Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @cblue- Awesome accomplishment you have the right to be sassy
    @Rozie- great job on not buying snacks on the way home
    @mountmary- Well look at the positive you realized what you have been doing and you can start over fresh every morning
    @loosaedna- Your prayers are not falling on death ears. Sometimes our plan isn’t God’s plan but he still hears us. There have been many times I have prayed for signs about situations looking back I always got signs just not the blunt in your face ones I wanted. I get discouraged over any weight gain but I was reminded last month that all my work is helping even if the scale doesn't always move in the correct direction. Continue to fight for your health you can do it small steps.
    @ Newbies- Welcome to the group
    @Tlh0407- Good luck with Jacob. Kenzie is the same way super intelligent can get A’s on test and not complete any homework what so ever. None of my lectures sunk in even when they appeared to be until we toured the U of M last year and learned he would never get accepted to a big college with his 1.8 grade point avg. He heard professor say that smarts isn't everything if you can’t apply yourself you will not pass college. Now, he is trying to figure out if community or technical trade is better for him. He always thought I was wrong and no matter how much I took the car away or charged him for his bad grades nothing helped. I had to chuckle because I use to make Kenzie sit at the table also and if he said he had no homework he sat and read or watched me do mine.

    AFM- Well I left my fitbit at home on accident today….I feel naked without it. I have decided to use stopwatch on phone for walking minutes and find another day in the fitbit log with similar minutes walked for logging. I learned your sinus area and ears have some things in common which I never knew before. I went to doctor with my ears in pain and found out due to a broken nose I never got fixed it is making it so some sinus tubes don’t drain properly so it causes ear issues. They gave me some super sonic mucinex sinus spray to see if that helps my ears. Otherwise I just need to live with it they said even re-breaking my nose may not solve the issue.
    My Wednesday wish is I could stop being jealous of others success and just be happy for what I have accomplished. For, I have accomplished a lot in 41yrs of life.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Holly Hold that thought. You HAVE accomplished a lot. We so often beat ourselves up over things and forget the good we have done. I am right there with you in needing to do just that; remember the good things.
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    @kah68 - Thanks! I missed everyone. I can hardly keep track of the thread! :blush:
    @skinnyjeanz and @Lauriek- Thank you. :blush: He is pretty great. He even offered to hide the "snack table" when I come over, and lay off on ordering pizza for us. When I told him my goals for health, he said he could offer motivation for a healthy, reasonable goal... I lose 25 pounds by May, and he will take me for a weekend at a bed and breakfast. :smile:

    I'm having a rough start... lots of stress eating. My son (who works about 50 hours a week to be the best basketball player ever), fractured his foot a couple of weeks ago. Monday, they upgraded his boot to a cast and said it isn't healing as it should... heart-broken. I just wanted so badly to fix it for him... so I took him for sushi, fed him ice cream... oh wait :o Woops. I need to work on my role modeling. Yesterday, I hurt my OWN ankle... which of course led to further use of comfort foods. I'm better today, it's just been a challenge.

    My wish... healthy ankles all around!
  • NAcetoLang
    NAcetoLang Posts: 517 Member
    @tlh0407 - The teachers are going to "Boo" me for this, but here is what I did with Anthony, when he was younger.... He was getting all A grades in the beginning of 8th grade, then his dad died, and the kid's grade sunk down LOW. I tried bribery, taking things away, fighting, etc. Each time he would do awesome then sink back down again. I asked him why he thought his grades were bad. He explained that he hated homework. If he could just skip the homework entirely (he said it was tedious), then he would do fine. I said well TOO BAD. Homework is not optional.

    Fast forward to 9th grade... I was at my wit's end with the homework debate. He was just above a 2.0 GPA, and maintained enough to stay in sports. (So sad that this is all they need). I told him that I would completely stop harassing him about homework if he got high enough grades on his tests to improve to a B or higher for his final grades in most of his classes. (Yes, I am a little crazy).

