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Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • krrobin3727
    krrobin3727 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this group. I have 80 pounds I would like to lose, but I'm splitting it into smaller goals. :)
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @krrobin3727 and other new folks, WELCOME!

    @pneschich - for me the secret is KNOWING and accepting that some days will not be ideal. Certainly, going out for Mexican would qualify for me, and I don't think I'd make the relatively healthy choice of fajitas. And camping? Forgeddaboutit! Whenever I went camping this past summer I ate whatever I felt like, and made peace with it. Didn't even track I those days cuz I was "on vacation." I also KNEW that upon my return I'd get back on track with a vengeance, and I did. I can't make this whole food and exercised thing be sustainable over the long haul if I don't allow myself to take breaks now and then. This method allowed me to lose 72 lbs over 6 mos, doo I guess it's working for me. I hope you come to peace, find what works for you, and continue to be as successful as you've already been.

    @Nikion901 and @kayfhoward1 - hope you both manage to slay your dragons and don't allow them to derail you. We're all here, rooting for you.

    Friday Fitness saw me getting up and going to the gym at the crack of dawn, thx to my new Mantra. Always, always... the first step is the hardest... and the rest just rolls along. Thx again, @campfirequeen1
  • pinkstarberry
    pinkstarberry Posts: 79 Member
    edited September 2016
    @pneschich - I feel you there, I've been sticking to eating pretty much the same foods but I'm also getting bored of it. This weekend I think I'll spend some time looking for new healthy & low cal recipes and if I find anything good I'll post it here!

    Next time you get a craving for Mexican food you could try making fajitas at home - just cut some chicken breasts, peppers, and onions into strips and either grill them on george foreman grill or sautee them in a skillet. Last time I made them I bought a packet of fajita seasoning but I'm sure taco seasoning or similar spices would be fine too. I ate my fajita meat & veggies over some black beans instead of putting it into tortillas but that's just personal preference. Last time I made it they turned out pretty good and it's much easier to estimate the calories when you're making it yourself and knowing what went into it :)

    Friday Fitness - I really need to make more of an effort to get more exercise into my routine and to feel more comfortable about going to the gym. Some days it's already a bit too chilly to go walking outside so I know the treadmills in the gym are going to be a necessity soon. I still plan to walk outside as much as I can, aiming for going 5x per week around my usual route through the neighourhood (about 4 miles). I also want to try adding in some workout videos at home 2-3x per week in addition to the walking... so that's going to be the October goal! I can't believe Sept is over already and I feel like I didn't make as much progress this month as I'd hoped, though I was sick for pretty much a full week. I lost 10 lbs in Sept but don't feel much smaller...ugh. I really want to be able to wear some of my old cute sweaters soon :(
  • chavelitalara
    chavelitalara Posts: 3 Member

    @chavelitalara I congratulate you for the steps you are taking to eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle, but you need to get help for your emotional sickness.

    While I do appreciate your concern, and I am most grateful for you and finding someone like me, I want to do this on my own. I've lost 30 pounds before and I just want the motivation and support (and maybe an accountabilibuddy?) To get me back on track. I know I have emotional issues: alcoholic family, suicidal and depressed background, but I have never been a fan of therapy. I've read books on the conditions and on how to break the chain and I am battling my own demons.

    I've been in a rut - excuse after excuse of working, not having time, or being tired. This week, I'm proud of myself. I exercised Sun, Tue, Wed, Thurs. Today is my other rest day and I have plans to go Saturday and Sunday.

    Here's my stats and notes:
    Today's workout
    15:55 mile
    Glute 60 lbs 5 sets of 5 reps each leg

    9-27-16 the park
    2.21 mile walk
    15:40 mile run

    9-28-16 the gym
    Elliptical 11 min .86 distance
    Row 40 lbs 5 sets of 10 reps
    Pulldown 40 lbs 5 sets of 10
    Chest press 30 lbs 3 sets of 10

    9-29-16 the gym *leg day?
    Mile 14:41 (not including my warm-up walk) *hhaayy
    Seated leg curl 50 lbs 2 x 10 *holy craaaap
    Leg press 40 lbs 3 x 10 *could go heavier
    Bike time 20 min distance 4.51 L3

    Yesterday, that last day there, I weighed myself, expecting not a gain but maybe maintaining. I had been working out. I hadn't been eating well, but I didn't want to focus completely on that yet, not until I get into working out and the routine.
    Two weeks ago, I weighed 204.2.
    Yesterday, I weighed 205.6.

    I felt so bummed out. Seriously not what I expected whatsoever. Still, I'm going to keep working out as much as possible, and next week, I'm going to try to meticulously count my calories. We'll see how that goes!

    Welcome to all of the new people and hello to all of the people who are still here!
  • chavelitalara
    chavelitalara Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this group. I have 80 pounds I would like to lose, but I'm splitting it into smaller goals. :)

    Welcome! I'm with ya! Stepping stones are the best bet for me right now. We can so do it!
    Down a pound this morning. It looks like this time around I am only going to average about 1.5# a week. I'd like it to be faster, but I'm not willing to make drastic enough changes, I guess. I had hoped to make Onederland by November but it looks like I'll be a bit short of that at this rate. It's looking close though.
    Still hanging around and enjoying all of your reports.
    @newcaddy glad you are making good progress.
    Onward and downward. Kaye

    Congrats on that pound! Any loss is a good loss!
  • jesssiebee1983
    jesssiebee1983 Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm from Australia and I have 104lb total to lose (I actually got out a calculator to check that I'd qualify for this group, lol- metric system here). I've lost so far 18lb so that gives me 86 still to go. I feel. . Just totally daunted by it. It has taken me like 6 months just to lose 18lb. SIGH. I love the idea of putting it into smaller goals! I'm going to put it into 8 chunks, which is 5kg a chunk (11lb approx). And I hope to get to know you guys over the coming months/years (?) :)
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Friday Fitness ... I added 5 more pushups to the 25 I did yesterday. Yeah! Looking cloely at the grocery store fliers I can access online to decide on my meal plan for the next shopping trip set for Saturday after my flu shot at the doctors Flu shot clinic. Chicken features heavily, and celery ... I have been out of one of my favorite vegetables for most of this week and am so looking forward to restocking that crisp delight.

    @Elizabeth2360 - haven't heard from you since your post with the health issue news. Hope you are doing well and that the biopsy came back negative. I have a niece-in-law who got similar news recently and is scheduled for a total hysterctomy next month.

    @MermaidPrincessRach --- Reading back, I ran across your description of your dinner of brownies and milk, which had me shaking my head ... but then, the other night my dinner was dried cranberries!

    @skinnyjeanzbound - hope you are feeling better. Congrats on the MIL's new marital status, hope she stays happy.

    @NewCaddy - bread is my weakness ... I was suckled on it when I was born before my mom's milk came in, and have loved it every since! ... so sad you cannot have it, but can understand fully why that would be so!

    @kayfhoward1 - I try never to turn to food anylonger, but that doesn't stop the urge ... I figure it's like cigarette non-smoking ... did it and stopped doing it and will never do it again.

    @grandmakaye44 - We will dance a merry jig the day you announce onderland has been won!

    @campfirequeen1 - isn't pain fun? NOT! ... Sometimes the only thing one can do is embrace the pain ... give in to the tempo and vibration of it with deep medidation.

    @birgitkwood - I like your new mantra, it reminds me of the one my brother had that he always reminded me about when I felt stalled or afraid ... 'just take the first step'.

    @pinkstarberry and @pneschich ... it wouldn't be Mexican for me if it didn't have beans and rice, and I use whole grain burrito wraps instead of bread for many of my meals ... makes it feel Mexican even if it's not!

    @feellikerain - that 'Seven ap' sounds great, haven't looked at it yet, but know right off that I would not commit to every day ... 5 days a week, yeah, that much. Gonna take a look at it though. Thanks for sharing.

    My heavens, I have been very lax in welcoming the new posters, just giving a general welcome and hi since I last welcomed back on 9/18, almost 2 weeks of letting others do the "meet and greet', while I just gave a casual hello to the newbies. Please forgive me ... I didn't mean to ignore you whilst I was caught up in my own little world.

    So ... I think these are the names that are new since then ... hello and welcome and I hope you have great successes and small setbacks along your journey to better well being through your weight-loss efforts. ... @renaedar @rebecky27 @chavelitalara @elaineously @sullivad7 @jlolsen516 @kayfhoward1 @ObesityWarrior @Michelleym4 @truegive15 @readyandwilling2 @ObesityWarrior @Bentnotbroken130 @feellikerain @krrobin3727 @jesssiebee1983 ... ok, really hope I haven't missed anyone.

    @Niki .... get off that computer, girl! You have kitchen KP waiting!
  • pneschich
    pneschich Posts: 325 Member
    Walked 13k steps today. Stayed on calorie count. Got a boy and a dog sleeping in the tent. My other boy is fire building ( playing with fire) we are sleeping on the sand. The sky is filled to overflowing with stars. The surf is crashing 30 feet from us ( next high tide 4:30am) if it weren't for the mosquitos it would be perfect but the little *kitten* are hungry for me.
    I'm still frustrated with the bouncy way my weight goes and maybe every morning is too often to weigh but it has motivated me . Now it frustrates me! Going to see what it all looks like Monday.
    I wish you all could see the stars. I am a blessed man. I have all this and tomorrow I get to kayak out 2 or 3 miles offshore. I love the water, it reminds me that in the grand scheme of things i am very small, that i may hatness this great power and use it or i can let it carry me where it may. I choose to harness it to use its power and understand my will is as strong as the tide. Google high island Texas. That's me, hope the crabs stay off me.
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,092 Member
    @jesssiebee1983 Welcome to the group! I think it is SO COOL that you checked the conversion of kg to lbs to see if you qualified for this thread. I was curious, so I converted my weight to kg ... 138. I like that number better :smile: But then I remember a conversation I had with a friend. Weight is just gravitational pull. Different astrobodies have different gravities and so we would weigh different. FYI, on the moon I'd only weigh 50.5 lbs! :smiley: Glad you can join us from Australia!
    <3 Rach
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,092 Member
    @pneschich I bet the stars were especially bright last night! It was a new moon. I weigh myself everyday too, but I compare weekly averages. Also, have you tried taking a weekly measurement? Sometimes inches will decrease even when weight does not. If you don't want to know (look at) the actual number on a tape measure, you can use a piece of string, and as you lose inches, the sting will get looser. :wink: just a couple ideas I have picked up on my journey.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @jesssiebee1983 - welcome!

    @pneschich - your camping venue sounds WONDERFUL and I am so jealous! Have a wonderful time. And yes, in the beginning of my weight loss journey I weighed myself daily and it drove me nuts. Now I have to remember to do it once a week or so... Whenever I remember. I feel a whole lot more relaxed about the whole thing now. The number on the scale is not that important to me anymore. Instead, when I walk my dog every day I attach her leash to a belt around my middle (to keep my hands free). I keep needing to adjust that belt smaller - and THAT'S what feeds my soul these days. Lol
  • trinati2001
    trinati2001 Posts: 262 Member
    My weight will also bounce around and if I get discouraged about it I go and look at my weight over the past month or since I started. Looking at the 30 lbs lost really helps.

    @pneschich I grew up in the middle of nowhere in Northern California. I know what you mean about the stars. As a kid that was normal and when I went to college in a moderately size town I didn't really pay attention to the fact that I couldn't see as many stars. But now living in the San Francisco Bay Area you really only see about a quarter of the stars. It is really impressive when I go back to visit my parents and get to see all the stars again.

    AFM I've still been having a hard time getting back to tracking everything. I used to even track when I splurged and that is just not happening. I need some help finding the motivation to track. I've also noticed that I do really well until dinner time. By the time I get home to cook I feel too rushed and then I start shoving food in my mouth at the same time as I'm putting it in the pot.

    The sad thing is that I'm down to less than 205 but more than 200. I really want to get into the 100's but I can't seem to get my act together. Once I drop below 200 I get to buy new work clothes since I haven't bought new pants since I started this journey and some are embarrassingly baggy.

    Where is that magic motivational wand when you need it.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @trinati2001 - when I recently asked a similar question, where is the magic button, my fairy godmother told me that there isn't one - only good, solid, gentle self talk. She was right! Sooo... you say you do well tracking right up to dinner every day. Have you tried tracking your ENTIRE day's food plan in the morning? If you already know what you plan to eat that day for bkfast, lunch, dinner and snacks - put all that in your tracker. That's your commitment to yourself for the day. That doesn't mean the food plan is cast in iron, but any additions or changes will then need to be run through the personal "vetter" that lives in your head. Lol. Good luck - you can do this! You deserve those new work pants - only a few more pounds to go!
  • kayfhoward1
    kayfhoward1 Posts: 63 Member
    Friday Fitness: (late I know) I started walking the day before Labor Day and haven't stopped. Started out small, a little under a mile, and gradually working my way up. Even had some friends from work join me. This past Tuesday we were able to get a little over 2 miles. I am trying to incorporate strength training as well.

    Saturday Success: Am down 6.2 since I started. NSV My mind is more settled and I am focusing more on me. I'm a fixer and have always tried to take care of everyone else's problems while ignoring my own. So this is a major lifestyle overhaul for me. Mind, spirit, body.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    Fitness Friday- I probably haven't had a loss this week and maybe even had a gain. Too many special occasions in one week. My daughter's birthday was Tuesday. We went out to eat and I did really good with my meal other than I did have some of the appetizer but I really enjoyed it so I wasn't beating myself up over it. She didn't have birthday cake, but she wanted a hot Krispy Kreme Donut, and I had one with her. I really wasn't hungry but I know how they melt in your mouth and taste so good when they are fresh and hot off the rollers, so I had one and surprisingly it was not the wonderful thing I anticipated. It was a greasy mass of sweetness. That was a NSV to me that my taste buds don't always like the things they used to!

    Yesterday was a wedding and I did ok with it too, even though I had some high calorie foods like creamed spinach, at least it was a veggie and not a plate of the delicious flash fried half potato and half onion strings that The Palm Restaurant is so famous for and I had skirt steak (without the chimmicuri sauce instead of ribeye!

    Today is my youngest little granddaughters birthday and heaven only knows what the menu is. I will prepare by having lunch before I go there and hope for the best!

    Success Saturday- In spite of the food challenges I've had this week. I did walk beyond my step goal each day. The Step Challenge I'm in this week has not been a group that motivates me, because it has runners and distance walkers in it and there really isn't anyway I can compete with them, but I'm proud to say that I was able to move from #15 at the beginning to #8. This morning there were 6K steps between me and #7, so I don't feel so bad about my position. I know that I couldn't walk 6K steps on top of my daily goal without being in serious pain. I'm in pain just doing my daily goal, but it does make me thankful and proud that I keep it up anyway instead of using it for an excuse not to move.

    Sending everyone hugs and good thoughts for a great weekend. So glad to have you on my journey!
  • RachaelPooh
    RachaelPooh Posts: 6,092 Member
    People who havnt known me long may not completely understand this but...
    A clean body reveals self respect. A clean mouth is evidence of care. A clean environment shows discipline.
    What are three inflences on health?
    <3 Rach
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2016
    What you said reminds me of this study.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    edited October 2016
    Sunday Share - There's a new challenge I entered that started yesterday ... It's a month long challenge to find ways to sit less. When I saw the posting for it, I knew I had to try this challenge ... it comes around in May and October every year. Today's challenge was to find a habit that I want to incorporate in my daily life. The assigned reading said that you need to tag a new habit onto something that you already do. For some it might be as simple as standing up to answer the phone, or to proof-read a post before hitting the send button. So, I guess the idea is to do some simple standing up manauever that you can do many times over during the course of a day, and those minutes of not sitting add up. .... Well, as a retired person, I no longer have a phone ringing all day long, and while I spend a lot of time on the computer, there really aren't that many posts I send in a day ... but there is something that I have been working on making happen ... it's a return to how I handled meal time. Of course, when I was a working woman, breakfast and lunch were often eaten away from home. I was a big fan of the office cafeteria! But, even when I was a little girl, then a grown woman, a homemaker, and up until a couple of years ago, every night I made certain to cook my dinner, and clean up completely before settling down for some relaxation. So that is the habit I will be working on ... cook, eat, clean up, do the dishes, sweep the floor, put out the trash, and then relax instead of what I have been doing. And, as this is the second day out of a 31-day month, I will have 29 , no, 30 practice days to get this down!