Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • loosaedna
    loosaedna Posts: 20 Member
    Hello, I am feeling awful today, in very much pain. I am trying to lose weight so I can have the weight loss surgery. I am disabled because of my weight and way over 400 lbs, I could use a support group or just people to talk to that are going through what I am going through. Thanks for letting me vent.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @loosaedna--Welcome! Sorry you are in pain, but you'l be amazed at how much better you'll feel with every little bit of weight you drop. I don't think anyone currently posting on this thread is working toward WLS, but we've had others in the past. We support all who come here regardless of their paths. :smile:

    @barbara--so sorry to hear about your husband, but glad it sounds like he's doing okay. I hope he gets to see the game tomorrow--GO PACK!!

    @niki--the recipe looks delicious! My college roommate used to make a similar dish but with beef and instead of breadcrumbs she used actual bread that she soaked in the milk first. It was a family recipe (Polish). Very yummy and I like the use of the healthier ground chicken.

    @tom--love that quote!

    AFM--A couple of weeks ago at school, we had elections for our union's regional assembly (RA) representatives. We can elect 5 delegates from our school district and one ethnic minority rep (EMR) from our region. Our region consists of our district and another larger district; last year I ran for EMR from our district and the other district put up 2 candidates. I won and assumed it was due to their 2 candidates splitting their larger voting base. This year I ran again, but they only put up 1 candidate. I thought it was a lost cause since they have almost twice the members as we do. Last night, I got an email from our union president that I won again!! Very excited that I get to go to RA in April.

    On another note, I got my hair done today and decided to go a bit lighter. In the past I had darker copper lowlights with some golden blonde highlights. At the beginning of summer, I decided to switch to an all-over toner in a golden blonde, but I wasn't happy that so much of the reddish hue was still showing. My stylist said she could knock out most of the red if I went with a lighter ash blonde, so that's what we did. I really like it, but need to get used to it.

    Saturday Success:
    I have had a few successes over the past week or so. First, I've had several people comment that I look like I've lost weight even though I'm the same weight I was 2 years ago. I think it's b/c I've been watching my calories more and staying at the low end of my typical fluctuation range.

    Second, I've managed to do pretty well at staying under my calorie goal even with all of the meetings, parties, and dinners out. I'm still on track to meet my goal of only going over 3 times this month.

    Finally, today I went to get my hair done, and when I got home my DH said dinner wouldn't be ready for about an hour and a half. I debated going to starbucks to grade or going to the gym, and decided to do both. Got a start on the analysis activities the nran a quick 2 miles at the gym. :smile:

    December All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 18/20 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    Workout: 5/20 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k over Winter Break (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k was 56:49)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 65/66 AP essays
    2. 6/16 analysis activities
    3. x/66 Tone tests

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Karen: post a pic with the new hair.
    Kinda rattled here so sort of cruising around all my internet places to keep busy til bed time. As far as my calories today? Who knows. I am probably way under but I just didn't pay attention with all the hosp stuff going on.. Sorry. I am just rattling.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Loosaedna You really did find a great thread. All of these people are wonderful. Good luck in your journey.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Barbara, sorry about DH. I hope you can relax and sleep well.
    Karen, it sounds like things are going well for you right now. Enjoy your break
    AFM. Today is the first time since Monday that I have felt normal. The benefit of being sick was that I got some baking done without being tempted to eat it. I was way under calories all week. At this point today, I am a bit over, but will pedal for awhile and take care of that. I lost 6.5# while I was sick and am currently at a new low. I'm sure I will gain at least some that back so I'm not going to record it.
    My tree is finally up and decorated. Five of my grandkids helped me. I just kind of turned them loose because I had a funeral to attend. I'm sure that I will be moving things around for a few days, but its up and really looks pretty good.
    If it ever quits raining, I'm looking forward to getting back outside to walk. I won't have the kids for two weeks, and Cathy and Nicole are both off from school, too, so walking looks promising. Surely, it won't rain all the time!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • jmxxiiii
    jmxxiiii Posts: 231 Member
    This would be a really great facebook group!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    loosaedna wrote: »
    Hello, I am feeling awful today, in very much pain. I am trying to lose weight so I can have the weight loss surgery. I am disabled because of my weight and way over 400 lbs, I could use a support group or just people to talk to that are going through what I am going through. Thanks for letting me vent.

    Welcome Loosaedna ... I am so very, very glad to read that you are determined to drop some weight so you can have the medical attention you need.

