All the questions no one wants to ask.



  • healthyCAL
    healthyCAL Posts: 41 Member
    To the topic of which is better Model quality and Marilyn Monroe quality. I go with Marilyn but my goal is just to be fit and completly toned everywhere, not model quality not Marilyn quality but my own quality! I am currently 5ft6 and weigh 173, I have been working out for 3 months and have only lost 3 pounds so far but my body is really changing. My goal weight is to be totally fit and healthy even if I end up being 150. Not to mention what being healthy and exercising does to your mindset! To me thats the best part!! MIND BODY AND SPIRIT is all that should matter :)
    Second embarrasing question, I have a hard time with bathroom problems. I take Colon health with probiotics and Miralax everyday and still I am not regular. I drink about 20 8 oz of water and poweraids everyday and have a very healthy amount of fiber. Anyone else have this problem, and what do you do about it??
    try adding a calcium magnesium vit d supplement. It has helped me tremendously
  • Go1096
    Go1096 Posts: 83 Member
    I don't eat back my exercise calories, ever, but how much does sex burn? Haha. And furthermore, how do you log it without looking like a perv/freak? I think we need a "code word" haha!! JJ!

    Well, as a woman, you would burn nothing as you're supposed to just lie there and think of your country so if you log it and we see you're burning over 1 calorie then we can only assume you're doing other positions (or even worse, "foreplay") and therefore a pervert, a deviant, a sinner, eat puppies, drown kittens and are the real cause of global warming.

    ha! love it! lol
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I agree, apparently there is an organization called Naafa or something. "National Association for advancement of fat acceptance.
    I think it's ridiculous really. We need to promote fitness and health, not fat or skinny.

    This, we definitely need to focus on fit and healthy not fat or skinny.
  • Go1096
    Go1096 Posts: 83 Member
    But I think many people see under as automatically good and over as automatically bad, and they comment that way.

    This is so annoying. Really. Yeah, I have crappy days where I eat crappy and go over, but there are days when I eat crappy and am under. One is no more praiseworthy than the other. The only difference is how much of the crap I'm eating. In the end, it is still crap (I hesitate to call it food). I much prefer that people give me props for making healthy choices and dealing with my eating-related lifestyle issues, instead of congratulating me because I'm 3 calories under my limit.

    I hate that too. The other day I only at like 780 cals and everyone was like good job! WTF? then yesterday all I really ate was pizza and starbursts and ended right under and everyone said, good job! WTF? The day b4 or so I had all clean, great food, lots of protein and I was over my cals by like 7. No comments.

    If people ever wonder why I don't say good job-it's cuz your not doing a good job. LOL

    I think the reason that happens is because the MFP site is set to mention when you actually go below your calorie goal.
    Doubt that they actually look @ what you ate though. They just assume you ate healthy maybe?

    I know that I am guilty of saying WTG when someone goes below, but I never really thought of looking to see what they ate or if their diary is even open for me to look.

    Now I know! :)
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member

    My hair fall like there is no tomorrow...I'm afraid that I will be bold soon.
    Behind my ears, you can clearly see my scalp. It scares me.
    I had long, really really really thick hair and now, my hair are short, unhealthy and so thin that I can't do anything with them.
    I take supplements everyday (omega 3-6-9, multivitamins, calcium), after recommendation, I bought the Nioxin treatment. I heard and read that it was doing miracle, but after 30 days using it, I have stopped since I was loosing more hair than before.
    All of my blood tests are showing perfect results, I am not missing anything (from iron to vitamin B).
    I do everything in my power to save my hair, but I am unsuccessful.
    Yes, I do blowdry and use my flat iron every other day, but I don't think it's normal to lose that much of hair...I know a lot of people who are blow-drying and use their flatiron everyday and still, they have healthy and thick looking hair...

    I guess there is nothing to respond to this really, just wanted to see around if I was the only one with this problem...
    This happened to me and was diagnosed with a low thyroid. But could be autoimmune (may need anti-immune drug) or due to excess vitamin A. Please see your doctor to get it checked as there are more reasons. Don't be fobbed off with 'stress' and you didn't say if you had a baby in the last three years as this may affect it too.You could be needing progesterone or an anti testosterone (such cytoproterone acetate). Minoxodyl may aid blood flow to the hair follicle (in 1% or 5% doses - only 5% helped me). You can use cold water to stimulate the scalp.

    Try the Alopecia Society (in the UK but you won't be turned away) they can discuss with you. Paula Young do good wigs and there is a fibre powder that attaches to the hair to make it thicker. There are weaves too, I had that for a while. I also lost eyebows and eyelashes.

    Please go for support and let me know how you get on.This is a very distressing and upsetting condition and you have my complete attention and support if you need it. I do have hair, not as good as it was but it is OK.

  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    New question!

    Will I always see myself as fat? When will I adjust? I've been in the normal range for over a year (had a break but remained normal, went up a bit in the range though) and I still see myself as a fat person.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Bruising? I wonder if I'm missing something in my diet or is it possible that all this fat bouncing around causes bruises. I have bruises popping up that I have no idea where they came from. On my legs mainly. Am I missing a nutrient or is it the exercise. They don't bother me, I'm just afraid I am not getting enough of something in my diet :)

    Bruising can happen for a few reasons,
    1st question ; are you on any medication.. Any kind of blood pressure or blood thinning medication can make you bruise easier. And lots of medications have this affect with out us realizing it's not just specific blood pressure mEds, things like asprin, a lot of anti-depressants .. There's a big list
    Certain foods can affect this too I'll look for a list.

    Second of all are they real 'bruises' .. As in do they go through the bruise stages and color, blues blackish purple then get lighter or are they just darker skin discolorations, the latter may be so an internal issue like liver function. Although this is less common .
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Bruising? I wonder if I'm missing something in my diet or is it possible that all this fat bouncing around causes bruises. I have bruises popping up that I have no idea where they came from. On my legs mainly. Am I missing a nutrient or is it the exercise. They don't bother me, I'm just afraid I am not getting enough of something in my diet :)

    This has happened to a lot of people, and it's actually the exercise. (I forgot what specifically it is about the exercise though!) It usually stops after a few weeks.

    ETA: Here's an article about it :
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    New question!

    Will I always see myself as fat? When will I adjust? I've been in the normal range for over a year (had a break but remained normal, went up a bit in the range though) and I still see myself as a fat person.

    I'm definitely still a fat person but sometimes still see myself as normal and need to realise I'm not.
    Not sure about the other way round though as I haven't made it there yet.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    New question!

    Will I always see myself as fat? When will I adjust? I've been in the normal range for over a year (had a break but remained normal, went up a bit in the range though) and I still see myself as a fat person.

    It's different for everyone. When I was a freshman in college, I lost about 45 pounds. It took me a few years to stop reaching for the wrong size clothes, bumping into things, etc. I just had no concept of my new size for quite a while. It took more years than that to actually feel like a thin person instead of thinking anyone who said I was must have recently escaped from an institution.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Why is it we are now told to 'love our curves' that is 'ok to be a BBW' or that skinny models are frowned upon yet a fat model is ok? Since when did it become acceptable to be overweight (nobody has bones THAT big) yet being underweight is a no no

    I have to disagree a bit--a "plus size" model is typically around a size 10-12, aren't they? That is only "fat" by the standards of the fashion industry. In my experience, and I will say that I am quite sensitive to my weight and how I feel that I'm perceived, being fat (as in obese, not just overweight) is not really socially acceptable. There are increasing accommodations being made for it, since in a free market, that is the way it works. It speaks nothing to the value judgments and acceptability that we see being fat with. Cigarettes are another example. Cigarette smoking has become somewhat deviant, these days, but because there is money to be made by providing the goods, companies do it.

