

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hello - back to my own home for a little while! Thanks for everyone who sent along prayers and best wishes. My dad had a partial hip replacement and came through the surgery fine. All the drugs did affect his mind however adding to his prior problems so it was tough for both of us. He's now in a Skilled Nursing facility and his doctor told me to GO HOME---these people are trained to take care of people. Yes, true, but you feel so bad for your loved one---pain, problems understanding what is going on, and caregivers who have too many people to look after so response is always slow.

    Anyway, doing errands and still lots to do on my list.

    I try to read your posts whenever I can. You ladies are the BEST! Thanks again.......

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    hello ,you bublicious group of 50+, I am very much interested in joining your group.Joined Aug.2012. Have lost 10.6 lbs so far. Very motivated to continue with this trend.
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!

    :bigsmile: and welcome bublicious 12774 - I'm careful not to step in it :laugh:
    Lin, welcome home and good that your dad is doing well enough for you to go home :heart:
    :smile: Good for you, rorae taking the pottery class; we should all be doing things we enjoy
    :heart: Jen, we mom's sure love our phone calls from our children; happy yours called. Like your brother I am in the Dallas area, staying indoors at night and using OFF if I don't but will sure be glad when this passes. Several have died.

    Signing off; much to do this afternoon - hope you enjoy yours.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Well, I saw my surgeon today for a post surgery check up and he gave me the go ahead to start some exercising. SOOO....I am telling you all this so you can hold me accountable......no more excuses! Time to get off the butt and get to work, - gradually, of course! :happy:

    (and jb, the photo is inspiring. Good work! and the garden looks great too!)
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Hi everyone. I am having a hard time not weighing in everyday. Part of me wants to say "Fine, I'll log in every day, and record whenever there's a loss." My weigh in day is Friday, but if I see a loss on Wednesday and it's not there on Friday it gets discouraging. I don't want to wait another week to log my losses.

    @Exermom - you're right, the horseback riding really adds to your core body strength. I don't seem to see the thigh workout but I really don't use my thighs much. I am so used to riding bareback I am simply balanced on my rear, rather than gripping with my thighs. I committed to riding my green horse 100 times in 2012. Unfortunately I am way behind. Tonight will be ride 55.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi All,

    Not feeling too good today but wanted to pop by and say hi. Have a headache plus feeling fuzzy headed, think it might be sinuses. Skipping exercise and may even nap to see if I feel better afterwards. I did catch up reading all the great posts! :smile:

    Welcome to all the new people!

    Liz - Glad your dad made out ok with surgery!

    Meg - Hope things get better at home soon!

    Enjoy the rest of the day!

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy September:flowerforyou:

    I'm gone for six days, it's a new month and already we are on page 9:noway: I will probably not get caught up until this weekend when hubby goes camping with Grandson #1, Son #2 and Son #2's FIL...I will get in some good work outs too.

    Las Vegas was fun...it's so NOT a real world place:laugh: When you can buy any form of alcohol and walk down the street with it and no one cares...that's NOT part of where we all live. Sat on a planter (about 4 1/2 ft high watching the people walk by while drinking our drinks...and mine was pretty big:blushing: . Visited the M & M store (it's 4 stories high) and didn't buy one piece of chocolate:bigsmile: Had my 58th Birthday while we were there and the kids took us to the Aria for the Buffet and had Crab Legs & Lobster...it was wonderful:love: We aren't big gamblers but did play the slots a couple of times and walked way with $53.00 so we consider that a win...it paid for a tank of gas:wink: Had a great time with Son #1 & DIL even went to a high school football game and had burgers at the tailgate party before the game. Yep we did do a lot of eating and drinking that is not part of my normal life so will take this next week to get it back together before I record any changes.

    Hope you all have a good weekend over Labor Day for those of you in the US.

    Setting my goals for September. To lose #2 and be within two pounds of my goal and get back on track for the 100 squats. I did manage to do the 20 days of cardio last month so I will shoot for that again.

    Until tomorrow let's log, log and log somemore.

