Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!

    Today I had a great step & tone workout - 364 cals burned! We've been concentrating a bit more on different toning exercises & I'm really feeling it! Love that!! :bigsmile: I'm getting excited about my run this weekend & I just hope that I can find a good pace & that the weather is nice.
    We had a party for the girls on Sunday & their friends. It was so much fun! There's a place in the mall that like a huge padded indoor playyard. It's sort of like Chuck E Cheese but without all the games, just padded floors, walls, ball pits, rock walls. It was alot of fun. Their really good about germs & not letting sick kids in, they use hand sanitizer & the staff really helps keep everyone safe & engaged in the fun! It was a blast! I ate 2 cupcakes - they were totally worth it!! :wink:

    Amanda, so very excited for you & your move! Great job on still getting some workouts in & spending time with the family! Congrats on the new puppy!! :heart: What fun!! As far as your workouts - my opinion - I'd restart P90X in April. If you're still recovering & just not feeling it right now, do something that you enjoy & that you can handle both time wise & as far as your stamina. If you push yourself too much, you just may prolong your recovery! You're doing so much already, with packing & cleaning & moving & soon you'll be busy unpacking & cleaning & organiizing!! YIKES!! Make sure you wear your HRM!!

    I hope that you other girls had a great weekend & look forward to hearing all about it!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I used the elliptical at the gym for 30 mins. I was going to do Zumba but my husband didn't want to stay any longer.:indifferent: I guess that is what I get for asking him to come with me. When I got home I did 30 mins of Kick boxing.

    Sandy You are going to do great on your run. I hope you can find time to run outside before then.

    Amanda You are gonna have your hands full with a new puppy. I think packing is already a good workout. I say start up where you left off on the P90X, it's not like you have been doing nothing.
    I know how you feel about the kids at the gym daycare. My youngest hates it. I just try not to think about it and if she keeps crying I know they will call. It is really hard though. Maybe you can find a sitter once or twice a week. Good luck on the move and P90X. You're gonna look awesome when you're done with it.

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Amigas!

    I had a Fabulous weekend :bigsmile:

    Went to a Jazz concert and it was a Blast. John Legend, Boys to Men, Leona Fiona?? (Sp), some others I can't remember the names of. I hardly ate, but I sure did :drinker: alcohol. I really have to AMP it UP this week :wink: I called in sick to work yesterday I was so beat :ohwell:

    Today I will be rollerblading...

    Megan - Sounds like you are getting good use out of your membership :bigsmile: Too bad the kiddies aren't having as much fun as you are. :frown:

    Sandy - Great Job with your 5K training. I hope you get at least 1 day running outside. At least get a feel for what to expect. :wink: Hey this is your first 5K and Finishing is what counts :flowerforyou: The next one you will be more prepared :wink:

    Nicole - How was the weekend? When is your Marathon?

    Amanda - So sorry you've been sick at the same time you are preparing for a move :flowerforyou: You are such a Strong Momma :happy: I would do like Sany suggested and Start again. You were not really feeling it and maybe going back to your past, shorter routines will be what you need right now with being sick, new puppy and the move. :flowerforyou:

    My social life is really active lately :bigsmile:... that means more eating and less working out :embarassed: I gotta figure something out :wink:

    Make it a Great Repair day 23! Spring Break is coming :drinker:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!!

    I had a great run today - 566 calories burned! I'm really getting excited about my run! I can't wait!! I'm still struggling with my snacks & eating so I've adjusted my MFP goal down to lose 2lbs a week. I think I was getting too much lee-way & was making bad choices. This way, I'll be a bit more strict & I'll stay away from the deadly gold fish crackers!! I hope to be back down to 145 by mid April!

    Yvonne, sounds like you had a great time at the concert! I love live music!! Nothin' like it! I'm happy that you're enjoying your social life! What's your plan to AMP up the weekend?? Enjoy your rollerblading workout!! I hope that the weather cooperates for you!

    Megan, good for you for getting to the gym & then finishing your workout at home!! It would've been so easy to let your workout finish at the gym, but you had a plan & you followed through!

    Amanda & Nicole I hope you girls are well & I know that you're out there kickin' it!!

    Make it a great day!

    :flowerforyou: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    went to kettle bells today, but didnt take my hrm so i dont know how many calories i burned. now im off to get ready for schoool!

    hope u all have a fabulous night!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    :laugh: Morning Buddies!

