MFP and disturbing posts



  • LosingWeight4Good
    LosingWeight4Good Posts: 156 Member
    I can't imagine a 300 calorie day. I think I get 300 calories from just looking at a dessert recipe. LOL
    What does 300 cals even look like? A half of a tomato, a couple romaine leaf, a basil leaf, four cucumber slices, a radish with 5 drops of olive oil?

    On the other hand, they probably can't imagine what a 3000 calorie day looks like either. I remember those days. x sighs x

    On the bell curve of life, they are the one side and I am the other. But maybe...just maybe...we are all looking for support. Maybe we are all looking for someone else out there who can identify with how hard it is to break bad habits and start new healthy ones. Looking for someone willing to text a quick note to say wtg or r u insane? Looking for the perspective of someone from the other side of the bell curve.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    It's important to not encourage and support destructive eating disorder behavior. But, people on here can also go a little overboard and accuse people of an ED, even when the person eats much more than they do. So, just be careful with not getting too dramatic and paranoid about it. It's good to be aware of the reality of it. But, not helpful to overreact and make false accusations. Just because someone is small that does not mean they have an ED. :People who have Ed's have disordered eating that they obsess about (it is destructive to their lives), they are not concerned with genuine health and preserving or increasing LBM, They look emaciated, are not strong, healthy and fit, they are not physically strong, they are tired and do not have energy, they have other health issues, you can see the signs of malnourishment. If someone over reacts about others having an ED, it may be from their own issues with an ED in the past, or having loved ones that have or had an Ed, or other personal issues.
  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    Leeanne1974 eating less doesn't necessarily mean someone's got an eating disorder. I am eating less for some period of time then bounce back to eating my BMR when I want to maintain my weight. You said people are encouraging anorexia, it's true in some cases, but you can't be anorexic when you're OBESE. I'd hate to be anorexic and hate others to be. But for mentally stable person being healthy shouldn't be a problem, so as long as you're not mentally disabled you shouldn't have a problem when to stop dieting and start maintaining. And by the way it's society's fault little girls think anorexic is sexy.
    I mean if someone came to you and told you "I want to commit suicide" would you congratulate that?

    Congratulate - no, but do whatever you feel like, it's not like I don't care, but it's your own life. If you don't care no one will.

    Can you please tell me where I said that obese people have anorexia?? I said that big people can have eating disorders too.

    I so quickly slipped into my "Less is best and i will get thin quickly and feel great" thing.... I didn't say I was anorexic now!
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 440 Member
    I'd also be willing to bet most of the pro ana's aren't 18 or over.

    Yes they are. There are woman almost 45 on here struggling with it. Anorexia has nothing to do with age.

    Again, he said "...most of the pro ana's aren't 18 or over"

    'Pro Anas', NOT anorexics - there is a big difference!