Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • BettJo64
    BettJo64 Posts: 760 Member
    hello ladies :bigsmile: nearing midnight here in Georgia. It's been a long beautiful day and I'm exhausted. Being a 3rd shift couple, my hubby and I don't wake until noon or just after. Once coffee, taking meds, and breakfast was over hubby and I did a few things around the house. He had to go to work at 5pm, so I did some housecleaning and washing. Then it was time to go birthday gift shopping for my granddaughter who turns 8 on Saturday. I hit 4 stores gathering some items from the long long long list my babygirl gave me of what she wanted :laugh: Got in a good walk for sure!! Made it a point to park far out in the parking lot so that I had a little walk up to the door at each store. Made sure to get her a little cash for the birthday card because my grandbabies love their dollar bills!! It always feels so good to me when I'm doing something for my family. I'm looking forward to the birthday party and seeing everyone there. It's been a while since we've been able to get together since everyone has different schedules. My goals for today were all accomplished thank goodness, so I'm a happy camper :smile: :bigsmile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--interesting that you guys adopted uniforms this year. I know that seems to be a trend. We have a dress code, but it's somewhat vague, and some teachers are better/more comfortable enforcing it than others. I admit that I'm not the best at noticing if a kid is violating dress code. For example, they can't have anything with alcohol or drugs, but occassionally a kid will wear a concert t-shirt and somewhere on the back there's a budweiser logo b/c Bud was a sponsor. I don't really notice that sort of stuff. :ohwell: However, I'm not shy about telling them to cover up when the clothes are skimpy or to pull up their pants when I can see their boxers.

    Yes, gorilla PM'd me as well that he's all signed up. He mentioned maybe meeting for lunch one day, so we'll have to figure out what's most convenient for him based on when he normally works.

    I know what you mean about making sure to fit in the exercise. I already found myself wavering today. I have some tests to grade, but also wanted to work out. I decided to go to starbucks for an hour and then head across the street to the gym. It worked out well.

    @fera--awesome that you lost a pound on vacation. I hope all of the packing and moving goes smoothly for you.

    @mzfrizz--sorry you are still stuck in the house, but gald you are healed enough to at least get back on your bike. :flowerforyou:

    @zaxie--you are not alone in wishing for more patience. It's tough to wait for smething that we want so badly--especially when we are working so hard and the progress is slow. Honestly though, you will find that even losing a little bit of weight and getting a bit healthier results in a huge improvement in your quality of life. I'm stil not at my goal after over 3 years, but I'm way healthier and happier than I was when I started. When I'm feeling discouraged I try to be thankful for how far I've come versus being upset that I still have a ways to go. :flowerforyou:

    @kris (kp)--Sorry you are having a bad day. We all have them too, so we understand. Loved your goals--it sounds like you are working on a good plan to move forward. :flowerforyou:

    @lori (cblue)--glad you had a good session with your trainer even if he did make you pay for that captain crunch. :noway:

    @kelley (kah)--sorry your scale is being mean to you. :grumble: I hope you figure out how to meet your calorie goal. I'm still struggling to stay under my new goal of 1780. Most days it's fine, and then someone brings a dang box of munchkins to work...:blushing:

    @teresa--I agree that repeating the august challenge would be a good idea for me. I've been okay at tracking my cumulative excess/shortage. However, I completely lost track of my protein goal. :ohwell:

    @tom--sorry you and amy are having a spat. I hope you've figured it out by now, and if not, try not to go to bed angry.

    @enzos--ouch! sorry about your toe. :cry:

    @holly (mnwalking)-- I also struggle to find time to walk gunner and get to the gym some days. If I'm really short on time, I sometimes find it easier to just combine the two and go for a run with the dog. Even if you're not a runner, and extra long walk with some faster paced intervals can make for a great calorie burn. :smile:

    @alison (bohemian)--it's been really rainy and stormy here as well, but summer is not ready to let go. This morning there were terrible thunderstorms and our school's lightning warning system was going off every few minutes. However, by the time I left work it was bright sunshine and hot, hot, hot! :devil: I think we still have a few weeks before autumn takes hold.

    @L2T--we had a couple of days like that last week, but this week it's hot and humid again. Of course, here in chicago it's pretty common to have huge temperature differences in one day.