    At first, he really surprised me. He started getting A grades on tests! He wasn't doing the homework, but he was mostly studying for the tests and seemed to pay more attention in class... Then it happened. He flunked a major math test, and brought his overall math grade down to a D. He was devastated. He said he studied so hard. (I believe him). I asked him where he thought went wrong... He does nearly all of his homework now (just in case he missed something), and I think he is at a 3.7 or somewhere thereabouts for GPA (11th grade now)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Nicole~Ouch, I’m sorry for your son’s broken foot—been there, it’s hard to be benched from something you love. I hope now that it’s in a cast that it heals quickly! Hey, broken feet deserve ice cream (sometimes)! :wink:

    @Tracy~Oy, so sorry you needed to give Jacob an ultimatum with his school work—I hope your talk worked and he starts to work harder.

    @Looseedna~Does your doctor have you on a restricted caloric diet? For you 1,200 calories seems extremely far below your BMR, which means you aren’t giving your body the fuel it needs just to function optimally. But if you’re under a doctor’s supervision, that’s a different story.

    @armednurse (Marilyn)~I know the posts are overwhelming right now, just keep up best you can and don’t feel like you need to respond to everyone each time you read the thread—if we did that, we’d all be here all day! LOL I worked nights in my early 20s, my circadian rhythm was all messed up—I tried to keep my meals kind of normal though, so had breakfast when I got home in the mornings.

    AFM~Its been kind of a trying 24 hours. A toxic friendship ended yesterday—she has a Jekyll and Hyde personality and used me most of the time. Her mood swings are just a constant roller-coaster and I told myself the next time she treated me badly I was ending it. We work together, which makes it more difficult. Still waiting on estimate from body shop on my car, should have it this afternoon. I did keep my session with my trainer yesterday, we took it easy and it didn't seem to aggravate my shoulder too much--shoulder is just kind of achy, I probably just tweaked a muscle during the accident.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Walk w friend DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Walk w friend
    Friday~Walk w friend
    Saturday~Rest Day
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    kah68 wrote: »
    @Nicole~Ouch, I’m sorry for your son’s broken foot—been there, it’s hard to be benched from something you love. I hope now that it’s in a cast that it heals quickly! Hey, broken feet deserve ice cream (sometimes)! :wink:

    @Tracy~Oy, so sorry you needed to give Jacob an ultimatum with his school work—I hope your talk worked and he starts to work harder.

    @Looseedna~Does your doctor have you on a restricted caloric diet? For you 1,200 calories seems extremely far below your BMR, which means you aren’t giving your body the fuel it needs just to function optimally. But if you’re under a doctor’s supervision, that’s a different story.

    @armednurse (Marilyn)~I know the posts are overwhelming right now, just keep up best you can and don’t feel like you need to respond to everyone each time you read the thread—if we did that, we’d all be here all day! LOL I worked nights in my early 20s, my circadian rhythm was all messed up—I tried to keep my meals kind of normal though, so had breakfast when I got home in the mornings.

    AFM~Its been kind of a trying 24 hours. A toxic friendship ended yesterday—she has a Jekyll and Hyde personality and used me most of the time. Her mood swings are just a constant roller-coaster and I told myself the next time she treated me badly I was ending it. We work together, which makes it more difficult. Still waiting on estimate from body shop on my car, should have it this afternoon. I did keep my session with my trainer yesterday, we took it easy and it didn't seem to aggravate my shoulder too much--shoulder is just kind of achy, I probably just tweaked a muscle during the accident.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Walk w friend DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Walk w friend
    Friday~Walk w friend
    Saturday~Rest Day

    For your friend situation I understand what you are going through. It is hard when you work with someone and you stop being friends with them. About 3-4 yrs ago now I was in similar situation except my friend and coworker left me stranded in a different state while she entertained male companion. I had no way to the airport no money for a cab, she checked out the hotel and never alerted me, even changed her flight home. We have not talked in that time and even when we are now alone in the elevator, break room, or other work areas there is a awkward silence between us. Good luck with your situation.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone! I have been crazy busy this week and I have had no time at all to check in. I did a quick read of the last several post and will pick up on personals tomorrow. I have been keeping up with my food tracking and exercise. I was cleared to back to normal activities after my surgery, which makes me happy!

