"It doesn't matter what you eat, IIFYM."



  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member

    If it fits your tummy you can eat all the time?
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    My original question was what *FOOD* can provide only protein as an ingredient.

    Chicken and Turkey breast aren't pure protein, but pretty darn close, especially when all visible fat is removed.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    All this talk of waffles made me want one. *munch* *slurp*

    Ahhhhhhh. That's better.

    Carry on.

  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    Ok, Google failed me. I don't get that acronym. :ohwell:

    That's because I totally made that acronym up.

    I am however following the principles of "IIFYTYCEATT" with great success recently.

    It involves no calorie counting, no macro tracking, no special diet and yet has resulted to stable strength levels, loss of body fat and increased power output on my bike.

    It's a sweet gig....
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member

    If it fits your tummy you can eat all the time?

    You're a genius!

    But no. Close though ;)
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Somewhat fitting in the context of this thread as it defintiely applies to the IIFYM school of thought....

    Does anyone know if any company makes a protein enriched ice cream? I can never find one at the grocer, the best bet is usually the low cal stuff which tends to have a better protein:calorie ratio than normal ice cream.

    If not there is seriously a market niche there waiting to be exploited. High protein "treats" are slowly but surely picking up steam, expecially what amount to high protein candy bars. Ice cream would seem to lend itself quite well to protein enrichement, being a dairy product.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Does anyone know if any company makes a protein enriched ice cream? I can never find one at the grocer, the best bet is usually the low cal stuff which tends to have a better protein:calorie ratio than normal ice cream.

    If not there is seriously a market niche there waiting to be exploited.

    I don't know the brand but they actually have this on the food menu at the health club I am a member of here in the UK.

    It's nice but costs a fortune!
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    It's nice but costs a fortune!


    Whey protein is cheap. Ice cream is cheap. Combine them..... and make made profits.
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    Somewhat fitting in the context of this thread as it defintiely applies to the IIFYM school of thought....

    Does anyone know if any company makes a protein enriched ice cream? I can never find one at the grocer, the best bet is usually the low cal stuff which tends to have a better protein:calorie ratio than normal ice cream.

    If not there is seriously a market niche there waiting to be exploited. High protein "treats" are slowly but surely picking up steam, expecially what amount to high protein candy bars. Ice cream would seem to lend itself quite well to protein enrichement, being a dairy product.

    Saw some last week at my local health food store! Cant remember the name of the brand though...the only thing stopping me from buying it was the big, gaping hole in my wallet! :laugh:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    <---- HUGE fan of high protein candy bars! HAHAHA (Snickers Marathon comes to mind)

    Somewhat fitting in the context of this thread as it defintiely applies to the IIFYM school of thought....

    Does anyone know if any company makes a protein enriched ice cream? I can never find one at the grocer, the best bet is usually the low cal stuff which tends to have a better protein:calorie ratio than normal ice cream.

    If not there is seriously a market niche there waiting to be exploited. High protein "treats" are slowly but surely picking up steam, expecially what amount to high protein candy bars. Ice cream would seem to lend itself quite well to protein enrichement, being a dairy product.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I think it depends on where you are on your journey. When I had a lot to lose it just mattered calories....not macros....but when I got down to "vanity" pounds I had to really clean up my eating or I saw no progress.
  • charlesd9078
    When I eat too many carbs, I feel gross and headachey and chest-painy and sick and tired.

    Sure, I'll probably still lose weight, but I don't feel good doing it, and feeling good is my ultimate goal.

    I'll have a cookie or a small serving of ice cream every day and hit my numbers, but I feel like living 100% off of 'iifym' is gonna make you feel like crap. Someone around the forums recommends an 80/20 ratio of good food to bad food (good food being food that nourishes your body and bad food being food that you just want cause it tastes good), and I think that's a reasonable thing to go by.

    I love this! I ate pancakes with syrup for lunch yesterday and felt like crap! I'm glad its not just me.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    But what if my macros are set to 50% carbs, 50% fat?

    Om nom nom!
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Yeah, you'll probably loose weight but what about your health? Internal organs? Hair? Skin? Nails? Teeth? It's not just about losing weight it's about being healthy.


    I think everyone should indulge from time to time and as a matter of fact I have chocolate on a regular basis. I've also gone out to dinner with friends, had pizza, bbqed, done the holiday cheats..... I get wanting to lose weight and for a long time that was all I cared about but now it's about health for me. YES I want to lose weight but I want my body to feel great while doing so. I could fit McDs in my calorie budget daily but even a plain cheeseburger there sends my body into super sick mode. Quality is amazingly important! To each his own but I do think you should feed your body for health and not just weight loss! :happy: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I think it's true.

    I lost 30lbs eating pizza, chips, pop, candy, etc. But I made sure my calories were always spot on.

    But after I lost the first 30lbs I decided I wanted to try to do this the healthy way and now my weight loss has stalled. ): BOOOO
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    I think it's true.

    I lost 30lbs eating pizza, chips, pop, candy, etc. But I made sure my calories were always spot on.

    But after I lost the first 30lbs I decided I wanted to try to do this the healthy way and now my weight loss has stalled. ): BOOOO

    That's not what "If It Fits In Your Macros" means. IIFIYM means that you hit your nutrient goals (% carbs, fat, protein, etc.) and stay within your calorie goal. This pretty much guarantees that you're eating a balanced diet.
  • libbymcbain
    libbymcbain Posts: 206 Member
    Maybe because things like waffles have so few nutrients in them, if someone eats them consistently, their body would still be craving nutrients and so they would be driven to eat more. So if a person don't eat nutritiously, it will be harder for them to follow their macros i.e. they will likely try to eat more cos they're still looking for nutrients. It's just making self-control a harder job.