    @robin--that's so great that you kept your friendship after your friend transitioned genders. :happy:

    @kaye--I hope keith had a great first day at school today! I don't 'love' all of the grading, but I do love teaching literary analysis, and you can't do that without having the students write. It's a trade-off. :ohwell:

    Tuesday Goals:
    Oh yes, it's that time of year again. Time for all of my goals to shift to....grading goal!! :devil: :laugh: :devil: :laugh: (that's supposed to equal an evil "mwahahaha" laugh)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 61/61 Junior universal screeners DONE
    2. 16/71 AP quizzes

    As I mentioned above to laurie, my other goal is to balance all of this grading with my exercise. And as I mentioned to teresa, I really need to do better with my protein goal. Eating 4 dunkin donuts munchkins does not help one reach that goal. :blushing: [EDIT: after writing this I went to my food diary to see that I exceeded my protein goal for the first time in weeks. Oh, the irony.]

    I am fine with repeating the august challenge for september.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -243
    100g of protein = 6/31 days
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Another 5 mile walk this evening helped me stay within my calorie goal for today. DH had a dermatology appointment this afternoon. He is one of those people who has delicate skin and lots of sunburns as a kid. He has lots of small skin cancers. In November, when it will be easier for him to avoid the sun, he will have to do a round of chemo ointment. He wanted to eat at Olive Garden. I ate half of my entrée. Between that and the long walk, I am okay.
    We had been told we could get our car by today, but they are waiting for another part. Now it looks like it will be Friday or Saturday.
    My goal is to just keep following the program and not get discouraged.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Just a quick update. This new job is killing me!

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal 21/26

    Good Days: 21
    Not so Good Days: 2
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 2
    Bad calorie day, but totally worth it and planned to do it: 1
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    Wednesday wishes:
    1) I broke my toe over the weekend and I wish it would HEAL QUICKLY like ASAP so I can get back to my activities like barre class and start out c25K now that my plantar fasciitis is being kept at bay!
    2) I wish we were ready to buy a house, like now. Sigh. So tired of renting. I want my little guy to have a backyard he can just run around in and a dog to chase. We'll get there, just not as soon as I would like. I'm a very impatient woman ;-)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Robin~Interesting idea, but I’m pretty much hormonal (peri-menopausal) so that along with me struggling to eat all of my calories (although I did better yesterday) is most likely the culprit.

    @Karen (skinny)~Maybe we need to switch caloric goals! :laugh: I did better yesterday—ate above BMR and at my TDEE goal! :noway: :bigsmile:

    @Laurie~There are a lot of arguments out there of parents/kids for and against school uniforms, but one thing it takes out the equation is competition among the students so I think in a way in creates less pressure to look a certain way. There was a lot of pressure like that when I was in middle school/high school. I’m glad most were compliant, maybe it will be a good thing. I hope you have less drama in your classes this year.

    @Lori (cBlue)~Oh, I bet your trainer was hot when he found out about your Captain Crunch bender! :wink: A hard lesson learned—bet it never finds its way into your grocery cart again. My trainer doesn’t look at my food journal but quizzes me on occasion, mostly to make sure I’m eating enough calories.

    @Hansea~Sorry for your sister’s continued struggles, glad the doctors were able to isolate the tumors yesterday. My youngest nephew starts kindergarten today, I can’t wait to hear the report from my sister—after his first day of preschool he told her he liked it but wanted to know if it was really necessary. :laugh:

    @Zaxie~Oh, patience and how I have none! This can be such a frustrating and hard process, all we can do it take it one day at a time and remind ourselves of the progress we’ve made. I still have a way to go but have come so far; I have to remind myself that I’m happier and healthier than I was 100# ago.

    AFM~Not much to report, normal session with trainer last night—although he handed me a Larabar while in his sauna, guess I really should thank him as it helped me reach my caloric goal.:huh: Hopefully get to the gym tonight for some cardio.

    Wednesday Wish is that my DVR wasn’t dead—it froze on me yesterday. I tried resetting it, unplugging it, etc. and it was still frozen this morning. I called AT&T U-Verse and they have to replace it—that’s 5 episodes of Graceland and 3 of Royal Pains I haven’t seen yet—plus it didn’t record Rizzoli & Isles last night! :angry: :grumble:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Thursday~None or Elliptical at home (dentist appt)
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Kelley- I LOL when Boris was flying back from South America at the end of one of those episodes. When Hank says it would be a big financial commitment. The look on Boris’s face was very funny. Since this is Wednesday I wish I was as rich as Boris.