    Even though I'm pretty healthy, I'm constantly given the "OMG you will die of the fatness!" spiel. I'm painfully aware of how much larger I am than I would like to be. I've had people scan my grocery cart for "bad groceries" and seen the look if I dare have an occasional pint of ice cream. I've heard people make fun of much larger people. I've been made fun of for being fat. I look at people much larger than me and wince, and pray that I'll never get that big. It isn't as socially acceptable as people seem to think it is on this site. Maybe, I can see, at the margin of overweight, but certainly not obesity, which tends to be the BBW's of which you speak. There is very little truly socially acceptable about being obese. Especially not morbidly obese, like I am.

    Small women have it rough too, I completely agree. I have friends that are constantly told to eat, and "why don't you gain weight, you're too skinny" when they would love to gain weight. I have a friend who felt so much better when she gained a few pounds because it no longer hurt to do things like sit for a long period of time. It never ends, no matter what end of the spectrum you are at.

    I think it is less about one being more okay than the other and it being more that as women, there seems to be a very narrow band of what is acceptable in terms of appearance. I think that "love our curves" is more about trying to undo some of the massive self-esteem damage done to women who don't fit in that narrow band of socially acceptable appearances but that may be acceptable from a health point of view (and those are two different things). I also think that some women do "mistake" fat and curves. There is a difference between a bit extra junk in the trunk and being obese.

    That is my two cents.

    Plus size here in Australia seems to mean a size 18+ so that would mean the size I used to be, which was obese. I'm now a size 12-14 & there is no way that this would be called plus size here.... this is average size. Seems to be a whole heap over here that think it's more than ok to be 'plus size' and you should 'love the skin you are in' rather than try to live a longer healthy life. You never hear a fat person being told to eat less, yet hear skinny ppl being told to eat more. Double standards.

    I personally am waiting for the day when I walk up to someone who IS overweight & just ask then "what's your excuse" and then walk away.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    New question!

    Will I always see myself as fat? When will I adjust? I've been in the normal range for over a year (had a break but remained normal, went up a bit in the range though) and I still see myself as a fat person.

    It's taken me 6 months to lose my weight & I no longer see myself as fat now. I guess everyone is different though. I automatically used to go for the 'big girls section' in the clothing.... now I go to wherever I see something nice because I know that my body & mind are both in the same place. When I was fat I actually thought I was skinny, that was why I did nothing. My eyes would see the fat, but my mind would ignore it. So I guess when my eyes started seeing the skinny come out, my mind was already there.
  • frankensteen
    frankensteen Posts: 75 Member
    Bump! Sounds interesting!
  • HeatherLaShae4
    HeatherLaShae4 Posts: 59 Member
  • HeatherLaShae4
    HeatherLaShae4 Posts: 59 Member
    Why is it we are now told to 'love our curves' that is 'ok to be a BBW' or that skinny models are frowned upon yet a fat model is ok? Since when did it become acceptable to be overweight (nobody has bones THAT big) yet being underweight is a no no

    AHH!!! ive been SCREAMING this same thing forever!!! and everytime i mention it everyone gets offended!!!!
    its because the government wants us fat and lazy and dumb and to accept it!!!
  • violet_papillon
    violet_papillon Posts: 26 Member
    A weird question but...

    Do I still log calories if I throw up my food? The food isn't in me anymore, so would it still count in my calorie totals? Would you adjust for this?
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    If I lose all this weight, all the research says I'll probably gain it back. Will I?

    Not if you make a lifestyle choice an stick to it I shouldn't think so...