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope you had a good day. Mine was pretty productive and quiet working in my office. My fitness partner Ginny and I went for a walk at lunch; a little hotter than we expected but had a good time anyway. The one thing interesting that happened today was a conference call for a book I’m being hired to be an editor for. I got my “section” assignment: I’ll be overseeing the three trauma/emergency chapters and re-writing 2 of the critical care ones. That was exactly what I wanted! I
    have to go to Philadelphia in October for a formal planning meeting.

    Kathy: awwwww so sorry about your foot. I hope it feels better today. :flowerforyou:

    Janehadji: welcome back! I’m sure the wedding was splendid! At least the mess in your house is fun mess, as opposed to an annoying mess LOL :laugh:

    Jen: I agree with you, it is so helpful to be able to share with non-judgmental and caring women. Glad you finally got to talk with DS

    Classilady: good job on keeping on plan

    Gardengail: you have some great goals.

    Michele: I think you should have charged them LOL :bigsmile:

    Nancy: I am a firm believer in the brain-body connection and often have my students do kinesthetic activities in class, which they think is a little crazy since we are in college! Oh boy have I heard “attachment disorder” a ton! That’s a great cover for “we really don’t have any idea what is going on, but we are sure it’s because of her past”. LOL Thank you for your kind words. She has never been able to master English and now it’s worse since her boyfriend is a Russian and they speak Russian all the time. I’m all for staying fluent in your native language, but she needs to improve her English! She also refuses to talk sometimes. DD#2 is cooking tonight so no dinner drama. My mouth just waters for Russian candy. We each had a square last night…they are ¼ ounce each LOL.

    Barbie: how much house sitting does your DH do? Sounds almost like a full time job.

    Barbara: It sounds like you are finding other ways to stay active. :smile:

    DeeDee: glad you are still on the mend but am sure you are getting frustrated with the slow pace. Thanks for the hug…I needed it! :smile:

    Jb: WOWOWOWOW your pic is so nice! You look great, healthy and fit. Good for you! 65 pounds gone and never to come back! :flowerforyou:

    Jane: hi and nice to see you!

    Lin: glad you are home. You need to care for yourself now. :heart:

    Glenda: ok get to work! LOL! :tongue: Great news from the doc!

    Wessecg: I too am tempted to weigh when I think I look “better” than before and I also get very discouraged on official weigh in day if that change is gone, so to save my sanity…I quit doing it!

    Kathy: thanks for your nice thoughts

    Laura80111: your trip sounds like a blast. Glad you are home safely

    Well, time to get busy. Working on the book before dinner then DH and I HAVE to tackle the dreaded taxes. OMG I can’t figure out why we can’t get them done on time! Welcome to the newbies! Take care, Meg :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Wow what a chatty bunch. Sooo many new faces. I have been so busy lately, no real time to keep up. I joined a new challenge to try to help hold myself accountable. DH and I are off for a weekend getaway to Tillamook Bay for the weekend and I see a lot of cheese in my near future. :bigsmile:

    To all of you newbies, I have been a part of this thread since about March of 2010. These are the strongest, toughest, most caring individuals you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. Welcome.

    All my love

    Robin (Bodi and Ritter too!)
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    lovely post~ awesome goals! hope you've had a good day. i really enjoy reading y'alls posts!

    thanks a LOT!

    janie :flowerforyou:
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Hi ladies

    Jb - what a great picture...both you and the yard. It sounds like you have a ginormous garden and love it!

    Played tennis after work...I am still not very good but the sister bonding is great and we have lots of laughs too.

    I'm a little beat tonight..have not been sleeping well...hopefully tonight will be my night!

    Hugs and high fives
  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    So many new developments for everyone! Love reading all the posts. Hearing about everyone else's exercises routines, goals, and tricks really helps me stay committed to my own plans.

    Meg -- You were so right about those extra pounds fading away. They were gone by this morning, so I'm very glad I got right back on track on Sunday with exercise and food choices so that it didn't get more out of control. Congratulations on getting the book chapters you wanted! Sounds like a big project. I was a freelance editor when my now-16-year-old was a baby, and edited a few books for non-profits and think tanks. It was interesting work -- just hard to always be looking for the next project. Sorry about your daughter's difficulties. I'm now an ESL teacher, so I understand how frustrating it can be when kids don't see the need to improve their English. How long has she been here?

