Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Well, our temps took a nose dive—yesterday was beautiful, nearly 80, this morning I drove to work in the 40s. Going to be cold like this most of the week I guess, darn cold front!

    @Marsha~Don’t beat yourself up over the pizza—it could have been a lot worse, like sitting there eating 3-4 slices (or more). All things considered, eating the veggies/cheese off the top—not so bad. :smile: Karen did a great job of answering your question on maintenance and TDEE.

    @L2T~The length that running/walking shoes last depends on the individual, for some its 250-300 miles and others twice that. I would think as a walker yours would last closer to 500 miles. That being said, you probably have put 300 miles on your current shoes in three months—depending on the weather, terrain, body type, etc. you quite possibly could wear them out quickly. Wish I had some advice—I wear Brooks Ghost and Brooks Glycerin (both in the $100+ category) and they seem to last around 6 months and most of my exercise is done indoors. Do you have a store near you that specializes in fitting people with running/walking shoes? I recommend it to find your perfect shoe and to test drive shoes with that roll bar—I wore those for a while after I tore my Achilles (many years ago) since I needed the extra stability while I regained mobility/strength. I wore that same type of shoe for a while, then they became too rigid for me feet causing further issues. I’m sorry for your spill today, hope you heal quickly!

    @Kaye~Hooray for your foster grandson coming home!

    Karen~Excellent job, as always, explaining TDEE. Hope your productive on your day “off” today.

    @Niki~I’ve actually taken several resting metabolic assessments at my gym (supposed to schedule another one this week). I’ve taken the TDEE approach too, especially when I changed gyms for a while.

    AFM~No time for the gym yesterday after Achilles treatment (I was hurting quite a bit anyway--its painful to have done); however, I am happy to report that I am walking pain-free today for the first time since June! :joy: (tears of joy). So this Airrosti therapy appears to be working. Tonight I have a session with my trainer.

    November “ALL-IN” Challenge:

    At or Under Calorie Goal: 8/30
    Meet Exercise Goals: 9/30

    Exercise Goals 11/9-11/15:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day (chiro) DONE!
    Wednesday~Rest Day (chiro)
    Friday~Yoga (or HH)
    Saturday~Cardio or Swim
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    edited November 2014
    For whoever said they needed new walking shoes:

    Above are several good articles about replacing walking/jogging shoes. I especially enjoyed "A Fat Runner's Guide to Being a Fat Runner." Like Kaye, I wear New Balance shoes at the suggestion of my Dr. (along with custom orthotics) because I have many foot problems. Weight, fitness, distance, age of shoes at purchase(!), walking surface and stride all affect the life of your shoes which should be replaced every 300-500 miles. For years I ignored advice to change them frequently and suffered several painful injuries as a result. Obviously I'm a slow learner. I have learned to buy 2 pairs at one time, to rotate them, and not to skimp on product. Typically, my shoes run about $100+ per pair, but the NB shop here has great promotions and coupons. Shop at stores that specialize in walking or running shoes and nothing else with informed sales personnel.

    Karen (& Niki): Thank you for your clear explanations and commentary about maintenance and TDEE. They're now saved in a document for frequent perusal. I've been hungry for months and not understanding why. Guess I'll be eating back more or all of my exercise calories. Kind of feels like I am cheating if I do that, but I realize I'm starving myself. Part of the problem is that every time I enter a loss, MFP suggests I recalculate and adjust my calories downward. I burn at least 500-800+ calories at the gym 6 out of 7 days.

    I'll check back later. Need to take hubby to an appointment.

    Be sure to thank a veteran today. <3


  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @skinnyjeanz and @kah - I wear Asics designed for stability since I pronate when I walk. The foot bed of the brand new pair cannot be bent at all. The worn out pair folds in half like a pancake. I get fitted and buy shoes at a running store where they access your gait etc and specialize in correct fitting of shoes. I'm putting about 120 ish miles a month on my shoes and that's all on sidewalks and city streets. I will check into an Asics style designed for pavement. Guess I just need to add a line item for shoes to my quarterly budget!

    I'm thankful I only have scrapes and bruises to show for my clumsiness. I could have easily broken or torn something. As it is, I'm headed for a long hot bath and an afternoon of sitting in a comfy chair reading a book. Perfect therapy!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just a quick check-in to update goals.

