What does your SO (Signifigant Other) do to support you?



  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    My honey he supports me telling me not to get that or get junk food at the store.
    He was on this for a few days but then stopped using it.
    But he does support me in this.
  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    He tries to cook healthier meals these days, and will eat whatever I cook. He doesn't complain that the kitchen is entirely gluten free - he keeps a loaf of bread for sandwiches at work, and takes fillings with him from home, and he eats my gluten free baking now rather than buying cakes and biscuits.

    He will ask if I want any alcohol rather than automatically buying me some when he buys beers for himself. he drinks rather too much I think, but he drinks less than he did a year or two ago.

    He encourages us cooking and eating in and not getting takeaways or eating out.

    He comes mountain biking with me and walking the dog.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    He's prepared to try new things to eat, and doesn't insist on a big starchy carb with every meal.

    I do my own breakfast - he doesn't really eat brekafats - and I'm at work for lunch, so it's only really one meal a day we share.

    He doesn't complain about the noise I make bouncing to 30 DS every morning!

    And he lends me his weights.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Mine is funny. Every night he looks at my dinner plate when I am sitting down to eat and asks, "Did you weigh that?"

    Mine would say that with HIS fork hovering over MY plate, ready to take a bite! He is such a stinker....
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I think every woman on here who has an unsupportive husband should get a dog. My dog is my best friend and the best running partner I could ever ask for. :happy:
    SO done... I don't know what I'd do without my pup...
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Every once in a while, my wife will catch me coming out of the shower and just stare. As I have the towel wrapped around my waist and before I can put on some underware, she will sometimes say "hang on a second".
    So, I stand there like an idiot for a minute and she will finally say something like "Yep, kayaking is working for you".

    Brown Chicken Brown Cow!!
    Is it sad that I had to google that?
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,804 Member
    offers me ice cream and tells me to just eat it when I want something unhealthy but im trying to convince myself out of it lol.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    agrees without question to handle dinner preparation when I am running late and just need to get a run in between getting home from work and sitting down for supper- and waits to eat with me when the "quick turn around the block" inevitably turns into a 6.75k run!
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    My husband is walking a 5K with me this weekend, going my speed, not his faster speed. I was worried about finishing last since I'm so slow, and he said he would let me finish before him so I wouldn't be last. ♥
  • talaysia3
    talaysia3 Posts: 84 Member
    One word ....SABOTAGE!

    These are typical conversations at my house:
    me: "Honey, I'm going to cut alcohol out of my diet and see if that helps".
    him: "Hey babe, I picked up your favorite wine to go with dinner tonight, and I bought chips and salsa, cheese and crackers to go with it"

    me: "I have to get my workout in this morning"
    him: "Can you help me with this, and then this, and then this???" and at the end of the day "Hey don't you need to get your workout in?"

    me: "I have healthy salads planned tonight with grilled chicken"
    him: "I have freshly baked bread and loads of butter to go with it"

    You get the idea --- he eats,drinks, doesn't work out, and yet his weight stays within a healthy range. Now I know he isn't truly healthy...and that's what I have to keep in my head. But it is still so frustrating to not have the support I need from him.

    I get this too :(
  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    Every once in a while, my wife will catch me coming out of the shower and just stare. As I have the towel wrapped around my waist and before I can put on some underware, she will sometimes say "hang on a second".
    So, I stand there like an idiot for a minute and she will finally say something like "Yep, kayaking is working for you".

    Brown Chicken Brown Cow!!
    Is it sad that I had to google that?

    Yes,,,,, very sad :)