    Lila -- Impressed with your roofing project. My husband would be thrilled! I'm not comfortable on heights any more -- just one of the many byproducts of menopause.

    Kathy -- Good job getting back into the pool for the water walking. And equally good job sticking with your veggies and experimenting with new recipes to stay focused! Hope your recovery keeps coming along. Don't let those occasional "fuzzy" days get to you.

    Jb --You AND your garden look fantastic! Thanks for the encouragement to keep going so we can all post some great "after" photos.

    Julie -- I am so sorry to hear about you mom. Losing a parent is so difficult. I will keep you in my prayers. This is always such a stressful time of year with back-to-school stuff, too, so be sure that you are kind to yourself, even if some of the grief takes a while to catch up to you. Sounds like many of us here have walked a similar road with our parents, so you might find some good support here.

    Diane -- Don't be discouraged about no lbs lost this week. You just haven't lost them YET. They ARE leaving you -- I can feel it. :-) Stick to your goals and you will be successful. It might take a few weeks before you see any change in the scale. Take measurements -- you might see lost inches before you see pounds disappear, and that might help you stay the course.

    Janehadji -- so glad the wedding went well. I'm reaching a point in life when I really enjoy life's happy occasions! I guess having experienced some losses helps put things in perspective. And now you have a trip to look forward to!

    Jen -- What a relief that you heard from DS. How old is he? I will keep him and your whole family in my prayers. My son is talking about careers these days, and military service keeps coming up on his list. Both my parents served in the Navy in WWII, and so I have great respect for all who serve. As a mom, I'm not sure I would know how to deal with the worry. More prayers coming your way!

    Gardengail -- great goals! Classilady -- Way to go!

    Michele -- I admire the variety in all your exercise choices. You seem to do something different every day! I also wish I had your willpower to do all that baking and resist the temptation to sample everything. I haven't done any baking in months.

    Barbie -- Sorry DH has gone back to housesitting. I appreciate your mention of "The Happiness Project," as the source for some of your goals. I especially like the one about not taking things personally. I'll have to locate a copy of that book. :happy:

    Barbara --I was impressed w/your decluttering goal. I can't bring myself to do it. After each of my parents died I inherited boxes of stuff which have gone into the basement. Those boxes are so full of memories -- it's overwhelming. And it's never a quick 10-minute task to go through one box. The stuff seems to expand and multiply once you get started, doesn't it??? Sounds like you did lots of other good stuff today, in my opinion. :smile:

    Jan -- Smoke free for 44 days? That's fantastic! Keep it up! I liked all your reclamation projects at home, too. Sounds like you are large and in charge at your house these days!

    mollymaxjudy1 -- My DH has the metabolism of a hummingbird and the appetite of a camel. He can eat one meal a day and never be hungry. He can cut out beer for a week or 2 and drop 10 pounds. He's been eating my same menus, and has lost the same as I have, but hasn't been working out or paying attention to his food choices. Who knows what he eats during the day?? I'm so jealous that he can lose so easily while I have to be conscious of every crumb and every leg lift. But this time around, I'm trying to be happy for his good fortune, and not let that detract from my own progress.

    Lorarock -- Good strategy to set the timer! I do that for my students who lose track of time -- why not do it for myself??

    Amanda -- Sorry you had a bad day. Hope the evening improved.

    rorae -- Go for that pottery class. And I like the "move every day" idea. I'm such a couch potato at heart.

    Lin -- Glad your dad's surgery went well and that you are able to be home. Helping elderly parents can be such a challenge. Sometimes it's so hard to know what the right thing is.

    Glendalight -- congratulations on getting the green light for exercise and activity after your surgery. Slow and steady as you start up. Have you thought about what kinds of activities you want to do?

