Senior Golden Sneakers Club~~~Welcome~~~~~Dec.



  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello everybody! As usual I'm checking in from work so I will be brief! I got weighed today and my weight stayed the same. I'm not upset with that because there are just so many situations this time of year where we have to "estimate" food, or have just a bite or a sliver etc. Even when you're tracking them....who REALLY knows how many calories some of these things are! So I'm grateful ,and as many have mentioned, I will be happy to not gain over the Holiday (Holy Day for me:wink: )
    So enjoy the Season, the people and looking forward to a better and healthier New Year! Last year at this time I was 32 lbs heavier so I am grateful!:flowerforyou:
    I will try to check back in before Christmas but if I can't....a very blessed season to you all!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou As long as we're keeping track of calories and exercising and sharing with each other we won't get too far off track. We had a potluck salad lunch after line dance class today. thanks to eleven months of logging my food, I knew immediately what to eat and what not to bigsmile I think my friends were a little surprised that I ate as much as I did----they seem to think I'm living on water and broccoli or something like that.laugh I brought cup up broccoli, cauliflower, and peppers and hummus for a dip. I ate a few things I don't usually eat (salad with unknown dressing and cashews, salmon spread made with cream cheese and walnuts, triscuits) but stayed away from the fruit salad made with cool whip, spanakopita, and the chocolate cake. When I came home, I changed my clothes, took the dogs to the dog park for 40 minutes, and rode the stationery bike for 35 minutes. This lifestyle of choose food carefully and exercise a lot has become a habit and I love it. Only one person made a snide comment about my weight calling me "matchstick thin" laugh laugh

    I know we'll all do well as we make our way through the holiday food events.bigsmile

    :flowerforyou: Last night we watched "Marley and Me"
    what a fabulous movie and how true to real life.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, if we lived closer, I'd want to come to your house......your dinner and your big crowd sound like a lot of fun

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I hope the doctor has good news for your husband

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I'm sure that all the good eating habits you've gained this year as you've lost 32 pounds will serve you well and you won't be gaining or making really bad choices this holiday.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, dinner at your house sounds great as does the snow......I understand how nervous you are about your son and dil driving in winter weather. I'll be thinking of them.

    Didn't I just get back from the dog park? The dogs are bugging me to go out again.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Christmas Eve, I know everyone has a busy day, Including me.So will make this short..
    Elli We have snow in the forcast today. Oh Happy day. It is surpose to start at 11 this morning. 1 to 3 inches. Just hope the roads are ok to drive out to Kathy. A lot of gravel roads after getting off interstate 20.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Good Morning on the day of Christmas Eve!! The doctor said my husband is healing nicely, there will be no surgery. :bigsmile: We go back in two weeks when it should be showing much improvement. He still is in pain, but the doctor said pain pills lesson the pain not remove it, only healing will remove the pain. :smile:

    As far as my step son, all I can ask is that you keep him in your prayers. I talked to him yesterday but he is still in denial about his drinking. The blood work showed he did not have hepatitis which he was happy about, but he still has jaundice. I asked him what the doctor said about the jaundice and he said it is from the anemia. :noway: I told him that is not true, that there is an underlying reason for it, but he got mad and said well I will listen to my doctor. I then told him that I thought he should get himself in detox, but he got angry so I gave the phone to my husband. Later he called back to ask why I was yelling at him. I told him I wasn't yelling but that I loved him and he needs help. I told him again that he should go to a hospital for detox. He said he was going to quit drinking on his own at home. I explained how dangerous that was for fear of a seizure or a heart attack and that he should be under supervision. The problem is, his wife said he is still drinking and when his dad asked him about him he denied it. I did what I had to do, maybe even too much by putting myself in his business, so now it is in God's hands. I am letting go and letting God. :heart:

    Enough about my trials and tribulations. :tongue: This is a joyous time of year and I love Christmas. We will be going to the 4:00 Childrens Mass today which I love. I love the Christmas hymns, the kids smiling faces and their fancy outfits. I well up in tears every time a Christmas hymn is sung, it is such a spiritual uplifting. :love: Will then come home and cook a steak dinner for the four of us, open the presents and play some games. Tomorrow will be quiet due to my step sons illness.