    @L2T--glad you weren't more srriously hurt. Yeah, it sounds like you are getting your mileage out of your shoes. I typically go through 3-4 pair each year as well. I'm fortunate that we have some really great outlet stores that have an Asics and a Saucony store. They are typically last seasons leftovers and not always the best selection of colors, but I'm not picky considering I save $20-40 on each pair there. I know you can usually go online and find last seasons models at a discount as well. So if you know the model name/number for your current shoes, google it to see if you can find more at a discount.

    @marsha--I know it can feel like cheating to eat back exercise calories, but that would only be true if you were eating at maintenance and the exercise was tho only thing putting you in a deficit.

    @kelley-glad the treatments are working, but sorry they are painful. :(

    AFM--Well, I made it to the gym and did my 4 mile run in 44:48, so made that goal. It was definitely tough for me to maintain the 11 minute mile pace for 4 miles as evidenced by the fact that I thought I was going to puke when I finished. It's been awhile since I pushed myself to that point with a workout, and though it's an icky feeling in the moment, it's nice to know I worked hard.

    Now at starbucks grading. Got through 5 more essays and plan to do at least 10 more before hitting the grocery and heading home for dinner. I was hoping to finish them all tonight, but it looks like that's a pipe dream as I still have some poems to prep for my AP classes. I suppose sitting here whining about it won't get them finished any faster, so enough procrastination. :blush:

    November All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 9/11 days (goal is 27/30 days)
    Workout: 3/11 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k on Thanksgiving Day in 57 minutes

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/66 AP journals
    2. 15/60 Thoreau essays
    3. 20/60 M1948 Vocab

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--rest day P/T conferences
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Karen good luck with the grading. Great job on the 4 mile run today. I am considering doing a 5K on Thanksgiving day but I might swim the night before so the run could be out. The weather will also be a factor so I hope it is NOT freezing temps. When in June is the relay?

    L2T- I also wear Brooks-ghost Oasics GT and New Balance. I will replace shoes a couple of times a year depending on how my feet are feeling. I have been told to replace shoes at least every 6 months. Happy to hear that you did not get seriously hurt.

    Kaye- My trainer is a triathlete and she will train me for a triathlon that will involve practicing transitions. I just need to pick the event and plan accordingly. We did some of that when I was training for the indoor triathlon's.

    Kaye glad your GS is coming home.

    Tuesday goals: Get back to eating healthy and decreasing the amount of junk foods. To keep exercising so my activity level stays up. Today, I went for a 3.6 mile walk after school. It felt great to get outside and exercise since the weather was beautiful and warm. The cold is due to come in tomorrow.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--the ragnar relay is June 12-13. I'm skipping my usual Turkey Trot to do my own 8k partially due to unpredictability of the weather. I hate running in the cold, and this winter is already looking like it's going to be rough. Today was miserably cold and rainy, and the rest of the week is supposed to be below freezing.

    AFM--I still have 35 essays, but my brain hurts so they will have to wait until tomorrow. I have a faculty meeting after work tomorrow, P/T conferences Thursday, and plans to meet a friend after work Friday for drinks for her birthday, so I won't get back to the gym until Saturday.

    Still feeling overwhelmed by the grading, but at least Thanksgiving break is on the horizon.

    November All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 9/11 days (goal is 27/30 days)
    Workout: 3/11 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k on Thanksgiving Day in 57 minutes

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/66 AP journals
    2. 25/60 Thoreau essays
    3. 20/60 M1948 Vocab

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner
    Thurs--rest day P/T conferences
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Happy Veteran's Day!


    “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” ~Nelson Mandela

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Bless You - And Thank You, Every Veteran Who has served the Unites States of America!
    Sorry no time for personals - but heres this:
    Days Under Calories: 5/12
    Exercise Goals:
    Swim: 3 days week will start when last cut is healed:
    Now will be - just not sure, now new cut!
    Bed Exercises (3) do 6 days week 10/12

    Other Goals
    Keep tidying house 12/12
    Pay Escrow - not done
    Contest Avast Internet Security Bill with Visa - not done
    Check on best Electronics Service suite - partially done
    Deposit $12,00 check - not done-will be by Bank on 11/17 will do then
    Set up oil change - scheduled for tomorrow 11/13
    Call Dr.Office for Refill Thurs.AM -done
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    November Challenge:
    1. check thread daily: 3/22
    2. complete diary daily: 3/22
    3. exercise 3 days/week: 1/9

    A fun night at a school fundraiser night at a pizza buffet and the frozen yogurt shop...even fit it all into my calories for today! And skee ball with my daughter....doesn't get better than that. :smile:
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    Wednesday wishes - That I had 30 hours in a day!

    I am under water on paperwork once again. Mid November already. I am not going to meet my customer's deadlines before Christmas. I am not feeling good about this.

    All this fitness stuff takes about 2 hours a day. I am cooking all my food which takes more time. Hubby is not keeping up on laundry. There are at least 4 quotes I need to get out so people will give me money.

    When the sun goes down I want to be at home in my warmest sweater, feet up.

    So I need to remind myself of the good things. The winter coat I bought last month a size too small now fits. My girlfriend called last night and I did venture out to her house to play Scrabble. It was dark, it was cold but I went and had a good time. She had some deserty type bread and I turned it down. I did not have any calories left. Yea on all of that.

    @toots - I too think of you often and hope you are finding the time to take care of yourself so you will be there for those who need you.

    Thanks to all for listening

    November Challenge - Food 11/11, Fitness 11/11
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Good job on finding the good, Lori! It gets so hard when the days get so short this time of year.

    For my part, I went out early this morning under the moon and the big dipper for my first run since doing the half-marathon in September. Bundled up and did 1.3 miles in 20 degrees. :smiley:

    Brrrr! Time for a warm shower! Have a great Hump Day everyone!

    Also, joined a monthly running challenge group on MFP and added a fourth goal for November....

    November Challenge:
    1. check thread daily: 4/22
    2. complete diary daily: 3/22
    3. exercise 3 days/week: 2/9
    4. Run 12 miles: 1.3
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Brrr…baby its cold outside! I haven’t turned on the heat though—I try really hard not to turn that on before January. :lol: I could give in though, tomorrow morning is supposed to be colder than this morning and Zoe's little paws were cold today. :wink:

    @Lori~Way to turn things around and look for the positive. This is the “year of gratitude” at my church and our current message is counting our blessings and learning to be grateful—often hard to do. I’m glad you were able to get away from work for a bit and relax with a friend.

    @Hansea~Good for you for getting out there in the bitter cold to run! Now time for some healthy hot cocoa to warm those bones.

    @Toots~Thinking of you and your new little ones at home, I hope everyone is doing well and becoming acclimated to their new family. :smiley:

    @L2T~Karen had a good idea, if your current shoes are working well for you try finding them on line. Since I go through 3-4 pairs a year that’s what I do—I order mine through Zappos or Road Runner Sports. A friend of mine was complaining about that yesterday and she found what she wears on Amazon for 1/3 of the price.

    AFM~Not much to report. My trainer has a new squat rack, so naturally I was his guinea pig last night. The bar is different, you hold onto it in front of you near your shoulders instead of on the side so it’s a bit easier to balance. I think it’s easier on the back as a result. Achilles treatment tonight—hopefully just two more after today and he’ll release me.

    November “ALL-IN” Challenge:

    At or Under Calorie Goal: 9/30
    Meet Exercise Goals: 10/30

    Exercise Goals 11/9-11/15:

    Sunday~Trainer DONE!
    Monday~Rest Day (chiro) DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Rest Day (chiro)
    Friday~Yoga (or HH)
    Saturday~Cardio or Swim
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Happy Hour Day!

    When is this holiday celebrated?
    This holiday is celebrated annually on November 12 every year.

    What does this holiday celebrate?
    This holiday celebrates Happy Hour!

    What is Happy Hour?
    "Happy hour" is a marketing term for a period of time in which a restaurant or bar offers discounts on alcoholic drinks, such as beer, wine and cocktails.

    Typically it is in the late afternoon Monday through Thursday, sometimes Friday, usually taking place at some point between 4 PM and 7 PM. This promotion is intended to boost business on what may otherwise be a slow day. In most cases the "happy hour" lasts longer than a single hour.

    In some European countries like the Netherlands, the price of an alcoholic drink is regulated and selling them at half price is prohibited. During happy hour, a customer gets double the amount of drinks instead.

    The term originated in the United States Navy.
    In the 1920s, “happy hour” was slang for on-ship performances. “Happy” in this context meant slightly drunk.

    The idea of drinking before dinner has its roots in the Prohibition era. When the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act were passed banning alcohol consumption, citizens would host “cocktail hours”, also known as “happy hours”, at a speakeasy (an illegal drinking establishment) before eating at restaurants where alcohol could not be served. Cocktail lounges continued the trend of drinking before dinner. "Happy hour" entered civilian use around 1960, especially after a Saturday Evening Post article in 1959. Happy hour has become a tradition for many workers, white and blue collar alike.

