Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Good morning to all!
    Went back to read a few posts and realized I need to do a bit of introduction.
    My name is Lori, I am from a small town near Green Bay, Wisconsin. I own a small drapery shop. I sell blinds, drapery, bedding, rugs, slipcovers and cushions etc.. My sister and I sew everything ourselves.

    I am 54 years old and have two grown sons who are still living at home. I have been married for 34 years but not sure it will make it through my weight loss journey. We had a great rough patch 5 years ago and I filed for divorce. Things got better and now are worse again. He is quite sedentary, diabetic, overweight and all that goes with an unhealthy lifestyle.

    I was sooo tired of being over weight (297), inactive and not feeling good most of the time. Joined WW with a friend Jan of 12 and lost 40 ish pounds over the next 6 months and then stalled until June of this year. My trainer at the time was very much a friend and so I did not listen too well. She moved out of the state June 1 of this year and passed me off to my new trainer who is a bit intimidating and allows me no excuses. The first consult with him he says "You will log everything on myfitnesspal, I have set up an account for you so I have access". Since June 1 am now down 16 pounds, feel great and am confident I have what it takes to live healthy. I know I have alot of indulgences to make up for but find I am not driven bu the numbers on the scale. June 1 I was wearing a size 24 swim suit and the last one I bought is an 18. A little snug but not for long.

    My 55th birthday is June 27th next year. I want to do something big and stop being something big. So I am going to do a Triathlon. There are quite a few in Wisconsin every summer and I will decide which one and what distance next spring. Most have a sprint length and several are "fun" runs, then there is an Olympic length and a 1/2 iron man, which really intimidate me.
    I stumbled on this thread one day and have been hooked ever since. I must say I do try to follow along and am getting pretty familiar with your story lines. I am truly inspired by your challenges and how you work over/under/around and past them.

    I have once again taken far too much of your time, thank you all for your support. When I swim I do visualize all of you next to the pool cheering me on.

    @ddas66 - How are the animals?

    @zaxie - C25K is one of my goals this winter so I love reading about your progress

    @GrammyWhammy>Marsha - Does the pepper work for the squirrels? My grandmother used to plant hot pepper plants next to some of her flowers to keep the deer out of the garden.

    @Teresa 3266 - Sales can be tough but when you hit a good one it just makes up for the last 10 duds.

    Love to all
  • Brenda_1129
    Brenda_1129 Posts: 56 Member
    Monday Check In: I had a great weekend filled with workouts, homework, family time, and trash tv time. This week is going to be super crazy as I have a lot of prep to do for my trips AND it is midterms week for one of my classes.

    I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Finally getting a chance to get back to the thread. I'm posting on my iPad because I got a new laptop last week and it's on Windows 8.1. Still in the midst of making friends with it. Had a great weekend with DD. And had a fabulous dinner Saturday night with her and a very good friend. I blew way past my calorie goal, but to do it was a planned thing and not due to boredom or stress eating. Kinda a victory I guess.

    Gotta get busy. Have a great day!

    August Challenge - At or under daily calorie goal 19/25

    Good Days: 19
    Not so Good Days: 2
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 2
    Bad calorie day, but totally worth it and planned to do it: 1
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Bettjo~Ugh, I can’t imagine the illness that the kale brought on—must be one of those forbidden foods because of the vitamins/minerals it contains (high in magnesium). I bet it’s a long time before you eat that again.:wink: I’m glad you’re doing better and congrats on both your scale and NSV this week!

    @Hansea~9 miles? Awesome! Out of the mouths of babes, amazing the things they say and their mannerisms sometimes.

    @Karen~There has been a lot in the news here lately about transgendered kids and them being mainstreamed into the classrooms, I hope your students receive her without incident and that it’s an easy transition for your student.

    @Marsha~I’m sorry for your sister’s diagnosis, I’ve watched some extended family members transition through it. Glad you have this time with your sister and are able to travel together, your trip to Iceland/Scotland sounds fantastic. Scotland is on the itinerary for my 2016 cruise to Iceland/Norway, I can’t wait. :happy:

    @Zaxie~NZ is on my bucket list, as is Australia (where my BFF moved back to a couple of years ago)—hoping to do NZ/Australia cruise in 2017.

    @Susan~The painting classes ARE a lot of fun, you don’t really need to know how to draw/paint. Just bring a bottle of wine and have fun!

    @Robin~I think it’s definitely wise to call a repairman to fix your dishwasher instead of attempting it yourself. I do very few house repairs myself—don’t want to make it worse (of course, half the time my dad is my repairman :laugh: ).