    Wessecg -- I struggle with this too, especially since I'm still at the beginning end of the process. I feel like I want to get "credit" for every ounce I lose since it represents such concerted effort. I was driving myself crazy for a few weeks when the scale didn't budge. I decided that I would weigh myself each morning, but I only record it once a week. I also take measurements on that day. It helps me stay on track because when the scale dips, I am motivated to keep it there until my weigh-in day. And if the scale doesn't dip, I usually see some change in the measurements instead, so either way I get to see progress. I also know then that the scale will probably reflect that shift within a few days if I stick with it.

    Laura80111--Happy belated BD. Vegas sounds like it was fun. I went about 15-20 years ago and was surprised that I had a good time. I'm not much of a gambler either. But there was so much to see!

    Time to quit so I can make math vocabulary cards for the Word Wall for tomorrow's lessons. Today's planning session with my younger colleague went much better. She was named "Teacher of the Year" last year so I thought she might be worried that I'm not up to speed since I'm an "oldie but goodie," so I've made a few adjustments this week and that seems to be helping. Planned together until 5:00, then I hit the gym. Dinner was late, but DH did the cooking so I'm not complaining!

    Hugs to all. Log your food. Drink your water, and then drink another!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Made it to the gym for a ½ hour on the elliptical after work. :happy: That brings my total for the month up to 3 hours in 5 days. Not too bad! I didn’t count the 15 minutes of running, skipping, jumping and climbing around the school grounds I did with my students before we started our math lesson.

    Barbie, sorry to hear Jake is off again, frisky poodles are fine, but a fine man is better company I’m sure. Who’s the author of the “Holy Guacamole” mystery? It sounds like my kind of read.

    DeeDee, isn’t it odd – when you have a “holiday” you don’t mind not having much to do. When you have a “sick day” you can’t fill up the time! :ohwell: Have you tried listening to talking books?

    JB, you are beautiful and so is your back yard! :love: I wish we could grow all those chillies, I’d like to try roasting and canning some. Perhaps there will be a few at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday.

    Oh, it’s Fall Fair weekend – that means I will find out what the judges think of my jam and pickles and it will be a specially big market with lots of people showing off their produce. I love the fall fair!

    Glendalight, great news that you can get back to exercising. :drinker: What kinds of things do you like to do?

    Laura, we had the same feeling about Las Vegas – lots of fun, but definitely not the real world. :noway: 20 days of cardio is a great goal!

    Meg, I’m glad to hear you had a quiet day, it sounds like you needed it. What fun to be able to work on a book, and to be assigned the section that is your area of expertise. I do agree about “attachment disorder” being a catch all diagnosis – it was a label we could use to get funding for special services for the family, but it sure didn’t give us anything to work with in terms of program planning.

    Robin – enjoy the cheese! :happy: (I recall ice cream there too!)

    Tomorrow is Thursday…a “Tia’s Training” day :explode: I’m ready to work!


    September goals:
    No bedtime snacks, no second helpings!
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    24 hours of exercise in the month. Total to date: 3 hours
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Nancy, the books I'm reading are by Nancy Fairbanks. there are about a dozen in the series all with clever food names starting with "Crime Brulee"

    :flowerforyou: I've had an exhausting day full of yard work, line dancing, and walking with dogs and later with a friend.....when did I ever find time to teach full time ?:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Polly, when I was teaching it was often said the teaming with another teacher was a more difficult relationship than a marriage...at least in a marriage you can resort to kissing and snuggling if things get uncomfortable.

    :bigsmile: jb, your photo is fabulous

    :flowerforyou: Barbara, in anticipation of our move last year, we did a lot of decluttering and I cried a lot but my best friend (who had moved from a 2500 square foot condo into a one bedroom apartment in a retirement building) kept telling me to be ruthless and reminding me that she cried the whole time she cleared things out, too.

    :heart: :heart: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Barbie from NW Washington
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm back. Marking my spot for this month. Will try to get caught up tomorrow.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    @Jule--so sorry to hear about your mom!:flowerforyou:

    @meg--sorry to hear about dinner and your disagreement with your daughter.
    @Barbie--sure you are missing Jake now that he's back to housesitting again.
    @Dee--it is encouraging to see you feeling better. I know it is a slow process

    The weather has been really nice here in Idaho. Mornings are chilly making for pleasant walks. Work went good today try to cook a new recipe it was not a keeper. I threw it out and got out leftovers.

