**Fit and Fun-sized**(5'4 and under) WEEK 1



  • supermom1114
    Hey everyone I'm in! 5'3" and I'm going to weigh in tomorrow morning so I'll post CW and GW then =)

    I'm totally in for a 30min workout on thanksgiving!! I really don't lift weights a lot, just like to do cardio, either run, elliptical, swim, etc. I do wii active workouts and my parents just go the biggest loser game, but I did one workout and it was really week, it estimated I only burnt 50 calories.. I was thinking wth? how do they think people are going to lose weight by only burning 50cals in a workout. I'm going to get the Wii Fit Plus and Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 and a bunch of Jillian Michaels DVDs.

    And yes I know I should do strength training more because muscle burns more calories than fat, but i bulk up very easy and as I think we all know when your short lean muscles are hard to get without possibly going overboard and being too bulky so I just let toting my son around and carrying heavy grocery bags and laundry bins around be my strength training for now lol
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Hey ya'll! I'm Sarah and since I'm already at my goal weight (90 lbs :bigsmile: ) I'm 4' 11 3/4" .I'll just be checking in with you all to see how everyone is doing and providing sone encouragement. Although, I do want to loose another 3 inches from my waist (left over pregnancy junk :sick: ).
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey everyone I'm in! 5'3" and I'm going to weigh in tomorrow morning so I'll post CW and GW then =)

    I'm totally in for a 30min workout on thanksgiving!! I really don't lift weights a lot, just like to do cardio, either run, elliptical, swim, etc. I do wii active workouts and my parents just go the biggest loser game, but I did one workout and it was really week, it estimated I only burnt 50 calories.. I was thinking wth? how do they think people are going to lose weight by only burning 50cals in a workout. I'm going to get the Wii Fit Plus and Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 and a bunch of Jillian Michaels DVDs.

    And yes I know I should do strength training more because muscle burns more calories than fat, but i bulk up very easy and as I think we all know when your short lean muscles are hard to get without possibly going overboard and being too bulky so I just let toting my son around and carrying heavy grocery bags and laundry bins around be my strength training for now lol

    If you're becoming bulky, it generally means you're not in a deficit and building muscle under and existing layer of fat. Females lack appreciable amounts of testosterone, so we rely on GH for muscle growth, and that really only peaks during menses; other than that, both our levels of GH and test are much lower than males'. So the chances of you becoming bulky, especially in a caloric deficit, are slim to none. It has taken me a couple years to gain what muscle mass I have, and I'm highly endomorphic. It's important to perform resistance training to maintain muscle mass and bone density, especially as a small female who has breastfed and/or had a baby. Calcium is easily leeched from the bones during lactation.
  • supermom1114
    Good Morning my fit n fun-sized gals!

    So eating a quick bowl of cereal then dropping my son off and heading out for a morning run... it may rain... that would be nice, I love running in the rain. I weighed in today so here are my stats =)

    SW 190(prego)
    CW 142.8
    GW 130-125

    Mini Goals-
    By Christmas- 138
    By Feb 14- 130
    By Summer- 125

    I may reasses my goals along the way, I know its more of a slow and steady pace but I'm so busy with school and my son and my hubby coming home from Iraq soon so I know I won't be able to hit the gym or run as much as I'd like but I'm determined to stay within calories and at least lose a pound a week

    I hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    This is where I need help. I leave for work at 7 every morning, and don't get home until about 7 every night (about an hour commute each way). By the time I get home, I'm hungry and tired and I've had a hard time finding the motivation to get up in the morning. Does anyone else have this problem? What do you girls do to get yourself to the gym at 5 AM or after you get home from work? I don't usually eat a lot before the gym, but then I'm eating dinner at 9PM! HELP!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    This is where I need help. I leave for work at 7 every morning, and don't get home until about 7 every night (about an hour commute each way). By the time I get home, I'm hungry and tired and I've had a hard time finding the motivation to get up in the morning. Does anyone else have this problem? What do you girls do to get yourself to the gym at 5 AM or after you get home from work? I don't usually eat a lot before the gym, but then I'm eating dinner at 9PM! HELP!

    I had this schedule a couple summers ago when I worked in DC. The commute was AWFUL. I went to the gym on the way home from work. I packed my gym clothes with me and ate right before leaving the office. That way I digested my food during the hour-long commute and was ready to go when I hit the gym. There's nothing wrong with eating at 9pm. My last meal usually happens around 10pm.
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    This is where I need help. I leave for work at 7 every morning, and don't get home until about 7 every night (about an hour commute each way). By the time I get home, I'm hungry and tired and I've had a hard time finding the motivation to get up in the morning. Does anyone else have this problem? What do you girls do to get yourself to the gym at 5 AM or after you get home from work? I don't usually eat a lot before the gym, but then I'm eating dinner at 9PM! HELP!

