Raw Milk Anyone?



  • SouffleBoy
    SouffleBoy Posts: 65 Member
    Why would you want to? More risk for no gain.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    i say buy a cow get a free pet then too :D! my mum has always wanted a pet cow.... *rolls eyes*

    I think all this arguing is silly noone who likes raw milk is going to turn around and say yes yes your right im going to die i will never buy raw milk again, and noone who doesnt like it is going to turn round and say maybe your right i wont die ill start drinking raw milk,its just pointless... anyone can use google to find scary statistics or mass rejection of statistics, you will only find the feelings of the extreme views or ones that will benefit one way or the other those in the middle ground who have no financial interests dont care enough to write about it...

    however i will add my own thoughts... people take this "everythings dirty" too far if we all listened to everything that some scientist ever said was bad none of us would ever eat drink or move from one spot. Someone mentioned they wouldnt give their children unwashed vegetables... really? if whats on the outsides is so bad the middles shouldnt be eaten too, they absorb stuff from around them after all..... but meh im country bumpkin i pull carrots and raddish give them a wipe on the grass (occasionally washed in the bird bath, dont tell my mum!!) and scoff em... guess im a gonner ;)

    We had some kids who got ill in Southern California from e-coli from raw milk. Actually it was from the company that a person had linked earlier, organic pastures. There is a risk with drinking raw milk and a person shouldn't be blind to it. If a person understands the risk and still wants the raw milk then so be it, I'm not against that at all since there are so many things bad for us that we get to pick from.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    i say buy a cow get a free pet then too :D! my mum has always wanted a pet cow.... *rolls eyes*

    I think all this arguing is silly noone who likes raw milk is going to turn around and say yes yes your right im going to die i will never buy raw milk again, and noone who doesnt like it is going to turn round and say maybe your right i wont die ill start drinking raw milk,its just pointless... anyone can use google to find scary statistics or mass rejection of statistics, you will only find the feelings of the extreme views or ones that will benefit one way or the other those in the middle ground who have no financial interests dont care enough to write about it...

    however i will add my own thoughts... people take this "everythings dirty" too far if we all listened to everything that some scientist ever said was bad none of us would ever eat drink or move from one spot. Someone mentioned they wouldnt give their children unwashed vegetables... really? if whats on the outsides is so bad the middles shouldnt be eaten too, they absorb stuff from around them after all..... but meh im country bumpkin i pull carrots and raddish give them a wipe on the grass (occasionally washed in the bird bath, dont tell my mum!!) and scoff em... guess im a gonner ;)

    We had some kids who got ill in Southern California from e-coli from raw milk. Actually it was from the company that a person had linked earlier, organic pastures. There is a risk with drinking raw milk and a person shouldn't be blind to it. If a person understands the risk and still wants the raw milk then so be it, I'm not against that at all since there are so many things bad for us that we get to pick from.

    We had some kids here get sick with ecoli from scallions. Another case was in cantaloupes recently. Theres a food contamination risk in everything, its no more or less risky with milk. Thats the point people are getting at.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    It depends on what state you live in. In California raw milk is legal, and I've purchased it before at farmer's markets (There was a booth near where I used to live that sold raw, whole chocolate milk. It was amazing). I do think it's illegal in some states though.

    Just check some local farmer's markets and dairy's near you.

    And for people jumping in about the health risks, the dairy I bought mine from was minimally processed, so technically not entirely raw. Basically, it was processed just enough to ensure it wasn't going to make you sick. Always check with the farmers to see how they run their practice.
  • marathon64
    marathon64 Posts: 378 Member
    Haven't look through all the replies but this might be helpful-it lists sources for your state:


    I used to get raw milk locally-the farm has to meet rigorous state requirements for sanitation etc. It's yummy stuff!
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    We have a local source here in MA, in fact 2 farms in my town are "certified organic" farms in regards to milk production. It is my understanding that you can not purchase it from a 3rd party, you must obtain it at the source. I don't exclusively use it, but the farm is a mile away and when we run out of milk or have to stop at the farm store for anything else we usually grab a gallon. My kids have both had it since they were very little and both prefer it over regular pasturized milk. I'd check with any local food coop you may have or belong to.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    The sale of raw milk is legal in the state of Minnesota if you buy directly from the farmer:


    If you really want raw milk, I would contact the local dairy farmers association to find Dairy farms near you that sell directly to consumers.


    I'm not a big fan of milk and I definitely don't advocate unpasteurized milk. So many farmers pump their animals full of antibiotics that the emergence of new antibiotic resistant bacterial strains are a big concern for me. But, information is power and assuming you are an adult, you can pretty much make your own choices as long as you are willing to accept the potential consequences.
  • Jmariemiller
    Jmariemiller Posts: 22 Member
    I like my milk straight from the source. Mmmmmm breast milk

    WAYYYYYYY better for you than cow's milk anyway! LOL True though. At least your body is quipped to digest it.
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    Why would you want to? More risk for no gain.

    No gain? Yes there is. Flavor...full fat and deliciousness. OMG. Yum!
  • Lobster1987
    Lobster1987 Posts: 492 Member
    The sale of raw milk is legal in the state of Minnesota if you buy directly from the farmer:


    If you really want raw milk, I would contact the local dairy farmers association to find Dairy farms near you that sell directly to consumers.


    I'm not a big fan of milk and I definitely don't advocate unpasteurized milk. So many farmers pump their animals full of antibiotics that the emergence of new antibiotic resistant bacterial strains are a big concern for me. But, information is power and assuming you are an adult, you can pretty much make your own choices as long as you are willing to accept the potential consequences.

    Thanks for the links!
  • ali_b83
    ali_b83 Posts: 324 Member
    We get it from a local farmer's market store. It's a treat though, because it's twice as expensive as store milk.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    Any one here drink it? Do you have any pro/cons?

    We drink it exclusively. The taste and nutrition is better. Government information on the topic is extremely suspect and is generated to support the government complexes that exist and to support the big mass agriculture industry.

    The integrity of the raw milk comes down to the integrity of the farmer. More people are killed eating salmonella or e coli contaminated beef than from raw milk every year and all of that is government inspected.

    We also buy beef direct from the farmer or grow it ourselves. I have personally inspected the milk and slaughter facilities and I approve of their practices. No place that is doing 2 beeves per minute can assure you it is clean.

    I like this answer. :smile: