September Challenge - Jillian Michaels's 30 Day Shred.



  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    i always wear running shoes - never shoeless! i don't think my feet and ankles could handle it all without the support and cushioning that runners give me.
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    i have her 30DS and have been doing it for a couple weeks now. i only did 5 days worth of level one. i started level 2 about a week and a half ago. i plan on doing level 2 for two weeks then doing level 3. i also like to switch it up and do 6w6p every so often so i'm not doing the same thing everyday. i've found i can tolerate her much more in 6w6p (meaning, i don't want to punch her in the mouth so much to make her shut up lol) she talks waaaay too much in 30DS, in 6w6p she's a little more interactive w/ the workouts. anyhow, would love to see some before and afters as well :) good luck everyone! p.s. if you do decide to do 6w6p, i am warning you, it's 35 mins long and it is HARD. not even remotely easy. it will make you burn and sweat. and the pain continues in your abs and legs for days after. so you definitely know its working ;)
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Just finished Day 7 of Level 2; after the last round of cardio, I tried to check my heart rate, and it took a whole minute for my monitor to get a reading because apparently my heart was beating too fast; when I finally got it to read, it came up at 237 bpm. I couldn't believe it so I checked again and it came out at 229. I took a minute to catch my breath and then reversed the DVD so I could do the plank twists. Needless to say, I logged my highest ever calorie burn in the shred. My first day was 161 calories. Today: 297. Can't wait until Thursday when I move on to level 3. After tomorrow, I never want to do another v-fly in my life!

    Wait a minute...237 really just can't be right, unless I was tachycardic. Now I'll never know!
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Just finished day 6 of level 2 so I'm past half way now. Yay! I can actually do 25 plank-jacks in the 30 seconds now, but the squat thrusts and v-flys are still murdering me!

    I'm super excited to only have to do level 2 four more times, but at the same time I'm just dreading level 3. I hope it's not as hard as it looks!

    Oh and I'm already down an inch in the hips and 1.5 inches in the waist. Weight has barely changed but I guess that's because I'm building a bit of muscle?
  • Zoelesley
    Zoelesley Posts: 37 Member
    i just finished Day 1 of level 2 last night, found it pretty intense, more so than level 1 which i was just finally starting to feel comfortable with. Planks are killer, but i'm hoping on day 4 or 5 of this i'll be more comfortable with it. What is everybody's favorite and least favorite part of it?

    favorite: i actually like the abs workout part and the weight strength training
    least: right now planks, sometimes the cardio stuff i find hard too.
  • Zoelesley
    Zoelesley Posts: 37 Member
    Also, how is everyone logging in level 2, are you increasing at all? it seems like its more intense and would burn more, any thoughts?
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    Also, how is everyone logging in level 2, are you increasing at all? it seems like its more intense and would burn more, any thoughts?

    I've just been logging it as circuit-general. I'm pretty sure it's an overestimate for level 1, but maybe an underestimate by level 3? So in my mind, it kind of balances out if I log it that way for all 3 levels.
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    I just finished Day 5 of Level 3. THANK GOD. today it was REALLY hard to be motivated to do it! I do it RIGHT when i get home from work, before i even sit down - the second i get in the door i run upstairs and change into my workout gear and get to it because if i rest at all, then i know i'll just get lazy and not wanna do it. But I was really tired today at work and even my 20 minute walk home didn't really wake me up/energize me so i was still really tired but i'm really proud of myself that i did it anyway. this is the first day that i've really NOT wanted to do the workout!

    as for logging, i log it 20mins of circuit-general as well.

    i'm actually starting to warm up to level 3's not all that bad (even though i can't do the full sit ups or the rock star jumps!).

    Also yesterday i noticed was the first day my stomach didn't really jiggle around doing all the jumpy stuff! (all i wear is two sports bras and spandex-y yoga pants so my torso is on display (thank god its just in my living room!). so that was nice and it means that obviously my tummy is firming up :) (i can tell my stomach is mostly all muscle now except a thin layer of fat and skin...but it was kinda annoying when it was jiggling about a week or so ago. and now its not WHOO!!

    Hubby was getting concerned with me doing the 30DS and said to me last night ' you aren't gonna keep doing this every day are you?' and i said 'no way!' lol and said i'm only doing it for 30 days (including a rest day or two a week) as i'm supposed to (there's no way i (or my knees more specifically) could continue with it for longer...but i do plan on doing it again at some point, just not right away!).

    i'm just using it to tone and strengthen (and lose more inches) in this final phase of my weight loss...
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    So, being day 20, should we post some more stats?

    CW: 121.8 lbs
    GW: N/A
    waist: 27.5"
    hips: 35"
    arms: left 11" right 10.5
    things: left 19.75" right 19.5
    chest: 35"
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    So, being day 20, should we post some more stats?

    CW: 121.8 lbs
    GW: N/A
    waist: 27.5"
    hips: 35"
    arms: left 11" right 10.5
    things: left 19.75" right 19.5
    chest: 35"

    Good idea! your measurements are fantastic. i wish my thighs were 19"! :)

    Here's my stats:

    CW: 152.6
    GW: 150
    waist: 31.5
    hips: 36.5
    arms: 11.5
    legs: 21.5
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    First day of Level 3, and I have to say, I like it a LOT better than level 2! Yes, the travelling push ups were killer, and the plank rows and leg raises following the walking push ups had the sweat just flowing off me. The jumping lunges were RIDICULOUS, but I kept up the whole time (except the version I found on YouTube is flawed and temporarily thows circuit 3 cardio in the middle of circuit 2 cardio, so that threw me for a loop) and was able to do the high impact version for everything but the rock star jumps, and that was not for lack of trying; I just can't physically get both my feet to touch my butt at the same time. It was a lower calorie burn than I was getting in Level 2, but the strength moves are harder and I was just so proud that I never felt like I couldn't do the moves (until the rock star jumps!), so I'm guessing everything is working the way it's supposed to. I feel strong!
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    First day of Level 3, and I have to say, I like it a LOT better than level 2! Yes, the travelling push ups were killer, and the plank rows and leg raises following the walking push ups had the sweat just flowing off me. The jumping lunges were RIDICULOUS, but I kept up the whole time (except the version I found on YouTube is flawed and temporarily thows circuit 3 cardio in the middle of circuit 2 cardio, so that threw me for a loop) and was able to do the high impact version for everything but the rock star jumps, and that was not for lack of trying; I just can't physically get both my feet to touch my butt at the same time. It was a lower calorie burn than I was getting in Level 2, but the strength moves are harder and I was just so proud that I never felt like I couldn't do the moves (until the rock star jumps!), so I'm guessing everything is working the way it's supposed to. I feel strong!

    i haven't tried doing the full jumping lunges or walking push ups...and yeah i found that glitch in that youtube video but i found another one that isn't all jumbled up - by Fatima something...

    thats awesome you were able to do all the moves except the rockstar jumps! could you do the sit ups too? i'm scared to try cuz i have lower back issues i don't want to aggravate... and congrats to getting to level 3! :)
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    i haven't tried doing the full jumping lunges or walking push ups...and yeah i found that glitch in that youtube video but i found another one that isn't all jumbled up - by Fatima something...

    thats awesome you were able to do all the moves except the rockstar jumps! could you do the sit ups too? i'm scared to try cuz i have lower back issues i don't want to aggravate... and congrats to getting to level 3! :)
    The sit ups I could do pretty easily, but the pike sit ups were definitely a challenge and I worry about form a little. Jillian does always say that perfect is boring and just to try your best until you get there. Obviously we're not going to be rocking everything out 100% the very first time, so I'm okay with it. I have some lower back trouble as well (I was dropped on the edge of a pool when I was 18, and I think that and the spinal block from my c-section combine to give me some pain and weird sensations, and I've slipped disks several times) but I think the core strengthening up to this point has made it so I can do these things without hurting myself, and hopefully I'll have fewer back issues in the future when my core is strong and keeping things stabilized. I like that she does the supermans in the first circuit; makes me feel like I've prepped my back for the ab work later.
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    thats awesome you were able to do all the moves except the rockstar jumps! could you do the sit ups too? i'm scared to try cuz i have lower back issues i don't want to aggravate... and congrats to getting to level 3! :)
    The sit ups I could do pretty easily, but the pike sit ups were definitely a challenge and I worry about form a little. Jillian does always say that perfect is boring and just to try your best until you get there. Obviously we're not going to be rocking everything out 100% the very first time, so I'm okay with it. I have some lower back trouble as well (I was dropped on the edge of a pool when I was 18, and I think that and the spinal block from my c-section combine to give me some pain and weird sensations, and I've slipped disks several times) but I think the core strengthening up to this point has made it so I can do these things without hurting myself, and hopefully I'll have fewer back issues in the future when my core is strong and keeping things stabilized. I like that she does the supermans in the first circuit; makes me feel like I've prepped my back for the ab work later.