    I lost someone very dear to me a couple of years ago due to weight-related health complications. It was one of the events of my life that prompted me to 'Get Serious' about my own issues.

    This is a good thread ... everyone is so supportive of one another. .... but you know, we all have to walk our path alone because we are the only ones who can make ourselves move a bit more, eat a bit less.

    I know you can get better ... I know it hurts ... if you can only walk 50 steps then walk them and sit down, then pick yourself up after you've rested and walk back to where you started from. Do that as many times a day as you can get yourself up ... and if it's only 10 steps, then do that. Before long you will be hitting 60 steps with ease ... this I know because of my own experience ... a couple of years ago I was not able to walk across a room without using a wheeled walker and had to sit down on it's bench after walking across the living room to get to the hallway. Today, that walker is folded up and in storage and I'm planning on joining a gym on January 2nd. God Bless you girl. Hang in.

    AFM ...
    Calories days at or under goal ... 18/20 (goal is 28/31)
    All-In challenge ... my housework is coming along. Still behind but did get 2 loads of wash done today, no dirty dishes in the sink or on the counter and cooked all my own meals.
    G'night everyone
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @Maram ... Did you get the munchies under control? Don't you just wonder why that happens to us sometimes? I Do.

    @RobinsEgg ... Ellen, hope you have a good time with your sibs in the morning.

    @Mountmary ... Barbara, how frantic! Your DH in the hospital! Good for you that you took him in. Hope he turns out good on the stress test.

    @SkinnyJeanz ... yes, that recipe is also made with beef and bread ... that's how my mom made them for us and she would serve them with egg noodles or mashed potatoes. I do the chicken version when I can because I don't eat a lot of beef ... but my sister makes them for her family almost as often as my mom did for us when we were at home.

    The ones with bread and beef are much heartier and dense ... and my mom used to sneak some minced garlic into them and use breadcrumbs instead of flour to dust them. It's definitely a comfort food.

    Now Good night!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I will post a picture of the new hair tomorrow or Monday. :smile:

    @barbara--don't worry about being under calories today. Also, you might find you are a bit hungrier tomorrow, so don't beat yourself up if you're a little over; just try to make any extra calories healthy choices.

    @kaye--glad to hear you are finally feeling back to normal--and just in time for the holidays.

    Niki's post about her house-cleaning challenge reminded me that I want to post a list of chores to accomplish around the house. DH has been keeping up with day to day cleaning, but I've just let my piles of "stuff" get out of control. Now that I have 2 weeks off, I need to get to tidying up. I'm sure DH will help with some of this as well, but I need a list to keep track.

    Cleaning Goals:
    1. clean fish tank
    2. clean off dining room table
    3. file paperwork/bills
    4. wash throw rugs and bedding in spare bedroom
    5. vacuum couch (under all cushions)
    6. drop off bag of clothes to GW
    7. clean out shoe basket
    8. sweep/vacuum entire house
    9. clean fridge
    10. clean bathroom

    December All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 18/20 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    Workout: 5/20 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k over Winter Break (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k was 56:49)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 65/66 AP essays
    2. 6/16 analysis activities
    3. x/66 Tone tests

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--rest day
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @LoosaEdna - I sent you a friend request - make a very first post is very brave. sorry for your pain. As Niki posted, just a wee change at first is all you need to do. No fancy equipment, no starving required...just a tiny change....

    @Mountmary - barb - I'm so sorry for your hubbys situation and all the stress you're under.. I'm sure you can't concentrate on anything while he's not there with you... hope he gets discharged tomorrow afternoon.

    @Skinny - thanks for sharing the video link - and where will you be going in April?

    @Niki - cruel to make me drool! such a yummy picture - wow those look and sound yummy - will try - but not soon!

    @Kaye - wow - you really got your socks knocked off ! Fight hard to keep that weight off! Darn you much have been sick - I feel for you. Hope the rain stops.

    Didn't do any baking today - Back is out and used hot pack all day; and then, around 8, went to fix a simple dinner and lid flew off jar of gravy while shaking it, and it went all over kitchen counters cabinets floor and little carpet runner - oh my! I burst out laughing it was so so messy, but surprisingly it cleaned up easier than I thought!
    A little angel must have helped me! o:)
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Been to bed and now I am up again. Darn. Maybe next trip I will actually get to sleep.
    Thanks everyone for all the supportive comments. Somehow it feels like you all have an arm around me just now, and I appreciate that. Yes, I have family and friends here and they are all being very supportive. Our son was at the hosp twice; daughter was picking up her son from college for break....but wanted to be here.
    Sorry, I guess I am just being a baby about this, but this time it seems to have me more scared....why? who knows, the ambulance? am I just tired??? Beats me.

