Milk does NOT do your body good!



  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    We are naturally designed to use our legs. Walk your butt to work.

    Your mattress is unnatural. Sleep on the ground.

    Your shoes are unnatural. Go barefoot.

    Toilets are unnatural. Go *kitten* in the neighbor's yard.


    Animals sleep on the ground and use their bare feet. Why can't we? They also eat raw meat. Why can't we? Some species show competition by eating the competitor's babies. Why can't we?

    I'm a little tired of being compared to animals.

    We are animals also. And we used to do all of the things that you stated above. And some people are going back to living like what you mentioned above.

    Shoes, mattresses and such are not natural and wonder why so many have neck, back and feet problems.

    I was wondering what the funny smell coming from my yard was... must be all of those natural-living folks you're talking about!
  • armishia
    armishia Posts: 34 Member
    In your research did you read that Vitamin D is also a fat burner?

    Sure, milk can deliver bone-building calcium, and some studies suggest that calcium promotes fat burning, but that's not the whole story, or perhaps even the most important part. Milk is also an important source of vitamin D, otherwise known as the sunshine vitamin. Researchers are now discovering that vitamin D is an important player in metabolism, as well as bone development. The problem is that up to 70 percent of us routinely get less than we need, If you live in the northern states (any above the line from New York City to Northern Carolina), the sun is strong enough for your body to make the vitamin D only from May to September. What's more, sunblock with a SPF higher that 8 will block the UV rays necessary to make vitamin D.
    Good to know: Three cups of milk a day deliver your daily dose of calcium and about 75 percent of your vitamin D needs (400 IU a day). For the rest, hang out in the sunshine for about five minutes a day to get some light on your hands, face and arms. Other good food sources include eggs, and fish such as salmon, sardines and herring.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    We are the only specie on earth that drinks milk as adults.

    I bet we're the only species who eat these too (OP's last diary entries in case you were wondering...)

    Team Beachbody - Greenberry Shakeology - Meal Replacement, 1 scoop (40 grams) 140 19 0 16
    Biochem Sports - 100 Calorie Protein Bar , 25 g 100 13 3 6
    Truroots - Sprouted Rice and Quinoa Blend, 1/4 cup 120 31 3 6
    Blue Diamond Almond Breeze - Almond Milk - Unsweetened , 2 cup (240 mL) 80 2 7 2
    Raspberries - Raw, 0.25 cup 16 4 0 0
    Quaker - Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Chew Granola Bar, 1 Bar

    Just saying....

  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I think not... I refer you to the Dude's Pyramid.

  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    <<< The consumption of large quantities of milk is at least 50% responsible for this body looking this good!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    <<< The consumption of large quantities of milk is at least 50% responsible for this body looking this good!

  • FTClown
    FTClown Posts: 181
    <<< The consumption of large quantities of milk is at least 50% responsible for this body looking this good!

    Well Meg, if that is the case, seems milk is the best thing ever... looking good there.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    There are many resources out there. has every disease known linked to milk and studies done for each of those diseases. Skinny ***** by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin is a great book. also has some hardcore truths and eye opening resources.

    LOL at the sources of this so called information. This post is ridiculous and not even worth arguing the points, as are all your other posts.
    Add me on MyFitnessPal.

    What, so you can try to sell me Shakeology? I think not!

  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Um, wrong. Milk is analyzed for antibiotics, micro and other things. If antibiotics are detected in the milk, it is not sold for human consumption. Also, injecting bovine hormone into a cow will not make its way into the milk.
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    I've been drinking 2% milk since I can even remember. My uncle likes everything to be organic and one day he scared me by talking about hormones and pesticides in our food and how they affect our bodies. He told me the body starts reacting to it by growing excessive hair and whatnot. I got scared because I've always had excessive hair on my chin, neck, and chest.

    Not too long ago, I had a blood test to check my hormones. Everything came out perfectly fine. I have enough calcium, Vitamin D, and iron in me, too. The excessive hair is just hereditary from my mother's side of the family and I got hit by it pretty badly. It had nothing to do with what I ate.

    Honestly, it really depends on what your body can handle. 2% pasteurized milk and other dairy products hasn't done anything bad to my body. Plus, you have to eat/drink things in moderation. Obviously your body is going to react badly to milk if you drink the whole gallon in a day.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Here are some of the high points I have read on dairy:

    Milk is designed to make us have the fastest growth spurt of our lives. Double our weight in 6 months, triple at a year, and quadruple at 2. By design it does the same for cows. A 90 lb calf doubles its weight in 47 days and grows to over 2000lbs in 2 years. By design the mother's body is able to detect the nutrients the baby is void of or needs the most of and tailors the milk to meet those needs. So why do we drink the milk of a cow, a mammal 250 times the size of an 8 pound baby. We are the only specie on earth that drinks milk as adults.

    Wait, so cows drink milk all the way up until they reach 2000 pounds? Farming, much?

    We're the only species that cooks our food before we eat it. Do you suggest I start eating my chicken and eggs raw?
    We're the only species that washes our hands before or after eating. How are your feelings on hygiene?
    We're the only species that has sex for pleasure instead of strictly for procreation? Fun, much?
    We're the only species that debate topics on Internet forums. Well.....maybe we should behave more like baby cows when it comes to the internets.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I would say we are the only species that uses MyFitnessPal... but sometimes I have my doubts. :indifferent:
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I :heart: Milk. Nothing would make me give it up (unless I suddenly became allergic if course!).
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Okay then.

    More milk for me! \o/
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    Every week I hear some new news with new "research" on some other food group that is actually "bad" for you. If I stopped eating everything that new "research" says is bad for me, I wouldn't have anything left to eat! Sigh...
  • dlegros
    dlegros Posts: 162 Member
    Every form of liqued is bad for you if you would researched super deep, who cares, it is as with everything, if you don't take to much you be alright :)

    I drink skim milk btw :)

    Remember folks, 100% of people who drink water die! - FACT

  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I like milk, but like everything, I drink it in moderation and tend to mix others into my diet like Almond milk.

    I did read an interesting post once that indicated that you had to supplement Magnesium into your diet or the Calcium might not be as accessible from milk. This isn't the most valid source...just one of many...but I've seen it in many places (see below).

    I did read that sometimes water will have lower levels of Magnesium if you have a water softener system in your home. Ironically, my water is so processed due to our softener that I have to re-add Magnesium and calcium for my fish in my aquariums (ran tests to find out the hardness to determine this). It's only recently that I started to see connections. Either way, it's possible to be deficient in Magnesium. If you have a water softener system, this is a sorta neat picture with facts page.

    These are some additional links that are interesting.

    This is a lengthy document about a study and it's interesting. I didn't read it all (need to download it) but I did see they said that you can get magnesium and calcium from water. That makes me wonder whether a lot of people who have water softener systems might be deficient and not know it. I'd be curious as to whether there have been any studies on this.

    Does anyone else have information about this particular connection between Magnesium and Calcium?
  • SilkyHotspur
    SilkyHotspur Posts: 233 Member
    it's simple....we drink Milk because it tastes good, and because we choose to. If other mammals had a choice, bet they'd like some milk too...
  • stubbssr
    Thanks for sharing! I've heard some of your points before but it's always helpful to be reminded why I stopped drinking milk. Except for almond milk. :)
  • bastgoddess7
    bastgoddess7 Posts: 64 Member
    ^^That is why I drink Almond milk. . BUT Almond milk is amazing and works in almost every instance *regular* milk would. It's also 14 calories an 8oz serving (for unsweetened). 90 calories for sweetened (I prefer the vanilla).