    I did as I said and went rollerblading yesterday.... 650 calories Blasted:bigsmile:

    Sandy - So Excited for you buddy! Glad you are in the Zone. With your training, I believe you will be at 145 sooner than you think :happy: Those Gold fish crackers are addicting :laugh: I had Animal Crackers and milk for dinner :laugh: I was way under calories for yesterday :drinker: I plan on Rollerblading as many days as possible this week... that is my AMP it up plan. Got my gear and I will be there today :happy:

    Nicole - Hey Girly! You are Still doing a Marvelous job.... :flowerforyou: Are you still doing no sugar? Did you stop tracking calories all together yet?

    Megan - How ya doing? Did you take a rest day?

    Amanda- Hey Momma! Hope you are taking good care of yourself and letting your body rest :flowerforyou:

    I'm off to do some work :noway: :laugh:

    Make it a Great Repair Day 24!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey Ladies!!!

    I am not sure I can rest anymore. I am feeling much better today and ready to kick some butt! I am going to take a break from packing this afternoon and go to my friends house. The kids need some playtime with friends and I need a good workout so my friend and I are going to do just that. Not sure what I am going to do yet but we shall see :) Oh I forgot to tell you I gave up coffee!! I was on decaf only anyway but I was always feeling a little bloated and I realized it was after the coffee. Once I gave that up and switched to tea (mostly green) I lost two pounds. It is hard I still crave it but I feel so much better!

    Sandy- I agree those goldfish once I start I can't stop so I work hard at not buying them lol. What Billy Blanks work out do you use? We just got netflix and he is on there a million times so I thought I would give it a try. I have his bootcamp stuff and I don't like it. How is Jillian's last chance workout? What equipment do I need?

    Spicy- Dang girl I need to take up rollerblading!!! Our new home is in a subdivision with sidewalks so running and blading will be more of a choice for me :) Keep it up girl!

    Nicole- Kettle bells sound like a great work out! Keep up the great work!!

    Megan- What is your favorite class at the gym? Now that my new house will be closer to the gym I am hoping that maybe one or two days a week my husband can watch them while I work out (we did live about 45 minutes one way now it will be more like 15 minutes). He could even swim with them if while I work out :)

    Well off to get ready to go to my friends. It is going to be 70 here today so lots of outside fun and get me some sun!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!!

    Today was a great step & tone class - I burned 416 in an hour. Not bad, but maybe I'll do a little something else for a few more calories. After I have dinner figured in & another piece of fruit I only have 62 cals left. Doesn't leave a whole lot of room for error.. so we'll see. Maybe my Fitness magazine bootycamp moves, I haven't done those in a while!

    Amanda, so proud of you for giving up the coffee!! You're one tough Momma!! I have Billy Blanks' Ultimate Tae Bo. It's really great! Get's your HR way up!! He's a bit corny, but gives you a great workout that's for sure!! The Jillian last chance - I only did 1x, but I think all I needed was some hand weights. My favorite move is the renegade push ups!! So awesome!! Have fun w/ your Mommy friend & enjoy your workout!

    Yvonne, what a great workout!! Rollerblading all week is a great way to AMP up your week!! You go girl!! You are hardly eating anything at all!! I know the weight must be melting off of you!!

    Nicole, great job on getting in the KB workout!! I hate when I don't have my HRM with me, so I feel for ya!

    Megan, how are you doing? What's your plan of attack this week!

    Keep kickin' butt girls!!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout today, I went and cleaned at BSU stadium for 4 hours. That was my temp work for today.

    Sandy Sounds like a great workout today.

    Amanda Have fun at your friends house. I like kick boxing the most at the gym, I am starting to really like Zumba. The cycling classes are good too.

    Spicy That rollerblading sounds fun. 650 cals, great job.

    Have a great night girls.
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Just to let you know Nicole is the best hair dresser ever. I have never had my hair done this good. Thanks Nicole.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Buddies!

    Sandy - Great Workout! When is the 5K? I'm in the middle of PMS so I feel bloated, but I know i should lose something this month. I will way myself on April 1st.... It's so much easier, when you're single and no kids, to avoid overeating. For me at least :wink: I really commend you on your dedication to maintaining the Goal you've Accomplished :flowerforyou: How is Hubby doing? Can you notice the loss? How are the girls, is MJ still going to dance classes? I hope i got her name right :embarassed: I have a really bad memory.... Age :laugh:

    Amanda - Glad you are feeling better and ready to Get Moving :bigsmile: Having a puppy must be so much fun... I love puppies, but not raising them :laugh: How is the Ice skating practice coming along?

    Megan - Sounds you definately got a "workout". Cleaning burns calories :wink: I wish I had a girlfriend to do my hair once in awhile... you are so lucky :bigsmile:

    Nicole - You are such a Go-Getter :bigsmile: Hope you are having a great day Amiga! :flowerforyou:

    I decided to do some yard work yesterday as my workout :wink: I have a Push Mower (No Motor) :noway: I mowed the front and part of the back yard, trimmed the front hedges and raked the leaves. :drinker: It took me a total of 2 hours maybe... I logged in 200 calories. I made myself some Cod Fish and rice for dinner and Animal crackers and milk for dessert :embarassed: I still came in below my calories :bigsmile:

    Today, I plan on taking Ruby for our 5-mile walk. That is usually about 600+ calories, but I will log 500 :wink:

    Make it a Fantastic Repair Day 25!!!

    :heart: Yvonne
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!!

    No wonder I've been such a mess! I just started my TOM!! I was having such problems with my cravings & my weight was up! It's good to at least know that I haven't totally lost it - at least there's a reason why!! I'm feeling really good about things, I'm trying to really keep under control & get myself ready for my 5K on Saturday. I haven't done any outside running & I'm afraid that's going to hurt me, but as long as I finish, I'll be happy!:tongue:
    My father says he'll be running with me next year!! Little does he know, that I'm going to hold him to it!! :tongue: :laugh:

    Today is a rest day - just 4 hours of house work! I'm totally counting that!! :wink: Last night we worked on our bedroom remodel. We sanded drywall & cleaned for 4 hours! Yup, I counted that too!! :wink: :laugh:

    Yvonne, you're doing so great! I hope that you & Ruby enjoy your walk & that no cats get in your way! MJ is doing well, she's down with a little cold today, but she's still going to dance class, her recital is in May - they're dancing to The Jackson 5's Rockin Robin & their little costumes have feathers all over it!! No need to ask - I'll definately be posting pictures!! :laugh: :laugh: And, your memory is fine! :wink:
    The hubby is doing okay, he was doing very well for a while there, but I have noticed some changes in his choices, portions & attitude. I know he'll get it!!
    Thank you for the pep talk!!... I need it!

    Megan, great workout!! Cleaning for 4 hours is definately a workout!! I knew that Nicole would be a great hairdresser!! :happy:

    Way to go Nicole!! :drinker:

    Keep kicking butt Amanda!!:glasses:

    Make it a great day!!

    :flowerforyou: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!!! sorry i have been missing some days on here, just been soooo stinkin busy! i finally got my last errand off my list done today!! yesterday i did zumba and today i did yoga and then walked for an hour...i havnt been wearing my hrm and i kinda like it!!! still havnt counted calories since jan and i have been doing great! i am still struggling with energy big time!!! its going on 3 weeks now and i feel so tired all the time, hope fully it will change before my race day in 4 weeks!!

    im so glad u like ur hair megan!!!!:bigsmile:

    off to get ready for school, have a great night!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hello girls!!

    SOOO Quiet around here!! Today was a fun day at step aerobics. Our instructor has been switching things up a bit & giving us some new routines - I burned 355, would've been more but I was late & then had to run MJ to the potty!! :grumble:

    So tomorrow is the big day!! I'm so excited!!

    Wish me luck!!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No exercise today, had to work.
    Yesterday I worked then went to the gym and used the elliptical, the wave, the cybex, and did some strength training. It was fun trying out some of the machines.

    Sandy sounds like you had fun at step class.

    Spicy Yard work doesn't sound so fun, great job getting out there and just doing it. Sounds like a good workout.

    Have a great night girls.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    My first 5K was AWESOME!! My time was 33mins!! So much different running on the road compared to the treadmill! There was a huge hill on mile 3 but it felt great to have such a challenge!! I'm looking to do a few more this year!! I'm addicted!!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Sandy- Great job girl!!!!! Did you wear your HRM? Just wondering if you burned more calories running on the road vs. the treadmill. We are moving this week and my new house has sidewalks in the sub so I am going to be doing some running and I am so excited!!!

    Megan- SOunds like you had some great work outs!!!

    Nicole- keep up all your great work Amiga!

    Yvonne- Keep up that roller bladding girl that is a great workout!!!

