"It doesn't matter what you eat, IIFYM."



  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    That thought process leads to over eating ( empty carbs ) and fatness

    I'm sorry but you wont see well conditioned athletes living off of ice cream as long as it fits with in their numbers..
    Do they have a bowl every now and then I am sure they do .. But they don't go from eating syrupy pancakes from ihop to mc donalds for lunch to nachos for dinner and be able to perform/look like they do .

    You obviously don't understand macros.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Seriously? You've been on MFP since Dec 2010 and still think most people have a basic grasp of decent nutirtion? I've only been here since last year and it was quite an eye-opener for me to find how many people are basically clueless when it comes to nutrition.

    your example of vegetable oil, protein powder and table sugar isnt at all ridiculous, is it?

    Yeah, that. :laugh:

    People might not know the details, but I don't know of one single person who honestly believes that 100 calories of Oreo cookies is as good for them as 100 calories of an apple.

    And if someone really is that clueless, I doubt anything I tell them will really sink in. And they'll probably end up drowning in the rain.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I could hit my macros with nothing other than vegetable oil, protein powder and table sugar.

    True, and it would most likely work just fine if someone could stick to it. But it would absolutely suck to do and noone would stick to it.

    The whole point of IIFYM is that you eat what you WANT to eat (who really wants to chug vegetable oil, and protein powder is somewhat nasty, especially if it is your only protein source and taken in huge quantities).

    Thinking of torture diet examples won't fly because that is exactly opposite of the principle philosophy, even if it does technically meet the nutritional requirements of the principle.

    Anyway, chicken or turkey breast is typically a higher density of protein than protein powder.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Nine pages later and people still don't realize that IIFYM =\= eat whatever you want as long as you are under your calories.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Nine pages later and people still don't realize that IIFYM =\= eat whatever you want as long as you are under your calories.


    The concept gets beaten up badly because people don't understand it.
  • Not to use language or anything, but HELL no. that's not the way it works. I eat anywhere from 2500 to 3000 calories a day, and I'm 5'9" and barely 125 pounds. My metabolism is wicked fast, and I drink a lot of water. It's not about how many calories you put in, but rather how fast your body burns them, and what kind of calories they are: good nutrition, or crap that your body has to store as fat?
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    I lost all my weight (75 lbs), maintained, and am now bulking using the philosophy. Kind of.

    I don't really care about the carb/fat macro ratio. Just make sure to get enough protein and be sure that I'm really close to my calorie goal for the day (under or over, doesn't matter, just be close). My protein goal is high enough (200g/day) that I general forgo foods that don't contain a fair amount of it else I have little hope of hitting that number without suppliments.

    Meet those two requirements and everything else will fall in line on its own. You'll naturally autoregulate everything else based on what you feel like eating.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Not to use language or anything, but HELL no. that's not the way it works. I eat anywhere from 2500 to 3000 calories a day, and I'm 5'9" and barely 125 pounds. My metabolism is wicked fast, and I drink a lot of water. It's not about how many calories you put in, but rather how fast your body burns them, and what kind of calories they are: good nutrition, or crap that your body has to store as fat?

    Your body can't store anything as fat if you are burning more calories than you are putting in your body.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Nine pages later and people still don't realize that IIFYM =\= eat whatever you want as long as you are under your calories.


    The concept gets beaten up badly because people don't understand it.

    Those abs look familiar
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    Nine pages later and people still don't realize that IIFYM =\= eat whatever you want as long as you are under your calories.


    The concept gets beaten up badly because people don't understand it.

    :flowerforyou: all is right with the universe.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Nine pages later and people still don't realize that IIFYM =\= eat whatever you want as long as you are under your calories.


    The concept gets beaten up badly because people don't understand it.

    Those abs look familiar

  • That's the pointe :)
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    It DOES matter what you eat, having a day full of nutrient dense foods like veggies, fruits, meats, dairy and grains is no where near the same as having a day full of processed convenient foods.

    Yes you will lose weight either way, but will you be Healthy? not so much. Alot of processed foods have no nutrients in them, they have a bunch of fillers and additives to preserve things to sit on a shelf.

    Feed your body the nutrition it needs so it can heal itself. Help you be able to fight off colds, build your immune system, all these things need good solid nutrients from the food we consume :)
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Irresponsible? Dude, I DO this for a living. I used to condone the "eat clean" only philosophy when I started. Did people lose weight? Yep. But guess what, 3 months later weight returned. So here I go again training them to do the same method over.............and over...............and over again.
    So why did they regain? Because the "diet" they were one left them feeling deprived of foods they liked. Now if I was a money grubbing personal trainer, then I would keep this philosophy because I would always be inundated with the same clientele.

    My philosophy now (IIFYM) with clients "gets rid of them". Meaning they don't come back once they reach goal. Why? Because they DON'T regain and actual LEARNED how to eat what they want with control and moderation. Clients got what they paid for, live a better life and are HAPPIER with themselves for it. And they pass that on a successful to others they know. Please tell me how that's irresponsible?

    The big picture is HEALTH is more than just about food.
    The difference is that you actually UNDERSTAND what you're talking about rather than relying on broscience and half-baked myths. So many of these posts exhibit the "all or nothing" thinking, which has nothing to do with IIFYM.

    IIFYM is not having pancakes, syrup and chocolate for breakfast, two Jumbo Jacks and a candy bar for lunch, and pizza and ice cream for dinner, with a bag of potato chips and a handful of oreos as a late night snack in front of the TV. IIFYM is eating to hit your macros and calorie goal, with reasonable moderation involved...not existing on junk food.

    [ETA:] Obviously, there are some people who, for whatever reason, can't deal with moderation...if they eat one cookie, they scarf the whole box and head for the cabinets looking for more. IIFYM is probably not a good choice for them. I'd also hope that anybody with a medical/metabolic condition would have enough common sense to realize that a food they're intolerant/allergic to doesn't fit in IIFYM.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I could hit my macros with nothing other than vegetable oil, protein powder and table sugar.

    True, and it would most likely work just fine if someone could stick to it. But it would absolutely suck to do and noone would stick to it.

    The whole point of IIFYM is that you eat what you WANT to eat (who really wants to chug vegetable oil, and protein powder is somewhat nasty, especially if it is your only protein source and taken in huge quantities).

    Thinking of torture diet examples won't fly because that is exactly opposite of the principle philosophy, even if it does technically meet the nutritional requirements of the principle.

    Anyway, chicken or turkey breast is typically a higher density of protein than protein powder.

    While you seem to have missed my point entirely, your comment of "it would most likely work just fine if someone could stick to it" does more or less make my point. Which is, since you missed it the first time, that whether you can eat what you WANT within macros and be healthy would depend on WHAT you want.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Irresponsible? Dude, I DO this for a living. I used to condone the "eat clean" only philosophy when I started. Did people lose weight? Yep. But guess what, 3 months later weight returned. So here I go again training them to do the same method over.............and over...............and over again.
    So why did they regain? Because the "diet" they were one left them feeling deprived of foods they liked. Now if I was a money grubbing personal trainer, then I would keep this philosophy because I would always be inundated with the same clientele.

    My philosophy now (IIFYM) with clients "gets rid of them". Meaning they don't come back once they reach goal. Why? Because they DON'T regain and actual LEARNED how to eat what they want with control and moderation. Clients got what they paid for, live a better life and are HAPPIER with themselves for it. And they pass that on a successful to others they know. Please tell me how that's irresponsible?

    The big picture is HEALTH is more than just about food.
    The difference is that you actually UNDERSTAND what you're talking about rather than relying on broscience and half-baked myths. So many of these posts exhibit the "all or nothing" thinking, which has nothing to do with IIFYM.

    IIFYM is not having pancakes, syrup and chocolate for breakfast, two Jumbo Jacks and a candy bar for lunch, and pizza and ice cream for dinner, with a bag of potato chips and a handful of oreos as a late night snack in front of the TV. IIFYM is eating to hit your macros and calorie goal, with reasonable moderation involved...not existing on junk food.

    [ETA:] Obviously, there are some people who, for whatever reason, can't deal with moderation...if they eat one cookie, they scarf the whole box and head for the cabinets looking for more. IIFYM is probably not a good choice for them. I'd also hope that anybody with a medical/metabolic condition would have enough common sense to realize that a food they're intolerant/allergic to doesn't fit in IIFYM.

    Obviously no one here stated to eat nothing but junk food all day long.

    Overly dramatic response is overly dramatic.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I want pancakes so bad right now.

    I might need to plug in some numbers and see what it would take to make bacon, eggs and pancakes fit my macros for dinner tonight.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    It DOES matter what you eat, having a day full of nutrient dense foods like veggies, fruits, meats, dairy and grains is no where near the same as having a day full of processed convenient foods.

    Yes you will lose weight either way, but will you be Healthy? not so much. Alot of processed foods have no nutrients in them, they have a bunch of fillers and additives to preserve things to sit on a shelf.

    Feed your body the nutrition it needs so it can heal itself. Help you be able to fight off colds, build your immune system, all these things need good solid nutrients from the food we consume :)

    Processed foods have "no nutrients in them"? Got anything to back that up or are you done making things up?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I want pancakes so bad right now.

    I might need to plug in some numbers and see what it would take to make bacon, eggs and pancakes fit my macros for dinner tonight.

    Breakfast food for dinner? You will gain 20 pounds for sure! (Unless you eat it after 10pm and at Denny's) :laugh:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Obviously no one here stated to eat nothing but junk food all day long....
    Actually, several posts alluded to exactly that when expressing their opinion of why IIFYM is a "bad" thing to do.