I GAVE Up PASTA... should I give up dairy too



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Everything in Moderation is the One True Way.

    There is no other way.

    Everyone knows that.

    To suggest that there is an alternative that may work for some people is crazy-talk.

    And a diet without grains is just dangerous. It's one of the food groups, so it is absolutely necessary for optimal health. Oh, and it's "heart healthy".

    Lol...troll much :P

    This would be an example of someone using sarcasm to make a point.

    (Trolls generally don't have a serious message underlying their posts. If you read my post *real* closely, you can see it.)

    I have a theory...the reason why people are so adamant that EIM is the *only* way...because if there *is* another way than EIM, a way that says that certain foods are actually *not* good for you, then they can no longer use the IIFYM excuse to eat whatever they want. They actually have to consider the benefit (or detriment)...the nutrient density, or lack thereof...of the food, and most people really don't want to do that. So to justify their behavior, they attack anyone who proposes an alternative to their approach.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    Everything in Moderation is the One True Way.

    There is no other way.

    Everyone knows that.

    To suggest that there is an alternative that may work for some people is crazy-talk.

    And a diet without grains is just dangerous. It's one of the food groups, so it is absolutely necessary for optimal health. Oh, and it's "heart healthy".

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :noway: :bigsmile:
  • cybercpa
    If you give up dairy, just make sure you are getting enough calcium. :bigsmile:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    You have asked for the source, and appear to feel I'm lying about reading this study, because I can't produce it for you to review and disagree with (sorry that I haven't kept a running log of everything I've read and the sources over the past year). I feel bad for you though, that your level of trust is so low, that you can't believe a person (even a stranger on the internet) when they say they have read a study.

    Well that's just adorable.

    In the time it took you to make multiple posts about how it was everyone's job but your own to prove your claim correct, you could have just found one of the several studies you claim exist and linked to it. I'm pretty sure I know why you didn't, though.

    Yup, I'm sure I know why too!
  • dkp4469
    actually dreamfilds pata has 5 grams of carbs perserving... if you can stick to a serving... its really good and if you have it once aweek I think you would be okay and not feel deprived????/
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    No pasta and dairy = a life not worth living.

  • lara1331
    there is a pasta called dream fields I belielve? Doesnt have carbs? Depending on your age have to watch with the dairy, need your calcium, but can also get that from dark green leafy veggies. But there are alot of lowfat dairy options out there, lowfat yogurt, cottagecheese, fat free milk if your a milk drinker. I wouldnt give it up but thats just me. I like my dairy. I suppose it depends on what your goals are and what your trying to achieve??

    This a good idea but watch out for those low fat dairy products. A lot of them have massive amounts of sugar in them and that will turn to fat if you don't exercise it all off.
  • ashleen7
    ashleen7 Posts: 258 Member
    Why would you give up a food altogether that you don't have an allergy or intolerance too I don't see the point, MODERATION is the key to a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. I believe all foods have their place. I know if I gave up pizza, chocolate, wine, beer or other "non-essential" food I'd fall off the wagon quicker than you could say "pizza hut!"!!
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    I be damn if I give anything I love!

    Moderation = Success

    ^:heart: This!
  • kokaneesailor
    kokaneesailor Posts: 337 Member
    I think all this anti pasta, anti dairy is a cycle. Someone get's bad info and then start's to circulate it. It snow balls, then everyone is scared to eat anything.

    North American portions are huge compared to our European counterparts. ( Where pizza and pasta came from)

    You can have your cake and eat it too. The problem is that we want and often eat the entire cake instead of having a small slice.

    A balanced diet and doing an accurate calorie count is key to weight loss.

    I will continue to eat my homemade pasta and yogurt .

    Good luck with your search

  • jenillawafer
    jenillawafer Posts: 426 Member
    I gave up cow milk for almond milk so that I don't cramp and fart on people. Other than that? no.

    ^ This. That's the only reason, period. By the way, you have the same icon as I do. Har har :laugh:
  • CopperGalaxy
    CopperGalaxy Posts: 27 Member
    Give it a serious try. I've not eaten dairy for months now, just soy and almond milk. It's honestly not as hard as you think.

    I used to have a constant post-nasal drip which has cleared up in the last few months. Couldn't believe it. It's these small changes that make you realise how important diet is in eliminating little things that annoy you.