Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout today. I've been doing the circuit training section at the gym and i'm trying to do it only every other day and then add my own cardio. I like all the different machines.

    Nicole Enjoy your rest week. You deserve it.

    Spicy The kids are great, thanks for asking. Have fun working those saddle bags. That is a tough area to get rid of. I don't want to lose my curve really, just the little fat pocket on it. I found that doing the inner thigh machine really slowly with low weight and high reps really seems to work the outter thighs too.

    Sandy I am up for the challenge. What is your routine on the treadmill? You seem to burn a lot of calories. Keep it up.

    Amanda I hope everything is going good for you. How's the new house? Are you still doing P90X?

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Girls!!!!

    I didn't work out yesterday as planned and I hardly ate anything for dinner... i had a late appt. and then after i got home I got chatting and the time just flew... I left about 300 calories on table. Yay! Today, I'm not planning on working out... it's a friend's B'day and I might take him to dinner.

    Nicole - You poor thing :flowerforyou: Yoga is exactly what you need :bigsmile: Can you get into the Steamroom/Sauna at the Y? You might shock your body with this sudden Rest Period :wink: I can't afford to pay for anything extra these days, so i have to wait till kettle bells comes to 24 hour fitness :ohwell:

    Meagan - Thanks for the tip on how to get a more effective result from that machine :flowerforyou: Yeah, I don't want to loose any of my curves either, just want to tighten them up :laugh: Rollerblading works most of the lower body.... that's why I love it so much.

    Amanda - What's shaking Momma!

    Sandy - Nice job at step yesterday.... saw it on the "Newsfeed" :bigsmile: Did you ever get around to the House cleaning? You reminded me how I really need to "Deep Clean" my house... I've just been putting it off :embarassed:

    Make it a Fantastic Day Amigas!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    I had a great step & tone workout yesterday - 375 cals burned. We did lots of great leg & thigh work by doing fire hydrants at the end! Those things burn!! After we put the girls to bed last night, I went for a short run & burned another 225. Running really does feel great! I just wish that my knees enjoyed it as much as I do! I haven't decided which video it'll be today ..... I want cardio, maybe I'll mix in a few different ones together - we'll see!

    Nicole, I love your plan for the week! Enjoy yourself & get yourself well rested, you deserve it after the 1/2 marathon!

    Megan, my treadmill routine has been running 10 minute miles. Sometimes I do a straight 5K & sometimes I'll do a 10 minute mile then 2-5 minutes walking then back to the 10 minute mile again, back & forth a few times.

    Amanda, I hope that things are going well for you! How are the workouts coming?? How's the house??

    Yvonne, enjoy your diva hair days girl!! But, you gotta work, work & work the 2nd half of the week!! You can do it!!! That's amazing that you didn't work out yesterday & you still left 300 cals on the table!! :drinker:

    Make it a great day buddies!!

    :flowerforyou: Sandy
  • swtonu2000
    swtonu2000 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Ladies ,

    I'm Ronda from Los Angeles, new to the site, I am starting over on my weight loss journey, I would love to join this thread, after reading a few of the post this is definitely what I need to stay motivated & to stay on track.:laugh:
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey there ladies!!!

    Life is going great here! Between my Last chance workouts everyday and all this silly yard work I have been getting done I am burning some major calories lol. Tonight is Kayla's last ice skating lesson before her competition in Nashville this weekend and then she has her dance type class for skating (they teach them to keep smiling and proper arm potions and music timing). Then I am going to sit on the couch and enjoy Biggest Loser while eating some popcorn lol. This will be the first night in a long time that I am not working around the house. The rest of the week will be cleaning and packing for this weekend and then monday the kids and I are headed to Michigan for two weeks. It has been a LONG time since we went for a visit. I am looking forward to seeing my family and being able to go for runs for my work outs ! I love being able to change up my workouts when I am there.

    Ronda- Welcome to the group. This is a great bunch of ladies and we do keep each other going!!

    Sandy- Great burn! I agree there is nothing like a great run! I am really thinking about getting insanity because I think I am a big cardio junkie lol. I really love the last chance workout! Not a long workout but it kicks my butt!

    Yvonne- Wow 300 calories left and did not have to work out that is amazing!!!! Enjoy your dinner tonight for your friends birthday!

    Nicole- i hope that your legs are feeling better today! Great job running those 10 miles girl!!!

    Megan- That is great that you are enjoying all the machines at the gym. They are a great workout that is for sure!!! The house is WONDERFUL a lot of work but worth it!!! No I am not doing P90X anymore. I sent it back. I know it sounds funny but it was not enough for me. Like I said to Sandy I think I am a cardio junkie and there is just not enough of that in there for me. Plus that Tony guy is really annoying IMO!