    I find when I eat nutritiously (and especially if I eat 30-50g of fibre a day- you have to have whole grains, legumes and lot of fruit and veggies in the to hit that) I struggle to eat my calories in a day and I never feel hungry. I am aware that there are times I am running off fat calories rather than food, but it's not unpleasant because my body has plenty of nutrients kicking around inside it to keep it going in other ways.

    I think hunger/food cravings aren't just about calories, it's about nutrients- so if you need more vitamins or minerals, your body drives you to look for them- so in a horrible vicious circle, the less nutritious your food is, the more food you want to eat. In the context of a healthy, nutrient rich diet, the odd thing won't kill you- but your body will notice the difference. It'll be like "hey, I just got ripped off there, there wasn't anything good I can use to sustain myself in that ". So someone can be left with a nutrition deficit they have to make up. Maybe if having the waffles with berries and greek yogurt wouldn't feel so gross. I know try to avoid foods that are "moreish"- it's a sure sign they didn't give me enough nutrients. So I will go and eat an apple or something else nutritious instead to break the nutrient deficit cycle.

    And that's before you even get into blood sugar spikes and hormonal effects of certain foods...
  • doubleduofa
    doubleduofa Posts: 284 Member
    For me, there is a difference. I am hypothyroid, and treated, but it is still a struggle to lose weight. Certain foods make me retain water, while others don't. As much as it pains me to say, refined carbs can be a big enemy for me. I'm still trying to figure out my body. I also think I have food sensitivities. I avoid peanuts and I think I should start avoiding oats again. I feel that they also make me retain water and affect other autoimmune conditions that I have.

    I think what I eat also affects how I feel and that is very important to me. This journey isn't just about losing weight to me, but figuring out what makes me feel the best and what makes me healthier. I don't like feeling tired, sluggish, sick to my stomach, headachey, bloated, etc. So, while some people can eat taco bell and lose weight (and go them!), I can't (because I won't lose) and I won't (because it makes me feel gross). In the end, I want to be healthy and happy, regardless of weight lost. I want to learn to eat to fuel my workouts, build muscle, and lower my triglycerides (which is going against genetics and a thyroid condition for me!).

    McDonalds is one of those places that I cannot go. Just thinking about getting something there (besides an egg mcmuffin...childhood favorite!), makes my stomach turn because I've literally felt so sick after eating it too many times. Last time I ate the popcorn chicken there, I got one of the worst migraines of my life. I'd rather make myself a burger at home, where I know what went into it, and I can really have it "my way."
  • JaphyDeluxe
    JaphyDeluxe Posts: 1 Member
    It works really well for me, mostly because it's hard to hit my macro and calorie numbers and still eat like ****. If I want to get my protein in and stay under my calorie goal, then I pretty much HAVE to eat healthy.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    It DOES matter what you eat, having a day full of nutrient dense foods like veggies, fruits, meats, dairy and grains is no where near the same as having a day full of processed convenient foods.

    Yes you will lose weight either way, but will you be Healthy? not so much. Alot of processed foods have no nutrients in them, they have a bunch of fillers and additives to preserve things to sit on a shelf.

    Feed your body the nutrition it needs so it can heal itself. Help you be able to fight off colds, build your immune system, all these things need good solid nutrients from the food we consume :)

    Processed foods have "no nutrients in them"? Got anything to back that up or are you done making things up?

    Ok this is one of the first posts I ever posted at the time, so maybe I didn't word things exactly right. They don't have near the same amount of nutrients as fresh whole food. If you look at more then half the things on the shelf, alot have one or two normal ingredients and not much else but things you can't pronounce, fillers, additives, and preservatives. For me, I would rather eat things that have more nutrition in them and if I do eat that stuff it is something in small amounts and on occasion, I don't eat it all the time because I would rather eat something that has more nutrients in it. It is common sense that vegetables do not have the same nutrients as a boxed process item. I agree with this way of eating even if it isn't something I follow, I apologize I didn't word things the correct way, believe me I have learned since being on here you have to completely specific.

    And if you don't agree with me then you don't, but I do not believe they are nutritionally the same, I don't need scientific proof of it, that is what I choose to believe. I live pretty holistically and have benefited greatly from cutting these things out for the most part and I truly believe when eaten all the time in excess, I don't think they are good for you. We already have enough pollutants and crap toxins going in us, if I can minimize it the best I can with the food I put in my body I would rather do that. If you choose not to, Im not knocking you, that is your choice. I am giving my opinion of my own experiences and like I said, I have learned now that I need to point that out, which is why I am replying to this.

    And I was more talking about the people that say they eat this way but then eat fast food, processed stuff ALL DAY EVERY DAY (which I have seen a lot do, this isn't abnormal), and from the ones I have seen are not hitting their macros, they go over in certain ones and under in others. I do not believe they are following this approach if that is what they are doing, that is pretty much cals in/cals out only and I think people like this do sometimes give this approach a bad name to some people. I have seen a lot of people that do the IIFYM DO eat healthy, having a small treat and staying in your macros, that doesn't make them a bad eater. I think sometimes people that see this without understanding what it is just take it as they can eat whatever they want. If you are hitting your macros then most likely you are getting in healthy foods with fiber, proteins and such.

    Again sorry if my intent of my first message wasn't clear, I wasn't knocking IIFYM, I was stating more to people that think it means "I can eat whatever I want".