    I think a lot of that is for fad diets. People get sick of them and get off them. This is more of a lifestyle change, having a balanced meal. I think if you want to live healthy you will!
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    Why is it we are now told to 'love our curves' that is 'ok to be a BBW' or that skinny models are frowned upon yet a fat model is ok? Since when did it become acceptable to be overweight (nobody has bones THAT big) yet being underweight is a no no

    What fat model? I haven't seen one.
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    Why is it we are now told to 'love our curves' that is 'ok to be a BBW' or that skinny models are frowned upon yet a fat model is ok? Since when did it become acceptable to be overweight (nobody has bones THAT big) yet being underweight is a no no

    I have to disagree a bit--a "plus size" model is typically around a size 10-12, aren't they? That is only "fat" by the standards of the fashion industry. In my experience, and I will say that I am quite sensitive to my weight and how I feel that I'm perceived, being fat (as in obese, not just overweight) is not really socially acceptable. There are increasing accommodations being made for it, since in a free market, that is the way it works. It speaks nothing to the value judgments and acceptability that we see being fat with. Cigarettes are another example. Cigarette smoking has become somewhat deviant, these days, but because there is money to be made by providing the goods, companies do it.

    Even though I'm pretty healthy, I'm constantly given the "OMG you will die of the fatness!" spiel. I'm painfully aware of how much larger I am than I would like to be. I've had people scan my grocery cart for "bad groceries" and seen the look if I dare have an occasional pint of ice cream. I've heard people make fun of much larger people. I've been made fun of for being fat. I look at people much larger than me and wince, and pray that I'll never get that big. It isn't as socially acceptable as people seem to think it is on this site. Maybe, I can see, at the margin of overweight, but certainly not obesity, which tends to be the BBW's of which you speak. There is very little truly socially acceptable about being obese. Especially not morbidly obese, like I am.

    Small women have it rough too, I completely agree. I have friends that are constantly told to eat, and "why don't you gain weight, you're too skinny" when they would love to gain weight. I have a friend who felt so much better when she gained a few pounds because it no longer hurt to do things like sit for a long period of time. It never ends, no matter what end of the spectrum you are at.

    I think it is less about one being more okay than the other and it being more that as women, there seems to be a very narrow band of what is acceptable in terms of appearance. I think that "love our curves" is more about trying to undo some of the massive self-esteem damage done to women who don't fit in that narrow band of socially acceptable appearances but that may be acceptable from a health point of view (and those are two different things). I also think that some women do "mistake" fat and curves. There is a difference between a bit extra junk in the trunk and being obese.

    That is my two cents.

    Plus size here in Australia seems to mean a size 18+ so that would mean the size I used to be, which was obese. I'm now a size 12-14 & there is no way that this would be called plus size here.... this is average size. Seems to be a whole heap over here that think it's more than ok to be 'plus size' and you should 'love the skin you are in' rather than try to live a longer healthy life. You never hear a fat person being told to eat less, yet hear skinny ppl being told to eat more. Double standards.

    I personally am waiting for the day when I walk up to someone who IS overweight & just ask then "what's your excuse" and then walk away.

    Hmm I'd say in Australia size 14 is the cusp of plus size .
  • ebony__
    ebony__ Posts: 519 Member
    A weird question but...

    Do I still log calories if I throw up my food? The food isn't in me anymore, so would it still count in my calorie totals? Would you adjust for this?

    I've seen so many discussions about this and so many people getting slammed about eating disorders and stuff...
    Sometimes we get sick, or a bug or just a queasy tummy and lose our stomach contents, nothing controversial about it, it happens
    Lots of people say to add and and u still absorb the calories
    My personal opinion is that how can your body be absorbing something that's halfway down the drain... Impossible.
    However ( an I know this is gross) it all ways looks like a lot more when it comes back up than when u eat it, u might feel like your stomach has lost all it's contents when it actually happens.

    It also depends on the type of food you have eaten and how long ago you ate it,
    Carbs are the first thing that begin to break down, and different types of food are absorbed at different stages (the majority happens in the small intestine)

    Whether you log it or not is basically just personal choice, I'd say eitherway regardless it's probably best to make a note of it in your food notes. And remember that there usually will be some calorie absorption.

    If it happens to me I usually still log it but lower the amount a little bit and make a note of it.