    Well as for me I am keeping VERY busy! We are starting our move on tuesday once we close on the house :). Sadly we are looking for a new home for our puppy. He is GREAT and I love him to death but Bella is not so happy with all his nipping that he does on her. She was our dog first so it is all her say. He is 6months old and was already ALMOST completely housebroken. He has done very well here except for with Bella. Also Trapper (the puppy) nips the kids and they don't enjoy that at all lol. The neighbor said we could give him back there but I am not so sure they are that nice to their animals so I think I will keep looking for a home for him. We do have another dog we are looking at. I keep intouch with the rescue that we got Bella from and she found us a great dog. She is a yellow lab, 2years old, housebroken and stays in the yard. She said she has the same kind of personality as Bella so we will see.
    As for my work outs I have decided to do a combo of Chalean and P90X. I LOVE Chaleans lifting style (can't stand Tony Horton's) and I LOVE p90x cardio. So I am going to put them together and hopefully I will get a great work out!!

    Make it a great Sunday ladies!!! If I don't catch up much this week just know I am ok just busy moving lol.

  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Buddies!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :love: :love: :love: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Our first Marathoner :laugh: Nicole you're next :bigsmile:

    Sandy 33 minutes sounds like great time :drinker: So Proud of You Momma... you know I'm waiting for the pics :laugh:
    DId you wear the HRM? I'm curious too :happy: When is the Next race?

    Amanda - So glad you are well again :flowerforyou: Just in time for the move :wink: So sorry to hear about the puppy having to go back but you have to do what's best. Great idea on combining your favorite sections of your programs and creating a New workout. :happy: What is your goal? I forget.

    Nicole - How was the weekend girly? Have you looked into some vitamins to help with your lack of energy lately? Happy that you are weening yourself off calorie counting :happy: I haven't been logging anything on weekends and I think I've done okay. I'm feeling bloated lately... TOM should be here tomorrow. I will find out if I've gained in about 2 weeks. I think you said your goal was a size 4... have you tried any on?

    Megan - Good on getting some time in for the gym. How did your baby do in childcare?

    I finally went to the gym Saturday... I must have been at least 2 weeks :noway: Did Step then the weight class... Boy am I sore today :noway: I took Ruby for our Long walk yesterday.

    I have my gym gear with me and plan on getting on the elliptical. I feel Fat :huh: I know it's PMS messing with my head, but I haven't been eating all that good either... damage control :laugh:

    Make it a Fantastic Repair Day 29 Amigas!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning Amigas!!

    I did wear my HRM during my run!! During the 33minute run I burned 317. Definately more then I do on the treadmill. I also felt that I had to use my leg muscles more to propell me forward. I'm looking into doing a few other races this year & I'll definately do this run next year so as to compare my time. Who knows - maybe even do the half marathon!! There's a race in mid April to benefit a local VFD & I just got my registration form today, so I hope to do that one too!

    We had a rough day at it though. My Gabby got sick in the car & threw up all over herself & her car seat. Then the parking was all taken & my hubby dropped me off in the registration line while he parked the car down at a far lot & walked back with my Mom & our 2 kids. It was a very chilly morning - I think just mid 30's & I stood shivering in the shadows of the trees waiting for my t-shirt & micro chip (a hickey bob that ties to your shoe, used for timing results), then had to wait in line to use the potty for about 20minutes & some lady who was running the marathon thought she had the right to move in front of me since her race had already begun & she was late!! GRRR!!:grumble: My thought, was you're already late & now you want to make me late for MY race!! If you gotta pee make sure you leave enough time for it! Mind you I was standing in line with MJ!! How are you going to jump in front of a lady with a 4 year old! I could've just kicked her! But we survived & I'll do it all again that's for sure!! :drinker: It was such a rush & a sense of accomplishment!! :happy:

    Amanda, sorry about the puppy. I hope that you can get it all figured out & what's best for the family! Great job on mixing your workouts & making it your own! You're awesome!! Good luck with the move!!

    Yvonne, great job on getting to the gym & getting the Rube-ster out for a nice walk! Enjoy your workout tonight!

    Nicole, you are going to love your marathon & I can't wait to hear your experience!!

    Megan, how was your weekend & workouts??

    I'm not sure what I'll be doing today... we didn't go to step because the girls are sick & I've got a head cold. I planned to take it easy today, but it's only 10AM & I'm feeling guilty about it! I feel like I gotta do something!!!!! I didn't eat so well yesterday.. .. stinkin girl scout cookies!!!! :mad: And, my lack of will power, mind you!! :mad: :mad: :tongue:

    Make it a grea day buddies!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning girls!!

    Yesterday I did Jillian's Last Chance Work Out & did a little running on the TM. I burned 600 & boy am I sore today!! LCWO aint no joke!! The jumping squats & staggered push ups are really tough!! Not sure what to do today.... maybe some Tae Bo!!

    I hope you girls are well & are busy kickin' it!!

    :drinker: Sandy