sure to celebrate this occasion. Extend a helping hand, offer a kind word, or show someone your gratitude. Enjoy Be An Angel Day!

    “The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs…one step at a time.” ~Joe Girard

  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    Newbie here- I posted yesterday to introduce myself but this is my first "real" post. Excited to be here!

    Fitness Friday: I have been taking barre fitness classes which I LOVE. I can feel myself getting stronger, and I am sore in places I never knew existed. I started out at 2x/week but recently upped to 3x/week (Tuesday nights, Thursdays during lunch break, Saturday mornings) LOVE IT. It's challenging and kicks my butt.

    I also go to the gym- not as often as I would like, so I'm working on that. I've been dealing with some plantar fasciitis since Nov so I can't run/walk much but I'm getting used to the Expresso bike and also swimming. I did get a cortisone shot in my foot last week and am going back to the podiatrist today to get my new custom orthotics fitted. Physical therapy f/u on Monday, and I'm hoping I can get the clear to start C25K again. My foot is definitely feeling better since the shot!

    Prepping for weekend eating- I actually tend to do pretty good on the weekends. I keep my breakfast/AM snacks the same as I do during the week. We have lots of healthy stuff on hand for lunches. I do need to go grocery shopping and plan dinners for the next week. I am taking my parents out to lunch on Sunday to celebrate their birthdays, going to the 99, so checking out the menu and planning my order in advance so I'm prepared.

    For me, failing to plan really is planning to fail.

    Hope everyone is having a great Friday!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning, friends. Today isn't going like we planned. We were supposed to be able to get our car today, but it won't be done until next week. The logistics of getting it picked up with school starting and having the kids is going to be interesting. It would have been easier today, but it is what it is. It doesn't help that DH gets way too upset about things that we can't do anything about. He just adds to the stress because I have to try to calm him down, too. One day at a time.
    Alison, welcome back.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • ddas66
    ddas66 Posts: 13 Member
    Took my 25 year old bike into the shop earlier this week. I get to pick it up today. Going for a bike ride this weekend. I am really excited to have my bike back. I used to ride it all the time with my dog by my side. She used to get sooo excited when she heard me go to get my bike. My dog passed away many years ago but her and our rides together are very fond memories.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Welcome newbies!

    Friday Fitness. I've actually been working out like a crazy person just because of life. My car is broken, the engine needs to be replaced, so I've been walking everywhere. I've also been moving around all the bedrooms in my house. Yikes! My legs and feet actually feel like they need a break even when I wake up in the morning!!

    For a sampling of today's worst poetry, you should visit the entertaining website Very Bad Poetry, which boasts an impressive collection of atrocious verse, including "Schrodinger's sex panther,"

    So when you open the box maybe the panther is sexy, maybe it's not...
    Many scientific studies were done on willpower and they all came to the same conclusion. We are all born with a certain quantitiy of willpower and we use it up during the day - on each and every stressor that comes into our life - BIG or SMALL. So, if your kids are quarelling before school and you have to make several decisionis right then, you use up some of your willpower then. If you are at work, and are given several tasks, and you have to prioritize them , THAT uses up some of your willpower, if during your day, you are tempted with knowing there are sweets in the room next to you , then you are constantlly using up some willpower each time you think about the sweets and successfully resist them, you are using up some willpower. I could give 10 more examples, but I think you get it.

    The point of these studies is to show that you ONLY have SO MUCH WILL POWER and you have to MONITOR it. You have to SAVE SOME for each EVENING's temptations or you will end up giving in to them.

    Something to think about!

    Something to think about, for sure!
    August 22, 2014 is Be An Angel Day!
    Happy Be An Angel Day!
    This day was established by Jayne Howard Feldman in 1993. Its purpose is to encourage people to perform random acts of kindness and to help those in need.
    Use today to put others before yourself, and to reach out to those who need some extra support. Even a small act of kindness can go a long way! Fill a random parking meter, mow your neighbor's lawn, or send an unexpected note to a loved one. All of these acts are great ways to be an angel for a day!
    Every act of generosity can make a difference. Today, take the time to be an angel to someone. Whether you choose to do a favor for a friend or volunteer your time to assist others in your community, be sure to celebrate this occasion. Extend a helping hand, offer a kind word, or show someone your gratitude. Enjoy Be An Angel Day!

    Love it!! I hope everyone performs a random act of kindness today!!
    So... I finished the Giant Project (Loncon 3, the 72nd World Science Fiction Convention, which happened last weekend in London's Docklands).

    I desperately want to go to some kind of con. I would adore San Francisco, which is huge, but there's a pretty big sci fi/comicon in Salt Lake, which is close to me. (I live in New Mexico) so I might try that instead. Hope you had a lot of fun!!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Yo All! :happy:
    Fitness Friday - First ever spin class this morning. Went really well, did not fall off, did not get off, did not stop pedaling!!!!!
    On my new plan I will be doing once a week for now.

    Weighed in - down another pound. I am 2 pounds away from not being Super Obese. I will be just Obese. My top weight was 297. I currently weigh 243 and the scale is moving on a regular basis. Yippee.

    I am changing up almost everything in my life these days. I am off the antidepressants for the first time in over 20 years. I am not saying I won't go back on but I am trying it out to see if I am OK without. I have had sleep issues for the last couple of months and after doing much research I have concluded that I was on too much medication. Now with my dramatically increased physical activity, weight loss and complete turnaround in diet I know my body chemistry has changed. I am under a Dr.'s supervision and seeing the trainer 2 x wk I have a close support system. If I feel myself starting to nose dive I can always go back on before life gets away from me.

    @Enzosmama - I had plantar fascists in both feet so I am cramping just reading your post. The cortisone shots did the most to help me, but I did do the stretching every day and I know that did help.

    Love to all!