

  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Today I did 20 minutes on the treadmill, Wii for 20 minutes- I like the run which surprises me and the hula hoop thing. Then did 10 minutes with a 10 lb ball- exercising.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Just stopping by for inspiration and motivation :wink: Have to get some baking done and don't want to give in to temptation. :noway:
    Took the dogs for a long walk before the rain started--again. Oh well, at least its not snow! Last year at this time we had a lot of that white stuff! :tongue: :tongue:

    Have a good, healthy day everyone!

    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Back in June I was wonder woman. I had life on my side. I need it back. :flowerforyou:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Kathy from MA- My Mom has conjestive heart failure, a pacemaker and is on Coumadin. Your right about the greens and the sodium. You have to watch the packaged foods. Also, talk to your pharmacist about it all. There are certain kind of vitamins they can't take and Vitamin K is a factor also. My Mom monitors all that herself, so I don't know all the details. But, I do know that besides the doctor the pharmacist was a great help. Good luck!

    To all those back East in the snow storm - I do wish I was there with you. May your lights stay on, your roads get plowed, your furnace last the winter and the sun shine for you tomorrow.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I understand why people who are busy getting ready for Christmas don't have time to post, but we almost completely ignore the holidays and I still haven't posted in awhile :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, thank you for the great uplifting verse about women looking in the mirror....I know that the older I get, the more comfortable I am about myself. I know that the greatest success I've had in my battle with food has been when I paid more attention to other people.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, it is so great to hear from you. I love your happy attitude about holiday preparations......they are supposed to joyous and satisfying. Skipping the cookie exchange was the right thing to do....your family will get used to the new you and you'll be happier for being true to what's important.

    :flowerforyou: Mary, your holiday preparations sound wonderful.....stay happy and focused.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, being snowed in is great when you have interesting things to fill your time.....stay happy.....you are so right about enjoying activities that have nothing to do with food and eating.

    :flowerforyou: susieq51, we are so glad to have you join us......this is a great thread....these women changed my life......it's great to check in every day and find out what's going on with everyone else and let us know how you are doing

    :flowerforyou: Barb, you always explain everything so clearly :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Hi Jeannie, thanks for the encouragement......best wishes to you :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, I'm sorry to hear that you've been sick......best wishes for a speedy recovery

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, I think the reason you've been so successful is that you are continually inventorying what's going on and seeking insight and solutions.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, you and your mom are both cute.....glad you got your tree up......it's raining down here on the Olympic Peninsula, too

    :flowerforyou: Kathy (plantlady).....it looks like things will settle down a bit when the move is over......have you looked at the DASH diet for your dad? also clean eating should be another way to keep the sodium and the calories down. There are books about both of these ways of eating. I know I was grateful to be near my parents during the last years of their lives (I grumbled a lot in private but overall was glad to be available to them) Congratulations in advance to your husband on his retirement.

    :flowerforyou: Boston, welcome to the group......this is a great place to get the encouragement that will help you on your journey

    :flowerforyou: allahone, we're glad you're here with us.......this is the place to find out how everyone has been successful in losing weight ( and keeping it off for some of the group) Just take it one day at a time and stay open minded to the new ideas you'll hear on this thread

    :flowerforyou: Kathy (pmjsmom) we're enjoying the same rain you have. I was able to take my dogs to the off leash park this afternoon for 45 minutes before it got too wet. I know you can do the baking and keep away from taste testing.:bigsmile:

    You are all so important to me......thank you for all you've added to my life:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Greetings to MFP friends. It has been so busy here with our Christmas Program and now getting ready for our family reunion. By Saturday all of our 8 boys and 6 girls along with their families will be here! We have 26 altogether! It will be a wonderful time. I have been able to get rid of the Thanksgiving pounds and am being very careful during this week. So far the goodies haven't been a problem. I hope each of you have a blessed Christmas and enjoy your families. It's good to see you posting again Kathy-PlantLady!:flowerforyou:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :flowerforyou: Greetings to MFP friends. It has been so busy here with our Christmas Program and now getting ready for our family reunion. By Saturday all of our 8 boys and 6 girls along with their families will be here! We have 26 altogether! It will be a wonderful time. I have been able to get rid of the Thanksgiving pounds and am being very careful during this week. So far the goodies haven't been a problem. I hope each of you have a blessed Christmas and enjoy your families. It's good to see you posting again Kathy-PlantLady!:flowerforyou:

    Thank You!!! Your family fun sounds wonderful. Merry Chrismas.

    :heart: :heart: Kathy from MA
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    flowerforyou Kathy (plantlady).....it looks like things will settle down a bit when the move is over......have you looked at the DASH diet for your dad? also clean eating should be another way to keep the sodium and the calories down. There are books about both of these ways of eating. I know I was grateful to be near my parents during the last years of their lives (I grumbled a lot in private but overall was glad to be available to them) Congratulations in advance to your husband on his retirement.

    Happy Hanukkah! Best Wishes.

    :heart: Kathy from MA
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Kathy from MA- My Mom has conjestive heart failure, a pacemaker and is on Coumadin. Your right about the greens and the sodium. You have to watch the packaged foods. Also, talk to your pharmacist about it all. There are certain kind of vitamins they can't take and Vitamin K is a factor also. My Mom monitors all that herself, so I don't know all the details. But, I do know that besides the doctor the pharmacist was a great help. Good luck!

    They stopped my dad's Vitamins altogether. Its the diet that we have to work on. :noway: I love greens and he can't eat not a one. OMG.:explode: it is so life changing for me. :noway: I thought if ya salads you would stay healthy. Gee, I guess that is not the case when ya hit 78, I love my Dad and I really appreciate all the help. I also have an 85 year old mom who depended totally on her husband. Now they both depend on me. I will do everything, I possibly can, to make their life happy and blessed. They have given me that.,that is for sure. Did I tell ya I'm creating artwork for nothing, for my family. lol

    I know you all have family that you just love. So Bless you ALL this WONDERFUL SEASON. (((((((HUGS)))))))

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Kathy from MA
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    I have been trying to keep up with the reading but have not posted in a while. I have been so BAD. I have not been to the gym for a week, and have eaten way too many cookies. I gained a couple of pounds but I am okay. We went out tonight with the girls to exchange our Christmas gifts. we went to the Melting Pot. For those not familiar it is a fondue place where you cook your own food. I did okay but ate way too much. Now that my confession is over I will tell you my plan. Tomorrow starts my real vacation cause I will have not little ones for two weeks. My godchild and I have already made a pact to go to gym early tomorrow. I will be back on track tomorrow. Sound like most of you are doing so well. I am so ashamed of myself but not going to dwell on it. I will just jump back on the get some more weight off. I will start posting my calories tomorrow. It is amazing how good I do when I do that. Have a good MOnday ladies. I will be back tomorrow after my workout to tell how it went. I need to just spend the day at the gym. LOL.
    Vicki M
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I have been going non-stop since I got up this morning at 6:30a. It started when I got a text during church from a good friend who wanted me to meet her for breakfast, which I did after the service was done. Then I headed for Costco to get everything needed from there for Christmas dinner. Their spiral ham is excellent, even if you don't put the glaze on that it comes with. I was also shopping my my mom and another friend.

    While I was doing that, I got another text from the friend that gave me Bradley (the Yorkie), asking me to come over for an impromptu Christmas gathering at her house. I came up with a 1.5 liter bottle of Champagne for the party.

    By the time I got out of the store and got everything delivered to its respective destination, it was time to leave for the party with my Champagne. The doggies did get a walk out of the deal, but they had to stay home. :brokenheart: We sat around and shot the breeze and drank Champagne. :drinker: :drinker:

    After some of the guests left, our hostess decided she was hungry for Mexican food, so we walked about a mile to this restaurant, since none of us would have been legal to drive, and there were too many of us to fit in one car, anyway. Unfortunately, despite the fact that it has rained intermittently all day, no one had enough brains to bring an umbrella, so when we got ready to come home, it was pouring. Our hostess called her husband, who had been napping when we left, and asked him to come and get us. It took 2 trips to get everyone back to the house, and by the time it was done, it had stopped raining, of course!!:laugh:

    I drove home, looking forward to a warm bath and some snuggling with doggies. I didn't look forward to logging my calories, because between the veggie omelet this morning, the Champagne, and chocolate temptations of the afternoon, I knew the log would not be a pretty sight,:noway: and it was not--but tomorrow is another day.

    So I arrive home to find a piece of mail inside my screen door, which belonged to some good friends and former neighbors. They moved to an assisted living environment due to a decline in the husband's health. The person who bought their condo three years ago and I have an understanding that if any mail for them shows up, she gives it to me and I pass it on. I decided to call and let my friend know that it appeared she had a Christmas card from someone who had not updated her address.

    When I called, I received a terrible shock. It had been about two weeks since I had spoken to them, and I was not prepared to find out that the man's health took a turn for the worse, and that he was now comatose in our local hospice center, and not expected to live more than a few more days. She said she had intended to call me later that evening, but had just returned home herself. All this came about in the space of the last 3 days, and was especially shocking, since the reason for his decline was not his primary health issue, which was heart related. At her request I immediately hopped back in the car and went to visit with her.

    Al is a retired biology professor with a great sense of humour. When he and his wife were my neighbors, we had a running joke where he would tell his wife to call me ( as it was hard for him to hear on the phone) and "invite his girlfriend over." She would call me and tell me that Al wanted to "see his girlfriend" and I could come over too, if I wished!! :noway: Oh, I should explain that Mai Li, my Lhasa Apso, was crazy about Al. :heart: Due to a bad case of arthritis, he found it most comfortable to lay on the floor, rather than sitting in a chair or sofa, and Mai Li LOVED to walk up to him and start licking his beard, and roll around on the floor with him. She would never play like this with anyone but him, so he referred to her as "his girlfriend."