    On this very special Holy Day, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!! You are my very best internet friends who have changed my life, not only with my weight but with your wisdom, your kindness, your everlasting patience in listening to all my problems. May God Bless You and Keep You,

    I am grateful for so much this year, especially my son's recovery which will be 2 years on the 26th. I have learned so much in those two years by going to Al Anon and working my program. By taking care of myself, I can accomplish anything.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Christmas eve day MFP buddies! Today is our last "real" day of work for awhile - we're doing some last minute things this morning (i.e. cutting paychecks!:happy: ), having our party and then heading home (across the driveway!:laugh: ). My kids made it to Albuquerque fine - thank you for your prayers!

    Sandy - your stepson is in my thoughts - i know what i learned from AlAnon is the only thing i can change is my own behavior so i applaud you saying what you needed to say, then's so HARD! I'm glad you have Alanon. And congratulations to your son on 2 years - that ROCKS! Glad hubby is healing without surgery!

    Marie! SNOW! Very exciting! I guess we've had about a foot in the last 2 days - lots of blowing and drifting last night - had to dig out some this morning! It looks SO pretty! The dogs and i went and "frolicked" in it yesterday - can't say we took a walk - it was too difficult to really walk much!

    Happy Happy, Merry Merry to everyone - be safe, warm and joyful!!!!!!!!:heart: elli
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone!! Dave and I are heading into the city to do some last minute shopping (how crazy is that). We would already be gone but it is -26C and Neil is going into the city with his buddy. Of course, I need something to worry about aside from the icy streets and I am thinking that I would like to make sure he gets the door closed or we may have trouble with it until it warms up, not good with all the company coming.
    We did get snow so it is very white. Yesterday the streets were terribly icy and I am hoping that they have sanded them today.
    From this moment on it will be very hectic here for the next few days so I just wanted to make sure I stopped in to wish you the blessings of the season. I thought I had done that yesterday but when I popped in this morning I don't see my post.

    I nearly forgot to tell you that if you hear someone singing Christmas carols very loud and slightly off key tonight that will be Neil's sweet and happy voice.

    Take care and enjoy your friends and family. Gayla :smile: :heart: :flowerforyou: :happy: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Its snowing, just started.
    Here on Christmas eve.
    The sun will be out tomorrow so we should have no problems getting out to Kathy. tomorrow.
    I am getting my baking done.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It has been hectic here with such a sunny day, robins in the back yard, Bernie stalking the birds, and the dogs in the house barking at Bernie and the birds.

    :flowerforyou: our 7 AM meeting was about forgiveness :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: there was a lot of hugging and laughter at line dance where we danced favorite easy dances to Christmas music.......there was carrot cake but we got the teacher to play music while people were eating cake so those of us who weren't eating cake could dance.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: one of our friends had all her mail order gifts for her daughters sent to our house so the girls wouldn't know that anything was coming....she'll be here in a few minutes to pick up all the boxes :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Best wishes to all of you who are celebrating Christmas......may this holiday be filled with the love and good feelings that are part of the season.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Just a quick post to say "Merry Christmas" to all from me and my three little Christmas "angels."I hope anyone with adversity in their lives, or a family member's life will still be able to enjoy the spirit of the season.:flowerforyou:

    This year, we are having nice quiet, non-snowy, non-icy weather, which is fine with me. We had enough of that, last Christmas. I am hoping to keep the streak of good weather alive. The first time snow threatened, I purchased a new snow shovel, and we didn't have any snow!!:noway: I am hoping to continue this trend, as a result of the fleece-lined waterproof boots I purchased earlier this week!!:laugh:

    I will spend Christmas with my parents. Today I am going to an evening church service.

    Safe journeys to Marie and anyone else who is hitting the road in the next day or so.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Snowy Christmas morning to you all.
    This is my First snowy Christmas that I can remember here in Dallas.
    Womderful, grant you we didn't much in our part of town but in places here in Dallas they had a mess.
    People shouldd stay at home when it is like this. Roads were a mess.
    The sun is out this morning and the roads should be clear by the time we get out.
    It was nice not to have to get up and do a lot of cooking.. I got my pies made yesterday

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    We Wish You a Merry Christmas♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪We Wish You a Merry Christmas♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ♥ ♥ ♥We Wish You A Merry Christmas♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪...And A Happy New Year!♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪...

    From my house to yours!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    :heart: I hope you have all had a wonderful love filled day. If you were alone today, remember you have plenty of pals here at MFP, and you are not really alone at all!!
    we had a nice day, spent it here at home, just the 5 of us.. including three cats!
    we had a very easy dinner about 2pm. The day has just flown by.
    This year, it has nothing to do with losing weight, that is a standard now in my life!!
    Here it is.. if I don't need it, I don't buy it.

    Of course, it won't start til Jan 1, right? :happy: :laugh: :wink:
    I hope to see a major improvement in this area of my life, and then see clutter begin to disappear as well.. I hope this is not too much to expect from my poky self!!
    So, no after Christmas sales, no cards, no paper, no decorations.

    hope you all arrive safely to your destinations and back again.. I know Marie had some snow, but it should be all melted away by now. for the rest of you, we watch the weather channel and see some might cold temps around the country, please be extra careful.

    bye for now!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Phoebe, We did get a little snow after dark it started sticking to the goun and our grass had a ligh coating of snow.. Sammy loves playing in it.
    We made it out to the country off interstate 20. Didn;'t see any kind of snow there.

    We had lunch with the squirrells, The little fat creatures. They had a nice cage built for them . She keeps them in the dinning room. They loves oranges, pecans in the shell. I have pictures i will post as soon as I get them downloaded. And the little puppies were just adorable. It was to old to go out and look at the horses. and longhorns. She wont let the puppies in for they are both boys and you know how they are. If anyone brought them in they had to hold them.

    We had a wonderful time. My brother Mike and his wife was there he is on facebook. Talk to my son in St. Louis. Alice had a speaker phone and we all had a big laught. Family time is the best.

    See you guys tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,987 Member
    We had frost but not snow (like Marie in Texas) but it looked white at 7 AM when I walked the dogs

    :flowerforyou: We had midday dinner with a whole crowd of friends with a lot of laughter and good conversation and some singing.......the only thing that wasn't perfect was that I was looking forward to roast turkey and there was only a turkey roll :sad: :sad: :sad: :brokenheart: Later I took the dogs to the dog park. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: We just finished watching "Shakespeare in Love"......we saw it in the theatre when it first came out and recently bought the DVD.

    I hope this was a wonderful day for all of you filled with love and laughter.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    You people up north don't laugh but here is our White Christmas, Well it is better than none.The sun thi morning had done melted some. Other people in Dallas got a lot more. Jerry made the Santa several years ago. And the Xmas tree. I posted on my profile.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Marie,

    Those pink flamingos add a nice touch to Santa and the Christmas tree!!:laugh: Like Barbiecat, we had plenty of frost this morning.

    PJ--Phoebe- Glad to see you got to spend Christmas at home. I feel for all those drivers from Arrow that got stranded all over the country. I like your resolution. Maybe I should try it. Maybe in my case I better resolve not to get any more doggies in the New Year!!!!:laugh:

    Sandy--Not sure how you got those musical notes in your post, but they added a nice touch.

    I spent the whole day at my parents, along with the doggies. We started out with french toast, bacon, and eggs for breakfast with a clementine tangerine.

    We had a Costco spiral cut ham, which is fully cooked, so it just had to be heated up. After I prepared the green beans and the potatoes, and put the ham in the oven, I took the doggies out for a walk up the street to a friend's house. She and her spouse hadn't met Bradley yet, so it was about time. I walked back to my parents' apartment, made the salad and cooked the veggies, and by this time the ham was thoroughly warmed. We had fruit for dessert, along with ice cream and chocolate sauce for my dad, who is NOT on MFP!!!:laugh:

    I got the kitchen cleaned up, mostly by myself, but my mom can't help herself from being in the kitchen. She took a fall last week and isn't moving as well as she usually does, but she is bound and determined to do more than she should. :heart: I did manage to keep her activities to a minimum for the day.

    The biggest problem we had was her using her walker in the apartment, something she has been doing due to leg pain from her fall. Every time she tried to move, there was a dog in the way. It didn't take them long to figure out that when that strange wheeled thing began rolling toward them it was time to relocate.

    The other thing that was interesting was 3 dogs underfoot in the kitchen. Pepper and Mai Li have always been good about staying out of the way, but Bradley is my shadow, so that has inspired the other two to do the same. Bradley is the biggest "momma's boy" you can imagine, and he is inspiring Pepper to be just about as bad. Now every time I go in the bathroom, they both have to follow me, or they sit outside the door and cry:cry::cry: like they have been abandoned.

    Hope everyone had a good day. It is late and I am about to fall over. :yawn: :yawn:

    Merry Christmas one last time til next year!!!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Marie,

    Those pink flamingos add a nice touch to Santa and the Christmas tree!!:laugh: Like Barbiecat, we had plenty of frost this morning.

    PJ--Phoebe- Glad to see you got to spend Christmas at home. I feel for all those drivers from Arrow that got stranded all over the country. I like your resolution. Maybe I should try it. Maybe in my case I better resolve not to get any more doggies in the New Year!!!!:laugh:

    Sandy--Not sure how you got those musical notes in your post, but they added a nice touch.

    I spent the whole day at my parents, along with the doggies. We started out with french toast, bacon, and eggs for breakfast with a clementine tangerine.

    We had a Costco spiral cut ham, which is fully cooked, so it just had to be heated up. After I prepared the green beans and the potatoes, and put the ham in the oven, I took the doggies out for a walk up the street to a friend's house. She and her spouse hadn't met Bradley yet, so it was about time. I walked back to my parents' apartment, made the salad and cooked the veggies, and by this time the ham was thoroughly warmed. We had fruit for dessert, along with ice cream and chocolate sauce for my dad, who is NOT on MFP!!!:laugh:

    I got the kitchen cleaned up, mostly by myself, but my mom can't help herself from being in the kitchen. She took a fall last week and isn't moving as well as she usually does, but she is bound and determined to do more than she should. :heart: I did manage to keep her activities to a minimum for the day.

    The biggest problem we had was her using her walker in the apartment, something she has been doing due to leg pain from her fall. Every time she tried to move, there was a dog in the way. It didn't take them long to figure out that when that strange wheeled thing began rolling toward them it was time to relocate.

    The other thing that was interesting was 3 dogs underfoot in the kitchen. Pepper and Mai Li have always been good about staying out of the way, but Bradley is my shadow, so that has inspired the other two to do the same. Bradley is the biggest "momma's boy" you can imagine, and he is inspiring Pepper to be just about as bad. Now every time I go in the bathroom, they both have to follow me, or they sit outside the door and cry:cry::cry: like they have been abandoned.