    "There is no lasting glory in rapid weight loss."
    Mireille Guiliano

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hansea School fundraisers can be deadly - glad you made it in under your calories. Love skeeball! WOW - a morning run under such a beautiful moon and stars. Congrats on sighning up for a Running Challenge this month. You Rock!

    CBlueHearty pat on the back for your new coat fitting! Also congrats on keeping your word to your friend and playing Scrabble with her and staying under your calories by -OMG - turning down the sweet-bread! You never know how disappointed she may have been if you'd cancelled!
    It sounds rough with your business - do you have a plan of attack toward it? I do hope you get to go home and toasty-up in your sweater and slippers.

    Kah Awww, you GOT me mentioning Zoe's little cold paws.... :'( - we had our first snow Monday - and way too much ice and not enough swift salt-laying reaction - Wah-wah-wah - was heard all around town! Such cry-babies, like it doesn't happen the first snow every year! My heat is paid for so I've had it on since the temps have been in the 40's.
    So glad to see your Achilles has responded so well to this treatment! Finally! Free at last?
    I would like that squat rack too - I've always done mine holding one weight in front of me with both hands, and due to my knee replacement, knees pointed out a bit also toes.

    Morgori Tom are you and Amy going to celebrate Happy Hour the Netherlands way? I think I will! :D

    AFM I'm at my local car shop getting an oil change, tire rotation and new wipers put on! Ready for winter - as I mentioned above like everyone the Polar express hit us Monday with a layer of ice and a blush of snow. I'm ready as I visited a Menards and bought good gloves in a mens small - the ragg wool kind, doubly knit with little dots of adherent material on the palms and fingers for sterring wheel grip - $8 and I love them more than any gloves I've ever owned. All my other gloves are now going to charity tomorrow.

    I weighed myself today and am holding steady - well I guess I am on maintenance this month - 3 weeks at the same weight. Rats. Hoped it would go down. Well I'll take this.

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    edited November 2014
    Even as I struggle with this "weight thing" I am learning so much from this group. The motivation of telling someone you are going to do something and then getting it done is VERY powerful! That said:
    @Lori cblue - I got the arm chair covers done this afternoon because you sort of challenged me. Thank you! I probably would not have tried if it weren't for you. They aren't "professional" but they sure look better than the shredded arms on his chair.
    @Ellen RobinsEgg I want to get myself some of those gloves. I had not been aware of them, but the temps now are demanding such....and I am always cold.
    @Kaye Glad to hear about your grandson's return.
    Everyone: You have me wondering about my shoes. I too probably need some new ones.
    AFM: Struggling. I suspect I need to be more precise at measuring and weighing food as my weight is sort of stuck just now. I am soooo ready to lose enough to finally get back on my "ticker"
    All in:
    9 days below calorie goal....I think since I wonder about the measurement etc.
    Not good on exercise...just one day this week so far.
    Book work...still sitting there. Why doesn't it at least move??

    Good news today is arm covers! Yay!
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Cblue - Great job on the size smaller coat! Good for you!
    Mountmary- Funny you should mention about shoes! Last time I bought walking shoes, I bought two new pair. I just spent an afternoon finding the unworn pair. :D
    Robinsegg- My hands are always cold, too! Thanks for mentioning the men's gloves at Menards!
    Skinnyjeansbound- Four miles in under 45 minutes! You are amazing!

    I walked a mile in thirty on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. I saw my Chiropractor Monday, and he advised me to do half as much on Tuesday and Thursday, a mile Wednesday, and the walk with the group Friday. He went on to tell me that I can't really expect improved performance by Friday. He said it takes about six weeks for any actual physical improvement in heart and lung to occur, but he did encourage me to keep at it now that I've started. I've been thinking it would be nice to take walks once the Christmas lights come out anyway, provided that there isn't snow and ice. You know what they say about "the bigger they are, the harder they fall...". I'm hoping to avoid that fall! :)

    My Wednesday Wish is that I do well enough on Friday not to hold the whole school up on their excursion, and that I don't die in the process.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    edited November 2014
    November All In Challenge Up-date:
    10/30 under goal, 11/30 cardio, 10(nearly)/30 10,000 steps, 4/30 weight training

    It's a shame shivering doesn't generate more calories! Wintery day with a few more to come.

