Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Tom- Probably a good thing that your doc cut your bp meds if you've got a runner's pulse! :laugh: Hope your A1C is right on target!

    Kah- I hope you get to kill it at the gym today....but without killing your knee. :smile:

    L2T- Have fun with your daughter! The dinner sounds delicious.

    Lori- Soup season is on its way!

    hearthwood- Congratulations on being so close to your goal!

    Mozzie- I love pumpkins and fall foliage, too. I also love blue skies and beach weather....good thing I live where I can get a mix of all four seasons!

    Kaye- Good job logging your ugly day. It's so easy to just throw up your hands and say 'screw it' when you have one of those. And super yay! You finally got your car back! Hope it's as good as new.

    Carolynrobbin- Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Skinny- Great job turning your bagel day around! :drinker:

    AFM- Of course there were thunderstorms this morning when I planned on running. Of course. So, I changed course and stayed inside to do a looong workout video instead. I worked up a great sweat and I'll try to do my run that I had planned for today on Sunday instead.
    Thursday Truth: I don't think I have anything left to confess. :laugh:
  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    Thursday Truth: I have been doing poorly at cutting down on the carbs. I have been over on carbs a lot lately and even with being at or under calorie goal, I am not losing because of it.

    Just thought I would pop in and say "HI"! I lurk and read everyone's posts every day. Just short of time all the time.
    Welcome to all the newbie's!
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Back from the gym and weigh in
    Thursday truth - I AM NO LONGER SUPER OBESE!!!!!!!!!
    :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Happy dance - Yippee, Yea. I do not know when the last time was I was below 240.

    Love to all
  • shaiwriter
    shaiwriter Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All,

    My name is Shai and I need to lose 100 pounds!!! I weight 230 and I am 5'8". I may need to lose 105, but I think 130 pounds is a good weight for someone my height. I joined MFP yesterday and am really excited to find this group. I've started swimming again to help with my weight loss and my family and I meet every Sunday with a trainer in a park here in Desoto TX so she can use her sadistic weight losing skills on us to "help" us. LOL

    My Thursday Truth - My will power is so low that I almost have none! I bought a Nutri-Bullet and wont even use it. I'm hoping that joining MFP and this group will help me with that.

    I know that truth was kind of weak, but I'll work on it! :devil:
  • I am SO in!

    Oh and it's Thursday which is Truth or Fess Up day as I call it.

    Today my Truth is that I planned to start walking a Mile a day to start on Tuesday. It is now Thursday and I have made excuses the past two days not to walk because of working too much. Tonight I told my younger sister after I get home from school there are no more excuses we will be walking at least one mile.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hey, Hi Everyone! I wanted to check in- I am having a hard time keeping up with school, work, life, this thread and the friends list. I am taking Macroeconomics and Algebra this semester which are both a lot of work. I actually haven't been able to keep up with the thread since my last post. In life I wonder if the storms will ever stop hitting my family. Anyone one with 18-21yr old kids I could use some advice....My son is giving up in life in general he is mad at the world constantly and doesn't seem to care about anything anymore. I personally think he should get some help but he refuses and being he is considered an adult now I can't force him. He has became extremely hard to live with and I know he is going through the whole dating thing with girls who want more than he does. So, that could be part of the problem. Not trying to analyse just trying to see how I can start a conversation with him. If anyone has ideas you can inbox me being I don't know how soon I can get back to the thread.
    In the mist of it all I have begun binge eating from all the stress not as bad as I use to but still not good for me either. Still walking a lot but water consumption is not where it should be and not feeling motivated to do much at all.

    Take care everyone!
  • aprilshowers0417
    aprilshowers0417 Posts: 14 Member
    hello to everyone. I am still working on this weight loss journey, I don't really know what else I can do to make a difference. I am going to do the sept challenge of tracking my calories. how does mfp come up with the calorie goals? should i go with it's recommendations or try to figure it out on my own. I thought at my weight and height i should hold at 1600 cal/anyone have thoughts?
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Thursday! Stuck at work all day and it is slowwwwww!! People must not think they can't buy furniture after Labor Day, but they can!!!! :bigsmile:

    @Robin, sorry about the gain and the pain you are in. Icecream sounds like the perfect medication but the side effects aren't very friendly, are they? I hope you have a wonderful vacation and that the pain behaves itself. :flowerforyou:

    @Skinny, Panera cinnamon crunch bagels are soooooo good!! We have bedding reps that often bring in Panera and all their food so dang tasty!! Good for you for making it fit into your calories. :drinker:

    @grandmakaye, do you weigh and measure everything you eat? I know that if I try to guess what things are I always get in trouble and stop losing.

    @Mozzie, welcome to the group. You can do this!!!! :flowerforyou:

    @Lives2Travel, that dinner menu sounds sooooo good!! Good for you for pre-planning! :drinker:

    @beckah, I have the same problem keeping the carbs under control. Keep checking in and post when you can. I know when things get busy for me it is all I can do to type a few lines and read what I can. :smile:

    @cblue315, Wahoooooooo for being under 240!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: I can't wait until I can do the same happy dance. You go girl!!!! :flowerforyou:

    @shaiwriter, welcome to MFP and this group! There is so much great and practical info on the boards. The only way to succeed is to NOT give up. That means taking it day by day, and when you fall off you get right back on. Keep posting so we can get to know you and support your efforts. :flowerforyou:

    @maginsky, that's right...NO excuses!!! I have been sitting on my butt all day at work and once I finish this post I plan to go for a nice long walk around my store. I wear a Fitbit and numbers don't lie. :noway:

    @mnwalkingquee, I'm so sorry to hear about your stresses and your son's difficulties. I went through some really stuff times with my daughter when she turned 18. Just know you are in my prayers that it will get better. :smile:

    @April, there are some good threads on the message board about how the calorie counting on MFP works. I think 1600 is a good target when starting out.

    AFM: Thursday truth is something I've been thinking a lot about. I told my husband this morning that what I think is wrong with me is that I have a " I want my cake and eat it too" mentality. Sure I can have my cake but NOT if it doesn't fit into my calorie goals. That is still hard for me to accept. I know it rationally but emotionally it is still such a battle. :ohwell:

    I'm going to take that walk now! :happy:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    good evening everyone. Today has been a pretty good day. I had a nice walk with the dogs this morning and got my daughter all squared away with the dentist. She had to have two of her wisdom teeth pulled. I am now trying to decide what to have for dinner. I feel good about finally coming in under calories today but not sure what I want to make. I try to decide earlier in the day but just never got around to it. I keep thinking of game food as we have the opening game for the Seahawks playing in the living room. GO HAWKS!!!!!!! Ah well something will come to me.

    Thursday truth is I am way to good at making excuses. Time to use the tough mommy voice on myself and get back to work. I am able to start walking again so now it is all about the food.

    Kah I hope you were able to do something today with your knee. Sorry it is giving you fits.
    Robin I totally understand the ice cream cure for mouth or throat pain. Unfortunatley it is a cure that comes around and bites us in the @$$:wink:

    Well I am going to go stare in the freezer and see if inspiration strikes. Have a great night everyone.:flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker: :drinker:
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Lori- Yay!!! Congratulations at sliding down a weight category and getting under 240!

    Teresa- I hear you on the emotion vs rational thing. I KNOW what I should be doing...but, there's still a lot of mind games going on.

    I was over by 700ish calories today...not great. I wanted to have my ice cream and eat it too. At least I worked out for quite a while this morning to make up for some of my indulgences.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just checking in tonight. This has been a busy week with after work events.
    Yesterday was awesome but a very late night with friends. I was able to get together with my friends from high school and we had a great evening- laughing, talking, and catching up. Of course, we stayed together way to late and by the time I reached home then decompressed and hit the sack it was 11:30pm. Not cool on a school night but so worth it. My friend, Jenna from TX was able to stay but her mom is now entering hospice so the end is near. I wish I could be there for her but she knows she can call me when needed. The worst part is her Mom's, married boyfriend is coming for a week. She wants to be with her mom but doesn't like the situation. Her dad died a year ago. The situation is awful and the timing is horrible. Prayers are needed.

    The best thing about long time friends is that no matter how long you have been apart you can pick up where you left off and feel the connection again. Even the kids of the group get along with each other so they had a blast playing together.

    Tom- In honor of National Wildlife Day- Get outside and enjoy the environment. Jenna's dad will have a visitor's center at Patapsco State Park named after him and he was a naturalist in Maryland. He started the Tree Hugger campaign when we were kids.

    I need to get some sleep it has been a long week. I will catch up with everyone soon.

    Wish- That Jenna's mom does not suffer much longer- she has O. cancer and is in the final stages.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--so sorry to hear about your friend's mom. That is very sad, and I hope she passes peacefully. It sounds like you had a nice evening with friends, but I know what you mean about going out on school nights. Even though I stay up late every night, there's a big difference between being home and awake, and actually being out and about. The latter makes me so much more tired. :yawn:

    @hansea & teresa--I'm right there with you regarding the mind games. I'm so well-trained by MFP that if I see green numbers I want to eat more. :laugh: For example, right now I have just under 1680 calories for the day, and I should stop to meet my -15% TDEE goal, but b/c I have my calories set at 1780 (TDEE -10%), it's a struggle to not eat those last 100 calories. :grumble:

    @tammy--looks like your Seahawks are beating the Pack. I love football, but I don't love all of the high-calorie food and drink that goes along with it.