    I also have an hour commute each way, about the same hours, so I saved and purchased my own treadmill, that way its always there, and whenever I get a chance I hop on for 30 mins at least!
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    Please count me in too!! Sometimes the shorter folks have to look at things differently when it comes to weight loss... maybe we won't lose 2 lbs a week like everyone else. But for us .5lbs is huge!

    I'd like to keep track of this thread to see how the shorties are doing and any tips for the vertically challenged :laugh:

    Height: 5'0"
    SW: 141
    CW: 129.8
    GW: 115

    Any tips for traveling? I'm headed back to the US to visit my family for 10 days or so (I live in the UK). I'm worried about the 2 dinner Thanksgiving to accomdate my fam and hubby's fam, worried about Jet lag, worried about getting all the workouts in... ahhhh!!

    I love the Thanksgiving 30 min workout challenge! I'm up for it.
  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    Thanks for the responses! I really think I just need to suck it up and eat something HEALTHY after my workout for dinner. I usually eat a protien bar (my boyfriend has Oh Yeah! bars so sometimes I eat half of one) before my workout.

    By the way...
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 135
    CW: 132
    GW: 120
  • supermom1114
    Please count me in too!! Sometimes the shorter folks have to look at things differently when it comes to weight loss... maybe we won't lose 2 lbs a week like everyone else. But for us .5lbs is huge!

    I'd like to keep track of this thread to see how the shorties are doing and any tips for the vertically challenged :laugh:

    Height: 5'0"
    SW: 141
    CW: 129.8
    GW: 115

    Any tips for traveling? I'm headed back to the US to visit my family for 10 days or so (I live in the UK). I'm worried about the 2 dinner Thanksgiving to accomdate my fam and hubby's fam, worried about Jet lag, worried about getting all the workouts in... ahhhh!!

    I love the Thanksgiving 30 min workout challenge! I'm up for it.

    Drink LOTS of water to help while flying. And use small salad plates instead of big dinner plates for the thanksgiving meals so you can control your portions =) As far as workouts just make sure to give yourself 30-60 min a day to take a run or see if you can bring a few workout dvds and pop them in while everyones out or still sleeping early in the morning

    Hope those tips help!! Have fun over the holidays!
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    Hi girls !

    I'm Nathalie, French canadian (sorry for all the misspelling !), and 5'4".

    I don't really need to lose weight since I'm now at 116 and that suits. Keeping a journal lowers my weight-food-stress though so I keep coming here daily. I'm now also paying closer attention to sodium, fiber and calcium and without a journal, it's almost impossible to tell whether you're having enough or too much.

    I started watching what I eat and exercising (for the first time in my life !) last February when I stopped smoking. I was then 130. By mid-June I was down 120 and pretty happy there. But then we booked ourselves a beach vacation and I thought I should aim for my initial 115 goal ! We are leaving next Monday for a vacation in Cancun/Mexico in an all inclusive resort and I'm a little worry... last year I put on 5 pounds during our similar vacation ! Hopefully I'll make better food choices this time and will exercice at least a few times.

    Oh, I'm doing Turbo Jam DVDs (hate gyms) and I love it !
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    morning friends! well i am laid up with ice on my low back and my legs raised....i feel old!!! but i am determined to stay within my

    calories so that at least i am staying on track. i was reading back through this thread and realize that my goal weight (130) is not

    very low compared to others. i was wondering how did you decide what your goal weight should be? i started around 150 but that

    was over a year ago. well have a good day shorties!!!!!

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    morning friends! well i am laid up with ice on my low back and my legs raised....i feel old!!! but i am determined to stay within my

    calories so that at least i am staying on track. i was reading back through this thread and realize that my goal weight (130) is not

    very low compared to others. i was wondering how did you decide what your goal weight should be? i started around 150 but that

    was over a year ago. well have a good day shorties!!!!!


    Ow! Feel better! Alternate that with some heat and massage. :)

    I determined my goal weight based on my body fat %. Assuming minimal muscle loss, at 118 lbs of body weight I will have 19% body fat.
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    I also think body fat % is a far better indication then weight, which fluctuates constantly and can vary a lot form one person to the other for various reasons.

