Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • River_L
    River_L Posts: 12 Member
    Happy Labour Day everyone!
  • ljpjones
    ljpjones Posts: 49 Member
    I'm a newbie to this, I have about 180 to loose. So I'll take all the help I can get :)
  • I Advice anyone who wants to loose weight in a matter of a month or so to try the 24 day challenge. I am beginning mine and all I've heard is great results from it. You can purchase it online from the link ill provide you with. The 24 day challenge is the most popular plan out there and will cause dramatic and life changing weight loss and even the toning up of your body. You'd have to be a fool to not try it out. Here is the link to buy it.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member

    Teresa - I EXPECT you to get under 250 this month!

    Yes Ma'am!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :smokin:

    Thanks!! :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Wow, lots of newbies!! Hello!
  • mzfrizz15
    mzfrizz15 Posts: 135 Member
    @GWhammy- WOW! WELL DONE!! :flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :love:

    Welcome to the new folks! This thread/group is awesome and super supportive! :flowerforyou:

    AFM - Am a little sad, I made the final apricot tart of the season. Got the last of the fruit and fixed it up. Also, I made my own September challenge of trying to not be more than 10% over my suggested total grams of sugar per day. Today was not a good day, as I broke down and had a Dr Pepper...where 80% of my grams were spent. :laugh: Oh well! I plan to be good the rest of the month, save for the 10th (my birfday). :glasses:
  • coddy4
    coddy4 Posts: 12 Member
    I'll join your group, I just recently got inspired by People's Magazine "How I lost 100 pounds" and figured I should be realistic and know I need to lose about that much. I've been following a 1500 yummy food diet and exercising 6 days a week and have been very happy with the results. Looking forward to hearing about you and from many of you
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,211 Member
    Hello everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend.

    Grammy - Thanks for the advice regarding the critters in the garden.

    Skinny - Shortly after I found out I was pregnant I stopped at Starbucks and ordered a decaf frappucino. Sadly it was disgusting. I didn't like the taste of decaf in flavored drinks. I am a bit scared to try the PS in decaf out of fear of it being ruined forever for me.
    LOL my latest thing is to smell everything I cannot have right now. We were at a party over the weekend. My friend had made margaritas, sangria and a few other drinks. Then he laughed because I couldn't have any and was tormenting me with the drinks. (We have that kind of relationship where we have been friends for so long we poke fun of each other all in good fun.) Anyhow I discovered it didn't bother me as long as I kept smelling Brian's drinks during the night. Needless to say I think I have officially become the designated driver too. :wink:

    Teresa - I agree about the pumpkin scones. There was a Starbucks right near the college I went to for undergrad and grad school. I stopped a few times for my pumpkin fix. I also like their birthday cake cake pops. My other holiday drink is the peppermint mocha. I have never tried the eggnog one. One bonus of the hospital I will be delivering at is there is a Starbucks right in the lobby. I am looking forward to some yummy goodness as my reward! :bigsmile:

    Kah - The paint your pet class sounds like so much fun. You did a really great job. I am very impressed!

    Susan - Yes, both sets of parents are near by. My parents live approximately 7 minutes away from us and his mother lives about 15-20 minutes away depending on traffic. I am not overly concerned with my parents popping in. Due to my dad's MS it is difficult for him to get to places and needs an ambulette. Also due to the amount of assistance my dad needs my mom only goes out for short periods of time. I am really more concerned though with his mother dropping in. She is one of those people who comes to your house unannounced and will call you from around the block to see if you are home. Then she just NEVER goes home. We did a reveal on Sunday with my parents, his mom and her boyfriend. My dad was so adorable and kept dropping hints. He periodically brought up the fact that as grandparents they have to remember this is our child and Brian and I are the ones to be making all decisions. He also mentioned that when the baby first comes home Brian and I are going to want a lot of time to ourselves to figure out a routine to work for our family and alone time to bond with the baby. Got to love my dad. He is pretty awesome!

    Toots - Congrats! I am so excited for you.

    AFM: as I mentioned earlier we did our reveal Sunday to my parents and his mom. I made cake pops in two flavors, cookies and cupcakes. They all had the proper color to reveal the sex of the baby on the inside. I made a sign that said "He or She?!!! Take a bit to see." Everyone was very surprised and excited. It was very cute.

    My anatomy scan was on Friday. I got there and the tech was a bit rude to me. She was questioning me as to why I was in for the scan. I explained that is when they told me to come in. Well apparently they scheduled me 3 weeks too early. :noway: The tech was annoyed and her frustration definitely came through during the appointment. But by the end her attitude changed when she confirmed the sex of the baby. I think the tears running down my cheeks and me clapping like a fool may have had something to do with her attitude change. After the scan we met with the doctor. She explained what happened. Originally my due date was for January. My cycle is irregular so they went with my last date. My second sonogram showed the baby was smaller than it should be going with the last date causing them to change my due date to February 2nd. She documented it in my chart on the latest page however never changed the date on the first page in my file. The first page is what they go by when they schedule appointments. So last month when the last doctor in the rotation ordered the scan she didn't realize the date on the front of the chart was incorrect. OOPS. The baby measured approximately 6 ounces at the scan. Everything looked good. The only thing they could not view was the heart with the 4 chambers because the baby is still too small. I have to go back in 3 weeks for the follow up to view the heart. The tech was able to confirm the sex of the baby...

