Who hates being single?



  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    I'm pretty content being single :) It's rare that I find someone that I want to be with, who also wants to be with me. It's usually one or the other : / So what can you do? I'm happy with what I do have: family, friends that are like family too, and my roommate's pets to spoil lol I'm in absolutely no rush to find "The One" (if that even exists) and get married. There's too much I want to do on my own first! :wink:
  • Tracepa98
    Tracepa98 Posts: 219
    Ive been single for close to 4 years now. Prior to that I was in a relationship that lasted almost 9. Let me say that I quite enjoy being single. I can do what I please and I can focus on myself rather than trying to always please someone else all the time. It makes the goal for weight loss so much easier.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I can't prove it...but I suspect some folks are making excuses for "the Suck."

    Course, i'm biased. A LOT. I'm terrible single. I'm wired to connect with a woman. Just. Feels. Better.

    I'd really really love to have a lover to battle for the covers. I'd really enjoy reminding her to put the toilet seat back up when she's done. I'd cherrish her morning breath because it means she's there in bed, nuzzled into me. Okay, I wouldn't really cherrish the breath...but I'd understanding having to even SMELL the dragon-breath means she's there...very close to me. I'd be giddy over arguing about bills because in the middle of the argument, when we're most stirred up, there'd be a chance we'd stop talking and start making out. I can't wait for the day a lover causes me to change plans, just because I want to hang out with her more than anything. The thought of calling in sick to work, because she will not let me out of bed? Fantasy of mine.

    I'll take one of this type of guy, just package him up and send him on down to Florida...
  • MisterGoodBar
    MisterGoodBar Posts: 157 Member
    eh, "could've had a v8!" lol

    no, but seriously the only true positives are the freedoms to come and go at random or the insecure varieties of everyday.
  • emilym_3
    emilym_3 Posts: 62
    I can't prove it...but I suspect some folks are making excuses for "the Suck."

    Course, i'm biased. A LOT. I'm terrible single. I'm wired to connect with a woman. Just. Feels. Better.

    I'd really really love to have a lover to battle for the covers. I'd really enjoy reminding her to put the toilet seat back up when she's done. I'd cherrish her morning breath because it means she's there in bed, nuzzled into me. Okay, I wouldn't really cherrish the breath...but I'd understanding having to even SMELL the dragon-breath means she's there...very close to me. I'd be giddy over arguing about bills because in the middle of the argument, when we're most stirred up, there'd be a chance we'd stop talking and start making out. I can't wait for the day a lover causes me to change plans, just because I want to hang out with her more than anything. The thought of calling in sick to work, because she will not let me out of bed? Fantasy of mine.


    yeah I hate being single
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I was single until age 20, and that was enough to last me a lifetime. Done.

    My sex drive is way too high to be anything else but married, with a wife in close proximity at all times. I don't know how "single" folks deal with such sporadic sex. I'd go crazy.
    You'd be surprised at how quickly sex drops on the priority list. I could probably get laid any night of the week if I wanted to, just go down to the bar and come on to some douchy looking guy, but I don't want to. Sex is the last thing I'm concerned about and I don't want to have sex with random dudes anyway.
  • violetta88
    violetta88 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 23 and have never had a serious relationship. I'm totally fine with that :)

    What I love:

    - Controlling the TV, the fridge, my finances ...
    - No one messing up my pristine apartment
    - Not having to make conversation when I don't want to (which is most of the time)
    - Jumping on board last minute plans without having to worry about anyone else
    - Able to spend time with my family and slotting right back in, without having another person tagging after me

    Of course, I think I'm just meant to be on my own - designed that way I think!
  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    I like being single b/c
    -Not having to explain who that guy that said hi is
    -Being able to buy shoes, bags, clothes without having to hid it.
    -Not have to go to bed because someone else wants you to
    -Watching tv shows I enjoy
    -Not having to deal with unhealthy food around me!!!!!!
    -Not stalling your plans b/c of the other person
    -Not having to deal with someone else's attitude or ****.
    -Not having your happiness or sadness be altered by someone else (disagreements etc)
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    It's funny, my best friend loves to do mundane things and have company. "Hey, I'm going to Target, wanna come with?" Uh, hey buddy, were friends, but go f*** yourself. LOL. Not only that, but when I do housework, shopping, etc, I prefer to do it alone. I just don't like other people in my business at all. I like to socialize and have fun, but when I'm doing laundry, cleaning house, watching TV, I just don't want people around. People are annoying. LOL. And, they steal my energy.
    And for me, I think doing that mundane stuff in the company of someone who makes it fun is one of the great things about (good) relationships. Everyone needs their alone time, of course...but I'd rather spend that doing stuff I enjoy, rather than chores. To each their own, though!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Count me in. I'm actually starting to get depressed here since I'm already in almost mid 30's, single and without kids & I want to build my own family. But the question is, how? :ohwell:
    Sperm banks & doctors, my friend -- the miracles of modern medicine. I hit 35 and decided not to put off what I KNEW I wanted (being a parent) for what I HOPED to have (a true partner) any longer...you just never know how long you have, and i didn't want to wait so long for one that the other became impossible. One $750 vial of donor DNA and an IUI (covered by my insurance) later, I had my beautiful baby girl (the fairy in my pic). Best decision I ever made.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    It's better to be single than be in a bad relationship.

    Much better.
  • berlynn_j
    berlynn_j Posts: 299 Member
    I love the bf but I miss my "secret single behavior" (as I heard it called on a Sex and the City episode). You know the things you do when you live by yourself as opposed when you go someone else around. But still happy. There are things I miss about being single, but when I'm single there are things I miss about being with someone.
  • krim12
    krim12 Posts: 102
    I hate being single. My husband and i are separated for the last 3 months....i hate it....i hate dating...i hate being a single mother...i hate it.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It's better to be single than be in a bad relationship.

    Much better.

    So true. And I keep forgetting that. I need to make a poster of that and hang it up in my room.
  • Larimar0989
    I prefer to be with a special someone. I love sharing experiences, learning about each other and caring for one another. However, I much rather be single than wasting my time. So you have to be worth it for me to give you all my affection.

    Being single for me right now means a chance for me to have unlimited fun. For me to do stuff alone and learn more about myself. I meet a lot of new people with no strings attached and figure out qualities I want and dont in my future ideal mate. Its a mix of self discovery and weeding out the good and bad through experiences.
  • SouthernSweetie74
    I HATE being single...

    I hate going to bed alone at night.

    But alas...

    I've come to the realization as of late... that most likely... I will always be single. I'll be the old lady with too many cats...
  • SouthernSweetie74
    I was single until age 20, and that was enough to last me a lifetime. Done.

    My sex drive is way too high to be anything else but married, with a wife in close proximity at all times. I don't know how "single" folks deal with such sporadic sex. I'd go crazy.
    You'd be surprised at how quickly sex drops on the priority list. I could probably get laid any night of the week if I wanted to, just go down to the bar and come on to some douchy looking guy, but I don't want to. Sex is the last thing I'm concerned about and I don't want to have sex with random dudes anyway.

    I wish I could say the same. Unfortunately, though, I'm 37 and my sex hormones are on OVERDRIVE... oKay... It doesn't mean I want to go have sex with random dudes. But I'll be honest... there are some days, I'm tempted. LOL
  • sharkfrenzy
    I love being single...I just don't like cobwebs in my undies.

  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I hope I am never single again. And yes the celibacy/sporadic sex thing is tough! That said there are things to enjoy about it and looking back I wish I enjoyed it a lot more, had I known where I'd end up I probably would have. But I spent too much time while I was single worrying about being single!!!!!!
    so my advice is enjoy the positives, get out there and get interested in life and the more you do that probably the shorter period of time you'll be single anyway!!!!!
  • SouthernSweetie74

    Are guys like this actually so rare girls are asking him to be cloned? I thought we were all like this.

    Ok, I lied, a lot of guys are asshats, but if so many girls want a guy like this, why am I still single?

    True story: I'm unique.

    But it's not even so much as men being asshats. If you're a lot like me, then you'll understand you are no less-masculine than a *kitten*, or EVEN a typical guy. It'd mean you and I and a few like us figured out the awesomeness of intimacy without regard to sexual intercourse.

    Okay - only a couple people here know this non-guyish fact about me...

    I've had sex JUST for the intimate time afterward...just because I wanted to feel...(this is embarrassing...omg..)I wanted to feel special.

    There. I said it. It's out there.


    :beers: to the guys who don't give a sht about man-cards. :)

    I'm not a guy... but cheers! I'll raise a drink to that! :drinker:

    You won't be single for long...