    omg about your back problems!! that's awful you were dropped on the edge of a pool and your spinal block from your c-section. I have some disc deterioration and squishing (dr doesn't really know why cuz i haven't been in any 'traumatic accident' (i.e. car accident). i was in chronic pain for 2 years when i re-aggravated the area 5 years ago doing a yoga/pilates dvd (which led to my weight gain really) that thankfully *knock on wood* has gone away now so if you can do the full sit ups with your back problems i think i'll give it a go today and see if i can do it! because you're right, our cores are stronger through doing all of 30DS so far (and i like the supermans too for working my back)...and Jillian says the sit ups help your lower back. i'll just do Anita's beginner version though :D
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    omg about your back problems!! that's awful you were dropped on the edge of a pool and your spinal block from your c-section. I have some disc deterioration and squishing (dr doesn't really know why cuz i haven't been in any 'traumatic accident' (i.e. car accident). i was in chronic pain for 2 years when i re-aggravated the area 5 years ago doing a yoga/pilates dvd (which led to my weight gain really) that thankfully *knock on wood* has gone away now so if you can do the full sit ups with your back problems i think i'll give it a go today and see if i can do it! because you're right, our cores are stronger through doing all of 30DS so far (and i like the supermans too for working my back)...and Jillian says the sit ups help your lower back. i'll just do Anita's beginner version though :D
    Just remember, if it doesn't feel right, stop. You can always go back to crunches and you'll still be working your core. I remember the other night I was doing something in level 2, towards the end...and I felt the sensation of pressure along my spine near the area of my injury, but I was at the end, so I was able to push through and I didn't end up hurting myself at all. I don't know why I brought that up, as it doesn't illustrate the point: that if it feels wrong you should stop. Maybe it illustrates how much stronger my core is now? :laugh:
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    Just remember, if it doesn't feel right, stop. You can always go back to crunches and you'll still be working your core. I remember the other night I was doing something in level 2, towards the end...and I felt the sensation of pressure along my spine near the area of my injury, but I was at the end, so I was able to push through and I didn't end up hurting myself at all. I don't know why I brought that up, as it doesn't illustrate the point: that if it feels wrong you should stop. Maybe it illustrates how much stronger my core is now? :laugh:

    so i got my workout out of the way early this morning before my hubby woke up (and late enough so that hopefully the people below us won't be too pissed off at me jumping around on their ceiling lol). so i managed to do half the sit ups as actual sit ups and then i went back to plain crunches. mainly cuz the yoga mat on my living room floor was moving around and it was distracting! but i managed to do a couple of sit ups though! :)

    and yeah, good advice about stopping if it hurts or anything - i'm so close to being done this, i don't want to injure myself right before i finish! lol
  • ktno1
    ktno1 Posts: 297 Member
    I did level 3 for the second time today and even though it kicks my butt and makes me literally drip sweat from 2 minutes in until the very end, I still like it SO much more than level 2.

    It is a seriously great workout. I love it.
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    One more day to go! i kinda wish today was my last day cuz i already got it out of the way lol. Oh well!

    once i do tomorrow's i'll remeasure and post my new stats and final pics :D
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Planks are definitely my least favourite too!!! My fave is the skaters- that's really easy and I can actually do the 'harder version' of that one!!!
  • limico91
    limico91 Posts: 68 Member
    I didnt like the planks at first, but now I can hold a proper plank for 40 seconds which Ive never been able to do before!
    Has everyone lost inches? As I have lost none from anywhere at all and Im over half way now. Ive lost 5 lbs which is great. My body has more muscle and this is probably going to sound weird but I know I have abs in there waaaay under all the fat. My fitness has improved vastly and was even commented on by my aerobics instructor. Im happy with how its going and Im not giving up just thought it was weird I hadnt lost even 1/2 and inch from anywhere!