Ladies and Men Opinions on Makeup



  • PaveGurl
    PaveGurl Posts: 244 Member
    Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I like it and think it's fun, but I will roll out of bed and go without and not feel badly about it. I had really bad acne when I was younger, and it took me a very long time to not feel self conscious about my scarring and uneven skin, but now I kinda like it.

    'Course, a lot depends on the light in the bathroom, too *laugh*
  • PapaDunx
    PapaDunx Posts: 243
    I read somewhere, that man is too blind to see a woman made up, so that a woman only makes up for other women.

    Might have been Germaine Greer, or someone like that.

    But anyway, Im all in favour of au natural, unless there is a reason (dinner out, friends coming round, she wants something), but my favourite view of a woman, is that first glimpse in the morning.
    Nothing more natural, than the snoring, the dribbling and ALL the F^&^%*%^n duvet!!!

    If your men like that view, then girls, you've got a keeper!
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I wear makeup about twice a month lol i just hate having crap on my face.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    for me it depends on the weather. If its summer outside I usually dont wear it because it melts off of my face, but in Ny up near Canada ) where I live, in the winter I loose all the color from my face, so in the winter I tend to put a little bit of blush and lip gloss on. Maybe mascara otherwise I get the are you sick comment all day at work. lol
  • _Elemenopee_
    _Elemenopee_ Posts: 2,665 Member
    I only wear make-up for parties where there will be pictures so I don't look all oily or washed out and Casper-like from the flash.

    Otherwise? Au Naturale, all the time! I couldn't imagine feeling the need or fear of having to wear make-up all the time.
  • tbspoon09
    I started having severe seasonal allergies a few years ago and was constantly rubbing my eyes or blowing my nose. So it was pointless to wear makeup when I just ended up rubbing it off. My allergies have improved but I continue to go without makeup but I do wear tinted lip balm to keep my lips from being dry and it does give a nice look. I save a lot of time in the morning because I don't have to "put on" my face:)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    I try to keep my make up natural looking. Unless I have a hot date and want to look sexy, then I tease my beard and apply my fake lashes.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Makeup smells AWFUL. Looks nice, if used sparingly, but I don't want to be within 5 feet of it.

    (perfume is 100x worse.)
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    I dont wear make up..and my hair is usually in a ponytail. the only time i wear make up is during special occasions or parties..which are pretty rare...

    I dont feel weird not wearing any...kind of happy that at my age..I can go out without makeup..
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 692 Member
    I wear make up every day. I am one of those women that feels like I need to wear my make up in order to present myself to public or even strangers at the grocery store. Some days I wear more than others but at the bare minimum I always wear my foundation and a little mascara. I have melasma on my face and my immediate family are the only people who have ever seen me without any make up on.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Rarely wear it. Don't need to. I'm freaking adorable. :bigsmile: (Srsly, do need something on my lips so I don't get asked if I'm sick.)
  • jessicae1aine
    I own: 2 eyeliners (black, and olive) and one tube of mascara. They get used for job interviews, that's about it... which means very, very rarely. (I've been at my current job for almost 3 years.)
  • joconnor09
    joconnor09 Posts: 124
    I hardly ever wear makeup. Usually I'm just too lazy to put any on. I of course always try to shower, just so I don't walk around all smelly with greasy hair. But makeup is entirely optional for me. If I want to look extra nice, I'll put some on, but even then it's not a lot. The way I see it, I look the way I look and nothing is going to change that (excluding weight loss and plastic surgery that is...). If people don't like it, well, not much I can do about it. I totally get why women are uncomfortable being seen without it though. Society constantly tells us that we only have worth if we're wearing makeup. We should only be seen in public if we're flawless. I just don't have time for that garbage. I often find that if women wear makeup all the time, and then one day they don't, they look sick, like they have a cold or something. But if my norm is no makeup, then my face looks normal- and if I have makeup on, then bam! all of a sudden I look so much better- skin's even, eyes pop, etc. But most days I don't put any on.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I try to keep my make up natural looking. Unless I have a hot date and want to look sexy, then I tease my beard and apply my fake lashes.

    That's hot. :wink:
  • mgoetsch1982
    mgoetsch1982 Posts: 392 Member
    I go out all the time without makeup...when I do wear makeup, it's very minimal, concealer, blush, shadow, mascara, maybe lip gloss. Less is more is my opinion.

    I completely agree! I wear makeup for work and if I am going on a date (which has happened once in the past year!). Otherwise, I go without it. It does help your skin if you let it have a few days without makeup. When I do wear makeup, I keep it natural. I don't even know how to do a "smokey eye" lol.
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    Here's other reasons some of us guy's prefer no make-up:

    1) It's not natural and possibly not healthy
    2) You're gonna take it off eventually anyway
    3) If you use too much it will mark up my clothes and pillow cases
    4) It's gonna run and look awful when you watch that tear jerker chick movie
    5) 9/10 times, you will always look just as good if not better with no make up
    6) We love you just the way you are!
  • med2017
    med2017 Posts: 192 Member
    i dont have time to wear makeup nor does it really matter to me if i have it or dont. used to be really caught up with this whole wear make up every day thing maybe when i was 16 but since then i dont really wearit. if anything i would put some face cream and eye cream to hide to get the moisture and some tinted moisturizer and possibly light powder and verrry light blush.
    if i go out on the weekends, (rare) then i would put on the whole thing on eye liner shadow etc etc, but always in brown tones and nude lipstick.

    i think sometimes a girl needs a day to feel pretty put on body lotion take her time and take care of herself and feel a day where i am on the top of the world and indulge with some sushi :) (when too busy to take care of yourself daily ):flowerforyou: :happy: :tongue:
  • JDSmith90
    JDSmith90 Posts: 8 Member
    meh....depends on the occasion. Sometimes I wear it sometimes I dont.



    You honestly look great both ways. Personally think you should always keep the glasses though. Glasses are sexy haha.
  • JDSmith90
    JDSmith90 Posts: 8 Member
    i dont have time to wear makeup nor does it really matter to me if i have it or dont. used to be really caught up with this whole wear make up every day thing maybe when i was 16 but since then i dont really wearit. if anything i would put some face cream and eye cream to hide to get the moisture and some tinted moisturizer and possibly light powder and verrry light blush.
    if i go out on the weekends, (rare) then i would put on the whole thing on eye liner shadow etc etc, but always in brown tones and nude lipstick.

    i think sometimes a girl needs a day to feel pretty put on body lotion take her time and take care of herself and feel a day where i am on the top of the world and indulge with some sushi :) (when too busy to take care of yourself daily ):flowerforyou: :happy: :tongue:

    You are beautiful without makeup anyway.
  • tennesseeleigh
    I wear minimal makeup so it's no big deal for me to go out without any on. I do have really nice skin though (and yes, I'm vain about it). The only thing I never go out without applying is sunscreen.