What was your bottom/ah-ha moment....



  • cianalynn
    cianalynn Posts: 17 Member
    I didn't think I was THAT fat. Until I had to be confined for a few days and had to get on the scale. Afterwards, my mom commented how I weighed more than her when she has had 4 grown children and me, well, still single. Plus the final diagnosis which knocked my panties off me.
  • MariahHubert
    MariahHubert Posts: 103 Member
    When I couldn't wear my favorite dress anymore.
  • mcgeesy
    mcgeesy Posts: 3 Member
    For me, it was when I could no longer wear my wedding ring and finally had to take it in and get resized!
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    WIthin the span of a week-
    Finishing my first 1/2 marathon and seeing myself in my finisher pics
    Realizing that when my daughter turned 7, that I had NO idea what my body COULD look like after having kids--I've never taken the time/effort to really get myself into shape.
    My daughter asking me why my butt was so big and telling me that I looked lik I had a baby in my belly(after she saw her cousin's mom 4 months pregnant--at least she wasn't 8 months pregnant!)

    So those are mine. I think about all of them DAILY to keep me going--and I look ahead 6 months to me boarding my cruise with new clothes packed in a much smaller size and walking on deck in a bikini proud of my progress.
  • cjgillespie
    cjgillespie Posts: 37 Member
    I ran into a guy I went to school with and hadnt seen in years. We chit chatted for a few minutes and then he told me that he had a crush on me in school, back before I got fat, when I was still hot. He couldnt have been more blunt about it.

    And wedding dress shopping. I was right on the verge on being plus size (about a us 16) and all the styles I liked only looked good on smaller girls. The larger dresses that fit more comfortably were SO BORING. I just wanted to look beautiful like the girls on the bridal magazines. I started getting really anxious and depressed and decided to try shopping a different day. The sales clerk pulled me aside and told me that I would be better off just picking one of the plain dresses that fit me bc I was never going to find anything I liked in my size so I should just give up and stop making such a big deal of it.

    And like everyone else, there is one picture in particular. At my late father-in-laws 60th bday party. There is a picture of myself and my husband with his parents and siblings. I knew I had put on weight, and granted at the time I was 6 months pregnant, but I dont even look like myself. My face is so big. My neck is so big. My arms are so big. And I looked so unhappy.
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    When those 8's got back tight or couldnt button....again...No more blaming on tomorrow's a new day...Was not funny at all...Not a big scale person so the fact I gain 10 didn't bother me as much as not fitting into my cute clothes...
  • thelaurameister
    thelaurameister Posts: 689 Member
    My moment happened when I moved back to my parents house after living on my own (with my boyfriend) for 6 months. When we were living alone, I was good about cooking for the first month, but I eventually gave up because my boyfriend would never eat what I would cook. I love my boyfriend to pieces, but I hate that he is a VERY picky eater and has teeth problems (can't close his mouth all the way from his wisdom teeth so he has a hard time chewing a lot of food and has very sensitive teeth) so his diet consists of 75% fast food. I hate cooking anyway, so I got a bit of an "F it" mentality and stopped cooking, so I resorted to his fast food way of life. The 6 months we were living on our own, we ate fast food for basically every meal and I didn't own a scale. I somehow convinced myself (even though I knew it was a lie from the very beginning) that my new eating habits weren't THAT bad. When I moved back home I stepped on the scale and saw that I gained 20 pounds onto my already obese frame tipping the scale at 292 pounds and I snapped. I started bawling my eyes out. I've lost those 20 pounds since, but it's very discouraging because for a VERY long time (I'd say sophomore year of high school til I moved out, so 6 years) I have always been in the 270-280 range (I'm 272 right now). So it's good that I'm back where I started. But I have a LOOOOOONG way to go.
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