Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Love the Morgori Christmas pictures.
    Congratulations on the great loss, Lori!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Ditto what Kaye said!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Wow @Morgori and @Mrs Morgori ... you both look like people I know. Mrs Morgori ... if you were a blond and somewhat younger you could pass for my sweet Daughter In-Law ... especially in the picture from 2013. And your hubby looks like my sweetheart in high school ... now that he is in his 70's but he has a very short beard .. bu those eyes!

    AFM ... well, I had my first day of over calories yestereday, so my report is 10/11 ... I knew I should not have picked up that lovely loaf of crusty and tender Italian bread ... bread is my un-doing every time.

    I'm back on track today and enjoying a wonderful chicken soup I made. I only made a medium sized sauce pan of it so I won't have to eat it ad-nauseum. But it was so good that maybe I wouldn't mind with this one. I put my recipes into MFP so I get the correct nutrients count and weight/measure everything as it goes in the pot. Next time I want to make it, I just need to look up the recipe and perhaps it'll repeat as good as the first time.

    Hope you all have a wonderful weekend ... I'm eagerly awaiting Monday and my check-in.
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    @ Kah68: Great job with the stress test....that is major. Nice work.
    @ Morgori's: Great Christmas pics....very festive. Thanks for sharing those.
    @ cblue: Congrats on a great loss. That is fantastic. Well done.
    Today was a toughie: Christmas shopping madness sidelined my good plans for dinner....ended up OK, but had to change things, and make do and that made the sodium numbers go above where they need to be. My other numbers were on target, so I'll take that as a minor victory and try to find a lesson in there for me....but that is for another day. I'm beat...heading to bed.
    Nighty night.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Morgori and Mrs. Morgori Great pictures of both of you. You look fabulous.

    Cblue- Congrats on the weight loss. You did fantastic.

    Another long day but I will catch up tomorrow if I have time. Went climbing with my trainer and her daughter tonight so that was fun. It was always fun to bring new people along.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thank you everyone.

    Kaye - Thanks so much. I am just at the point that I want to be done already. This pregnancy business is hard work. Much harder than I ever imagined! I have a baby countdown app on my phone. I looked at it this morning and it told me 1 month 19 days to go. WAHOO!!!!!

    Skinny (Karen) - Thanks.

    Robin & Kah - Brian has actually been really supportive. Even in my moments of "adult tantrums" from frustration with everything. I have to say I really lucked out!

    Laurie - I thought I was doing really well controlling it. My doctor (endo) has been praising me all along with how well I am doing. Even told me most women don't have the same kind of results I do right away. But then this past appointment with the ketones threw me for a loop. My dietitian has me on a very rigid schedule. 15 carbs for breakfast, 30 for snacks (I get 3) and 60 for lunch and dinner. She banned so many foods from me so now I am at a loss of what to actually eat for breakfast, especially with the carbs so low and me not eating meat or eggs. (I hate the taste of eggs) This week I thought I figured it out and have been making mini "mexican" burritos with corn tortillas, cheese and meatless patties. This morning I realized I have been logging the corn tortillas all wrong. So instead of 17 carbs like I calculated my meals to be I have been eating 27 for breakfast. OOPS!!!! Ironically my post breakfast numbers have been right in line with what they have been all along. Go figure.

    Mrs.M - Love the pictures of you and Tom!!!

    cblue- Thanks. I try to keep reminding myself that. Some days are much harder than others. Especially when you are doing everything possible that you can and it seems like it isn't good enough combined with pain and tenderness from all the dang finger sticks and insulin. Even with switching up every day where I stick. Do you have any good tips for that? If you do it would be appreciated.

    Even with all the not so good moments, I have to say it is pretty amazing when she moves all around and gives me that lopsided belly! Brian gets excited when she kicks for him and he feels her move around. It's adorable.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    Happy Saturday, everyone! I am working at the peds clinic this weekend and it's been a whirlwind of sore throats and congestion....using my PPE and washing frequently. Hope I don't catch anything right before Christmas! And I hope all these kids feel better!

    I've been so busy with work and Christmas prep and my 12 Healthy Holidays challenge over the past couple weeks. I've been reading, but not posting.

    Mr and Mrs Morgori (or should I say Mr and Mrs Claus??), you two are so cute and festive. What a fun tradition!

    Nettie- So sorry to hear about the GD! Your story and the stress of diabetes management is a good reminder to me to get my husband back on the diet and exercise wagon and to be a support to him. He has pre-diabetes. I definitely do not need/want the added stress of helping him with full on diabetes management. Thanks for sharing. I hope the insulin injections and carb counting don't have to change or get any more complicated over these next couple months and you finish strong with a healthy happy little girl!

