Lance Armstrong admits to cheating.



  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    yeah i definitely should have headed this wrong but it seems you cant edit the title.

    but any reasonable person can see he's guilty of cheating. mountains of evidence and now he's not even going to fight it.

    very disappoinnting. what will all the people he inspired think?

    mountains of evidence?

    All the articles I've been reading (multiple sources) say he's been tested CLEAN 100s of has this evidence?

    I don't know him personally and am not involved in the cycling world; I can't speculate on whether he did or didn't.

    But not fighting doesn't automatically = guilt.
    ^^^ This. I was reading an article the other day that, in a nuthell, said the US courts were staying out of it since it's an international sport that should be dealt w/by it's international bodies, but that the US felt the org was overreaching and did not have the evidence to support their accusations. Doesn't sound like mountains of evidence to me...
  • retriev00
    retriev00 Posts: 227 Member
    Lance didn't admit cheating but It looks like he did.

    Lance has MEGABUCK sponsors that would have him fight it out if it were 100 false.

    I think there were about a dozen former teammates that were going to testify against him...
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    He was tested after every race. He always tested clean. The "Anti's" don't believe the tests? Sounds like a witch hunt to me. Where is the evidence? Present it. Get it over with. Shouldn't take forever. He has another life now and wants to get on with it. He knows he won the races and didn't or did use drugs. There are more important battles to fight these days.
  • I_wanna_live
    I_wanna_live Posts: 227 Member
    and now he's not even going to fight it.

    There comes a point in everyone's life, where they just say enough is enough. Get these cameras out of my face, I will pay or do what ever you wish. Believe it or not it is torment to be placed in that position... I don't speak from experience but just look at the number of people who have committed suicide from the press exposure and invasion of privacy

    I haven't seen any of the evidence, that is said to be against him, only hear say...

    Say he did cheat, who cares...
    but as it stands, I just see him saying... f*** it... it isn't worth this headache.

    He did what he wanted, to raise awareness about cancer and raised moneys for the research. Those who benefited from that research are the true winners here.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    Reading comprehension is key.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I'm sorry but I have now read 5 different articles about this and not in one of them does it say that he admitted to cheating.
    You clearly did NOT read through the article you linked to before you posted it with such a misleading title.

    no, he'll never admit that he did. but, if he didn't, he seems to be the only one that had any success in his profession that didn't. and he destroyed all of those that did. so kind of tough to imagine that he was clean that whole time.

    and no matter what kind of pretty bow is put on it, he left his wife after she stood by him through all of his cancer treatment. which is pretty weak, too.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Two reasons I could see him dropping this fight...

    1. He suspected he could not win the fight... either due to guilt OR strong circumstantial evidence...


    2. He is TIRED of the fight and is just ready to move on.

    This is America. He is innocent until PROVEN guilty. I understand the guilty by default thought process but I also understand that we all have to pick our battles. At the end of this day... we still know nothing...
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    Man if I was him, went through cancer, had to deal with the thought of dying every day but overcame it, I'd have no patience for bureaucratic bs. They were bullying Armstrong.

    Are we going to start taking gold albums and grammys and oscars away now because maybe musicians and actors were high or something while performing? Are we going to throw out the works of philosophers because they smoked something or dropped ancient acid?

    No. Armstrong does a huge amount of good in the world and it frankly disgusts me that the anti-drug commission wants to take down a symbol like him so hard they're willing to do whatever to get their way and spread their opinion, even if it damages people's faith or Armstrong's cancer organization.

    Leave the man be. Seven years in a row and they couldn't prove it before the third? Seems suspect in my opinion.

    Good on him for not dealing with this bs anymore.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    like i said i wish i could change the title but for some reason MFP does not let you.

    and as for the mountains of evidence..there have been countless people that have claimed he cheated.

    i dont actually have a problem with him cheating...seems like all cyclists do it. but i hate the way he was so smug.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Man if I was him, went through cancer, had to deal with the thought of dying every day but overcame it, I'd have no patience for bureaucratic bs. They were bullying Armstrong.

    Are we going to start taking gold albums and grammys and oscars away now because maybe musicians and actors were high or something while performing? Are we going to throw out the works of philosophers because they smoked something or dropped ancient acid?

    No. Armstrong does a huge amount of good in the world and it frankly disgusts me that the anti-drug commission wants to take down a symbol like him so hard they're willing to do whatever to get their way and spread their opinion, even if it damages people's faith or Armstrong's cancer organization.

    Leave the man be. Seven years in a row and they couldn't prove it before the third? Seems suspect in my opinion.

    Good on him for not dealing with this bs anymore.

    lol at comparing a musician and an athlete. takng away Grammy's?

    you must not follow sports if you dont think this is an issue or that he deserves to be let off because he does good works.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    like i said i wish i could change the title but for some reason MFP does not let you.

    and as for the mountains of evidence..there have been countless people that have claimed he cheated.

    i dont actually have a problem with him cheating...seems like all cyclists do it. but i hate the way he was so smug.