    AFM~Had a good weekend, but a lot going on as usual. I think I sat down last night at 7:30 for the first time all day. No cardio on the agenda today—I have a meeting tonight so dinner out at a local burger place, they cater to vegetarians, gluten free diets and the like so it will be easy enough to make a good choice (I just need to avoid the fried pickles—yum). ). I also did horrible with calories yesterday—I was 530 calories below goal which means I netted below BMR. :cry: Need to do better today.

    It’s the last week of August, do we have any thoughts on a September challenge?

    I have a lot going on this week but here are my exercise goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day (Church meeting)
    Thursday~None or Elliptical at home (dentist appt)
  • Kp203N
    Kp203N Posts: 22
    Monday- i lost a pound since my first weigh in last week :) My only struggle now is just to keep it off :) I always end up gaining after i lose a pound lol

  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Get your votes in!!!
    Boy - 3 Girl - 4

    Grammy (Marsha) - Thanks your post made me smile! I am trying to keep my cool and remember they don't mean to be overbearing and that they are just overly excited. Some days it's harder than others.
    Wahoo for the biceps!!! Muscles are always a good thing.
    Your post regarding the squirrels made me chuckle. A few weeks ago Brian and I went to the beach. He took a chair out of the shed and brought it with us. I suggested he opened it first to make sure it was ok but he never did. Well needless to say we got to the beach and opened it only to discover it had a few huge holes in it where some critters chewed through. We have a problem with critters in our shed and need to get a new one. Our plan was to get one this summer but that was put on hold once we found out about the baby. I love all the wildlife around me but it's the little things like that which annoy me slightly. Over the weekend I was harvesting some produce from the veggie garden. Some little critter ate the bottoms of several tomatoes. I was so irritated. Thankfully I have a lot of plants so I was able to still get a nice harvest. :wink:

    Robin - Puppies are so adorable. Does your sister have an exact date of when she can pick up the puppy?
    I read your post to Zaxie regarding the coffee. I have not had any since finding out about Babycakes. I don't know what I am going to do come Fall when Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte comes out again. That is my big downfall. I did try one day to have a decaf drink from Starbucks but it was disgusting and I couldn't drink it. :sad:

    ebailey - I thought it was something in childcare. When I was going for my masters I worked in a daycare/preschool as the 4 year old teacher. My first class I took over mid year. I remember it taking me quite a while to find my grove. But once I did I had everything running smoothly and had some pretty amazing classes. I am sure you will find your groove soon. It takes time but hang in there and don't be afraid to change things up if you find something isn't working.

    BettJo - So sorry to hear you had such a reaction to kale. Hope you feel better soon.

    Skinny (Karen) - You are correct. I did miss that post. When I get on here less frequently I sometimes skim some posts especially when I have 5 pages or more to read. :blushing: So sorry to hear that happened. Too bad the pill pockets didn't work for him either. That is good that you were able to open the pill and still get him the meds.
    Congrats on the race and time. I am sure you will do fine for T2T!

    ddas - Wow, that sounds like it was a scary earthquake. Where do you live again?

    Bohemian (Alison) - LOL to the definition. I am not looking forward to the next encounter with them. This upcoming weekend we are doing a gender reveal. My mom and MIL have no clue that our get together isn't to really discuss things with the baby but to reveal the gender. My dad knows though. I had to tell him after my mother called and began screaming at me over some things related to the baby. He has been trying the best he can to keep her at bay for me. We'll see though...I woke to to an "We need to talk" email this morning from my mother. :noway:

    Kp - Before finding MFP I tried SparkPeople. It just didn't work for me so I was not successful with it. I like MFP so much better.

    Zaxie - Welcome!

    Tanya - Sorry to hear you didn't have a good experience with the kayak. I love kayaking and took Brian out last year with me for the first time. He hated it and had severe leg cramping from sitting in it. How did you like the canoe?

    Kah (Kelley) - I love the new picture of Zoe. Did you paint that?

    Hansea - I love your description of the Chex mix. Absolutely true but it is so delicious!
    LOL I am already bracing myself for all the unwanted advice. So far it has not been too bad, I'm only getting hit by the gmas. But we have a big 100th birthday party in a few weeks for Brian's grandmother. Part of me is dreading it. I am also dreading the "everyone must touch the belly" scenario. Being a larger pregnant mom to be, I am just not ok with that. Would it be wrong if I give everyone an equally inappropriate grope of their stomach? :laugh:

    AFM - We had a pretty busy weekend. Saturday we caught up on things like mowing the lawn and laundry before heading out to have dinner with my parents, brother, cousin and her boys. Yesterday we took a drive out west to Buy Buy Baby to browse for baby items. I fell in love with the store and would love to register there however it is over 40 minutes away. I do not feel right registering at a store so far away when the majority my guests for the shower live around my area. They had my travel system (stroller and carseat), highchair, pack and play and so much more on display. The Babies R Us by me has a small selection on display but they have them up on the wall so it is difficult to maneuver them and test them out. We also stopped at HomeDepot and picked up a closet organizer for the guest room. My plan this week is to get that installed and move over the rest of the contents from my art room. I am hoping I can get that done myself. Years ago I installed one in my parents house and I remember it wasn't too complicated to do. My major concern is the pieces will be too heavy for me to lift on my own with the baby. Wish me luck! :wink:

    The anatomy scan is on Friday. Part of me is worried that we will find out the baby isn't developing normally. I've read too many horror stories on thebump and have been avoiding that site until after the scan. But at the same time I am very excited to hear and see the baby again. Brian took the day off and will be there with me.

    Saturday we have a block party to go to. While there my good friend will take our reveal photo that I will be posting on here and FB. I still have to figure out something to do for my FIL and SILs who live in Florida.

    Sunday we are going to my parents house and my MIL will be there. We are going to surprise them with a gender reveal but told them we wanted to get together to discuss some things with the baby and shower. My plan is to make some cake pops and decorate them with pink and blue icing. The inside of the pop will have the color of the baby's sex. I will put them on display with a little sign that says "He or she? Take a bite to see." This week I have to get some cake mix and icing and practice making some. Hopefully my plan on surprising them works.

    Wishing everyone a fabulous week!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    There is nobody who does not like to save money and today is a good day to do just that. National Secondhand Wardrobe Day is celebrated each year across the United States on August 25.
    The practicality and thriftiness of second-hand shopping in today’s economy, it’s earth-saving benefits as well as donating some of your own slightly worn clothing is what National Secondhand Wardrobe Day is all about.
    Freeing up some of your closet space and donating some of your rarely worn clothes will benefit you with extra space, than donating your clothing will be helping someone else who is a secondhand store shopper. Your donation will be a blessing to them as well as to the charity that runs the store.
    This above scenario is the, recycling, reusing, re-purposing cycle that we are trying, so hard, to teach the next generation!
    For all secondhand store shoppers, there are great clothes, that can complete an entire wardrobe, that can be found in secondhand stores across the United States.

    “You will never leave where you are, until you decide where you’d rather be.” ~Dexter Yager

  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday..... I am not caught up on reading posts yet. Rough owners possible thoughts on this situation being first time fur parent of a puppy or young dog....Riley has a potty spot has been using it everyday faithfully every time. Friday he stopped using the potty spot when within a foot of it he freezes up and stands firm (can't even drag him) in the dark he will actually bark at the potty spot. I have tried to easy back into using it putting him on leash walking him there, giving treat when he uses it but you can tell he doesn't want to touch the space tail usually between legs. I don't want to stress him out but due to how our yard is he can not use the whole yard as a bathroom. Any ideas? Should I just create a new potty spot?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Monday..... I am not caught up on reading posts yet. Rough owners possible thoughts on this situation being first time fur parent of a puppy or young dog....Riley has a potty spot has been using it everyday faithfully every time. Friday he stopped using the potty spot when within a foot of it he freezes up and stands firm (can't even drag him) in the dark he will actually bark at the potty spot. I have tried to easy back into using it putting him on leash walking him there, giving treat when he uses it but you can tell he doesn't want to touch the space tail usually between legs. I don't want to stress him out but due to how our yard is he can not use the whole yard as a bathroom. Any ideas? Should I just create a new potty spot?

    @Holly~He might smell another animal. You might want to see if he'll do better with a new "spot."
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Happy Monday..... I am not caught up on reading posts yet. Rough owners possible thoughts on this situation being first time fur parent of a puppy or young dog....Riley has a potty spot has been using it everyday faithfully every time. Friday he stopped using the potty spot when within a foot of it he freezes up and stands firm (can't even drag him) in the dark he will actually bark at the potty spot. I have tried to easy back into using it putting him on leash walking him there, giving treat when he uses it but you can tell he doesn't want to touch the space tail usually between legs. I don't want to stress him out but due to how our yard is he can not use the whole yard as a bathroom. Any ideas? Should I just create a new potty spot?

    @Holly~He might smell another animal. You might want to see if he'll do better with a new "spot."

    I agree. Some other dog (or other animal) used that spot and it has him spooked. Try a different spot for a while.
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    I :heart: this concept, but would it be better as a group than a thread? I may never find this again :frown:

    I have 116 more to lose. that's all :huh:

    I :heart: this month's goal? Would it make sense to specify a range, make goal 20 of 30 days? Macros, I'll meet goal one day.

    Okay, hope I wasn't critical!

    Friend me if you want. I need all the help I can get, and I'm very supportive, a good friend...most days :tongue:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Got confirmation of our travel approval today. Once the hard copy hits American soil, we can make an appointment with the American consulate in Guangzhou and we will know when we travel! So soon! Eek!
    Toots- The story of your two boys coming over knowing minimal English reminds me of my sister and her step-daughter. My sister met her husband in the US, while he was here for college. He was born and raised in the Ivory Coast. Their first language there is French, and my sister was told that the kids also learned English in school. He had a daughter in a previous relationship, abandoned by the mother and left with his brother while he finished school. Anyway, they worked for two years or more with customs and immigration to get her over here after they were married and were finishing up their degrees. My sister was expecting that the then 11-year-old girl would know at least some classroom English. It was more like your boys. She knew a few basic phrases, but that was it. (Because the family would frequently pull her from school to take care of her sick grandfather!:noway: ) Luckily for my sister and her family, they live in Rochester, MN. Because of the Mayo Clinic and all the specialists coming from all over the world to practice there, the city has a special English-as-a-second-language school just for the kids of all these specialists....and anyone else, of course. So, my niece spent the first two school years at that school where they mainly focused on learning English, but also taught some grade level math, social studies, science, etc.
    It seems like a million years ago when she couldn't communicate with us she is 17 and speaks pretty fluently.

    What a leading to have a school like that at their disposal! That must have been a pretty unpleasant shock, though!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Monday Check-in: Down 3.3 lbs. I have this nearly unreasonable goal of dropping 17 more pounds by October 9th. Flying will be much more comfortable if I do. One day at a time.

    We have two messy oak trees that feed many squirrels and their offspring. Add to that some very cute bunnies that are gourmands and love to nibble on the tender buds and shoots in my flower beds. So to answer your question, Lori (C-Blue?), both critters hate ground red pepper/chili powder sprinkled on their snack of choice. However, the squirrels can learn to adapt--they just eat cheese or something afterward. Kidding! Imagine,I used to think those critters were cute. :grumble: I use a product called SCRAM, but you can make your own. Just buy big quantities of the hot spices from Costco. Nettie, I don't think Scram would work on your garden if it's a creeping critter doing the damage, but you could put some dish soap and water in a spray bottle and mist your veggies every few days. That's a deterrent to certain insects. Birds are great nibblers too, so try putting a few of those spinning "windmills" near the tomatoes and see if they stay away.

    Karen/skinnyjeanz: Grandpup is here this week, but blasted squirrels are just too fast for him. They sit on the fence and mock him! Maybe if Gunner and Hondo double-teamed the beasties, they'd pack their acorns and leave, but I doubt it.

    Kelley & Kaye: My sister's Alzheimer's is slowed somewhat by a Rx (Exelon?), but that has side-effects and so she can just wear a 1/2 patch. What I find so sad is that her personality is changing, somewhere between childlike and Tasmanian devil. When around her I have to watch everything I say and do. I hate this disease and I pity my bil, who is her main caregiver. Still, she's the only person living who has loved me from birth, quirks and all.

    Laurie: I grew up on the north side of Baltimore, near the county line in an area know as Idlewilde. When I go back in October I fly in/out of BWI. My sis and bil will drive up from NC and have control of the car. If you're near BWI very early Sunday morning, the 11th, I'd love to meet you, but I'll understand if getting up with the birds is too much to consider.:laugh:

    100 degrees here. Whew. Better drink up.:drinker:

    Happy first day of school to all teachers and moms!

  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I am looking for motivation and support. I will admit to being pretty negative lately, I think it is due to not being at the weight I want to be. I am tired of being the biggest person in the room. People treat fat people differently, I am tired of that.

    I hate my job, but think maybe a lot of my issues are due to my own personal unhappiness with my weight.

    This is the year of no giving up. One day at a time. I admit I am a food addict.
  • Kp203N
    Kp203N Posts: 22
    I am looking for motivation and support. I will admit to being pretty negative lately, I think it is due to not being at the weight I want to be. I am tired of being the biggest person in the room. People treat fat people differently, I am tired of that.

    I hate my job, but think maybe a lot of my issues are due to my own personal unhappiness with my weight.

    This is the year of no giving up. One day at a time. I admit I am a food addict.

    I totally get that. I was telling myself the SAME exact thing today! I have been unhappy in college ever since a falling out with a "friend" I used to have in high school. Then I gained weight and have been unhappy ever since. I told myself I won't be happy until I lose the weight and get to the weight I was when I started college. I'm hoping to meet up with a friend I have met freshman year and haven't seen since sophomore year. That would be a great way to get out of this emotional slump. Good luck to you!!! you can add me if you want.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @toots- My niece not knowing English was one thing....learning that they sent her here without any clothes or underwear was quite another! :laugh:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Welcome to the new faces! Keep coming back and checking in with us. You can find the thread easily by clicking on Community and then My Topics.

    I think, for me, I need to repeat this month's challenge in September. I would be up for another month of meeting calorie goal, etc. I haven't kept track of where I'm at with this month's goals...but, I will go through my diary and figure out just how far off track I got this month. :tongue:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kris (kp)--I hope meeting up with an old friend helps you move past your current unhappiness. :flowerforyou: Congrats on the SV!

    @softblonde--yes, people definitely discriminate against overweight people. I've seen studies that show they do it without realizing it. And you would think it's just fit people who do it--but it's not. Even overweight people treat other overweight people worse than they treat thinner folks. Talk about's really very sad when you think about it. :frown:

    @marsha--gunner never catches the squirrels either, but at least he keeps them on their toes. And, they also taunt him from the fence and the tree branches. Little stinkers! :devil:

    @eomuno--if you ever find us again--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @holly--I agree with kris and kelley about some other animal tainting that spot. I doubt it's another dog though--that would just make your pup want to pee there more. Likely, it is an unfamiliar scent--or something he finds threatening. Do you have coyotes or bobcats in your area? On a sidenote, I LOVE your new profile pic!!

    @tom--as a middle child, I grew up in a secondhand wardrobe. I still occassionally peruse good will and other resale shops, though I haven't been in awhile.

    @nettie--sorry you can't have your coffee fix. I wonder if the PS latte would taste okay in the decaf variety? Sometimes the flavored coffees don't taste as different when they are decaf.

    @kelley--yeah, we've had several students in the school who are transitioning, but I've never had any of them in my classes. Today seemed to go fine. The girl seemed pretty confident and participated in class which is a good sign that she can hold her own. I also saw some other kids interacting with her socially, so that seems positive.

    @L2T--I never thought about it that way before, but you're right. It is a victory to have planned the overage vs. mindless binging. I would say that nowadays, most of the time when I go over my calorie goal it's for some planned event.

    @brenda--good luck with midterms!!

    @lori--I am north of chicago, about a half hour from the WI border. My friends and I often do weekend trips to Milwaukee for festivals and such. I also have a good friend who lives in Lake Geneva where I know they hold the Bigfoot Tri every June. You'll have to keep me posted as to where you decide to do your tri--I may be able to come cheer you on in person! :drinker:

    @bettjo--congrats on losing the weight and the inches! :drinker: Glad you are feeling better too.

    @robin--I actually thought about the headlamps b/c we have a couple we put around gunner's neck when he goes outside at night. It helps us keep track of him in the dark yard. I don't think I would like wearing it around my forehead, but I was thinking I might be able to rig it to wear around my waist, or even strapped to my leg. I'll have to play around with the idea and see if it works. Glad your back is stretching out and you are getting in longer walks. :flowerforyou:

    @hansea--your niece sounds a lot like mine. She's 2 1/2 and is just starting to develop her own personality--along with a little bit of attitude now and then. :laugh:

    Monday Check-in:
    I had students for the first time today. All went fine and they seem like a nice group--of course, it's only August; they'll show their true colors come November. :laugh:

    It was a good day, but the new schedule has left me exhausted. :yawn: No energy to even walk gunner, so today is a total rest day.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner

    August Challenge:
    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = -354
    100g of protein = 6/31 days
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen- I hope you had a good first day of school. My students will arrive tomorrow, the 6th graders started today in their uniforms. It was nice to see our students wear uniforms for a change this year. It will be interesting to see how the 7/8th graders adjust to the uniforms.

    Susan and Karen- Gorilla has signed up for the T2T run. We can also make plans to meet up with him after the run or for lunch one day. He works in the Battery Park area.

    Grammy- I sent you a PM, let's try to figure out a time to meet.

    Welcome to the new people.

    I am up for repeating the August challenge as well.

    We had discussed turning this thread into a group, but we like it better this way. This thread has been going strong since 2011. It is a great place to find support and you will not find a nicer group of people anywhere else.

    Good day overall with a great workout tonight. Starting to prepare for the first day of kids tomorrow.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots- My niece not knowing English was one thing....learning that they sent her here without any clothes or underwear was quite another! :laugh:

    Ha! Yes, that's an issue for sure!