    @Robin What a mess with the gravy! I am glad you could laugh about it. I am sure I would have cried. Glad it cleaned up easily.

    @NIki That was a lovely note you wrote to loosaedna. I am sure it was a good reminder for all of us. It certainly was for me.

    @Skinny Karen, don't get all stressed about the house now. I think I should just copy and check off the same list...well the dining room table is okay, but probably dusty. Certainly, I should probably freeze some of the food in the house if I am not going to be here cooking it for a few days. ...and then he will be home and starving!

    I need also to get my son's Christmas gift made (as does Gene need to make grandson's). I guess if they don't get done they will understand.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--Oh my about the gravy! Glad it wasn't too bad to clean up! Our regional assembly for the Illinois Education Association is held in downtown Chicago every spring, so I won't be going far. It's 3 days of work amending our association charter (think legislative process using Robert's Rules of Order), so it's not all fun and games. However, it's always at a nice hotel right on Lake Michigan, so kind of a working stay-cation. We have a couple of nice dinners out with our district delegates and the region group as well. Last year one of my friends from school was also a delegate and we went for runs along the lake path each afternoon before dinner. She hasn't heard if she won her election, but if it's not her, it will be another friend from work. I'm really hoping they both got elected.
  • talinaklocke
    talinaklocke Posts: 42 Member
    This is my first post here, I've actually been using MFP for awhile now but never notices the groups/boards!
    A little about me: A had the Gastric Sleeve Surgery about 3 months ago, I have struggled with my weight since childhood. I've made some pretty good progress so far but still have a long long way to go. Still a good 100 pounds or so! But I am determined and WILL succeed in this new journey in my life. But I know there will be tough times ahead so it's defiantly important to find a good group of people who understand these struggles.
    I hope to get to know many of you here :)
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Checking in.
    I had my weekly appointment with my endo this week. She was really pleased with my numbers for the week. She did NOT implement any changes, which made me so happy. She actually praised me and told me that she has never had a patient do as well as I have. It's amazing how things can change from week to week. My visit the week before left me feeling like the biggest failure on earth, this week I felt like I could conquer anything. The best part is she decided it is no longer necessary for me to have weekly visits. After next week I will switch to biweekly visits and fax in my data my "off" weeks. I am so happy!

    Yesterday Brian and I went car shopping. I finally did it...I signed a lease for a new car. Yesterday morning I had it down to two cars; Toyota Venza or Nissan Rogue. We stopped at Toyota first to test drive. Before going in I walked the car lot and decided to check out the Rav4. I ended up test driving the Rav and Venza. I loved them both and couldn't choose between the two. I ended up basing my decision on cost and features. So final verdict is I went with the Rav4. The color I wanted wasn't at my dealer so I have to go back and pick it up. They said it could be in as early as tomorrow. I am hoping to get an appointment tomorrow to sell my Celica and finish everything all up before Xmas. This way while I am on vacation I can do little things like have the car seat installed!

    Only 6 weeks left as of tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!

    Hansea - I hope you husband never has to deal with diabetes management. I think it truly sucks. Mine is only temporary. (Hopefully!!!! Please send positive thoughts my way that it is!) I can't imagine having to do this for the rest of my life. It's a lot of work and planning.

    Tom - Your gingerbread post killed me. :'( Guess what my latest craving is that I am not supposed to eat. Please eat some for me. LOL

    heartaflame - Sorry to hear about your rough patch. Welcome to the group.

    Kah - Congrats on the loss. Keep up the great work as always. Your snowman is adorable. I added two new figures to my collection this year. One is a Santa and the other is a snowman. I happened to find them on two different trips to CVS to get my meds and could not resist. I rationalized that with all I have been going through I deserve to treat myself to something that makes me happy!

    Mara - thanks for the kind words!

    Tanya - (((HUGS)))

    Robin - I asked my doctor about why sometimes it hurts more than others. She told me it all depends on the angle of the needle and what I hit when inserting it. I had a few good finger sticks yesterday that didn't hurt much. However I was rushing to do an insulin injection so I could get outside and catch the Santa parade our local FD does every year. That hurt a lot. Mental note: not wise to rush when working with sharp instruments that are inserted into your skin. :s

    MountMary - I think that is great that you are making gifts this year for the family. I love handmade gifts. For a while I was making ornaments every year for family and friends but I stopped due to time constraints. I have been planning on pulling out the clay all month long and get crafting but have not gotten around to it yet. I am hoping if I feel up to it I can make a few today.