    The people who claim he cheated are all "anonymous"

    He has never failed a drug test.

    There is no evidence. This is why the Federal Gov't dropped their case in February.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    For the couple of comments stating he must have doped, otherwise why so good - genetics is big part of it.

    Indurain had a lot of tests on him made public too, but nothing this nice as pre and post champion. I'm sure all kinds of other riders have this basically done, but published seems to be the kicker for seeing how unusual this is, though the study does comment on that.
    Maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2 max) in the trained state remained at ∼6 l/min, lean body weight remained at ∼70 kg, and maximal heart rate declined from 207 to 200 beats/min. Blood lactate threshold was typical of competitive cyclists in that it occurred at 76–85% V̇O2 max, yet maximal blood lactate concentration was remarkably low in the trained state. It appears that an 8% improvement in muscular efficiency and thus power production when cycling at a given oxygen uptake (V̇O2) is the characteristic that improved most as this athlete matured from ages 21 to 28 yr. It is noteworthy that at age 25 yr, this champion developed advanced cancer, requiring surgeries and chemotherapy. During the months leading up to each of his Tour de France victories, he reduced body weight and body fat by 4–7 kg (i.e., ∼7%). Therefore, over the 7-yr period, an improvement in muscular efficiency and reduced body fat contributed equally to a remarkable 18% improvement in his steady-state power per kilogram body weight when cycling at a given V̇O2 (e.g., 5 l/min). It is hypothesized that the improved muscular efficiency probably reflects changes in muscle myosin type stimulated from years of training intensely for 3–6 h on most days.
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    I'm sorry but I have now read 5 different articles about this and not in one of them does it say that he admitted to cheating.
    You clearly did NOT read through the article you linked to before you posted it with such a misleading title.

    no, he'll never admit that he did. but, if he didn't, he seems to be the only one that had any success in his profession that didn't. and he destroyed all of those that did. so kind of tough to imagine that he was clean that whole time.

    and no matter what kind of pretty bow is put on it, he left his wife after she stood by him through all of his cancer treatment. which is pretty weak, too.

    But we aren't talking about imagining anything here. Just because there is absence of proof of guilt, does not mean he isn't innocent is all I'm saying. Maybe I'm naive, but I don't like to automatically assume that every athlete who wins is doping, just because there is lack of proof that he isn't.

    Regarding his personal life, neither you nor I have a right to judge him. That isn't even related to the discussion. What goes on between a couple is really their own business and no one else's.
  • I_wanna_live
    I_wanna_live Posts: 227 Member
    like i said i wish i could change the title but for some reason MFP does not let you.

    and as for the mountains of evidence..there have been countless people that have claimed he cheated.

    i dont actually have a problem with him cheating...seems like all cyclists do it. but i hate the way he was so smug.

    If someone walked up to you, and offered you a thousand dollars to lie and someone else cheated... or was some half crazied person wanting some time in the lime light... would you lie? I am sorry, it is still hear say
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    The people who claim he cheated are all "anonymous"

    there have been several big-name riders, in fact. and some set to testify.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member

    The people who claim he cheated are all "anonymous"

    there have been several big-name riders, in fact. and some set to testify.

    They remain unnamed in the claim. The USADA refused the right for Lance to face his accusers.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member

    The people who claim he cheated are all "anonymous"

    there have been several big-name riders, in fact. and some set to testify.

    They remain unnamed in the claim. The USADA refused the right for Lance to face his accusers.

    the point is there is a lot of evidence against him...and that is probably why he has chosen not to fight it.
  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    Such a disappointment. I'm disappointed if he cheated and I'm disappointed if he didn't cheat but gave up fighting for clearing his name. I don't know all the facts, we probably never will but when you quit fighting your admitting guilt (atleast that's the case most of the time) I wonder if any of his wins were clean, either way I'm sure he'll be stripped of all of them. I absolutely love cycling and I pray one day we have a cleaner sport. It is truely a beautiful sport. I'm already counting down until next years tour :heart:
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member

    But we aren't talking about imagining anything here. Just because there is absence of proof of guilt, does not mean he isn't innocent is all I'm saying. Maybe I'm naive, but I don't like to automatically assume that every athlete who wins is doping, just because there is lack of proof that he isn't.

    Regarding his personal life, neither you nor I have a right to judge him. That isn't even related to the discussion. What goes on between a couple is really their own business and no one else's.

    maybe being a sportswriter for so long has changed the way I view these guys. I'll grant you that. but I believe the preponderance of circumstantial evidence -- and what seemed to be a requirement of success in his field -- say he more than likely cheated than didn't. add to that the fact that he came back and did so well after all of his health battles ... I just can't accept the feel-good story at face value. genetics definitely play a role. and he is and was a freaking specimen of fitness. it just may not have all been natural.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member

    The people who claim he cheated are all "anonymous"

    there have been several big-name riders, in fact. and some set to testify.

    They remain unnamed in the claim. The USADA refused the right for Lance to face his accusers.

    the point is there is a lot of evidence against him...and that is probably why he has chosen not to fight it.

    What evidence?