Sixers Heading into the Holidays WK 6 (final week)



  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Chipper I sure hope your day got better but sometimes I agree they just suck!!!! Makes us appreciate the good ones though!!! I have had a very productive day which to me is a good day! I got in a super work out that burned over 500 cals., got the laundry done, pretty much the whole house cleaned, made two nice meals (we had late breakfast and early dinner tonite) and even took some care with the pets! BUT I am now feeling like I am wheezing and my chest is tight!! Bronchial problems, I use to have episodes that turned real bad so I am going to forgo the second workout for the day!!!! I hope all you sixers have had a good weekend!! Chipper you will have a better day tomorrow!!! God bless!
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I had a busy weekend with lots of walking around. I'm still not 100% confident that I'm going to be down to 224 by Tuesday, but I'm sure I will be there very soon, if I don't hit it Tuesday. I'm not too worried. I'm already starting to think about my goal for the next six weeks, and I think I'm going to aim high again because this has been a great motivator for me.

    Thanks for all of the support everyone!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Overeating day yesterday. BLAH. I had done good ALL week until yesterday. I stepped on the scale, saw it went up, just to motivate myself to put the brakes on. I have had this horrible chest/head cold now going on ten days. Can't sleep at night due to being unable to breath. Cramps kicked in yesterday (cycle is really wacko right now), so I just ate. Not necessarily bad things, just way over the calories (although my wonderful hubby did take away the bag of chocolate from me - at very great risk to his hand). So don't know what yesterday will do to my weigh-in Tuesday, but hey, it's a new week. Thanks for letting me vent. Now that I've kicked my butt into gear,
    here is to another week, the end of a wonderful challenge, and the success of another...

    Have a great week everyone!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    i know verda, just one of those days.
    ali...some tough love sweetie. don't worry about the 3#s. the stress is going to cause you to not do it, and it's just 3#. the 18#s is nothing to sneeze at when here i am just maybe can lose 1/2 in a week. i am learning that the weight can't run my life. my life is going/is changing and the weight can't run it. i will be in a nut house if i let it. food can't run my life. the way i feel and look makes me feel miserable, if i let the food/weight control me i will never feel good about anything i do.....
    hey i just made sense to me there. now to heed my own advice. write it down before i forget.

    today is planning out. off to the gym, meet with broker, home to clean., sit in quite and read my book. now rain on wed. so don't know if i will get my roof than. but, today is monday on wednesday so will worry about it when it comes. not my problem. new week, new me.......

    off to get some things done before i leave.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    MORNING!!! Just a quick hello! Busy at the moment! But I will check back again later! SO...tomorrow's the new Challenge! I can't wait!! Is is Sixers: The Resolution Revolution? Just want to make sure!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I worked out early this afternoon, and then I felt much better about weight loss and myself in general. It's funny how getting all of those happy exercise chemicals going will do that. Then I totally shocked myself by going to watch the SEC Championship game at a restaurant (very sad since my team lost) and ordered roasted chicken and steamed broccoli for dinner. And I drank a lot of water instead of diet coke. Apparently, I've now accepted that going to a restaurant in itself is not a special occasion, and diet soda is not the only low calorie drink option. So, even if I don't lose 3 lbs by Tuesday, I'm making some big changes.

    That is so wonderful. I am so proud of you for being positive and make good choices! :flowerforyou:

    Take care,
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    good morning....

    i know verda, just one of those days.
    ali...some tough love sweetie. don't worry about the 3#s. the stress is going to cause you to not do it, and it's just 3#. the 18#s is nothing to sneeze at when here i am just maybe can lose 1/2 in a week. i am learning that the weight can't run my life. my life is going/is changing and the weight can't run it. i will be in a nut house if i let it. food can't run my life. the way i feel and look makes me feel miserable, if i let the food/weight control me i will never feel good about anything i do.....
    hey i just made sense to me there. now to heed my own advice. write it down before i forget.

    today is planning out. off to the gym, meet with broker, home to clean., sit in quite and read my book. now rain on wed. so don't know if i will get my roof than. but, today is monday on wednesday so will worry about it when it comes. not my problem. new week, new me.......

    off to get some things done before i leave.