    I hope you all have a blessed day and I will be tomorrow!! <3
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone! Just a quick check in.

    @lori--congrats on 100lbs lost!!

    @laurie--glad you didn't get the full brunt of the storm, but still got a delayed start.

    @nicole--what you did with your son is kind of what I'm doing with my juniors this year. Most homework is optional with no penalty if they choose not to do it. However, if they complete it all, they can do revisions to essays and tests. If they don't do the HW, they don't get that privilege to revise for extra points.

    Welcome to all the new lungs!

    AFM--yesterday was a much better day, but wow was it a long one! I'm on my tablet at school, so I'll come back later for more personals and to update my goals.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Wednesday Wish - that my friends and extended family who have lost dear ones and family these past several days find peace and comfort.

    January Challenge
    Calores: 23/27 ...(goal was 28/31) .... no way to make that now as I am 63 calories over ... did I Really have to be lazy about supper last night ... when will I ever learn.
    All-In ... 3 days at the gym ... only 1 day thus far ...

    Follow-through - Niki ... why aren't you doing what you said you would do ... follow-through! (ok, ok, don't kill yourself over it ... just be more mindful)
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Interesting homework discussion... I was always the nerd who did her homework right away, at school if possible, but LilBro rebelled against what he saw as "busy work". I remember he and Mom having some royal battles over that. I don't think he ever did get to the point where he consistently turned in homework, even in college. He did manage to graduate, though.

    Query for y'all: what are some snacks you keep on hand? I have a major sweet tooth and tend to reach for chocolate for snacking. Looking for some good alternatives. I'm heading to the store in a few minutes and thought I'd get some apples and peanut butter, but would like some other ideas for variety.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015
    melifornia wrote: »
    Query for y'all: what are some snacks you keep on hand? I have a major sweet tooth and tend to reach for chocolate for snacking. Looking for some good alternatives. I'm heading to the store in a few minutes and thought I'd get some apples and peanut butter, but would like some other ideas for variety.

    Get natural peanut butter and not the sweetened or lower fat kind.
    Good snack options ... string cheese. A handful of Nuts like cashiew, almond, pistachio. Seeds like sunflower and pumpkin. A slice of whole wheat bread, toasted, with some peanut butter and half a banana on it. Pan popped popcorn (2-3 Tpopped in a little canola oil). Plain yogurt with your own fruit added at home (blueberries, strawberries) Cottage Cheese (1/4c) on celery stalks or with 1/4 c crushed pineapples (canned in pineapple juice). A 1 cup bowl of veggie soup. Some crisp flat bread with several slices of avocado on them. A hard-boiled egg with a few olives. An ounce of just turkey or just chicken breast, perhaps rolled around some avocado slices and rolled inside some dark leafy greens. Half a cup of homemade pudding. An ounce of dark chocolate - preferrably something over 60 % cacao (I like Ghirardelli bittersweet baking chocolate). 1/2 a ruby-red grapefruit. Pear or apple with 1 ounce of swiss or cheddar cheese. 1/4 cantaloupe with 1/4 cup cottage or ricotta cheese.

    Thar's just off the top of my head. Hope you picked up some of his stuff ... so much better for you than snack bars or other prepared foods make for snacks.

    PS ... sorry, not many of my favorite snacks are sweet as I tend toward savory or salty myself.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited January 2015
    HAHAHA--Just reread my post from earlier and realize I called the newlings "new lungs"--that's due to the tablet's auto-correct; sorry about that. :blush: Let's try that again:

    Welcome to all of the newlings!!

    @melifornia‌ --for sweet snacks, I try to keep a bag of dark chocolate (like Dove hearts) on hand. I also almost always have a box of Fruitare bars in the freezer--I'm partial to mango, but they come in many flavors. I also always keep a tin of Hershey's special dark chocolate cocoa powder in the cupboard. I sometimes will mix a bit with peanut butter and eat it just like that if I'm not in the mood for an apple w/ PB, or I mix it with honey and some water to make a chocolate syrup for dipping strawberries or to eat on my whole wheat pancakes (I'm not a fan of maple syrup).

    @niki--sorry your knee is bothering you--hope it gets better quickly.

    @texasmom--It's "pop." :wink: LOL

    @rozie--I have to lock gunner out of the room when I work out at home b/c he's the same way. He still whines outside the door the whole time, but at least he's not jumping all over me. It's yet another reason I prefer the gym.

    @holly--I tend to read more fiction, but when I taught Contemporary Lit we read some memoirs. Have you read Jeanette Walls' The Glass Castle? It's one of my favorite memoirs. Also love Running With Scissors by Augusten Burroughs.

    @kaye--thanks, it's so nice for me to see nothing there as well. In fact, my students turned in an analysis activity today, and I managed to get them all graded during the school day, so one more day of no grading. Yay!!

    @tracy--I agree with what others said about figuring out the right calorie allowance. It's a lot of trial and error. Personally, I don't pay much attention to BMR, but just checked and mine is about 1550. I currently eat 1610 plus all of my exercise calories on days I work out. Also, if your sedentary TDEE -30% is 1547, but you're planning to eat back exercise calories, you technically would only be eating below BMR on days you had zero exercise calories.

    Wed Wish:
    My wish is that the groundhog doesn't see his shadow--I'm ready for spring!

    Yesterday I got all of the 1st semester novels back in the book room. This takes time b/c I have to check them all in to see which students haven't returned theirs. It's an easy, but time consuming, task. Fortunately, my juniors are watching a movie, so I used that time to complete the task. After work, I attended part of a bargaining meeting, but had to leave to go back to the HS to teach ACT prep. The group of kids were really good. They participated and stayed on-task despite it being after 9 pm when we finished. They also all thanked me as they left which is always nice.

    Today was another good day at work. I got some clarification about the Monday issue and am feeling better about the situation. I was a bit tired today from my 14 hour work day yesterday, but still managed to remain productive. My AP kids were working in groups on an analysis activity. While my 4th hour worked, I graded 2nd hour's. While 5th hour worked, I graded 4th hour's. Then I got 5th hour's graded during my supervision duty. It was so nice to go into my last 2 classes knowing I had no grading to bring home (b/c my juniors are still watching that movie :smile: ). Really going to try to keep this momentum going so the grading doesn't pile up.

    I decided to move my gym visit to tomorrow b/c still physically tired from the long day yesterday.

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 25/27 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 3/2, week 3 = 2/2, week 4 = 1/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47) DONE 1/25 in 55:41!!

    Grading Goals:

    Exercise Goals: (week 4)
    Sun--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"

  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    @melifornia‌, For snacks I usually have things like string cheese, fruit, Greek yogurt, sugar free puddings. I also have two pieces of Dove dark chocolate every day. It's important for my mental health!! ;)

    My Wed wish is the same as skinnyjeanz. I want spring to get here!!! We just came home from church and I my poor fingers are freezing! Just to feel warm....and I live in Georgia, so I know I shouldn't complain....but I am!! :#

    Motto for 2015: Fit for 50!! B)
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @skinnyjeans - I chuckled at the new lungs. But then thought it pretty good. Compared to the "old ones" they are new and they are exercising their lungs.

    @melfornia - On grocery day I make up veggie trays, with about 6 to 8 oz of veggies. I eat one most days with low cal dressing or cottage cheese. Another fav is Rold Gold Honey Wheat Pretzel Twists or 100 cal bags of microwave popcorn.

    Went to see Stomp last night then could not sleep, too wound up I guess. I am off to bed very early.
    Love to all <3
    Living Life Gratified
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Skinny- I also chuckled at the comment of "new lungs", it does bring a new breathe to our :) I also had a long day yesterday and was tired today so skipped the gym. Will go tomorrow.

    TLH-Homework is a major challenge for my students as well. I try to give as little as possible but now that the county board of education is making us count HW as 10% of their grade, I will need to give my student more homework. The good thing is that I only grade on completeness so it is a quick grade and we can go over it in class. We are getting ready to review for an upcoming state test so hopefully the kids will do the questions. They are multiple choice so not a major ordeal.

    Wish- That the project my students will be doing for the next couple of days goes off without a hitch. The 8th graders are doing an egg drop experiment. So it was introduced today in social studies, in the next three days my classes will finish designing, building and testing their egg container. Yes, we are using raw eggs for the drop. Then they will do a math assignment and the write up in Language Arts. The best part is that I will use the written assignment for a science grade as well and I don't lose class time to write the final paper. Very worried about the drop and the level of organization that will be provided. I just hope I can let it go and not worry about it.

    Have a great rest of the week. Tomorrow I will go back to the gym.
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Everybody's over the bug here... but I'm so freaking exhausted. I haven't caught up on my sleep yet. This afternoon I was straight up begging my 3yo to please for the love of God, just SIT and watch Mickey Mouse for half an hour so I can doze while your sister sleeps.

    I'm missing a church thing that I really wanted to go to because DH got tapped for overtime and won't be off until midnight.

    I'm crazy hungry right now, and reminding myself that if I were at said church thing, I would not have access to food until I got home... an hour from now. Because if I eat now, that's dinner, I'll be out of cals, and I like to eat something after the 3yo goes to bed.

    Gotta go do bedtime, so I'm waiting for the baby to be tired. 3yo is already tired, but there's a trick to this... if I put the baby down, she usually takes a 45m nap, which is juuust long enough to get her brother to go to sleep. It's the only way bedtime doesn't take 3 hours when I'm flying solo.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited January 2015
    @mary--glad to hear you're all over the illness. Here's to hoping you get some much needed rest. I imagine you getting all caught up on sleep with 2 little ones is about as likely as me getting caught up on grading when teaching AP Lit. LOL! Oh wait, I'm caught up right now, so there's hope for you! I've also been crazy hungry all day--not sure what's going on.

    @laurie--sounds like a great project. I also used to just give completion points for a lot of the HW my juniors did, and then we would go over it in class. It helped keep the grading down, but my teammate and I found it was inflating their grades too much, so now we don't give any points for it. Instead, we just check it in, so we know who's eligible for revisions. It's been working really well with 16 and 17 year olds; most are pretty good at self-monitoring and realizing when they need the practice.

    AFM--As I mentioned above to Mary, I've been so hungry all day. It started this morning during my first hour open. I usually just have my coffee, and then eat breakfast during my 3 hour prep. But this morning my stomach was growling so I ate breakfast early, and it was high in protein (Jimmy Dean Delights b-fast sandwich) so I don't know what's going on. I did have a tiny taste of an apple fritter, but other than that, most of my food choices have been good today. Since my dinner, I've had a sweet potato and a salad to try to curb this hunger, but nothing is working. I have enough calories for one serving of doritos, so I'm going to try that and see if it works.

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 25/27 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 3/2, week 3 = 2/2, week 4 = 1/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47) DONE 1/25 in 55:41!!

    Grading Goals:

    Exercise Goals: (week 4)
    Sun--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Thurs-- walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"
  • silver12176
    silver12176 Posts: 70 Member
    Ok I am just frustrated. I have a fitbit and it usually does pretty well tracking my steps, but tonight I did the elliptical and it didn't count all my steps and it said I had no active. I was sweating my butt off.
  • silver12176
    silver12176 Posts: 70 Member
    Ok I am just frustrated. I have a fitbit and it usually does pretty well tracking my steps, but tonight I did the elliptical and it didn't count all my steps and it said I had no active. I was sweating my butt off.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Met my goals for today and walked over 5 miles in sunshine.
    My Wednesday wish is for peace and comfort for my cousin's family. A few weeks ago his wife broke her foot in a skiing accident. The surgery to repair her foot caused blood clots which moved to her brain and killed her. She was only 51 years old, and a very talented musician, teaching, composing and performing. My heart is broken for her family. We will be attending her memorialservice on Saturday.
    I still need to do some research for my strength training for February. I love all your goal lists. I guess that my daily goals beyond calorie control, exercise and water are just to take care of the little ones. I don't get very much else done.
    Oh, well. Onward and downward. Kaye