    Well, back to work. Just wanted to let you all know I'm hanging in there with the holidays. Not eating the best, not moving as much as I would like to, but getting in all my water and trying to keep my cool.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Gingerbread Decorating Day!
    “Run,run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me. I’m the Gingerbread Man!”
    December 13th means that Christmas is creeping closer and closer, and it’s getting to be time to prepare for this holiday associated with so many traditions. One of those traditions is the baking of gingerbread. What child hasn’t dreamed of baking, building and decorating an entire gingerbread house, that could then be inhabited by a colorful little gingerbread family? Gingerbread Decorating Day is here to help all kids, from ages 1 to 92, get as much fun out of the season as possible!
    The History of Gingerbread Decorating Day
    Gingerbread is though to have been brought to Europe by an Armenian monk named Gregory of Nicopolis in the 10th century who had brought the necessary spices back from the Middle East, and then taught the art of gingerbread making, what with the spices and the molasses, to French Christians until his death. Gingerbread then made its way around Europe–in the 13th century, it made its way to Sweden, where it was baked by nuns to help soothe indigestion. There, it slowly became popular to paint the cookies and use them as window decorations as well. The 13th century also saw gingerbread make its debut in the city of Toruń in Poland, where the honey supplied by the local villages made the cookies especially delicious. To this day Pierniki Toruńskie, as they are known in Poland, are an icon of Poland’s national cuisine. From the 17th century onwards, gingerbread was sold in monasteries and pharmacies in England, where it was thought to have medicinal properties, and gingerbread became the symbol of the town of Market Drayton, which was particularly known for it. In the play, “Love’s Labour’s Lost”, Shakepeare himself wrote, “And I had but one penny in the world, thou should’st have it to buy gingerbread.” In 1875, the gingerbread man was first introduced to holiday traditions through a fairytale published in St. Nicholas magazine, where he was depicted as a holiday treat that was eventually eaten by a hungry fox.
    How to Celebrate Gingerbread Decorating Day
    Needless to say, the best way to celebrate Gingerbread Decorating Day is to make your very own gingerbread cookies and then proceed to decorate them. This allows lots of room for creativity, and can be fun for the whole family! It can be most fun when each member of the family makes, bakes and decorates his or her own gingerbread man. Gingerbread can be decorated with many different things, from a simple icing made from just water and icing sugar, to more creative icings, like lemon or butter cream icing. Gingerbread men can also be made into cookie sandwiches, with delectable fillings made with vanilla or lemon cream, orange butter cream, or even ice cream! If you’re feeling particularly ambitious and confident, you could decide to make a gingerbread house. Gingerbread houses really allow for a lot of creativity, as they can be decorated with virtually anything that strikes your fancy, like gumdrops, candy canes, or peppermints, to name but a few.
    After you’ve made and decorated your gingerbread, members of the family can exchange cookies, and the cookies can then be eaten or hung up on the Christmas tree as decorations. Gingerbread tends to keep for long periods of time, so there is no need to worry that the cookies will start to rot or crumble.

    Gingerbread pictures

    “The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” ~William Faulkner

  • heartaflame
    heartaflame Posts: 8 Member
    Hello :) I just got over an episode of major depression and am currently my heaviest ever, weighing in at 253 while only 5'2". I am excited to lose 100 pounds in the next year. Hope this time I can do it.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @morgoris--love the pics!!

    @lori--congrats on reaching Onederland!!! Woohoo!!

    Would love to do more personals, but I need to get ready for the faculty holiday party.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi Everyone.

    Its been a busy day, first time I've sat down (unless you count driving) all day. Had WW this morning--down 6.6#, that was a nice surprise! :smiley: Then a session with my trainer (I had to work late yesterday so we rescheduled--yet again :confounded: ) After that it was off to Petsmart, then hair appointment, Target to figure out Christmas gifts for my nephews (finally resolved that dilemma). Whew! Now figuring out menu for next week so I can get to store tomorrow sometime.

    It is total madness out there--all the major feeders to the highways are bumper to bumper and stores are just packed. You'd think Christmas was in two weeks or something. :wink: :lol: I still need to figure out something for my boss and my parents...

    @Karen~Have fun at your party!

    @Lori~Congrats on onederland and coming in second in your gym challenge. Awesome!
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi kids,
    Hope you rocked your goals today!
    @JNettie: That must be so cool to watch your belly morph in all kinds of ways when the baby moves. Take care of you. :wink: You are someone's very important Mommy.
    @heartaflame...I hope this is the year for you as well. Keep focused on what you want to accomplish. You will get there. Welcome to the thread.
    @kah68: Congrats on the awesome loss! I am also not a fan of crazy traffic or shopping....

