All the questions no one wants to ask.



  • NicoleR1980
    NicoleR1980 Posts: 66 Member
    extra curricula activities!!!!!!!
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have a question... I go to to the toilet for "#2" four times a day more or less, naturally and almost immediately after eating (it has to do with my gastric bypass). Will the weight loss be the same, with the same calorie intake and burning, than that of a person that, let's say, goes once a day or every other day?

    Thank you and sorry if this is too much info, but I need to know... :)



    probably not as you are possible excreting more than you are absorbing. So your calories out are more.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I don't eat back my exercise calories, ever, but how much does sex burn? Haha. And furthermore, how do you log it without looking like a perv/freak? I think we need a "code word" haha!! JJ!

    Well, as a woman, you would burn nothing as you're supposed to just lie there and think of your country so if you log it and we see you're burning over 1 calorie then we can only assume you're doing other positions (or even worse, "foreplay") and therefore a pervert, a deviant, a sinner, eat puppies, drown kittens and are the real cause of global warming.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    To the topic of which is better Model quality and Marilyn Monroe quality. I go with Marilyn but my goal is just to be fit and completly toned everywhere, not model quality not Marilyn quality but my own quality! I am currently 5ft6 and weigh 173, I have been working out for 3 months and have only lost 3 pounds so far but my body is really changing. My goal weight is to be totally fit and healthy even if I end up being 150. Not to mention what being healthy and exercising does to your mindset! To me thats the best part!! MIND BODY AND SPIRIT is all that should matter :)
    Second embarrasing question, I have a hard time with bathroom problems. I take Colon health with probiotics and Miralax everyday and still I am not regular. I drink about 20 8 oz of water and poweraids everyday and have a very healthy amount of fiber. Anyone else have this problem, and what do you do about it??

    First of I think this is a fantastic attitude.
    Second of all I have had a similar problem
    I have only started 7 days ago so I have put it down to my body adjusting
    I drink heaps of water lots of fruit and was even drinking prune juice and still nothing.
    I've started taking Peritone, it's herbal and gental and seems to help.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    I don't eat back my exercise calories, ever, but how much does sex burn? Haha. And furthermore, how do you log it without looking like a perv/freak? I think we need a "code word" haha!! JJ!

    Well, as a woman, you would burn nothing as you're supposed to just lie there and think of your country so if you log it and we see you're burning over 1 calorie then we can only assume you're doing other positions (or even worse, "foreplay") and therefore a pervert, a deviant, a sinner, eat puppies, drown kittens and are the real cause of global warming.

    Haha classic
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Why is it we are now told to 'love our curves' that is 'ok to be a BBW' or that skinny models are frowned upon yet a fat model is ok? Since when did it become acceptable to be overweight (nobody has bones THAT big) yet being underweight is a no no

    I think most of the world has lost track of what *healthy* looks like. Many models have an unhealthy body fat % and BMI. If you did their blood work, some of them would even be malnourished. Being overweight/obese is not healthy either.

    Many of these "fat models" are only a size 12 or 14-- closer to the size of the average woman.
  • Nikki_Nx
    Nikki_Nx Posts: 27 Member

    I don't use any kind of facial cream on my skin, but instead a little bit of aqueous cream (which I originally got for my hands) although my skin is so much better now that i don't need to moisturise anymore most days.

    Aqueous cream is highly recommended by dermatologists as it helps retain moisture in the skin....I say this on having spoken with a dermatologist a few years obviously keeping yourself well hydrated by drinking plenty xx
  • cuteypolice
    cuteypolice Posts: 32 Member
    I agree I need to do more exercise too...
  • cuteypolice
    cuteypolice Posts: 32 Member
    Your skin looks beautiful!!! My bff about a year ago just got me into using moisturizer, age defying serum and now I use a mask twice a week just get off the dead skin before that it was soap and water, but I tan and I know it's no good but so addicted to it. Recently, they added that light rejuvenated therapy to my tanning salon I have seen results. It works on dark spots, stretch marks and things like that but gradually. It also helps with depression and is used more and more with it.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I've also noticed that if anyone ever goes over their daily calorie limit everyone is generally really nice about it "tomorrows a new day" and comments like that. Which I actually agree with, one day doesn't count for a whole lot when we are overhauling our whole lifestyle, but if you have a day where you are way under your calorie goal you get slammed for being unhealthy and starving and all the rest... What happened to tomorrows a new day in this situation?

    Agreed. :) If I eat 900 cals one day, then 2300 the next, I'm not starving, I'm cycling. Which works for me. Lol.

    i wish MFP had a way fo
    r us to assign different goals to different days. I don't usually cycle my cals... except for my TOM where i give myself a few hundred extra for a few days when I really need it, and then go lower the few days after to even things out.

    If you are doing something like calorie cycling, it helps to put that in the "Food Notes" section of your diary. Then your friends, or anyone who looks as your diary, knows why the day was low or high.
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    I don't log my calories burned during sex, partly because I don't have a heart rate monitor yet (and I'm not sure I'd wear it during sex if I did), and partly because I just can't be bothered to. I usually don't eat all of my exercise calories anyway, so anything burned during sex is just a really fun bonus to me.
  • cuteypolice
    cuteypolice Posts: 32 Member
    I am very into reading all those gossip magazines :laugh: and a while back actually it was on a T V show I heard that the average size now for a woman in the US is between 12-14 and that now because of a lot of complaints that young girls feel the need to look like these skinny models on the cover of magazines they are using more average size models. I have actually noticed it on some store front manicans. Finally reality has set in...
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I try to eat 1200 calories a day - I'm 4'10" and aged 50+ (!) and sometimes I find it difficult to achieve this amount, but strive to hit the mark. However, it makes me cross when people congratulate me for NOT eating enough calories! I just don't understand their logic. Someone please explain it to me.......