    He was a dog lover, but had always had larger dogs, mostly Basset Hounds, but he was really attached to her, and it was difficult for both of them when they moved about 3 miles away from where I live.

    My friend is now trying to keep everything together and waiting for the inevitable. All I can do is listen and pray, and offer to do anything that she would like to ask of me. She has 3 children who live in the local area, and they are all blindsided by this as well. To make matters worse, her only son was out of town, several hundred miles away when his dad's condition went down hill so quickly, so he and his wife were driving the 750 miles back ASAP which involves crossing two mountain passes. Fortunately, all the really bad weather is on the East Coast right now, so driving between Utah and Washington state is relatively easy. They hope to arrive back here within the next hour. They called earlier tonight from a town about 5 hours away from here.

    Please keep my friends Al and Carol in your prayers. How sad to have this happen so close to Christmas.

    I never did get that bath, and at the rate things are going, I think I will forget about it 'til tomorrow morning.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Barb, you have been so busy. Please take care of yourself. I will keep your friends and you in my prayers. You are right....this is a terrible thing to have happen right before Christmas. My thoughts are with you.

    I went to my daughter's wedding yesterday. Her husband's grandfather performed the ceremony. They, then had us stay for sandwiches, veggies, assorted salads and cake. The grandfather (and his wife) were wonderful. Very loving, caring couple. Makes me wonder what happened to the rest of the family.:laugh:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Brrr! It's still cold here. Colder than I like. Basically we had to stay indoors Saturday. We did make it to Church yesterday and I was glad of that.

    Yesterday my god-daughter came over and we made some Christmas cookies. My favorite kind (sent half of them home with her) and my neighbors favorite (oatmeal chocked full of extras). I'm planning on giving most of them away. I only ate one of the really good ones.

    Weighed this morning and the scale didn't move one way or the other from last week. Maintenance is good for this time of the year.

    Laurel; I like the mirror posting. I sent it on to my sisters and girlfriends. The 80 yr old could be my Mom! and a few other senior friends I know!

    Today I want to eat right and get my water and exercise in.

    A good hello and welcome to all the Newbies!

    Remember today is a new day, the only one we have, and we have choices to make! My prayer for myself and all of you is to have a craving to pick the right path!

  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Thanks to Kathy and Barbie for the warm welcome to this group.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning Boston!

    So how much snow did you end up with?

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. I see there are new members to welcome. So welcome Boston01810 and PattieG.

    :heart: Thanks Becky and Sheila Jane...I had a wonderful time with my son here in town. Took him to the airport yesterday afternoon.:sad:

    Renny...hope your Mom is recovering from her heart attack (I may have missed an update).

    Everyone is so busy...hope you are all enjoying your holidays!!

    I'm down one more pound...so I consider the week a success!!...in spite of two more Christmas parties, eating out 2 times, and special dinners for my son while he was here. Didn't totally give up on exercise or journalling or logging my calories although I certainly wasn't 100% at any of them either.

    Everyone hang in there...we're approaching the home stretch of parties, cookies and snackies. WE CAN DO THIS!!!!

    You go Girls!!

    :heart: Terri
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Yeah Teri!!!!!

    A weight loss at this time of year is awesome.

    Laurel: I sent my sister that thing about the mirror. She e-mailed me back and said she just joined the site! I'm pumped about that! I'm hoping she will get on the community pages too!

    Housework is calling my name!


  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Happy Monday and Merry Christmas ladies! :drinker: I've discovered I can virtually live on apples and peanut butter when hubby isn't home. :love:

    My baby girl will be home in only 2 more days :happy: I'm trying to get the last of my chores out of the way today and tomorrow, so I'm still dashing about in my Shapeups..... This afternoon I have a cut and color, so I don't look dingy in Christmas snapshots, and tomorrow I am helping deliver gifts at the local nursing homes. Got to get busy on the guest room.

    Merry Christmas from my house to yours!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Greetings to MFP friends. It has been so busy here with our Christmas Program and now getting ready for our family reunion. By Saturday all of our 8 boys and 6 girls along with their families will be here! We have 26 altogether! It will be a wonderful time. I have been able to get rid of the Thanksgiving pounds and am being very careful during this week. So far the goodies haven't been a problem. I hope each of you have a blessed Christmas and enjoy your families. It's good to see you posting again Kathy-PlantLady!:flowerforyou:

    Being the oldest of 13, I know what you mean about these get togethers! :love: They're great! :flowerforyou: We are all married and we all have kids, who have kids, so I've lost track of how many people will get together on Christmas Eve! :noway: My brother hosts it (they have a huge house) and everyone looks forward to it every year! Have a great time! I know we will!:flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Wow, Barb, what a shock that must have been! {{Huges}} to you.