What birth control are you using?



  • mangoduck
    mangoduck Posts: 35 Member
    I had the Mirena and loved it. The only pill I liked was Loestrin Fe. The patch annoyed me and the ring annoyed my body. If I had to do it again, I'd go with the Mirena.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I'm on Implanon, which I totally love, but in an effort to save a little money and go the non-hormonal route, I was thinking of using the Todd Akin method, and just making sure that all my future sexual encounters are legitimate rapes.
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    We use menopause. It works great. I'm too scared to get near her for anything to happen.
  • jcm529
    jcm529 Posts: 36
    I know you don't want an implant, but I have Implanon and I loveee it! It works GREAT, and haven't had any side effects.

    This! I'm a huge fan of mine!!
  • RadiantxReality
    RadiantxReality Posts: 27 Member
    Pull n pray until I can start the Pill again.
  • Icaw
    Icaw Posts: 58 Member
    Alesse. It's an "ultra low dose" pill. I have experienced no side effects to date.
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    eatcleanNtraindirty Posts: 444 Member
    Pulling out - it has no side effects.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    They make a type of spermicidal insert that we use, or just plain old condoms. My blood pressure got too high and they took me off the pill, gave me norvaring.... which I stopped using when I found out could be worse for me because of the very reason they took me off the pills.

    I've thought about an IDU, but the one time I asked the doc told me since I've never had children it really wasn't an option.
  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    Damn, that must be it. I got snipped 10 years ago.. So that's where all this weight is coming from!
  • ymvestal
    ymvestal Posts: 84
    I did this and not only did it completely mess up my cycles, but 5 mos after I went back to the pill (which I took EVERYDAY) I was pregnant with a 3rd child I wasn't expecting to have. Don't get me wrong, he's a blessing, but I certainly wasn't ready for the news...and becasue my cycles were so messed up from the depo shots, I didn't even know I was pregnant until just before the 2nd trimester!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    For 10 years now!!!!!!!!!!!

    No side effects and suggested for women in their 30s & 40s (I'm 35).

    I used to have weird side effects on the pill...but this is a low dose hormone. I have never heard of people having weight issues with it either. To me every thing else is so old fashioned. :)
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I've taken Ortho Tri-Cyclen Lo for about 10 years now and I've gained and lost weight over that time but I don't think it had anything to do with the pill. I still take it and have lost 30 pounds fairly easily. I do get a little moody the week before.
  • Sheilav330
    I am on Loestrin no weight gain for me and my moods have gotten a lot better..yeah i am not on the birth control not just to not get pregnant :) also helps shrinks my cysts in my ovaries
  • PixiePickle
    PixiePickle Posts: 68 Member
    Evra, if you haven't heard of it, it's a stick-on patch (like a nicotine patch). I like it. You change it weekly, it works and you can take the patch off if it's not for you.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Pulling out - it has no side effects.

    Yeah that totally works every time too. Just like legitimate rape!
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    the ole snip snip.....guaranteed \m/
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Pulling out - it has no side effects.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Nuva-ring. look into it.

    and since I aint gunna be no baby-daddy...... VCF on top of that. lol.

    Nuvaring is the best invention ever. I've been on it since it first came out 10 years ago.
  • taylor_lynn
    I know you said you don't want an IUD, but I'm going to recommend something that is different than most IUDs.

    I use Paraguard and what I love about it is that it's 100% hormone free (unlike Mirena). Due to past experiences I am a firm promoter of avoiding the addition of hormones to the body if at all possible, because they can really mess with you, physically & emotionally. I'm not one of those "natural family planning" freaks, just know that adding hormones to the body can really screw with you.

    Take a look at their website, I've had it in for about 3 years and it's good for 10. The only negative is I have pretty heavy periods, but I will take that any day over being psycho crazy girl on hormones...

    Good luck!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Nuva-ring. look into it.

    and since I aint gunna be no baby-daddy...... VCF on top of that. lol.

    Nuvaring is the best invention ever. I've been on it since it first came out 10 years ago.

    Nuvaring made me fat and bat-*kitten* crazy, which I guess is really good birth control in itself because nobody wants to bone a fat, crazy chick.