    Kaye - I hope you are feeling better by now.

    Sorry if I didn't get to you. I have been up since 3 am and exhaustion is rapidly setting in. Time for a nap. Hope everyone is doing fabulously!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi everyone. I’ve been thrown in a thousand different directions the last couple of days—work is beyond stressful and Monday/Tuesday will be no different. :confounded: I’m looking forward to having some downtime and chilling with my parents for Christmas—they live in the country, so it’s always relaxing while I’m there.

    Yesterday, I spent the day with friends—we went out to lunch then rented The Skeleton Twins (good, independent film). After that I finished up some Christmas shopping. Today I need to get groceries and do some baking this afternoon.

    @Karen~Your hair sounds beautiful, can’t wait to see a pic! Enjoy your vacation time, hope you don't need to do too much grading.

    @Looseedna~You found a great, supportive group. Just take it one day (or one meal) at a time and set small goals for yourself.


    @Nettie~So glad to hear you are on biweekly visits with the endo now, way to go on getting yourself into a routine and keeping things regulated during these last weeks. Great choice with the Rav—I’ve had driven two, right now driving a 2006. I’m car shopping since mine has almost 100k now, but not in a big hurry.

    @Barbara~So sorry to hear about your husband, how scary—sounds like he is in good hands. I know you've been worried, glad your son was at the hospital and you have family surrounding you for the emotional support you need. I hope you were able to get some rest and that he is doing better this morning.

    @Robin~Sorry, yes I did receive the rest of my test results and everything came back normal. Enjoy the time with your siblings today.

    I guess I need to get moving. Lots on the agenda with cooking, cleaning, baking and wrapping but will try to check back later.
  • smekavutikul
    Hello,iam quite new here ... So i dont really know whats going onnn....but if its losing weight then iam in :)
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    @Barbara...take care of you as you take care of him. Thankfully, he is being monitored, so you can get to the bottom of whatever is going on.
    @Skinny Jeans...that running event seems like a blast. I hope you had as much fun as it looked.
    @Niki...those chicken cutlets look diving. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    @Looseedna....Welcome to our group. This group is a great find for you. It is a place to share and help others. I wish you the best as you confront the future and make healthy changes. Pop in as you are able. As you get more healthy, you will see that you feel better in so many ways. Keep your faith. It really is going to get better for you. :)

    Errands and cooking dominate my today. Got my exercise in and trying to keep the protein up all day to avoid snacking on the toll house cookies. :wink:
    Only 1 last grocery shopping trip left. Otherwise it is just the wrapping and food prep left. Woohoo!!

    Rock on.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy World Peace Day — officially The International Day of Peace — is observed annually on September 21. It is dedicated to world peace, specifically to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. Hopefully, it will become the occasion for a temporary ceasefire in a combat zones for humanitarian aid access.
    The International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by resolution 36/67PDF document of the United Nations General Assembly to coincide with its opening session, which was held annually on the third Tuesday of September. The first Peace Day was observed in September 1982.
    In 2001, the General Assembly adopted resolution 55/282PDF document, which established 21 September as an annual day of non-violence and cease-fire: (...) the International Day of Peace shall be observed on 21 September each year, with this date to be brought to the attention of all people for the celebration and observance of peace.

    “The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.” ~Victor E. Frankl

  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Whoo, Hoo! :D He did well in the stress test and they dismissed him from the hosp. They couldn't say what caused the chest pain, but with his history we have to check these things out. No new meds or any thing. He came home and ate a sandwich and soup and is now still awake watching football. I am delighted to have him home and figure we will both sleep better tonight. Thanks for putting up with me last night...I was sort of beside myself....
    I will try to get to personals later.
    Welcome have found a great group.
  • slimbluehen
    slimbluehen Posts: 34 Member
    This sounds like a great group of people! I've had a lifelong battle with weight and struggle to 'just say no' when it comes to foods that taste good - and worse, when I am bored at work. Needless to say, this has put me in the Hundred Plus club over the years, along with the pre-diabetic club. I've been working out and watching what I eat, which resulted in some weight loss (still have over 100 lbs. to go!). But the weight has been stuck now for several months, with only about 4 lbs. gone in that time. So this tells me I need to buckle down more and figure out what new baby step to take?

    Have a great Sunday everyone and take a bit of time for yourselves...this is a stressful time of year for most, even if it's a good stressful!