    Today is supposed to be upper and lower body work out with Last Chance. I started TOM today but with it only being a 30 minute workout I think I will push through it today. Kids are resting this morning as they all have that change of the season stuffy nose. Took them to the natural store to get them some "meds" and the guy was saying that the pollen here is off the charts and he said they are seeing so many sinus infections because of it. They are feeling fine other then there nasty noses so hopefully they will kick this stuff soon!
    Make it a great Tuesday!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    It sure has been quiet around here!! I hope that you girls are all keeping busy & active! Today is such a busy day!! MJ has dance class & the hubby has to work late so I'll have both girls with me! Gabby is at such a tough age right now, she's 2 & she just wants to go, go, go!!! It's always tough at the dance school because there's no where for her to really let loose!! Next year she'll probably be dancing too, so it won't be an issue, but it's just hard now keeping her occupied. Everyone keeps telling me that I'll miss these days... :tongue: so that's what I keep telling myself:laugh:

    Tuesday's workout was a mix of Crunch's Dance workout (netflix) & BL Cardio Max - 460 cals burned.
    Wednesday's workout was step n tone interval training - 330 cals burned

    Amanda, I hope that your kids are all feeling better & I hope that Kayla has a good time at her competition this weekend! Sounds like you have a wonderful visit to Michigan coming up!! Enjoy! BL was awesome last night! In the early season, I couldn't stand that Michael, but he seems to have grown a heart & has really changed alot, it's a very good season for everyone! I like all the contestants that are left now.

    Yvonne, I hope you're doing well Amiga!! Are you still up for our challenge?? I've been working out, but last night I really gave into the TOM cravings & my Biggest Loser stress eating!! But, today is a new day & now that I've eaten way too much cheese popcorn I'll behave for the rest of the day!! I logged it so hopefully I didn't do too much damage!!! How'd your dinner go the other night??

    Megan, how are things girl?? I thought of you the other day as we were doing fire hydrants to work our inner & outter thigh areas!

    Nicole, I hope you're enjoying your rest week of yoga!! How's the legs feeling today??

    Ronda, welcome to the site & to our thread!! Jump right in & let us know what you like to do to keep active!

    Make it a great day!!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout for me today. I had a job interview at a payday loans place. I need to get back on track. I've been so busy though.

    Sandy I know how you feel with the terrible 2's. Mine was terrible 3's though.

    Amanda You do a lot of packing. Good luck on the dance competition.

    Ronda Welcome to our sight. Tell us about yourself.

    Have a great night buddies.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    MOrning Amigas!!!

    Ronda - Jump Right in and tell us all about your workouts and what you enjoy, your progress, and your slip-ups :laugh:

    Amanda - Hey Buddy so good to hear you haven't missed a beat :bigsmile: Good for you on Returning Px90 if weren't getting your $$$ worth. I'm sooo a cardio Junky too... the time just goes by more quickly :wink: So exciting for you and Kayla... can't wait to hear all about it. The only time I can accomplish leaving calories on the table without exercise is WITHOUT dinner :laugh: Glad you only have to deal with 'nasty noses' this time :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - Hey Momma! Sounds like little Gabby is giving you a run for your money :laugh: Imagine you running after her 52 lbs ago :noway: Nice that MJ is still dancing :bigsmile:
    I'm so Glad you Started the Challenge. I had Diva Hair yesterday and I wasn't going to workout... My mind kept coming back to "5 workout Challenge" , "Sandy is keeping with the Challenge you can't flake out"... I threw in Billy Blanks "mission 2" (great upper body workout) then after that I did "30 Day Shred" and got in 580 calories total :bigsmile: AND on top of that I was on the phone with a new "cutie" till late and didn't eat dinner :bigsmile: So I left CRAZY calories on the Table :bigsmile: Thanks for the Motivation Amiga :flowerforyou: Now, I just have to get in 4 workouts by Sunday, today is predicated to be a good Rollerblading day :wink: I really need to hustle while TOM isn't around; need a cushion for PMS :huh: :laugh:
    mmmm .... cheese popcorn :tongue: Yeah, I would have put a hurtin that too if I kept some in the house. Logging Everything is a Good thing... when I see that number on days I "slipped" I really make an effort the next day to do Better :bigsmile: Drink Plenty of water today :wink: You gotta stay on track for Beach Vaca, Momma :flowerforyou:

    Megan - How did the interview go? Hope you get the job :flowerforyou:
    Those payday loans are a Trap. I feel sorry for people who get into those loans... to be in deeper financial turmoil. My brother works in a Call center where he has to call the people and inform them that after they have paid hundreds of dollars in "interest" they still owe the principal :noway: He tells me he has called people who have been paying over 1 year for a $200 loan. When are you planning to go to the Y?