    These are the pictures we did for our email and FB announcements.


  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    JNettie - How Exciting your party must have been - I'm so happy for you and Brian! OH Joy!

    Hansea - We're going thru the southwestern states and stopping in Sedona and the Grand Canyon (crossed fingers!) :bigsmile:

    Welcome to all of the newbies - yes you CAN do it, just consider it a long journey and not a quick fix. Remember, you will stumble, get angry, and get moody. You will binge a time or two, but do NOT walk away in disgust and quit! Just get on with it and come on back. We've all been there and can commiserate with you when these things happen. Got it???? OK - lets lose some weight together!!!

    Go back to page one and read the first post and read about the SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE and Get on board with it.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- I am so glad you were on-line last night. I did go to bed about 11 EST. Enjoy your trip through the SW.

    Welcome to all the new people. You will find plenty of support on this thread so actively participate and get to know us.

    I don't know what a BBM is either- so please explain it.

    Toots- So happy that you have a travel date and will be getting your kids soon.

    Nettie- So excited for you and the new addition, a very cute announcement with the pictures.

    I had a great bike ride today of 13 miles, we would have gone farther but the heat got to us. OF course the heat and humidity made a return appearance today. Hopefully, it won't last too long.

    Did finish grading the warm up activities tonight so grading is caught up.

    Workout plans for this week
    Monday- Bike ride DONE
    Tuesday- Trainer then walk
    Wednesday- off unless plans change then gym
    Thursday- Off (Back to School Night)
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- Swimming
    Sunday- 5K run to prep for the T2T run- course will have plenty of hills to practice on and it is an afternoon run
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Robin- I went on a "southwest" trip (mostly AZ) back in 2002 with a friend after college graduation. There is nothing else like the Grand Canyon and Sedona is gorgeous! A facebook friend of mine just posted a hundred pictures of their recent summer road trip which included the Grand Canyon and it made me want to go back. Jealous of you and hope your trip is wonderful!

    Laurie- Nice bike ride!

    Nettie- A girl! I KNEW it! Very cute reveal. :flowerforyou:

    My first day of September went well. I'm 2 for 2 on my goals so far. :happy:
  • PinkVespa28
    PinkVespa28 Posts: 4 Member
    Decided to get back on a real plan after Labor Day - like taking myself back to school again. The only subject for this school year is "taking care of me." It will require me to do homework and study every day. I will have to start believing that I am worth the effort.

    SW - 440
    CW - 398
    Mini GW - 368 (5%)
    UGW - 175

    Monday - I ate myself through an art fair, parade, and cider mill, plus cookout leftovers and leftover birthday cake. Heaven forbid I simply throw leftovers away -- no, I have to be the human garbage disposal instead. The trash goes out tomorrow night, so tomorrow's goal after work will be to "cleanse" my house into a healthy environment even if it means (gasp) throwing away perfectly good food out of the freezer. I can take the canned and non-perishable stuff to the church pantry.

    Tuesday - Goals (do you have any goals you want to share with us?)

    Wednesday - Wishes (what do you wish? It can be weight related or not, can be realistic or not)

    Thursday - Truth (got anything you need to ‘fess up to or get off your chest?)

    Friday - Fitness (what are you doing to get fit? How are you preparing for weekend eating?

    Saturday - Success (what have you accomplished; focus on the positive of the week, NSV=non scale victories)

    Sunday - Sharing (tell us a little about yourself....update your personal life)


    WATCH YOUR CALORIES MONTH! I will not exceed my calories in any given day - MFP allots me 2,100/cal per day based on my very high current weight. I know that as the weight goes down, the calories/day will likewise go down. But I hope that as the weight goes down, my ability to do some kind of physical activity will increase.

    Following Robin's advice for getting started, my columns are:

    WILL DO - dedicate the time and planning it takes to commit to being successful and becoming healthy; eat breakfast and three other small meals during the day (instead of my usual pattern of not eating anything all day until 6 or 7pm and then hitting the drive-thrus and eating 10,000 calories)

    WILL NOT DO - cook - me cooking a healthy meal of a single-portion size is like asking a crack addict to cook up just one rock. Until I learn to control myself around food, I can't be trusted to have anything but chicken breast, fruits, and vegetables in the house.