    I was on here last year and a few very knowledgeable people explained that if you are under 5', MFP's recommended calorie guidelines could be too high. MFP is working with fairly broad formulas trying to service the majority of the population. Maybe you could get a better calorie goal working with the TDEE method?
  • OooLaurenooO
    OooLaurenooO Posts: 227 Member
    Sex burns about 100-150 cal per 30 minutes (depending on the umf, lol) :-D

    I log it as sex, if someone on my FL doesnt like it, oh well, remove me then ;-)

    lol like this..i use to use it as ""twister"" :wink:
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I've seen a lot of comments/questions about the comments friends leave regarding your diary.

    First, if you don't hit the "Complete" button, it doesn't publish to your profile feed. You don't have to hit the "Complete" button unless you want to see the "in 5 weeks you'd weigh" message. The only functions that button has are to publish it to your feed and to give you that estimate of weight in 5 weeks.

    Second, I try not to comment on someone's diary unless I have had time to actually look at it. In the beginning, this is easy. Once you have a large group of friends, it's nearly impossible.

    But I think many people see under as automatically good and over as automatically bad, and they comment that way.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Has changing your diet lifestyle affected anyone ovulating? ( aiming at the women here obviously)
    I know some women can tell when they are ovulating and some can't... I can and it used to last abit 3 days now only about 1.
    But as I said before I'm just starting out so I assume a lot I things just take the body some time I get used to..
  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    Why is it we are now told to 'love our curves' that is 'ok to be a BBW' or that skinny models are frowned upon yet a fat model is ok? Since when did it become acceptable to be overweight (nobody has bones THAT big) yet being underweight is a no no

    I have to disagree a bit--a "plus size" model is typically around a size 10-12, aren't they? That is only "fat" by the standards of the fashion industry. In my experience, and I will say that I am quite sensitive to my weight and how I feel that I'm perceived, being fat (as in obese, not just overweight) is not really socially acceptable. There are increasing accommodations being made for it, since in a free market, that is the way it works. It speaks nothing to the value judgments and acceptability that we see being fat with. Cigarettes are another example. Cigarette smoking has become somewhat deviant, these days, but because there is money to be made by providing the goods, companies do it.

    Even though I'm pretty healthy, I'm constantly given the "OMG you will die of the fatness!" spiel. I'm painfully aware of how much larger I am than I would like to be. I've had people scan my grocery cart for "bad groceries" and seen the look if I dare have an occasional pint of ice cream. I've heard people make fun of much larger people. I've been made fun of for being fat. I look at people much larger than me and wince, and pray that I'll never get that big. It isn't as socially acceptable as people seem to think it is on this site. Maybe, I can see, at the margin of overweight, but certainly not obesity, which tends to be the BBW's of which you speak. There is very little truly socially acceptable about being obese. Especially not morbidly obese, like I am.

    Small women have it rough too, I completely agree. I have friends that are constantly told to eat, and "why don't you gain weight, you're too skinny" when they would love to gain weight. I have a friend who felt so much better when she gained a few pounds because it no longer hurt to do things like sit for a long period of time. It never ends, no matter what end of the spectrum you are at.

    I think it is less about one being more okay than the other and it being more that as women, there seems to be a very narrow band of what is acceptable in terms of appearance. I think that "love our curves" is more about trying to undo some of the massive self-esteem damage done to women who don't fit in that narrow band of socially acceptable appearances but that may be acceptable from a health point of view (and those are two different things). I also think that some women do "mistake" fat and curves. There is a difference between a bit extra junk in the trunk and being obese.

    That is my two cents.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    I've seen a lot of comments/questions about the comments friends leave regarding your diary.

    First, if you don't hit the "Complete" button, it doesn't publish to your profile feed. You don't have to hit the "Complete" button unless you want to see the "in 5 weeks you'd weigh" message. The only functions that button has are to publish it to your feed and to give you that estimate of weight in 5 weeks.

    Second, I try not to comment on someone's diary unless I have had time to actually look at it. In the beginning, this is easy. Once you have a large group of friends, it's nearly impossible.

    But I think many people see under as automatically good and over as automatically bad, and they comment that way.

    Yeah I think a lot I people
    Do this.
    I only ever comment if I've taken the time to read it
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    you could use "Piano Playing" for the whole sex thing... ya think that might work?
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    It's not a weird question or anything but I would like an opinion on this, my skin on my face is really dry and I wanted to know if anyone has advice on how to treat it?

    I drink 3-4 litres a day, I use a moisturising lotion in the mornings then olive oil in the evenings(I thought maybe it could help but it hasn't). I work in childcare and I'm outside alot with the children, don't know if this can have affect or not. The rest of my skin is soft and smooth it's just my face and I had really bad eczema growing up.
    I don't wear alot of make up and I have to wear only specific brands as previous foundations, etc have dried out my skin more so. My skin has never been as bad as it is now:/ Am I doing something wrong?

    I'm pretty skincare/cosmetic savvy (run a website about it) and I hear a LOT of good things about MuLondon's White Chocolate Truffle face cream. MuLondon's construction of products is different to most in that the creator had eczema and psoriasis and created his products to address that.

    Would also suggest a hair/skin/nails supplement - plenty around!