    Nicole - How are you feeling? Are you back in Kettle Bells class? How are your babies?

    I have my gear and either will be at the gym or rollerblading today. :bigsmile:

    Make it a Great Day Amigas!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!

    Today is my rest day & I've spent it cleaning!! I still have to tackle the tv room in the basement, but my upstairs looks great!! I've figured that I've burned about 250 calories so far, I'm hopping to burn a bit more because I'd like to eat a descent dinner serving. Girls, I don't know what's up with me, but I just control my night time eating!! I've got to find a better way to occupy my time! It's like I put the girls to bed around 7 & then I catch up on the computer & my shows & I just can't stop eating!! This is not good!! I think if I could save a little energy for a quick work out it'd help. Either a walk, run or short dvd.... that's the new plan!! Thanks for "listening" to me work it all out!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yvonne, you are so right!! I couldn't imagine chasing after Gabby & being 200 lbs!! Thanks for the reminder!! Being healthy isn't just for us, it's for our families too! I'm so glad that the challenge this week has helped you not to flake out!! You really had a great workout with those dvd's!! I hope that weather cooperates for your RBing because I know that's what you truely love doing!!

    Megan, I hope that things went well with the interview & hopefully you can get into your routine again. It's so easy to let life get in the way of things!

    Amanda & Nicole, keep it at girls!! :drinker:

    :heart: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did circuit training and some cardio at the gym.

    Sandy Good luck on your eating. I snack a lot during the day too. I don't think snacking is bad, it just depends on what you eat. You'll be fine. you work hard.

    Spicy I think the interview went good. I will find out if I got the job soon I hope. Thanks for asking. So what did you decide to do, gym or rollerblading?

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Friday!!!

    I went Rollerblading and It was Wonderful :bigsmile: A bit windy, but there wasn't a cloud in the sky and it was about 80 degrees. I burned 580+. Went home and ate 1 whole roll of Ritz crackers (560 calories) with some Guave Paste (160 calories) ... But that was dinner so I was covered and had some calories to spare. However, I am on 1400 daily allowance (1/2 lb lose per week goal). I have to find better things to blow my calories on. :ohwell:

    Sandy - I soooo need to give my house a thorough cleaning :embarassed: I've been living the Bachlorette life recently :wink:
    Girl, I'm so with you on the snacking. Sometimes, I'm not even hungry and Its just something to do. Sometimes, I replace my dinner with whatever "bad" food I'm craving. Reading, knitting, crafting, walking, etc. Keeping your hands busy or being out of the house is the only thing that i can think of to combat the "Bored Eating Sydrome" :laugh: I remember when I was taking phentermine that was the only time I was able to control it :noway: But that isn't an option anymore. I know if I was to go cold turkey and cut out sugar for a good 3 weeks, I would not crave the Bad stuff so much... I agree with Megan, if we snacked on carrots, fruits, celery, the good stuff - it wouldn't be a problem.

    Megan - Fingers crossed for ya :laugh: Good Job on getting to the gym. :happy: Not gonna rolleblading today, weather man said it's gonna be higher winds, but perfect beach day :happy:

    Nicole & Amanda - :flowerforyou:

    I have my gym clothes. Thinking of taking it easy and going for a long walk or I might go to the gym and do 1 hour elliptical. I have 2 workouts IN 3 more to go before Sunday.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!!

    I had some great workouts today!! Step & Tone 340 cals & BL#2 (the woman's portion only) 184 cals. I'm sitting pretty with over 1000 left for dinner, snack & coffee!! Yahooo!! Which I really need as, the early part of the week, I was bad, bad, bad!! I'm feeling more in control these last two days, so I'm thankful!! I have only 21 days until vacation!! I'd love to be back down 5lbs... we'll see! :tongue:

    Yvonne, thanks for the support! I hate feeling so outta control about things & I started thinking - am I going to end up back where I started? I just can't ever, ever let that happen!! It's just scary!! :noway:
    Great workout yesterday! Sounds like a beaufiful day!

    Megan, great job on those workouts & thank you for the support! I do well with my snacking during the day, but once the girls go to bed - IT's ON!! I'm really trying to concentrate on fiber rich foods & lots of water to help keep me feeling full.:tongue:

    Nicole & Amanda, keep it up!! We miss ya!! :drinker:

    Have a great weekend & keep strong!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout today. I feel like I'm going to have a mental break down, I feel so depressed. Everything is making me either mad or cry. I know it's not TOM. I haven't had one since January thanks to my IUD. I don't even want to get out of bed anymore.