    I think setting a goal is just a way to stay focus. Day to day, it doesn't make a big difference if you're 20 pounds from your goal or only 5 - you're still aiming at some loss. A weight goal to me is nothing but a number and by the time you reach any number that sounds healthy, you can redefine the whole thing.

    I initially set my goal to 115 but when I reached 120 I was very happy with what I got.

    I prefer to weight more with some nice muscles then to weight very little and have no muscles. And muscles weight a lot ! So if you increase your muscular mass, you might have to revise your goal ;)

    Take care !
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    My name is Cherie...Can I join!!!! I'm 5'2". This will be a lot of fun. Been on here since March and this site has been beyond helpful. Since the first Challenge is to at least get in 30 min on Thanksgiving...I already got that covered. Plan to do a full body strength training session with 45 min of cardio...

    Below is my info.

    SW: 221
    CW: 164
    GW: 150 (re-evaluate from there)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    I have continued to reassess my goal weight. When I started at 183 I thought being in the 130's would be fabulous. But as I lost weight and continued to be happy with my eating plan I considered that I might be able to lose more. I line dance with women of ages 40-90 and saw women who looked like i wanted to look and they were thinner than me so I kept going. Since about 20 pounds ago I've had pudgy women tell me I'm fading away and shouldn't lose any more weight :laugh: but with more to lose from my pudgy thighs :sad: :sad: I'm not ready to quit. Although I watch the scale, I'm more interested in losing the excess on my thighs.

    When I started this journey in January I had spent years of crying when I tried on clothes because I was so fat. When I tried on size 12 pants and they fit, I cried tears of joy because I looked good in the mirror. Yesterday I bought a Christmas outfit for our line dance performance.......I shopped at two thrift shops and found a pair of size 6P red jeans and a red turtleneck and Christmas theme vest in size small...it was a miraculous experience.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I workout at home (Leslie Sansone, Richard Simmons), walk in my neighborhood or at the dog park with my dogs, and dance three days a week.
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Hey guys! Hope everyone is having a good day! So far ive had a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries, bananas , and walnuts, delish! (i woke up late) Got a good work out planned for tonite, Body Jam for an hour, then a 30 min leg work out. Gotta do some abs tonite whether i want to or not lol, it used to be my fav thing to work and after kids i just hate it! Im so weak now!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Wks that oatmeal sounds sooooo goooood...I am low-carbing this week and besides one small slice of break all my carbs have been from peas today. :cry:

    Later on I get more peas. :tongue: Then a South Beach granola bar! :bigsmile: Haha, it's well worth the effort though.
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    i am alternating carbs this week, like yesterday i did 75 carbs and today im doing regular well still under but higher than yesterday, then tommorow lower, and then obviously on thanksgiving regular. Its my first time rotating, so u think it works well? Is this something u do often?
    Wks that oatmeal sounds sooooo goooood...I am low-carbing this week and besides one small slice of break all my carbs have been from peas today. :cry:

    Later on I get more peas. :tongue: Then a South Beach granola bar! :bigsmile: Haha, it's well worth the effort though.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    i am alternating carbs this week, like yesterday i did 75 carbs and today im doing regular well still under but higher than yesterday, then tommorow lower, and then obviously on thanksgiving regular. Its my first time rotating, so u think it works well? Is this something u do often?
    Wks that oatmeal sounds sooooo goooood...I am low-carbing this week and besides one small slice of break all my carbs have been from peas today. :cry:

    Later on I get more peas. :tongue: Then a South Beach granola bar! :bigsmile: Haha, it's well worth the effort though.

    Yea, I did 95g yesterday, 75g today, tomorrow will be about 30g. Thanksgiving I'm eating whatever the h3ll I want after a good pre/post run meal in the morning. Then back to 30g/day for the rest of the week.

    I generally don't carb-cycle because I find it a thoroughly unpleasant experience. I stay around 40% carbs, which at my calorie level is about 150g. It's just about enough to keep me out of ketosis but low enough that I keep insulin levels low all day. I'm only doing it this week so the first several hundred calories worth of carbs on Turkey Day goes toward refilling glycogen rather than being shunted toward fat synthesis pathways. But it's not ideal for the length and intensity of my workouts. I am getting rather headachy now and I am SO not looking forward to running for 40 min. :sick:

    I did do a ketogenic diet for about 9 months a couple years back. I can't say my progress was any different from what it is now, except I was a little less hungry then but I perform much better now.