    @teresa--yes, they are yummy! I'm not usually tempted by bagels--I can typically have a quarter of a bagel with a little cream cheese and be content. But man oh man that cinnamon crunch was way too tempting! :blushing: Maybe if I had looked up the calories before I ate it, I never would have even picked it up.

    @april--MFP calculates your allowance based on your weight, height, activity level (that you choose at set up), and weight loss goal (1 lb/week, 2 lbs/week, etc that you also choose). It's up to you whether you decide to use their allowance or figure your own based on another calculator. I don't know your weight and height, so I can't really give you any feedback about the 1600 calorie goal.

    @holly--wow, those classes don't sound fun. :frown: Sorry about your son--I don't have any sage advice--I teach teens, but I've never raised one.

    @lori--congrats on your milestone!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    @beckah--I try to focus on increasing my protein and then my carbs naturally go down as a consequence. I'm still over sometimes, but I feel less deprived when I take that approach, and I tend to be more successful as a result.

    @hansea--sorry the weather spoiled your run, but good job doing the video instead. :flowerforyou:

    @tom--glad you were able to decrease the BP meds. Yes, 46 is quite low. I do quite a bit of cardio and my resting HR is 58. When I donate blood the person taking my vitals almost always asks me if I'm a runner.

    @kelley--Hope you had time for that workout. I love sweets, but nowadays I find that if I overindulge and don't burn off the glucose with exercise, I actually feel physically ill. :sick:

    @L2T--sounds like a great plan for dinner--hope you enjoyed the visit with your daughter.

    @kaye--I hear you and have zero advice. I weigh and measure everything when possible, and based on that I should be losing too. It's so frustrating, but I know I have to just keep going--at the very least, my diligence is keeping me from gaining and I know I'm healthier overall. Glad you finally got the car back! :drinker:

    Wow, lots of newlings!! Welcome to you all! :flowerforyou:

    Thursday Truth:
    I'm feeling the frustration that kaye and a few others voiced. :grumble: Scale is still reading 185 most days. I'm trying to decide if work clothes are fitting any differently than last spring, but it's really hard to tell. I know they aren't tighter, but it's hard to remember how loose some of the pants were. I think the pants I wore today felt looser than in the past, but it could just be wishful thinking.

    Finished my AP journals, so I will have the opportunity to get started on the short stories tomorrow. It's REALLY hard for me to grade on Fridays, but I would like to at least put a dent in the pile.

    Missed my protein goal today, but I WILL close out without eating that last 100 calories!!!!!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 68/68 AP journals DONE
    2. x/61 F451 short stories

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
    Sun--walk gunner

    September Challenge:
    Meet my TDEE -10% to -15% = 1680-1780 calories. I will keep my running tally over or short up until my trip to meet laurie and susan. Last month I came in a few hundred over. This month I'm determined to be under when I get on the plane to head to NYC on Sept. 27th!!

    Cumulative calorie surplus (shortage) = 150
    100g of protein = 3/30 days
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Best laid plans often go awry. Don't recall who said that, but it certainly applies to my dinner last night. I forgot about the soup or salad you get with your meal and the oh so good rosemary focaccia bread with roasted garlic puree. I had 2 small pieces of bread and potato leek soup (yes, a salad would have been a healthier choice but I don't get potato leek soup every day) and blew past my calorie goal. And it was totally worth it.

    September Challenge - Days at or under daily calorie goal 3/30

    Good Days: 3
    Bad Days: 1
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    Annually celebrated on the first Friday of September, National Lazy Mom’s Day is a special day for all moms across the nation.
    This day was created as a day for moms to relax, rest, and enjoy without feeling guilty about taking the day for them to completely unwind after the busy summer. Take a long nap, go for a nice walk, enjoy the afternoon at the movies, read a book, have coffee with a girlfriend, watch your favorite shows on television or whatever you choose, the day is yours!!

    “If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can’t just sit back and hope it will happen. You’ve got to make it happen.” ~Chuck Norris

  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Friday!:flowerforyou:

    This is quick hello before heading off to work.

    Friday fitness: Keep on moving!! Had a good workout this morning on the elliptical and plan to get as many steps in as I can during my shift at work. I love having the Fitbit since it keeps me aware and motivated. The more steps the more food I get!!! :bigsmile:

    I'll check in later if I can!! :smokin:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I’m not sure how anyone else feels, but for a shortened week this week sure seemed long and tiring. :yawn: I’m so glad it’s Friday!

    @Laurie~I’m sorry to hear about your friend Jenna’s mom, and so close to losing her dad too. I hope her mom passes peacefully.