    I hope nobody else feels like S...

    Have a great night girls and thanks for letting me complain to you.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    No workout today. I feel like I'm going to have a mental break down, I feel so depressed. Everything is making me either mad or cry. I know it's not TOM. I haven't had one since January thanks to my IUD. I don't even want to get out of bed anymore.

    I hope nobody else feels like S...

    Have a great night girls and thanks for letting me complain to you.

    Megan, I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well. You should discuss your feelings with your doctor. If the IUD is a new form of BC it may be affecting your hormones in a bad way. Hang in there & definately tell your doctor about your issues.
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did 45 mins of circuit training and 35 mins of the elliptical at the Y.

    Sandy Thanks for the advice and for caring, it means a lot more then you think.

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    No workout today. I feel like I'm going to have a mental break down, I feel so depressed. Everything is making me either mad or cry. I know it's not TOM. I haven't had one since January thanks to my IUD. I don't even want to get out of bed anymore.

    I hope nobody else feels like S...

    Have a great night girls and thanks for letting me complain to you.

    Ohh My Dear Amiga! I'm so sorry I didn't see this earlier :flowerforyou:

    I'm so sorry you felt like that... I can relate. I suffer from depression (PMDD) especially 10 days before my TOM. Exercise was exactly the Most Perfect Right thing to do...keep your mind busy and Reverse those negative thoughts! Remind yourself that This moment in your isn't FOREVER. I have alot of practice with this without medication. :flowerforyou:

    What is going on in your life, if you don't mind me asking... You can PM anytime. On the weekends I usually don't log onto the forums, just my Food Journal. I hope you feel better today Buddy :flowerforyou:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Sandy!!! - We completed our Challenge with Flying Colors :flowerforyou: :love: Thanks Amiga!

    I went walking on Friday and did 2 hours on Saturday. Felt Great for Completing my challenge and not letting My Buddy go at it alone :bigsmile: ALso left more than the required 50 calories on the table :drinker: Only because, I went out on saturday without eating dinner, didn't get home till 5 AM, so I slept most of Sunday :wink: :laugh: Sleeping is the best way to avoid calories :laugh:

    I had to get my Grays covered on Saturday, "Diva Hair" . :laugh: No workouts Sunday, Mon, Tues. Back on Wednesday Zumba.
    The scale said 145 this morning. I want to be 140 and have the "Cushion" :wink:

    I have a challenge - Leaving 300 calories on the table.... Is that too much? Doesn't matter how you do it... exercise or not. What do you say Amigas?

    I have a project I'm working on so I don't have time to post anymore.

    Make it a Great DAY AMigas!

    BTW - We are getting close to 500 posts. You all know what that means.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    I had a great weekend! Saturday was a rest day, we took the girls to their first movie theater movie - How to Train Your Dragon. What a cute movie!! We all enjoyed it! Sunday I went for a nice brisk walk around the neighborhood, I had to cut it a little short due to the rain, but came home & did another 30 minutes of Tae Bo.

    I've been having a knee issue, along with my tendon again. I'm trying to take it easy & today at step we did interval training & I burned only 284. I'm icing it now, hopefully I can recover quickly being that I know what I need to do - RICE - rest, ice, compression, elevate.

    I've also ordered P90X!! I can't wait to get it!! I know that Amanda didn't enjoy it & ended up sending it back, but I'm hopeful that a change of pace will help me get back on track & control my cravings. I'm also hopeful that the hubby will give it a try! :wink:

    Yvonne, I'm so proud of you for completing our challenge!! You rock!! As far as your next challenge - 300 calories!! Good gravy that's alot of calories!! I'll join you for 100 - I'm sorry to whimp out, but MFP has me set at only 1200 as it is!! Congrats on the great weigh in!! So proud of you!! I can't wait to be back at 145 again!

    Megan, I hope that you're having a better day today & that you're feeling better!

    Nicole, how was your weekend?? Are you all recovered from last week's run??

    Amanda, how are things with you? Did you get your Insanity dvd's yet??

    Make it a great day girls!!

    :flowerforyou: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!! have had a really busy weekend, so havnt been on at all:ohwell: today i am going to take my workout ouside!! gonna go for a run!!! i think i may invest in some roller blades sometime soon!!! i didnt read any posts, i will try to get to that tomorrow, just took a quick break from laundry and homework!! hope u all have a fabulous day!!!