    Each year on August 27, it is National Just Because Day and you can celebrate this day any way you choose, “just because” !
    Every day we all do things that are expected or required of us or because we have to, well today that does not apply. Today is a chance to do something without rhyme or reason.
    It could be that there is an outfit at the mall that you are admiring; buy it…. just because.
    Maybe you want to use a vacation day just to go fishing; do it…… just because.
    Perhaps you would like to pay the tab for the table next to you at your favorite restaurant; do it….. just because.
    Possibly you want to sing really loud while you’re in your car, by yourself, with your windows rolled down; do it…… just because.
    Surprise someone with flowers……. just because!
    and etc………….. just because !
    Do something different, out of the ordinary, something that you do not have to do but just want to do as that is what today is all about.

    “You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself.” ~Jim Rohn

  • Kp203N
    Kp203N Posts: 22
    Thanks LaurieK! :) I should warn people before I vent. I like that idea. :)

    My wed. wishes are to lose another pound this week and to reach my goal weight of 240 before I graduate school next year. :)
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump - I did it again and let this thread get by me. I've got to check in daily. I need the support I know you guys give me. GRRRRRR!!!!!
  • Kp203N
    Kp203N Posts: 22
    on a side note i'm redoing my blog so you guys can check out my goals I've set. I finally made a plan and I will conquer those goals :) lol. Friend me to read them. I'll try to update weekly. :) (I'm a busy girl though, so i'll find time between classes :) )
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Wednesday Wish: Lord knows the list would be WAY too long. If I could grab one right now, it would be that I finally break through this mental game I’m playing with myself and quit making excuse after excuse.

    @ Morgori/Tom – Loved the “Happy Ride the Wind Day” a few days ago. I would love to do any of those that were recommended, but probably just the kick back and enjoy the final days of summer will happen this weekend. Also, HUGS!! Marriage is a LOT of work that’s for sure, but you two are both such sweethearts. You’ll push through.

    @ Brenda_1129 – Regarding your Wal-Mart incident, I’m so thankful you were there even if it was to give this woman a few seconds of comfort.

    @ JNettie – Are both sets of parents nearby? I would definitely put your foot down especially when you come home from the hospital. It’s so important to have your family time especially when you bring the baby home. Even if it’s the first week my recommendation is just you, Brian and baby. While the extra help is nice, you need this time to bond as a family without the “other” distractions.

    @ RobinsEgg/Ellen – I’m just reading your post from 8/23 and wish I would have been checking in daily. Your right and I’ve got to put my foot down. I don’t believe they do know what they’ve got in me. I’m an awesome negotiator unfortunately I’m learning more and more realizing there’s not much more to give. I didn’t work half this hard at my previous job, BUT what it’s going to do for my resume is huge. I can now go pretty much anywhere and to any brand doing what I’m doing. I’ve opened a LOT more doors. I just need to decide if I’m ready to start looking at some of those doors again.

    @ Toots – Wow! Even after all of these years I have such a hard time believing the one-child policy. I didn’t even think of that when I asked if they were brothers. While I’m a firm believer in people should only have the amount of kids they CAN afford or take care of properly, I could never ever fathom this policy. Unfortunately, there’s a TON of people out there who should have only had one or NO children in my opinion. I know you experience time after time as foster parents. There’s a lot of bad ones too who just do it for the money, but there are more positive than negative people doing it for the right reason. It says a lot about you and your husband. Your good people that’s for sure.

    @ BettJo – Is it all greens, i.e. kale, spinach, collards, etc. . .? Perhaps it’s the dark leafy kind that you’re having a hard time with. I hate them cooked, but have enjoyed kale and spinach in my salads. Taylor Farms makes this yummy prepackaged product that has kale, shaved Brussel sprouts, parm cheese, croutons and an orange vinaigrette. It’s become my “go to” lunch or dinner.

    @ Skinny/Karen & Laurie – You're so right. I’ll be jumping for joy by the time I get to NYC. With that said, you guys will have to definitely wait patiently for me at the finish line. I’m still planning to walk (of course), but definitely not where I was on my pace. You guys can just keep celebrating and I’ll be bringing up the rear. LOL!! Also, I’m so glad to see Gorilla is doing it too. It will be great meeting him as well.

    @ Skinny/Karen – I’m glad you were able to get in the 5K and with a decent time too. I knew you would do well even with weather, distractions, etc. . Loved your comment too about your new students. All roses now, but wait until the thorns start coming out. Again, they’re lucky to have such an awesome teacher who cares. You too Laurie!!