    @Holly~I remember macro and algebra well, it’s always tough to take two courses that involve so much math together—hope you figure out a way to balance everything soon. I’m sorry for your son’s struggles, I wish I could offer some advice—does he have any interests or is he working?

    @Karen~My body is definitely responding to that extra sugar this week, I think it’s one reason I feel so lethargic—and last night I woke up with a stomach ache, yep I’m reaping the repercussions of this week’s indiscretions. :sick: :frown:

    @April~I don’t really have any advice as to your caloric allowance. MFP uses your BMR and activity level to figure out your allowance—the only suggestion I could make is to adjust your macros. IMO MFP has carbs set too high at 50%, try cutting your carbs down to 40% and using the caloric allowance it suggests based on the parameters you fill into their formula —give that a try for a couple of weeks and see how your body responds.

    @Tom~I’m sure my sister would love to take advantage of national lazy mom’s day, but she’s packing for them to go camping this weekend. :wink:

    AFM~I figured my knee issues lately were just from arthritis, hence the cortisone injection but my MCL is highly inflamed/sprained, luckily not torn again—overuse, I’ve been running too much. :frown: So I’m taking it as a sign to back off from running for a bit. I did see my trainer last night but we just did bench press and some other upper body stuff, to give my MCL a break—I am going to do some cardio this afternoon, probably just walk on the treadmill at my trainer’s studio. Saturday I hope to get the big stuff to Goodwill from my spare bedroom purge (fingers crossed it fits in my car).

    So, funny story—my youngest nephew started kindergarten this year, my sister emailed to say he really likes it although think the day is too long (kindergarten is all day) because he misses his toys! She said as soon as he gets home he goes straight to his room to make up for lost time. :laugh:

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer NOT DONE (had to cancel—knee)
    Wednesday~None scheduled (HOA meeting & knee still out) DONE
    Thursday~Trainer DONE!
    Saturday~Cardio (probably in the form of housework)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning, I've only had 1 bad day this week. I have never been really exacting with weighing and measuring. Although my method worked for a long time, now that I am so close to my goal, it may not be working. I looked at inexpensive digital scales on line last night. I'm thinking of getting one and see if I can break this plateau.
    Friday fitness: I'm trying to walk at least 5 miles a day this month. Since the days are getting shorter, I've divided it into 2 sessions. I walk Anya in the stroller after I take Keith to school, then again after dinner. So far, I've made my goal all week.
    Kah, sorry about your knee.
    Have a great day and a good weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • aprilshowers0417
    aprilshowers0417 Posts: 14 Member
    good morning, am on a marathon of days worked so exercise for me is not an option the next 4/wking 12 hr shifts starting at 0500 and ending at 2000 does not leave time for anything but a quick swipe thru the house. thank god i live alone. hopefully this will be over soon and i can get back to it.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--I got my food scale at Target for somewhere in the $20-30 range. It's really simple and I like that it has grams and ounces plus the taring feature. Makes it really easy to add food right onto my plate without weighing it in a different container. So if I'm making I sandwich, I set my plate with bread on the scale, tare it so the weight is at zero, then add mayo directly to the bread making sure I don't go over the 15g serving. After that, I reset/tare to zero again and add my lunchmeat. I do that with all ingredients that need a weight measure.

    I just saw this on groupon for just $14:

    I don't have this brand kitchen scale, but I bought my bathroom scale through groupon and it's an escali. It's good quality, so I would guess the kitchen one is as well. Also, it comes in a variety of colors which is cute, and it has the "tare" feature.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Friday Fitness: Usually fitness on Fridays is out for me due to my schedule, but this a.m. I was at the gym before 7 and got in some time on the elliptical and recumbent bike. If I wait until afternoon, it won't happen. Too tired and lazy.

    September Challenge: 4/4 days under goal, 5/5 days cardio

    Kelley: Hearing about your painful injection kind of scares me. Is that the norm for knees? Are you feeling better? I just got the name of a good ortho doctor today, but maybe I'll wait and see. Hmmmm.

    Kaye: Weighing my food really works, especially in grams. Measuring is a little inexact also, at least for me. And when I get sloppy and estimate, I gain. (Wishful thinking, I guess :wink: ) Might be just what you need to lose those last couple of pounds. You are doing really, really well.

    So craving steamed crabs--and they're low-fat and low-calorie. No seafood markets here have any today. I checked. Funny story though. My sis and bil live in Southport, NC, about a mile from the intercoastal. Yesterday my bil found a blue crab under his car parked in the driveway! How did it get there? (Crabs cannot walk a mile in the heat, crossing streets, I'm pretty sure.) It's a puzzlement.:tongue:

    Have a great weekend, friends.