    Tough day goal wise...not under cal today. I was only 32 over, or something, but need to get that down so I can keep losses happening. Will reboot tomorrow. :)

    Take care. Go big with your goals. You deserve to be healthy!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just popping in tonight. It was a busy day but at least the tree is decorated and the Christmas garden is finished. It was a busy morning but I did accomplished a lot.

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hello :) I just got over an episode of major depression and am currently my heaviest ever, weighing in at 253 while only 5'2". I am excited to lose 100 pounds in the next year. Hope this time I can do it.

    If I could hug you I'd cry along with you ... I so know about depression ... and battle it every winter. Welcome to the thread ... we all have our battles to fight and encourage one another as best we can. Today, if you haven't read it yet ... please read it now cause it really speaks to me .... our Santa @ Morgori posted this quote today ...

    “The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” ~William Faulkner

    That's how you start to lose weight, and that's how you get out of an emotional slump ... one little bit at a time.

    AFM ... I'm in a battle with something that wants to grab hold of me that feels like maybe the flu. I feel a mess! Didn'g have the energy to cook today and ended up with the old stand-by Chinese delivery. The sodium count was horrendous today even if the calories were within my budget. My calorie goals as of today are 11/13 our of 28/31 ... only one more over calorie day allowed for the rest of the month ... ouch!. Needless to say, the hosuework is at a stand still until I can crawl myself out of bed and be up and about again.

    But hey ... when I wake up again it will be Sunday morning and the sun will be shining and I'll feel so much better after a hot shower and big cup of coffee.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Quick check in. I pedaled all evening while I did some more knitting. It made my calories balance out, but I don't like cutting it that close! We went Christmas shopping and ate at Panda Express. So far for December challenge I'm food 13/13, exercise 13/13, water 11/13. Weight just hanging where it has been for months.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Quick check in. I pedaled all evening while I did some more knitting. It made my calories balance out, but I don't like cutting it that close! We went Christmas shopping and ate at Panda Express. So far for December challenge I'm food 13/13, exercise 13/13, water 11/13. Weight just hanging where it has been for months.
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Hope everyone is doing well.
    @ Niki...I love that quote too.... “The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” ~William Faulkner Hope you feel your best soon.
    @grandamaKaye: Nice accomplishment....knitting and exercising. I never coordinate myself well enough to do that sort of thing...maybe that should be my resolution this year!

    Going to see Exodus with mom and family tonight to celebrate Mom's birthday...having a small amount of fat free frozen yogurt. I found this Walden Farms stuff to drizzle on top. Seems too good to be true with no cals, no carbs, no proteins, no, no, no....has 55 milligrams of sodium. We'll see how that goes. :)

    Rock the rest of your weekend!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    My life is crazy right now... busy working 6 days a week, I haven't started Christmas shopping, and I'm still going through a lot of emotional stuff. That in itself is exhausting, I never realized it could be. Still going to physio for whiplash... 2 steps forward, one step back, although the headaches have almost completely stopped. My house is a mess, I lack motivation/energy right now to to clean it. It's a miracle I'm still maintaining my weight through all this since I am an emotional eater... maybe I'm unconsciously doing something else destructive instead. I'm still not eating properly, just randomly making healthy choices when I have time or think of it. There was a crisis happening over the past few days and I was in such turmoil that I didn't/couldn't eat for 2 days.

    I'm hoping to get my crap together soon so I can come back here, keep up and support the rest of you. I am going to make a good effort to at least read along for the next while and gain some inspiration from your posts.

    Have a good week.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I know it is Sunday but I am going to cover a Thursday truth. This week has been abysmal when it comes to exercise and eating right. When this week started I originally planned for two rest days. However, it has turned into a week of rest without exercise. The only exception was Friday when I did some climbing. Monday was a great workout then Tuesday, Wednesday- I had after work meetings but I was fine with that. Thursday arrived and the tree went up which took all evening at least I was busy. Friday I did climb but not hard. Saturday and Sunday I was busy with the Jingle Bell Hayrides not a lot of exercise but I was outside for a couple of hours. Today was not so bad except that I did eat to much junk food today. Yesterday, I feel really guilty because I could have gone to the gym but I wanted to watch a football game and then I had to take my mom to church. Regretfully, my gym closes at 6pm on the weekends. I had originally planned hit the gym after the hayrides today but I came home and ate some soup. Next thing I knew I fell asleep so there was not much point in going when I woke up. I did justify the week off since my knee was bothering me last Monday but now I need to get back to exercise

    Now I am facing the start of another week and it is promising to be just as busy. I need to find a way to retrieve my focus and make exercise a priority again. I am looking to do an indoor triathlon on January 4 so I need to prepare. The good news is I have fitness level to complete this since it will be just another workout for me but I want to do even better this time around. This week I have a couple of meetings so I am not sure how I will do in the exercise department.

    Sunday- Hayrides- Nothing formal
    Monday- Trainer workout
    Tuesday- Meeting and dinner with friend
    Wednesday- tentative plans for bowling after work
    Thursday- must do gym

    Now, I need to grade some papers. Hope everyone has a great week.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @HeartOfFlame – welcome – its so nice to have a new person here. What a great time to join us. There is always a flood of newbies right after Jan. 1 – you’ve done a good thing by starting now so you can get acquainted with everyone ahead of the rush. I see you feel challenged because you are short but don’t despair. We are very helpful and will do our best to support you as you go about your goal of losing 100 lbs. I have problems with depression too. So if your comes back - please don't let it keep you away from here. What are your first steps? How long have you been on MFP? Are you starting to lose weight now or are you going to wait until after the Holiday festivities are over?

    @Skinny – its so hard to believe that one donut had more calories than eggs, bacon and sausage – orggh! That had to bum you out a little when you looked it up! Thank goodness for having pre-allotted days.

    @NK – Niki – yum – chicken soup sounds good. Hmm, sorry you don’t feel well. If you needed a rest, glad you listened to yourself.

    @Maram – Mara – so a not-so-good day with heavy shopping, and a tiring one as well. These days happen, Mara. Congrats you way, I think you had a great NSV for all the exercise your probably got and with only your sodium out of whack and all your other numbers coming in OK! Wowza!

    @CBlue – Lori – WOOT! Major weight loss! Congrats – you made it out of Twoderville – and into ONEDERLAND just in time for Christmas 2014. What a great way to start the New Year – WOOT again!

    @Amy – Mrs. Morgori – gosh you have beautiful hair – I got hung up on it while admiring your and Tom’s Christmas photo’s. How long have you worn it that way – it makes you look so young!

    @Kah –oogh – all the cardio stuff going on –glad no doputamine for you this time! You’ve really improved your cardiac strength – WELL DONE. WOOT on your 6 lb. Loss!!! Fantastic!

    I have the Jan. deductible fears myself – with lots of appointments coming up then. The “I’m a female” ones, and time for eye appts. and cataract surgery as well. I have heard so many options I’m not sure quite what to do. I have one “lazy eye,” with astigmatism, have heard about a special lens they can insert to correct that as well, but have also heard these lens can be a problem after the fact, so am on the fence at this point, as I feel it really won’t improve much. (only have 2 eyes y’know)

    @Jeanette – I have to admit – following your story is like reading a mystery as I have never been pregnant and each little change is so exciting! As for the finger sticks, I can add – having been a constant eyebrow tweezing person for 45+ years, I’d say if you did it repeatedly in the same place I’d think the spot would develop numbness – but that’s a guess – what do I know! HAH! All I know is my eyebrows don’t feel a thing anymore – hairy beasts that they are!

    @GrandmaKaye – I agree with Maram – your coordination must be superb! No way could I pedal AND knit at the same time. I can barely walk down the hall erect! Hahah!

    @Tanya – you’ve been missed ! Hugs, sounds like your life is in a huge turmoil – so sorry to hear about that. The Canada Post Office must be crazy like the US Postal service. Yet you manage to keep your food under control –but– are you getting proper nutrition? If not, then you are not in control – if you can’t get a handle on things after your hours at work slow down, maybe some counselling would be helpful?

    @ All – has anyone noticed that the Very First Paragraph on Page 1 has been re-formatted? I think it welcomes newcomers more clearly. I have Olivia of the Volunteer Staff to thank for that! It should help with the flood of Newbies in January….

    AFM: My anxiety attacks are SUCH a pain – had one before I started baking today –– I haven’t baked cookies in – well over 12 + years – and I am always fearing failure. I put it off for 3 hours, doing laundry first, and other chores just to put off this “relaxing” task.

    The cookies are done and I’m NOT impressed. It was an MFP Breakfast cookie recipe with only 3 ingredients: bananas, quick oats, and butterscotch chips. I guess the problem is I don’t care for bananas. Haven’t started anything else. Will try something tomorrow.