    WILL TRY LATER - physical activity. I've always secretly wanted to do that Couch to 5K training but it seems an impossibility to me right now.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    JNettie, yay for girls! I have a few of those myself! Super fun to dress. Not so fun once they hit around 10 years old ;)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Yeah, JNettie, congratulations on the baby girl. That is a great picture of you and Brian.
    Congratulations to GrammyWhammy on a big loss.
    Congratulations to everyone who had positive results from our August challenge.
    And congratulations to all of the new people who have found us in the last few days. You will get lots of encouragement and support if you will check in often.
    So far so good for September.
    I'm not feeling great. I think that I am having an attack of allergies. Hope it passes quickly.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Hi, I'm in... looking forward to participating~!
  • I'd love to be added to the group too! I'm down 20lbs with 100 to lose.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @grammywhammy - WOW! 17.7 in a month is awesome.

    @robin - Yay for a good, long vacation. I find I lose when I'm on vacation since I typically am way more active each day than I am when I'm working. If you get to the Grand cCnyon, be sure to stop at the Park Service Lodges. They are amazing.

    @jnettie - So excited for you! I cannot say enough good things about having daughters. They are the joys of my life.

    AFM - Another hot, sticky walk this AM. Since my walking partner is on vacation this week, I was listening to music on my phone. A song came on that seemed very relevant given my need to get back on track with my eating. It's a song I love by Switchfoot called "I Dare You to Move". Here are the lyrics that spoke to me on my walk:

    I dare you to move
    I dare you to move
    I dare you to lift
    Yourself up off the floor

    I dare you to move
    I dare you to move
    Like today never happened
    Like today never happened before

    Maybe redemption has stories to tell
    Maybe forgiveness is right where you
    Where can you run to escape from
    Where you gonna go? Where you
    gonna go?
    Salvation is here.

    Very powerful words. We are the only ones who can forgive ourselves when we stumble, fall or fail on any given day. I refuse to accept that my past failure is any indicator of my future success. I know that statistically I am wrong, but if I admit that the odds are stacked against me, I will never lift myself up off the floor.

    Have a good day everyone!

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 1/30

    Good Days: 1
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning. I hope everyone had a nice Labor Day weekend

    Not sure who posted about BBM but for those inquiring, BBM is the Blackberry Messenger, it’s an instant messaging service—available on all platforms (i.e. Android, iPhone).

    Welcome to all the newlings that stopped by in the last couple of days, check back often to get the most out of this close-knit group.

    @Toots~Your trip to China to pick up your boys is right around the corner, exciting times ahead! I hope they travel well and adjust quickly to their new surroundings. Are any of your other children making the long trip with you? How long will you be there?

    @Nettie~A girl, how exciting and what a cute way to reveal to everyone. :happy: I’m a Starbucks junkie so love the Fall/holiday drinks—“red cup” day is my favorite day! :laugh: Love the pumpkin scones too, treat myself to ONE every year.

    @Alison~Remember that you are just getting back into the swing of things, the weight loss will come—patience grasshopper. :wink:

    @Marsha(GW)~August was an awesome month for you—WTG!

    @Hansea~Awesome on the inches lost in August, remember that’s often a better sign of success than what the scale says.

    @Betty~Awesome loss!

    @Robin~I’m exicited for you for your trip, hope you have a fabulous time. I love Arizona and New Mexico! My sister lives in CO, not far from the New Mexico border, and it’s absolutely gorgeous there.

    AFM~ I had a quiet day yesterday, just piddled around the house and annoyed Zoe. Things have been stressful lately, so I just decided to have a relaxing day. I started to go for a run in the afternoon, but it was just too hot - I should have gone in the morning. Just 45 days until vacation and my cruise, so my goal for the next 45 days is to lose 15-20# and my goal for September is to eat within BMR and TDEE. When I saw my trainer Sunday I had another PB on deadlifts, at 155# for two sets of 6—didn’t attempt a 3rd set but I had done 3 sets of 8 at 135# beforehand. We used some straps so I could hold the bar differently; it really changed the momentum of the lift—I thought it was easier. It’s my trainer’s goal for me to continue increasing the weight on deads (he seems to think there is a power lifter in me somewhere :huh:), we also plan to do some strengthening exercises to isolate my shoulders so he can start pushing me on bench (my weakest exercise).

    Goals for the week:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day DONE!
    Wednesday~Off (Annual HOA Meeting)
    Friday~Not sure, off or cardio
  • Tammy_1971
    Tammy_1971 Posts: 93 Member
    I've got about 45 lbs to go. This looks interesting and with daily discussions, could keep me motivated to log in everyday... not just to log food, but to check-in with everyone else.
  • kateirving
    kateirving Posts: 37 Member
    My goals for this month are, stay away from my target foods, lose another 8 lbs,continue to eat unprocessed, healthy foods, and try to stay under my calorie limit. I have not been noshing on anything "bad" but it doesn't stop me from feeling guilty if I eat over my calorie limit. For my goal for the month I just want to keep eating healthy foods, try to stay in line and walk as much as I can. I find that it is still hard for me to get myself to exercise. I have not been a routinely athletic person, although I am spur of the moment and will kill myself with a project and then laze around after. I am going to start packing today. Yippee