    Hope everyone had a good day. It is late and I am about to fall over. :yawn: :yawn:

    Merry Christmas one last time til next year!!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,123 Member
    Marie, so much snow, how did you manage??? I love your Christmas decorations inside and out ( and the flamingo as Birdie mentioned). Your house is very nice, have you lived there for your entire married life?? :heart:

    We are getting a lot of snow today, we already have four inches and it is still falling. I will try to take a picture of it before it gets dirty. :bigsmile:

    Phoebe, so good to hear from you and glad you were home for Christmas. :drinker:

    Barbie, sounds like your holiday dinner was great, even though you didn't get roasted turkey. :tongue:

    Birdie, you are a wonderful daughter to take such good care of your parents. Daisy is just like Bradley, she is a momma's girl and is under my feet no matter where I go. It makes it challenging to cook dinner and like you when I use the ladies room she bangs on the bathroom door for me to come out. :laugh:

    My Christmas Eve was wonderful with my son and his daughter (she is with me in my profile picture). Christmas Day we went to my step sons and had a leisurely day since he is still sick. He looks terrible and I can't wait for him to get tests done.
    He does have alcoholic hepatitis, but they still need to do an ultra sound and possibly a scope to check for cirrosis.:sick:

    I just took some pictures of the snow and will post them.

    Have a great weekend.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, I'm sure that all the good eating habits you've gained this year as you've lost 32 pounds will serve you well and you won't be gaining or making really bad choices this holiday.

    Happy day after Christmas to all and glad everyone had a nice day! :blushing: :blushing: I had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with my families! HOWEVER, Birdie wasn't as good ad Barbie predicted:embarassed: I DID make much better choices than I did last year and I did exercise both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.....but I fell into the "picking in the goodies" habit and I'm sure was way over my calories for both days!:grumble:
    My daughter has a new boyfriend who found out that I LOVE Carrot Cake and so on Fri night he brought me over this giant decadent piece with cream cheese frosting.:noway: So I had to be gracous....yes???:blushing: Well I tasted it to thank him, which was okay....but then when he left...I ate the whole thing!!!:noway: :noway: I Exercised at least 300 calories that day but I have a feeling I went over:grumble:
    On Christmas Eve I went over my brother's house and everyone couldn't believe how much weight I lost! :blushing: I have to say that it made me feel quite good!!:blushing: :bigsmile: :blushing: But one of my sisters always makes us a sour cream coffee cake for Christmas morning...which I admit...after Carrot cake, that is my second favorite.:ohwell: So on Christmas I had some. I exercised another 1 hour and then we had company.:love: (This was the family that just lost their brother:frown: ). But I picked all day. Smaller portions....much less food than I've had before....but went over my calories.:frown:
    We had about five different trays of cookes etc.:noway: So after everyone ate I decided to make up some cookie trays and send one to the nursing home were my MIL is and one to my daughter's new friend. The only sweets left in my house was a piece of coffe cake that my husband wanted to have for breakfast.:flowerforyou:
    Today I got up, exercised , again for an hour, and have been back on track. Plus I will drink tons of water:drinker: :drinker:
    Could I have done better??? Yes. But did I do better than before???yes, ye, yes!
    So, I am not going to put a guilt trip on myself because....God Forbid....I'm human. But I WILL get back on track immediatly and greet the new year with happiness and hope!!!
    God bless everyone!
    I will try to post again this weekend!
    BTW I love your new picture Sandy!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Good for you, Birdie, you are not down on yourself, and that is wonderful. Carrot cake is sort of healthy..teeeehhheeee.. coz of the carrots and calcium in the cream cheese.. besides, we don't have to deny ourselves, just learn moderation, right?

    Sandy, I am sure your snow is pretty, but I am so glad I am not in it!!

    Barb, weaklink 109, it is awful about the arrow drivers. We were in Yuma AZ parked next to a couple in an arrow truck. They were loaded, and were heading toward their home state with the load, but they had a flat tire on the trailer.. The lady told my husband that the company would not ok them to get the tire fixed!! This was all happening right before they shut the doors, and none of us knew they were about to do that. My husband, Jim told them what to do to be able to go on their way. It is called 'single out' the tires, remove the damaged tire and just have one tire on that side. It works unless the remaining tire is not in good condition. Well, we went into the restaurant to eat, and they were gone when we came out.. I know we both were hoping they made it home, especially when we found out about the company closing down.

    today, I have been lazy, but I guess I will make up for it starting tonight. take care all, have a nice weekend!!