    @ Laurie – Great results with the doctor. So happy for you!! I wish Cyrus’ school went to uniforms. He had it one year at one of his elementary schools and I loved it. No fighting in the AM. Easy to mix and match. So easy for everyone. Glad the first day went well and keeping the fingers and toes crossed you don’t have the problems you did last year. They were soooo not good.

    @ Cblue315 – It’s amazing how those trigger foods truly affect us. While I love me some Captain Crunch once in awhile, I lean more towards the Peanut Butter Crunch – oh my!!! Also, thanks for sharing about you. I think I may have missed it before, but good to read about you. I went through a divorce 10 years ago.

    @ GrandmaKaye – 4 ½ miles is awesome!! You've been getting in some serious walking lately - nice!! I’m trying to work on the balance I really am. Not there yet, but trying. Thanks for the words of encouragement!

    @ ddas66 – I’m so glad you were OK. I heard about the quake on CNN. Yikes! I’ve never been through a quake before, but did live in Miami during Hurricane Andrews years ago. Scariest night of my life.

    @Jtconst – Girl, me too!!! I truly believe that’s been my issue these past few months. Serious, serious mood swings, depressed, and just in a funk. I know I probably need to see a doctor, but really hate going down that path and trying to keep the natural progression happening versus meds. I just don’t want to take them if I don’t have too.

    @ Tanya – Well, at least you tried the kayak and the beginning is always tough. You kept at it though and did something new. Good for you! While there’s negative, always let your positive outweigh everything else. September is a NEW month.

    @ Hansea – Wow! What a story about your sister and step daughter. It’s always so fascinating to hear of peoples journeys. I had a good friend adopt two girls one who both happened to be from Ethiopia at different times. The younger girl they got around 3, but the older one was 12. The 3-year old has transitioned with no issues into a sweet 6 year old while the 12 year old has had major issues. I know they love her with all their heart, but some of the challenges have been serious issues for their whole family. My heart aches for them when I read her struggles.

    @ L2T – I’m so glad you had such a good weekend with your DD. I think that is a victory. While you may have went over, it was planned and in the past it probably would have been so much worse. Nice job! But, sorry to hear the new job is tough. I get it, but find that balance and fast. I still haven’t and it’s wiping me out!!

    @ WalkingQueen – Kids size 5 ½? Seriously?? WOW! I don’t think I was born with feet that small. I’m pushing 9 ½ and WIDE. Hate my feet.

    @ Kah68/Kelly – Well, you know what I think about the darn scale and those fluctuations. Very temporary for you. I know chatting with your trainer will help and you’ll push through. I have no doubt.

    @ Fera – Welcome back and Woo Hoo on the vacation loss. Very cool!! Big adventure ahead for you guys and the next chapter in life. You guys will do great!
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I had a great day getting housework and laundry done. I work so much that I really enjoy my time at home to be domesticated. I made me and my hubby shrimp tacos tonight. I used this sauce in a bag by Ortega. It was pretty dang tasty!! Then we had Bible study which is always fun and educational.

    My Wednesday wish, beside wishing I had more days off in a week, is to lose 3 lbs this week. That would be put me under 250 and that would be awesome!! :smokin:

    Take care! :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @teresa--you are creeping up on a milestone! You will get there--if not this week, then soon after. :drinker:

    @susan--no worries about your pace at the race. Gorilla said most runners get slowed down b/c the tunnel gets so packed with participants. He also said people all stop to let the wounded warriors pass and to cheer them on along with the spectators. I'm really excited to be a part of such a great atmosphere. Most of my races are for a charity, but they rarely have a lot of spectators--maybe a few people along the sidelines cheering on friends, but nothing like what we will see in NY. :smile:

    @kelley--ugh, I think I would cry if I lost my DVR! When we switched from Dish to Uverse a few years ago, I was really sad about the programs I lost--I hadn't thought about the face that I would have to switch DVRs. Hopefully you can find the episodes you lost online or on demand. Wish we could switch goals, but that means I would gain weight and you would disappear! :laugh:

    Wed Wish:
    I guess to just keep my motivation to keep up with grading. Just like my students, I'm at my best at the start of the school year, but then my true colors of procrastination eventually show. Right now I'm using the trip to NY as motivation to at least stay caught up until then. I don't want my trip tainted by the stress of a ton of grading sitting on my desk waiting for my return.

    Almost done with the AP quizzes which I will finish tomorrow at work. Then we have an institute day on Friday followed by a 3-day weekend. I will get the AP screeners done by Monday if I'm diligent. :smile:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 61/61 Junior universal screeners DONE
    2. 56/69 AP quizzes
    3. x/69 AP universal screeners

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -352
    100g of protein = 6/31 days
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wednesday wish: I wish they would quit fooling around and get my car fixed! So tired of waiting.
    I haven't gone for a walk yet this evening, but plan on a long one.
    Some good positive reports today. We can do this. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- Wow you have alot of grading already. I hope you can get it done without forgoing the gym to many days. I have just been working on the basic the last 2 days and no quizzes planned until next Friday. I need to get back to the gym and working out. This week has been packed with evening meetings and not leaving school until I had to leave for the meeting and I can tell the difference.

    Susan- I hope you can check in more often.

    Well day 2 of classes- I have 2 kids who refused to talk today, yes they are special ed but there is nothing about voice issues. They would not even say their name. It was very frustrating with their behavior.

    Wish- That I could escape tomorrow or Friday and go to the beach for the day. I hope to get a good night's sleep tonight and go to bed earlier than I have been.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--sorry about your students who are already showing behavioral issues. I hope it's just start of year jitters or testing the limits and they settle in without giving you too much grief. Yes, because I teach the upper levels, the students have summer reading assignments that we test them on right away. In addition, all English teachers have to give a universal writing screener within the first week of school to look for students who might need RtI (Response to Intervention). It's sort of silly that we have to do it with our AP and honors students, but it's a state requirement. At least the screeners are easy to grade. For my juniors it's just a paragraph, and I read it to make sure they aren't way below level and in need of intervention. For the AP students, it's a short essay we use to get a sense of their writing. We also don't grade it on the rubric, but simply read it and give them feedback in the form of one positive comment and one "need to work on" comment.

    @kaye--I can't beleive you still haven't gotten your car back--how frustrating for you. :grumble:
  • FeraFilia
    FeraFilia Posts: 4,664 Member
    Hey all! :)

    Weighed in today to find another 2 pounds gone. Must be dropping the water retention after all the sodium-heavy foods of the last couple weeks. 1 pound away from 40 lost. :D

    I had a bit of an NSV through the past 2 weeks while I was out of town... I spent the time trying to figure out my hunger cues and understanding the feeling of genuinely being hungry vs bored, and being satisfied vs stuffed. It's a good thing to learn.

    Wednesday Wish - I wish there were packing fairies to come in and pack up the rest of the stuff in this apartment so I didn't have to do it! The container arrives tomorrow, we load it up through the holiday weekend, then we send it off to Indiana, and follow it there. This time next week, I should be settling into my new home! :)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Fera, so excited for you and your new adventure. Good job examining your relationship with food.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Wednesday Wish: Wish I wasn't so busy today that I had lunch and dinner at 9 p.m. Never doing that again. I'll be up all night:yawn:

    So many posts, in the last 24+ hours, I just had time to skim.

    Toots: Although there is a one-child policy in China, that's only for the "ordinary" folks. If you have enough yuan (sp?), you can have more. My bil knew a number of wealthy Chinese businessmen with several children each. If you have the $$$, the rules mean a point.

    Kaye: How are you doing all that walking? I thought you had a defunct knee/foot/something. You are amazing!

    27/27 under goal (barely)

    What are the challenges for September? Increased activity? Tracking steps or miles? More of the same? Just curious.

    Have a better day tomorrow all.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Thursday Truth: I need to get real with myself and stop the late night binges after I've closed my diary for the day.

    Skinny- Too funny that your Dunkins day was your best protein day in a while....too bad we can't use that for an excuse to eat junk every day. Hey, I'm getting my protein here! :wink: Also, I love your evil laugh emoticon.

    Susan- Yes, my sister's life is nothing if not interesting! Between her African husband and stepdaughter and her bone disease, she's had quite a ride so far....and she's only 33! Now, don't forget to keep checking in with us, lady!

    Kah- I seriously LOL'd at your nephew's review of the first day of preschool. :laugh: I'm also looking forward to my kids' reports on 2nd grade and kindergarten today.

    Well, time to send my kids off into the new school year! After I drop them off at school, I'm headed to the gym. This is the first year where my day off will be all my own since both kids are full day of school this year. Yikes! I might get some stuff done today! I was laying in bed this morning just thinking of all the possibilities for today! :happy: