"It doesn't matter what you eat, IIFYM."



  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    "If doesn't matter what you eat, as long as it fits your macros, is in your calorie limit, etc". (and assuming you are getting your nutrients somehow) -- You will still lose weight.

    Do you think this is true?

    Although I was within my caloric range and preset macros, I feel disgusting after three waffles last night. Is this a product of the syrup not digesting well, a lack of nutrients, or the subconscious notion that bad food makes you fat, no matter how little of it you eat?

    Just wanted to know your opinions on this idea as I hear it a lot around the boards.

    What you eat doesn't matter for weight loss.

    What you eat does matter for how you feel.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    It's Not true for ME. If I stay within my macros and calories, but eat doritos as part of my carbs, as I don't lose weight. If I do it and eat brown rice instead, I generally do.

    So, for me it does matter. For others it might not. Everyone is different.

    You have PCOS or some kind of other disorder?
  • samuelzmom
    samuelzmom Posts: 15 Member
    I recently ran across a book by Gary Taubes called "Good Calories, Bad Calories: Fats, Carbs, and the Controversial Science of Diet and Health." Check it out for the scientific reasoning behind this topic.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    While I agree that it can be a terrible way to eat health wise, I am proof you can lose weight eating whatever as long as it is in your limit. I lost 112lbs eating 1200 cal a day for a year and some of those days were very little food and lots of alcohol on party days, some of them were nothing but rice cakes, some had chocolate or bacon or "bad" foods, but I stayed in my calorie limit.

    That being said, I also lost lots of my hair from malnutrition as I didn't get enough vitamins and I quickly regained 87lbs when I stopped being strict on my calories combined with a weight gain inducing medication.

    How does getting enough protein and not too many carbs or fat and staying under your calories amount to "a terrible way to eat?"
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    This whole thread is subjective, and I don't think I am missing the point. I completely understand the body doesn't know the difference in terms of what you put it.. It processes what you put in regardless. Its up to you to use your mind and make right choices when making food choices. There is so much more that goes into that Big mac that is not included in your metrics that plays a row in the human body, these things need to be accounted for.

    I understand that if you eat at a deficit you will loose weight.. Its all numbers and focusing purely on the numbers is not what gets you from 300lbs 170lbs..

    You have to look at the big picture... There is so much more than the numbers that goes in to be successful at weight loss and I think those who are fit and are looked at as examples for those who are trying to get fit are being irresponsible for condoning this method.

    By the numbers it works.. I can admit that, but it is totally inadvisable in my opinion..

    Now to answer the whole what if they worked out int he morning... Since Johnny only at a cracker for dinner he wakes up ravenous eats the left over oreoes in his pantry works out and has a big mac again for lunch totally pushing his numbers to the max... Because he is REALLY hungry at dinner time he decides to forget this and gives up....... Poor johnny ..

    Inadvisable for who?
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    How about, any posts from hereon out have to start with "From my personal experience, __________"
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    I think that it matters what you eat. If you eat mcdonald's everyday and are still under your calorie limit, you're going to gain weight form all the fats and preservatives. "You can't outrun a bad diet."
    I'd like to hear how the laws of thermodynamics gets trumped here. Weight gain (actual fat) when calorie surplus isn't met is HIGHLY unlikely and practically impossible.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    In my experience, it definitely does matter. For my first 50 pounds lost, I ate the same every day, Weight Watchers meals, low cal noodles, etc. Then I suddenly stopped losing.. So this week I tried something different, fruit smoothies in the morning, homemade chicken and vegetable soup for lunch, chicken and a plate of veg for dinner, fruit smoothie in the evening, and plenty of water. I have lost over 5 pounds this week alone..
    So you either ate less, or worked out more to lose actual tissue weight. Or your sodium was probably reduced, which is what I'm assuming since you ate your meals.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I don't ever work out. And I haven't been eating less, just cleaner
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    This argument never gets solved.

    For anyone looking to figure out the truth here's one thing you can try. Check out the stats of the people posting on each side of the argument. It's usually a good way to know who's full of S and who isn't. That's what I always do.

    Bah. These people won't F'ing listen.

    They really should. Listening to guys like you, Niner and ACG got me where I am.

    And I got to eat ice cream!


