

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Louise, Zumba is soooo much fun. We dance to very lively music and I burn between 375 and 425 calories an hour while doing this. I got to stay in the class for 15 minutes last night and then I had to leave to pick up my daughter. The music is either hip hop or latin. I prefer the hip hop. At first you may feel a bit silly. Shaking your hips and all, but after a while you loosen up and have fun. I will be going to my Saturday morning class. Not too many want to go to that one as it starts at 8:00. But, I am a morning person and will even burn more calories in the morning than in the evening.:happy:

    I haven't been sticking to my plan lately. I think that I may have some depression setting in. I am seeing my doctor today.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I finally did get to read through all the post since the last time I had a chance to read them. Barbie is right, they are overwelming. Our lives go from everything going right to so much stuff happening over night. When your catching up on posts the Ups and Downs are so visible.

    Our Winterfest party (previously know as a Christmas Party) was last night. I am on the committee and there were only a few of us that planned the whole thing. My tasks are the shopping tasks. I've very good at spending other people's money and getting them good deals too. My other task is setting up the food and organizing the food lines. We had 110 adults and almost 30 children. The good news is that it went well, but that is also the bad news as that means management will ask the same core group of us to organize next years. By next year I will have forgotten what a pain it was and do it all again if asked to. I am exhausted and haven't excercised much this week.

    I hope each and everyone of you has a good day.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I want to add my condolences to everyone else's. Loss seems harder this time of year. And now I get to join you.
    Yesterday morning I got a call that my Aunt Marion had died . What a wonderful lady she was! I will miss her. She had been on hospice for a while, so it wasn't totally unexpected, but still... She went peacefully in her sleep, which was a blessing.
    My mom (the only one of her family left now) seems to be taking it okay. We had some laughter along with the tears as we remembered some of my aunts little habits, etc.
    I didn't get my workout in because of all the phone calls. I'll get it in today, though.
    Still cold here. It is so pretty, though.
    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    LOST ONE MORE POUND THIS WEEK !!!! YIPPEE !!!!:laugh: :happy: :smile: :flowerforyou:

    :brokenheart: pjmsmom/kathy: sorry to have to add you to our unhappy group. Hold on to those happy memories.
    I guess all this talk about death has been on my mind while sleeping because I had a crazy dream last night. A friend of mine passed away, I went to the funeral home to see him, and while I was there he started moving his fingers, then his hands, opened his eyes and sat up !!!! Lets start talking about new babies or weddings or something !!!!
    Seriously though, everyone has my condolences. I wish I weren't a member of this group.

    :cry: swissmiss/becky: I have chronic depression and know that if you don't stay on top of it, it will pull you down quickly. Whenever I feel a mood swing that lasts more than a week I get to the doctor and get my medication adjusted. It usually takes about 3 weeks for meds to start working, so hang on tight and keep me posted.....I know how hard it can be. Thankfully, I've been on these meds about 3 years and haven't had any problems.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Thanks SheilaJane,

    On a brighter note--my daughter has a baby due in June.:happy:

    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Kathy, I'm sorry about your Auntie. My mom is the last of her family too (she's 85) She took the death of my SIL pretty hard and had hope right up till the very end. Mom is a 30 yr breast cancer survivor herself and she so wanted the same for Helen.

    Some one from my brother's church has given him & the children a trip to Orlando over the holidays. He said they can't go for the whole time but they will go for a few days anyway. His church people just keep on giving and giving. I'm glad because it will give them sometime together away from everyone asking how they are doing. I'm sure it gets to be overwhelming at times.

    I just think we really need to be kind to each other because our time here on this earth is relatively short. I wish I had a big neon sign blinking in front of me as a reminder (I tend to get short w/hubby who loves me much more than I deserve)!

    Housework, housework, housework is calling my name! Better go

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    TGIF! it's been a long week. :ohwell: We will have the wake for Frank on Sunday and the funeral mass Monday morning, so I will take Monday off from work. Life is fragile but there's so much to be grateful for too. :wink: I spent the evening with Franks family last night and we shared the funny things he would do :laugh: as well as how he touched so many lives.:love: It was a positive thing and so loving.:heart::heart:
    Tonight I am going out for dinner with the office.:happy: At first I felt guilty :frown: about partying but Frank would be upset if I didn't!:noway: :noway: After all, NOT going out is not going to change anything.
    We're gong to a Bistro where the chef has a "tasting menu'.:tongue: We have no idea what he will be serving but it consists of 4-5 entrees, but very small servings. Just enough to "taste" something different. Also, he does "wine pairing" which should be interesting. He serves, a small portion, of the appropriate wine to go with the entrees. Sounds like a learning experience. Obviously I can't plan my meal so I did the next best thing. I did the treadmill for an hour and burned 300 calories, had my usual breakfast and only half of my lunch plus tons of water!:drinker: :drinker:
    I may not be online as we have a virus in our home computer. :angry: Hopefully Russ will get it fixed soon. So if I seem MIA, I'm probrably pouting near the computer.:grumble:
    I'm at work so this will be brief. Have a great weekend everyone, and even though I have read all the posts, I haven't the time to respond. Many hugs to all!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    So sorry about your loses. My dad's sister(my aunt) passed away last night. She was nearly 90 but still going to be hard on her family. I know from experience no matter how old you are it is very hard to lose your mom. She is your connection to the world. If you still have your mother's (no matter how much of a pain they can be sometimes) enjoy every minute you spend with them. I hope other than death the rest of you are doing well. I think I am back on track completely so I should not do too badly over the holidays. I will try to get back on later.
    Vicki M
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Vicki and Kathy I am sorry to hear of the loss of your Aunt's. It doesn't seem to matter how old they are we are never ready to let them go. My mother always said that the loss of your mother was different from any other and something you could never understand until you went through it. She was right. She was 92 when she went home, and I still miss her every day. I will pray for these families that have lost their Moms during the Christmas season.

    Time for my evening shift :heart: Alice
  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks SheilaJane,

    On a brighter note--my daughter has a baby due in June.:happy:

    Kathy (pmjsmom)

    Congrats on the coming arrival !!!

    More bad news this evening. Found out today that a friend of mine's husband killed himself this morning. What a tragic event. He was elderly and had cancer but his prognosis was good. His last checkup revealed that things were looking up. You just never know what goes through someone's mind.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    My condolences to all who have lost some one recently.

    Here is a true story of hope.............

    Elijah started kindergarten this year. He has lukemia (not sure if I spelled it right) He has been sick off and on his whole life. His family and all of us at work never really gave up hope and everything he needed something, our office did what we could to get it for him. I saw him last night at our office party and he had hair! He is in a normal school in regular education with some support. There were a few times I really thought he wouldn't make it, but he did and it was really great to see him running around last night. (Elijah's grandmother and now his mom work with us. )

    Things do not always end up the way we'd like them too, but they end up the way they are meant to. But, you can never give up hope for a miracle as miracles happen every day.

    For those of you who have been in the forum for a while an update on my daughter and her pending hip surgery. We heard back from the sports specialist in Vail, Colorado. They are confident they will be able to fix her hip with their state of the art technology. We are going to have to re-finance our house to pay for it (out of network provider), but as parent's we are glad that it can be fixed in a way that will give her a full chance at life. We don't know when yet. It will take another few weeks to schedule.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    We went to a holiday open house this afternoon and I followed my party rule of putting my energy into talking to people instead of focusing on the food. I had a few cashews, four whole wheat crackers with homemade salmon spread, and some fresh veggies with no dip big:bigsmile: I had several opportunities to "say no to Christmas cookies" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: this evening hubby and I are watching a movie and taking turns on the exercise bike.

    My red silk long sleeve undershirt arrived today and it's beautiful and warm......also the size 4 jeans I ordered came and they fit perfectly so I ordered more:bigsmile:

    To all of you experiencing losses in your family, :cry: I send my long distance cyber hugs.........hold on to the good memories and keep them with you........every day that I dance, I thank my mother for sending me to dance classes when I was a child, she died in 1991 and I keep her with me by recalling ways that brought joy to my life.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    I have been a member for a while. I have not lost anything since August. How do these threads work. If I could keep up with a group maybe it would help. I see you set goals too.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Sheila--I'm so sorry about your friend's husband. Suicide is so hard to deal with. (I know because a friend of mine committed suicide years ago.)There's just no telling what is going through someone's mind sometimes, is there?

    Jeannie--That is a wonderful story. I hope little Elijah keeps doing well.
    I will send up prayers for your daughter, too. Here's hoping the operation goes well.

    Barbie--Great job resisting temptation! I hope to do as well tonight at a neighbors open house!

    BJerkins--nice to meet you. I've only been here a short while. Just jump in the way I did. You'll catch on, I promise!
    These good people have really helped me stay on track this holiday season!

    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi BJerkins;

    Glad to have you here. Tracking portion sizes & calories has been an eye opener for me. I was eating good things, just way too much. Check in for what ever you need. Sometimes it just helps to have a place to vent. We hope to see you around lots!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    I have been a member for a while. I have not lost anything since August. How do these threads work. If I could keep up with a group maybe it would help. I see you set goals too.
    :flowerforyou: You did exactly the right thing joining this thread. We usually set our own goals at the beginning of the month.....you can set December goals right now----read what other people have done to get some ideas (like pounds to lose or water to drink or exercise to do or new attitudes to practice):bigsmile: Now that you have posted on this thread it will appear on the list when you click on "My Topics"........I try to at least read what everyone posted every day and most days I post something myself, sometimes detailed and sometimes just a quick note. You can post as often as you want......some people check in more than once a day, some only once a week or less.....it won't take long for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you......I've been posting on this thread for about 10 months and I care about my new friends here like they were my friends at home.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou:Cindy, portion control is very important. I have begun to weigh and measure everything that I eat because I know that my eyeballing it is causing me to consume too many calories.

    I took my daughter out for her 18th birthday last night. I did good. Had a six ounce lean steak, steamed veggies and a salad. I let her have the bread and I certainly didn't want any of her cheesy fries that she got to begin her meal. She also got a sundae for her birthday that was HUGE.
  • fancydog
    Hi All
    I dont think I will ever get with it on these message boards. I'm trying. I;m getting so much out of all your comments it's wonderful! I have been working successfully on my December goal to exercise everyday no matter what. So far I have done just that, been to classes at work (so lucky to have a gym in my building), walked the dog or just put on some music and dance, attend my Weight Watchers meeting (second goal) and when confronted with holiday goodies not to over do it (third goal). I did very well during Thanksgiving, despite gaining 2lbs I still managed to stay on goal. Goal weight is 145, weight before Thanksgiving was 141 weight after 143.8. Wish me luck as I wish all of you success this holiday.

    P.S. Can anybody out there tell me how to get the weight tracker logo..... I'm simply not getting it.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    P.S. Can anybody out there tell me how to get the weight tracker logo..... I'm simply not getting it.


    Click on the Tools tab at the top of the page--the weight loss tickers are there--it will walk you through the process.
    Kathy (pmjsmom)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: fancydog, I got my Thanksgiving weight off by drinking extra water. You might want to try that.