Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey!!! today i decided to take a break from the gym and run outside, so the hubby and i ran almost 3 miles, then i started feeling sick so we walked 3 miles back total burn....520!! i think i should of taken a rest day, cause i really feel tired and kinda sick:grumble: lets hope i get over it soon cause tomorrow is gno!!!

    everyone is doing so awesome!!! lets keep it up through the weekend!!:drinker: oh and i havnt had "sugar" in 2 weeks!!! yipee for me!!

    hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

    megan- im going to zumba tomorrow at 11:15 if u want to come!!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Nicole How long did it take the Y to get a hold of you after you turned in your application?
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Happy Saturday Amigas!!!

    Just finished my first week of P90x! Today was Kenpo X (520 calories burned) and it is 55minutes of major cardio it is GREAT!!!! Tomorrow can be my day off or I can do X stretch. I may need the stretch I am soooooooooooo sore!!

    Glad to see all my amigas are doing so well during repair month! Keep up ladies!

    Enjoy your weekend!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey girls!! today i went to zumba...well the last 45 min:laugh: and then zumba toning, burned 685 cal!!! tonight i am headed out for gno to dance the night away!!!! hopefully i can burn alot of calories...maybe i will wear my hrm!!:laugh:

    hope u all have a fabulous weekend!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!!

    I just finished a great workout today!! At step aerobics we did a toning class instead - 200c's burned & then I came home & trained for my 5K & burned another 400c's on the treadmill! I feel great!! I need a shower, but I feel great!! :laugh:

    I really need to clean up my eating though! I've been having these late night snack cravings & I just want to eat!! But, today I'm doing well & I've decided no late night eating!! NONE!!! I gotta get my weight back down!

    Amanda, you sound like you're sure loving that P90X!! Awesome!! When's Kayla's next competition??

    Nicole, how's your training for your run coming?? I know that you're going to do great!

    Megan, how are things going with you?? Are you using any new dvd's lately?

    Spicy, how's repair month coming??

    Have a great day ladies & kick some butt!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey Girlies!!!

    Short and Sweet!

    I did terrible as far as exercise this weekend, but I hardly ate so I must have broken even... Today TOM should be leaving :)

    I met a new guy and My Oh My... He is a hunk! Wish me luck!

    Took Ruby to the Vet again this morning to get Fixed. She behaved like a Lady :laugh: Maybe cause there were no cats in sight :)

    Sandy - Awesome Job training for your 5K :flowerforyou: What is causing these cravings? Are you drinking enough water?

    Amanda - How is the house thing coming>? Keep up the Great work... SOmeone at work is selling a Brand New PX90 for $85, is that a deal?

    Nicole - Hope you had a Blast at GNU.. whatever that is :laugh: I'm an old Lady :laugh:

    Megan - Glad to hear you can see the results of your dedication... Have you heard from the Y yet?

    Gotta go... Deadlines to meet :)

    Make it a Great Day 8 of "Repair Month"!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies! decided to take a much needed rest day today, im so tired and i just needed a break!! never ended up having gno...girls night out:laugh: ....i wasnt feeling that well and most everybody canceled, so it kinda worked out good for me!:smile: planning on this coming saturday for sure!!!

    sandy- great workout!!! u can do eating late!!! try drinking some tea or mil just got a chocolate hazelnut tea that she said was pretty good!!! i think i may have to try it!!!:wink: doing pretty good with the training..not too worried, i just figure if i have to walk, i will:laugh:

    spicy- good luck with the new hunk!!!:wink:

    i have testing this week, so off to study!!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did not exercize. I went to a job interview at Jakers. It's a restaurant. I think it went good, we'll see.

    Spicy I got an estimate back from the Y so I will hopefully be getting my membership soon.

    Sandy Everything is good. No new Dvd's, I have been going to the gym with Nicole though. I really want to try Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown.

    KZO Sounds like you're doing great with P90X. Keep it up.

    Have a great night girls.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    I did my p90x this morning burned 400 calories :) Hung around the house today. Kayla has a bad sore throat, I have a sore throat and my other two have stuffy noses and a cough. Change of season is here and it gets us everytime!

    Spicy- yes 85 is a great price! Do they have to books too? Good luck with your new man ;)

    Megan- Hope everything works out for the job!!

    Sandy- You can do it girl!! I am with you! I have been eating after 8pm for some reason and I am not a late night eater. I weighted myself on saturday and I was up four pounds! I am not putting any junk in my body anymore! We can all do this as a team girl!

    Nicole- Hope you get to feeling better and sorry you had to miss out on gno! That tea you were telling Sandy about sounds really yummy!!!

    Have a great night buddies!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Spicy, good luck with the HUNK!! :wink: I'm glad that Ruby behaved herself at the vet & I hope she heals fast for you. I think that you may have something there when you asked about my cravings & my water intake... :drinker: I could definately be doing better in that area. Actually, I did very well with my water today & so far so good! :drinker:

    Amanda, it's a deal!! NO junk!! My weight is up too - I even adjusted my ticker!! :angry: But, no more!!! We gotta get these bodies ready for the summer!!!! I hope that you & your household get to feeling better soon!

    Nicole, I hope that you enjoyed your rest day! I'll look into the tea! Who makes that one your mil has?? I know that you'll do great with your run! I've been looking into all kinds of local runs, I'd like to do a few this spring - if & that's if - everything goes well with my first! Kinda gettin' nervous!

    Megan, I hope that your interview went well! Good for you on getting out to the gym with your buddy!! Mom's need time too! :wink: Cause when Momma aint happy - aint nobody happy!!

    Have a great night AMIGAS & keep strong!!

    :smooched: Sandy
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    oops missed two questions that were asked :)

    Sandy- Its a deal girl :) As for Kayla's next competition it is the weekend of April the 24th in Nashville,TN so we are going to start traveling for competitions now!!!

    Spicy- The house thing is coming a long. The inspection went great the couple of things that were wrong she fixed. Now just waiting for all the paper work to work out so that we can close by the 19th!

    Have a great night ladies! I have a busy morning tomorrow so I will check in later in the day.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    MOrning AMigas.

    Had an awful day yesterday :frown: :sad:

    I get a call from the Vet at about 4:00 that Ruby got to a Cat at the vet's office :huh: and they wanted me to pick her up :noway:
    I had warned them from the first phone call, when I told them she is a almost 70lb Pitbull, they asked if she was friendly and I said NOT WITH CATS, when I walked in there i said, "she doesn't tolerate cats"... the girl responded. "Typical pitbull"... Before I left, I told the Tech who was Holding her, "She is Relentless when it comes to cats". and they allowed that to happen. When I get there, Ruby's face is all scatched up.... I asked the vet for some antibiotics just in case... she wants to charge me $38... Seriously??? I just left them in her hand.

    That wasn't all... As Hunk and I are in the "getting to know" stage. He revealed some things yesterday that are "Deal Breakers". So before I get myself hurt, I put an end to that.... So I barely ate yesterday and slept very little... :ohwell: However, I will seek the positive in the situation and move on. :happy: I'm too FINE and WORTHY! :happy:
    I intend on getting a great workout doing what I :heart: ... ROLLERBLADING!!! :bigsmile: It's a great day for it.

    Day 9 of "Repair Month" is ON!

    Make it a GREAT day Amigas!!! I sure will :flowerforyou:
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    gotta be really quick today cause i have some studying to do and its getting late! went to 3 hrs at the gym today, kettle bells, yoga, and then zumba gold, 1100 calories burned!!! the only reason i stayed for zumba gold was to support a friend that is starting to teach!!! i feel great though!!!

    sandy- not sure about the brand of tea, ill ask...she probably got it from walmart!

    hope u all have a fabulous night!!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did NMTZ and 30 on the treadmill. I got a waste trimmer and it makes you sweat like crazy in your mid section.

    Nicole What is different about Zumba Gold?

    Spicy Sorry the Hunk didn't work out. Good for you on putting yourself first, You deserve the best.

    Sanifrey I agree with you. "when mom's not happy NOBODY is." You didn't say what you did today.

    Amanda I hope you family gets better soon, I hate it when the kids are sick. Great job on your workout.

    Have a great night girls.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!!

    Tuesday night has turned into my late night ritual!! I get the family fed & the girls to bed in time to run out to step aerobics & then I do my grocery shopping afterwards! It's so wonderful to be able to shop by myself! So today, we had a pretty intense interval step class & I burned 379 - I noticed that even my legs were sweating - gross!! I don't think I've ever done that before!! I'm feeling pretty good about my eating & my cravings - so thankful for that! Drinking my water seems to be helping quite a bit!

    Spicy, I agree - you are worth & you are fine!! I'm proud of you for keeping yourself first & sticking to your guns! I hope that you had a great workout today & that you were able to relieve some stress!

    Megan, sounds like you got some great workouts today & that waist trimmer sounds pretty cool! AVON has one that they've been advertising & it got me wondering how it worked.

    Nicole, you sure got an awesome burn tonight!! You just may need another rest day tomorrow! I hope your studying went/goes well!!

    Amanda, how exciting for you to be traveling for competitions!! And things going so well with the new house!! So very happy for you!!

    Well, I gotta get going, it's getting late!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Amigas Fuerte!

    I had a GREAT workout yesterday :bigsmile: The weather was perfect and I had my New RollerBlades :bigsmile: Wow what a difference brand new wheels make... I was zoomin. Only 580 calories in 55 minutes... usually it's about 700.

    Sandy - Glad to hear you've worked out a way to do your workout and shopping with no babies around. That class really had you burnin :drinker:

    Nicole - Great Burn Girl!

    Megan - Glad you're gonna be an offical 'Y' member :happy:

    Amanda - Going away for competitions sounds really exciting... Kayla is Blessed to have such dedicated parents :happy:

    I've noticed I hardly eat dinner now that my son isn't home... A good thing I guess :ohwell: TOM is gone so I will probably weigh in the next couple of days.

    Make it a Great Day 10 of REPAIR MONTH! :flowerforyou:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today was circuit trainng day!! I burned 392 calories :drinker: I'm feeling good except for this cough I've had all day, hopefully it doesn't turn into anything. I'm really loving this repair month & I've noticed a slight dip in the scale, so at least it's moving in the right direction! Tomorrow will be my library workout - you know, chasing Gabby around & trying to keep her from knocking globes off of shelves!! Oops that was me last time!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Our weather has been so pleasant these last couple of days! Our snow is almost all gone!! Just a little here & there where the high piles were. We're supposed to get some rain tonight & tomorrow - but at least it's not snow!!

    Spicy, what a great workout you had!! New wheels do make a difference! I just remembered that there's a skate track on the way to my mother in laws house. Maybe I'll look into it - one day!!

    You other girls must be busy with your days! I look forward to hearing how you're all doing!

    Have a great day!!
    :drinker: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!! gotta be super quick today! just got back from a 4 mile run,360 cal burned!!! gotta run and shower then off to study for my floor exam tonight!! got a 96% last night on my written:bigsmile:

    have a fabulous night!!!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Sandy I've tried avon's waist trimmer it works really good.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey girls!!!

    Well it was 73 degrees today and we are just now coming inside from this afternoon :) Need to eat dinner and figure out how to get my 1.5 hours of p90x yoga done tonight!

    Spicy- I am so sorry about the guy! (((HUG)))

    Hope you are all having a great day :)