    Thanks Cathy! I'm trying to not let thinking about food control my life this time around. Since I've lost this 70 lbs before and gained it all back, I can use some reminders that it's not a race. I'm really good at being hard on myself and pushing myself in eating right and working out. I'm not so good at being kind to myself and allowing me to take things slowly and steadily. Thanks again. I definitely needed that.

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    i PASSED my test today...........:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:

    Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news and I am so proud of you.

    Take care,
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i did go do my gym workout. meet with broker. now i need to find $600 within 60 days. we have been trying to save for taxes next year. (we always pay). but, that has been hard, now this. i am not worried it will come when i need it to. the Good Lord will provide. i am not going to let it rain on my parade.

    well, off to maybe have a snack not really hungry. might just grab some crackers.

  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Amy Thanks for the note. I wanted to start this week off good and I woke up sick to my stomach and slept most of the day away. I am feeling a bit better now. I just can't seem to get it together. Hopefully I will be better tomarrow and get going in the right direction again. Don't let your birthday get you down. I know we all try the best we can and I thanky you for your support.:flowerforyou:


    P.S. See everyone at the next challenge:bigsmile:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Lauryn- I MISS YOU
    Amylou- How goes it?
    Tiff- How was your first day of OBGYN rotation
    Cathy- Glad youre doing well and back to it. READ the book it will help. I'm taking my time with it but loving the principles
    Kel- Its totally ok. WE all have those times in our journey. Just dust yourself off. :) Glad you are back
    Kristin- YAY glad you are joining next challenge
    Amy(PDX)- Glad you are doing well... are you ready for the next challenge
    Ali- Stand proud and look at how far you have come
    Susan- HOW are you... need to hear from you!!!
    T- You have done great. What did you learn from most in this six weeks

    UMMMMM... I did all the personals I could off the top of my head. All that I missed hope to get you next time but I do love you the same!!!

    Well................... I ate like a crazy lady today. I did well too, came to work with homemade soup and sandwich and I ACTUALLY Didn't know we had a meeting and PANERA was being ordered. SO I got a salag (good job) however I also had a HUGE cookie and a FRUIT SMOOTHIE and a BIG COLD GREEN TEA. LOL........... What happened there. I should have stuck with my plan but didn't want to be the ODD ball and not enjoy the FREE lunch. So I gave into my GIVE IN MUSCLE as beck diet soln says. You can strengthen you GIVE IN MUSCLE or STRENGTHEN YOUR RESISTANCE muscle. LOL.... MAN!!! I worked an extra hr and I'm salary so that was all voluntary but not so voluntary. AND then I made it to step class, luckily I had clothes in the car and did 50 mins.

    Love ya ladies off to do my magic 100 and a dvd for a few mins.

    Take care,

  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Oh Goodness, what happened to the week??? we're done with this challenge already? how is that even possible?

    Well, it was a busy weekend with a friend's birthday and lots of homework to do!! Next week is our finals week so i have a lot to finish up this week so i may be a little absent the first couple weeks of our challenge, but then will be in full force!!!

    Cathy - congrats on passing the test!!

    Tiff - yay for being done with your test!!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    My final weigh in for this challenge:
    T (datenshi) ........................SW 208.6 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 192.8 lbs / PROGRESS -15.8 lbs

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Take care all,
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Options here is my info for this week before the new thread...
    sw- 194.5 gw- 182.5 cw 189 = 5.5 pds lost!!! Yeah even through thanksgiving, my bday, my son's...Ok I'm ready for the next one!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Maggie (magglett) .............SW 174.0 lbs / GW 169.0 lbs / CW 175 lbs / PROGRESS +1lb