    There is always room for ice cream in any diet

    ICE CREAM FTW! :drinker:
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    In my experience, it definitely does matter. For my first 50 pounds lost, I ate the same every day, Weight Watchers meals, low cal noodles, etc. Then I suddenly stopped losing.. So this week I tried something different, fruit smoothies in the morning, homemade chicken and vegetable soup for lunch, chicken and a plate of veg for dinner, fruit smoothie in the evening, and plenty of water. I have lost over 5 pounds this week alone..
    So you either ate less, or worked out more to lose actual tissue weight. Or your sodium was probably reduced, which is what I'm assuming since you ate your meals.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I don't ever work out. And I haven't been eating less, just cleaner

    Cleaner = Less calories = Calorie deficit under TDEE = losing weight. If you track the same with just any type of food, the result is the same.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Nope. In the beginning when I started, that was true...then my body got used to eating good things and I could only lose weight if I ate really clean. I'm the same way now, which is why I'm avoiding certain foods because I actually want to lose weight!! lol I will still allow myself a treat, but not until I get back into my routine of eating very healthy and working out. :happy:

    When you eat within your calories or macros, you can still be missing nutrients. There's no perfect way to eat all your carbs, hit your protein goal, eat enough fiber, etc. It's going to vary, but as long as you keep working at it... eat whole grains for your carbs and eat lots of protein, fruit & veggies, you should be okay. Limit the bad stuff but don't completely eliminate it, or it will be very hard to resist it since you haven't had it in a while. Then when you eat it, you might not even care for it anymore! :happy:
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member

    In my experience, it definitely does matter. For my first 50 pounds lost, I ate the same every day, Weight Watchers meals, low cal noodles, etc. Then I suddenly stopped losing.. So this week I tried something different, fruit smoothies in the morning, homemade chicken and vegetable soup for lunch, chicken and a plate of veg for dinner, fruit smoothie in the evening, and plenty of water. I have lost over 5 pounds this week alone..

    Your body just got used to what you were eating. Just like working out, your body adjusts to your diet. You have to mix things up once in a while. That's all you did. You gave your system a "wake up." It doesn't make a difference what you eat.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    It's Not true for ME. If I stay within my macros and calories, but eat doritos as part of my carbs, as I don't lose weight. If I do it and eat brown rice instead, I generally do.

    So, for me it does matter. For others it might not. Everyone is different.
    Um sodium does matter. That's a micronutrient. Over exceed it and water retention happens. Counter with more water and potassium for the correct ratio.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I follow IIFYM. Or I did. I'm not currently tracking.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I know for a fact that throwing the "clean food" concept more or less out the window and going IIFYM has worked just fine for me. Carbs, fats, and proteins are carbs, fats, and proteins so far as anything I've read can prove. I have continued to lean out and get stronger.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    Should we apply a bit of real life here and not all theory

    My maintain is about 2750. I work out my calories carefully and precisely

    If I eat well, chicken etc at those calories my weight stays the same but I look relatively toned and well

    If I eat crap and buscuits I stay the same weight but I get a saggy gut and feel flabby.

    A calorie is a calorie - but is you want to look good the macros have to be right


    Maybe I'm not quite getting your point.

    If you are saying you can eat whatever you want as long as the calories are right then bottom line is I don't agree with you
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member

    Now to answer the whole what if they worked out int he morning... Since Johnny only at a cracker for dinner he wakes up ravenous eats the left over oreoes in his pantry works out and has a big mac again for lunch totally pushing his numbers to the max... Because he is REALLY hungry at dinner time he decides to forget this and gives up....... Poor johnny ..

    Those are different foods than initially stated, and that combination probably would not fit into his macros. The whole 'moderation' piece is missing from your argument.

    This would be more moderate - Johnny wakes up to do his workout - he has a banana before because he is hungry. After his workout, he has a beautiful egg omelette with cheese, veggies, and a bowl of oatmeal. For lunch he has a big mac and fries. Since his carbs are getting too high for his macros, he drinks tea instead of soda. For dinner he has chicken, veggies and brown rice. After looking at his portions and macros for the day, he works in an evening snack. Tonight he chooses ice cream. All within calories, balanced macros and a good balance of micros. What is wrong with that picture?
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    You will still lose weight, as long as you stay under your caloric goals, but that doesn't mean you'll be healthy/feel good if you have crappy food.
  • casslivingston91
    Yes I do, I still eat "junk" once a week, I still eat chocolate, pizza, burgers and fries and that other crap and I've lost almost 50lbs and STILL losing weight, it's all a matter of moderation.
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    Am I the only one who initially read "IIFYM" as "If It Fits in Your Mouth?" Because I like that better.