    Wednesday Wish: That medical facilities and hospitals were truly accessible with decent ramps and wide, automatic doors. Thankfully there are some really decent folks <3 who've helped me navigate my hubby through some narrow doorways. Such a small thing, but sometimes struggling with doors, elevators and lifting the chair in and out of the car about does me in.

    Tom: There's one more type of Happy Hour. At Sonic! Love to go there between 2 and 4 p.m. for Happy Hour and my 1/2 price diet cherry limeade! Now that's a non-alcoholic high I can endorse! ;)

    Kelley: Your heat's not on and you live in north TX? You must have a very "tight" house. I live less than 15 miles from you and our heat's been on for 5 days. I blame it on 1980's insulation and windows out of square (lousy TX foundations). Last night was a down comforter AND fuzzy blanket night. If I had a dog, I would have invited him to cuddle!

    Question for weight training friends: Do you wear padded gloves? My thumbs hurt, I think from gripping weights and holding on to various weight and cardio machines, but not sure. I've never heard anyone complain of hand or thumb pain, but surely I'm not the only one. The only solution I can think of is gloves. My trainer says I'm holding things correctly. I am now very aware of the positioning of my hands and trying not to lean on the area between thumb and rest of hand. Thumbs! Suggestions?

    Stay warm, northern and eastern friends. The front is coming your way.

  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @GrammyWhammy - I do wear gloves when I do BodyPump class. It is a cardio weight lifting class. 600 - 800 reps in 60 minutes. There are gloves you can buy for weight lifting, I like to use my biking gloves. They give me grip and padding in the right places and do not have the wide wrist straps. I too have pain in my thumb when I lift. The gloves do help. You can find weight lifting gloves at places like Play it Again Sports. For the biking gloves you probably will have to go to a bike shop.
    All In Challenge: Food 12/12, Fitness 12/12
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Marsha~LOL I live in a newer house (built in 2005). Also, I have a townhouse and am 2nd from the end so I have the extra insulation from homes on both sides. I'm not gonna lie, it was cold in here when I got home so I caved and turned on the heat. I say this as I sit here covered in blankets! The sooner this cold front moves on, the better! I'm sorry your thumb hurts from the weights, what part of your thumb is it? When I do dead lifts and the bench press I wear weight gloves, which are padded--if I don't wear them I tend to develop calluses, I'm too girly for that! :wink:

    @Robin~Yeah, people and the weather amaze me. Its the same way here too--you should see the local news casts when we have just a threat of winter weather! :wink: Its crazy! No, not free at last--think this chiro is going to spread out the next two treatments. One next week and then one Thanksgiving week to see how my Achilles responds--there is still some work to be done. It's SO much better than it was though--but he and my trainer about came unglued when I said I wanted to try running. :frowning:

    @Helen~Enjoy the walk with the class from school on Friday, don't push yourself to walk faster than you think you can handle. You've been walking some, so I think you'll do better than you think you will. Do you know how many miles you'll be trekking that day? Pace yourself, but most of all enjoy yourself. :wink:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @kelley--I hope those treatments work and some day you can run like the wind!

    @marsha--I have lifting gloves, but like kelley, I only wear them to avoid calluses.

    @helen-great job on the walking this week--keep it up!! :smile:

    @barbara--the best thing I ever did was buy a food scale and start measuring all of my portions. I try to only "eyeball" it when I'm eating out.

    @robin--I cannot live without good golves, but mostly because my skin is so dry. My hands are already all cracked and red and winter's just begun. :(

    @tom--WHAT! I missed celebrating happy hour day?!?! Gues there's always tomorrow. :wink:

    Wednesday Wish:
    I have a couple--sorry to be so greedy, but it's that kind of a week. First, I hope to finish all of those Thoreau essays during the school day tomorrow. I have 24 left and my 3 AP classes are writing, so I will have a lot of time to grade during their classes. If I can get 8 done each period, I'm gold! Second, that P/T conferences go by quickly--can't wait to be done with those. Third, that I stick with my meal plan tomorrow so I stay under my calorie goal--even with the pizza dinner and drinks after conferences.

    November All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 10/12 days (goal is 27/30 days)
    Workout: 3/12 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k on Thanksgiving Day in 57 minutes

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/66 AP journals
    2. 36/60 Thoreau essays
    3. 25/60 M1948 Vocab

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE :(
    Thurs--rest day P/T conferences
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym