Amigas Fuerte - Strong Girlfriends



  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Girls!

    I went did 55 minutes on the elliptical yesterday. :drinker: I thought I wasn't going to be able to stay on it the whole time on level 9 but I did and felt great. :bigsmile:

    Sandy - Great workout !600 calories is not easy, now that your are a Fit Momma :wink: I knew the guilt would get to you :laugh: That happens to me too, but it takes a couple of days of guilt to get me moving :laugh: You always remind me of good ole Billy :wink:
    Wow it sounded like a tough time for the Family for your race, but now you know what to expect and be prepared next time :wink: Did your hubby speak about maybe joining you for the next race? How is Gabby feeling? That Lady had some Cojones, to skip on the potty line... Some people are so inconsiderate :grumble: Ruby is coming along really nicely... If i can keep her away from cats, she will eventually be just like our Beloved Redd.

    Megan - Are you still working?

    Nicole - I thought about you... I recalled when you mentioned how you have stopped logging since Januarry. That means you have still been coming here, just for your Amigas Fuerte??? You are such a Good Amiga :flowerforyou: You know you are our Next "Biggest Loser" and you will have the Honor of starting the New Thread coming up soon... start thinking of a name :wink:

    Amanda - How are you Momma? Feeling Healthy for your move?

    Today i want to go rollerblading and then blow my hair out. :blushing: I miss my Diva hair. TOM is here and right on schedule.

    Make it a Great Repair Day 30!!!! :noway: Wow time really went fast this month :bigsmile:
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    Today I did kickboxing and 30 mins on the elliptical at the gym. No workout yesterday.

    Sandy the people at the stadium are on spring break so I won't be going back to work for a week.
    I did not end up taking the kids to the gym, I left them with Nate. They are all sick and I figured it would be better to try when they are better.

    Amanda Sounds like this move is a good thing. Congratulations.

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Amigas!

    Today is my Friday :bigsmile: I'm off for the rest of the week and Monday :bigsmile: ... Springbreak (I work for the Schoolboard :wink: )

    Went Rollerblading yesterday and it was great, it was a little windy, which gave me some resistance. 600+ calories in 50 minutes. HOWEVER, I Over Dosed on Cashews last night :noway: :grumble: I don't know why I do it to myself :angry: I can't stop when I'm eating something crunchy... I ate a WHOLE can of cashews for dinner, while watching DWTS :noway: :embarassed: I left about 1 serving. :ohwell: I can only imagine my calories if I hadn't gone rollerblading. Anyway, I "Divafied my hair"... I will repair the damage on Sat/Sun.

    Megan - Good workout! Yeah, you don't want to take sick kids to the gym :flowerforyou:

    Got the Easter Baskets ready yet, Ladies? I'm so glad I don't have all that temptation around :laugh:

    Make it a Great Day Amigas!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    Today was circiut training at aerobics!! I burned 400 calories & I'm so grateful that tomorrow is a rest day 'cause I'm going to need it!! I was already sore from the dvd's I've done this week.

    Yvonne, congrats on a great rollerblading workout & a nice spring break! Enjoy!! Cashews are tough for me too!! With nuts I try to pre-portion them, because once I get eating them, it's so hard to stop! There are some brands out there that sell them that way, a bit expensive, but it really does help with my portion control. Enjoy your Diva hair!
    Gabby is doing okay, she still has a little fever & a runny nose, but she's pleasant & active so I know she'll be good soon!

    Megan, great job on the workout!! I hope that the kids are feeling better soon!!

    Nicole, how are things with you??

    Amanda, how'd the move go?

    Keep it up girls!!

    :flowerforyou: Sandy
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout today, I went to the doctor. Turns out I have a strained rotator cuff. She said not to do any weight training for a couple weeks and to stretch it daily.

    Sandy sounds like you had a great workout week, enjoy your rest day.

    Spicy I know what you mean with the cashews, once you start you can't stop. I am the same way, I LOVE cashews. Great job on your workout.

    Have a great night girls.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hello girls!!

    Thursday was my rest day, but today I burned 388 at step aerobics then about another 100 or so playing with the kids at the park for almost 2 hours. I should've started my HRM - I still had the dang thing on, I just didn't think about it! I'm so excited my sister in law will be joining me on my next 5K run at the end of April!! She had posted to our thread previously before, so some of you may remember her. She's been training & getting herself healthy! It'll be nice to have a running partner!

    The hubby & I just made reservations to a beautiful bed & breakfast for next weekend! I'm so excited for our little get a way. He's been working so much lately & I've been feeling that I really need some R&R. Can't wait!!

    Have a great weekend girls!!

    :drinker: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies! long time no talk!! all last week i was sick and didnt do a thing...besides school! this weekend was busy with easter and all, so did really get on the computer at all! sorry i have been mia!!! this week i really need to kick it into gear cause my half marathon is in 2 weeks and all i have run is 6 miles...on flat ground....and 9 miles of my race is up hill:noway: things r going good though!!! ill try to get on as much as possible the next 2 weeks, but i am gonna be super busy with school, getting ready for a hair show, helping with a school event and trying to get ready for this race!!!

    spicy- i hope u enjoy ur spring break!!! u r doing awesome!!! keep it up!

    megan- hope ur shoulder feels better, see ya at the gym this week!!!

    sandy- great job with ur race!!! that is so awesome that u r gonna do another one!! sounds like u r gonna have a great weekend next weekend with ur jealous:laugh: !!

    amanda- hope all is well!!! i know ur kickin butt!!!

    off to bed, have a great night!!! HAPPY EASTER!!!:flowerforyou:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Happy Monday Girls!

    I'm not at work today, but just got back from rollerblading. I was out there for 2 hours :drinker: burned 1200 calories, but minus 200 for maintenance. I didn't do anything since Wednesday :noway: I felt so guilty I had to make up for it today. :embarassed: Ihope i can hang on to those calories... TOM is gone, so it shouldn't be too much of a challenge... We'll see tomorrow.

    Sandy - You are doing great Working out for more calories... I see you were working out this weekend :bigsmile:

    Megan - Sorry about your shoulder... Yeah make sure you keep with the lower body until you are healed.

    Nicole- so good to hear from you momma, We've missed you around these parts :laugh: You must be like me and waiting for the last minute for everything :wink: Hair SHow already? Makes me think of "Good Hair" did you see it.... funny :laugh:

    Amanda - Did you move this weekend?

    Well going to the beach now to catch some rays.... Enjoy your day Lovely Ladies!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    No workout today. Been doing a bunch of job searching. Tomorrow and Wednesday I will be working at an electronics company doing some labeling. I am going to try to get to the gym after work. Saturday I went to the gym and used some of the cardio machines and worked my glutes and outer thighs.

    Spicy Awesome cal burn with the rollerbladeing, sounds fun. Keep it up.

    Nicole YAY!! You're back. I hope i see you at the gym this week. I have no clue what my schedule will be like, I have to work around whatever jobs I get sent to.

    Sandy Have fun on your vacation, sounds really nice and relaxing.

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hey Girls!!

    Back on the grind today :grumble:

    I made a mistake the other day when I stated Nicole was our next "Biggest Loser" I'm sorry :flowerforyou: Amanda is actually our Next Biggest. I just looked at her ticker... :embarassed:

    Amanda - You are in charge of Naming our next thread... We are getting close.

    Sandy - So nice that you and your Hubby are having a "Getaway Weekend"... You deserve it :flowerforyou: So necessary for mommies and daddies.

    Nicole - Hiya Buddy :flowerforyou: Are you dedicating yourself to running these days?

    The weather has been Paradise here lately... Yesterday I went around the park 4 times :happy: I've only done that twice in my years of skating. I'm gonna try it again today. I had 1,000 extra calories yesterday and still went over by 29 calories :huh: Luckily, I have my loss at 1/2 lb. a week, so I still had a deficit.

    April already...

    Make it a Great Day Buddies!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!!

    My legs are so sore today!! I ran my treadmill on Sunday & Monday I went to step class and then did some yard work. My knees have been a bit achey these last couple of days too. Maybe I'm too old for this running thang!!??!! I'm hoping to go to step class tonight after the girls go to bed. I'd like to work around the yard some more today, I've got plants coming from Michigan Bulb & need to get the ground ready! I love gettiing my hands dirty in the soil!

    I am so looking forward to our getaway this weekend!! I really need it!

    Yvonne - what a great workout you get from rollerblading!! You're doing so great! Enjoy that beautiful weather!! Sorry that your spring break is over so quickly! I thought of you on Saturday, I had to get my hair highlighted & trimmed again & afterwards I didn't workout because, I had Diva Hair!

    Megan, so happy for you to have a job this week. I know that you've been working hard on that & still getting your workouts in - great job!!

    Nicole, you sure do sound busy!! Good luck with everything! We can't wait to hear about this hair show & then your run!! You're going to do great!!

    Amanda, we miss seeing you around!! I hope the move went well!

    Make it a great day!!

    :flowerforyou: Sandy
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Lovely Ladies!

    Hump Day already :bigsmile:

    Went rollerblading yesterday. It was a little windy, so I only made it around 2x. Logged 500. Then went on a date to the movies and I did Pretty Good, if I do say so myself :laugh: We went to a Latin restaurant first and I ordered a Cuban Sandwich, It came with fries... I only ate half the sandwich and didn't touch the fries (only because the looked liked re-fried potatoe chips:laugh: ). I broke even with my calories... :noway: I average 1800 calories per day :noway:

    Sandy - Did you soak in the tub? I know the running is probably working muscles you haven;t reached before, also, I read another thread where they were stating how not drinking enough water can also exaggerate the soreness... just a thought. So glad for you getting out into the soil again.... here come the tomatoes too :bigsmile: I :heart: that with you and the girls in the Leaves.

    Not sure if I will work out today... I might do visit a friend instead. :blushing:

    Megan, Nicole, Amanda - Hey Amigas! :flowerforyou: Hoping you are all Healthy, Healed and Housed.... :laugh:

    Make it a Great day!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey girls!!

    Today was a great step & tone workout! I burned 397 calories during step & we did lots of leg, inner thigh & ab work afterwards. I may just have to look into the tub soaking thing because my legs have definately been aching lately. And, maybe the water thing too! I'm trying to do better, but I definately have room for improvement. :drinker:

    Yvonne, what a great workout you got & hats off to you on eating only 1/2 your "samich"!! That's some control!! And, good job on passing up on the refried potato chips!! You've definately learned what is & isn't worth the calories!
    I also love the picture with me & the girls, the season is a bit off, but I like it!
    Enjoy your workout - whichever one you decide on!! :wink: :wink: :wink:

    Nicole, Amanda & Megan - :flowerforyou: Hope you girls are doing well & keepin busy!!

    :heart: Sandy
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!!! went to mixed bag yesterday and ran the treadmill today, my legs r sooooo sore from yesterday!!!! its crazy how 1 week of being sick makes a huge difference in how i feel the next week!!! now off to get ready for school!!

    have a great night!!!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I want to join! Amigas fuertes sounds good:) I'm a Spanish teacher and finishing my second masters, and hopefully starting my doctorate. My fiance and started P90X about a month ago...really, not really seeing the results I want to so far...but amigas fuertes....I eventually will!!
  • macobb21
    macobb21 Posts: 119
    I went to work today from 6AM to 2:30PM. It seemed like forever. I did get a workout in though. I used a bunch of the machines at the gym. I finally got to work my shoulder with no pain. YAY!!

    Kristin Welcome to our group, jump right in.

    Nicole How do you like mixedbag? I've been thinking about trying it. I still want to try Core Power and Group Power.

    Sandy You should really do the tub. It works wonders on muscle pain. I used the tub during labor and I loved it. Hope that is not too much TMI. Sorry.

    Spicy How was your date? Great job on taking control over your food.

    Have a great night girls.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Morning Amigas!

    Kristen Welcome! Like Megan said just jump right in. Nicole completed PX90 and Amanda just recently started the program... I prefer to workout outdoors mostly. I see you only have 10 lbs. those could be the most difficult to lose from what i hear.

    Megan - I'm glad your shoulder is much better. Good for you on still getting in your workout after a days work :bigsmile: How are the babies doing in the childcare? I had a very nice date :bigsmile:

    Nicole - Good to hear from you girl! What the heck is "mixed bag"? :laugh: You are always experimenting with new classes and keeping us up to date :bigsmile: Switching things up is Great... I need something new too. I'm glad your all better and back in the groove. :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - You've been really Keeping it Moving :happy: Take advantage of that momentum before TOM starts coming around again :bigsmile: How are your muscles today? How about some Yoga? I'm sure you have a DvD :laugh:

    Amanda - Miss Ya Girl! :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday, I suggested to my date we go on the Boardwalk and rollerblade :bigsmile: . He rode his bike. Ft. Lauderdale Beach was Beautiful... the wind was calm and the water crystal blue :love: Afterwards, we spread a blanket and had a picnic with some chicken wings, potatoe salad, rolls and wine coolers :blushing: I didn't eat any potatoe salad, only 1 roll and about 3 drumettes. They were too Spicy and I can't eat Hot stuff :laugh: I had 2 wine coolers :blushing: I should've broke even with my calories. My appetite is more controlable right after TOM is gone :ohwell:

    Make it a Great Day Amigas!
  • nicolet04
    nicolet04 Posts: 830
    hey buddies!!! ran on the treadmill for 30 min today and then went to an hour weights hrm...i think im done with that whole thing!!:laugh:

    mixed bag is a circuit style class with weights and cardio!!

    off to get ready for school, gotta be there early today! have a super night!
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    Hey Ladies!!!!

    Sounds like you are all doing very well!!! I have not logged food in awhile as I have just been so busy I can't even remember what I ate lol. I have not gained any weight so that is good. Finally into the house and getting things unpacked. I feel comfortable enough now that I am not working all day on the house so tomorrow will be my first day back to working out. I am excited and cant wait :)

    Have a great day and I will check in more tomorrow off to the kids swimming lessons :)
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hola Amigas!!

    I had a great step & tone class this morning, I burned 374 calories. Yesterday was my rest day, I did a little housework but nothing to really burn any major calories. I've been feeling really wipped out & tired lately. My getaway weekend is just in time! We plan to leave early afternoon & I just can't wait!

    I'm so happy to see all you girls & that we're all doing so well! Keep strong through the weekend! I gotta run, I got a ton of things to do & I still need to shower!!

    :drinker: Sandy