    Wishing everyone a good night.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Well, after missing a day here, it’s amazing how many interesting posts there are.

    Amanda – what are you translating from Latin?

    Anne –Shetland Islands – wow, this really is a global board. Cool! Welcome and come back often.

    Julie – 19 pounds is phenomenal in a month, good going. You’re going to be a beautiful mother of the bride. When is the wedding? And my condolences on your mother’s passing.

    Isobel – Mr. Christie is crying (but that’s OK). I’m interested in why you are reducing coffee to one a day (I’d probably be homicidal).

    DeeDee and 12774 – mall walking is dangerous for me, I don’t just window shop – I end up power shopping and then regretting the impulse buys. Best I walk in the rain!!

    LzL1958 – just remember that old adage “slow and steady wins the race”. And congratulations on the goal achievement.

    Meg – yes the roofing made me hungry and I want to eat everything in sight, even the dog food looks appealing. Not only that but for some reason today was “bring all the really sweet disgusting tempting things to the ladies at the Village office today” day. We had cupcakes, cinnamon buns, Boston Creams and apple fritters, all brought in by different people. I had a cupcake (and OMG it was sooo sweet).

    Michele – I can hardly wait for the pool pics; maybe I can pretend it’s mine.

    Meg again – my heart goes out to you.

    Robin – Tillamook cheese = mmmmm happy memories.

    I am bouncing up and down a couple of pounds the last few days, my progress chart looks like the Andes. I seem to be very tired, I suspect it is the weather change – went from beautiful to a micro burst of wind then rain. Hope it clears up quickly so I can finish this roof, I hate half-finished projects (which is why I have a hidden box of knitting somewhere in my basement – lol).

    Anyway, I’m going to go and finish my water and crawl into bed to read (more murder mysteries). That’s why I’m tired – getting up all those times in the middle of the night - @#!& water anyway.

    Have a nice day tomorrow all of you.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Good evening, lovelies!

    Polly, Nancy, Lila, Meg (and all the rest I can't remember) you all give such great encouragement! Robin is right this is the greatest group of women I've ever been privileged to meet.

    Barbie, now why didn't I think of that? Maybe if I just let loose and cried:cry::sad: :brokenheart::sad: :cry: while going through boxes, I wouldn't feel so sick. :sick: Have to send Joe out on an errand though, tears make men sooo uncomfortable. And yes, it's not my stuff so much that makes me cry, it's things associated with Mama (gone 16 years) and Papa (gone 24).

    Be not deceived by my exercise minutes, they are not ALL line dancing. Decided that since I'm spending soo much time on food prep to eat fresh and whole instead of pre-packaged and processed, I'm gonna count it. Laundry too. :tongue: Still haven't figured out how to either make lunch the night before (too tired after work and dance class) to leave enough morning time for SWSY and matwork.:ohwell:

    Broke down tonight and had 2 glasses:drinker: of wine with predictable :grumble: overindulgent results, but at least I made myself eat the veggies first :laugh:

    Off to snooze:yawn: , need to be in to work early tomorrow so can sneak out at 5 for church finance committee meeting.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    p.s. JB you are beautiful!:love:


    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    September I resolve to be good to myself:
    eat 7 servings fruits + veggies
    invest 20 minutes in SWSY or on the mat and 10 minutes decluttering
    moderate to 1 glass wine per night (Sat + Sun allow 2 beers/day)
    figure out this darned HRM and uset it at least once
    smile, don't yell...
    2012: dance more, bark less and check in!!!

    SWSY or matminutes: 5=0 4=0 3=0 2=0 1=35
    steps: 5=10486 4=13656 3=6156 2=3567 1=7822
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ya"all, :smile:

    Just checking in. I just worked 6 days in a row and my brain is fried. I work sitting and talking on a computer, so now I am too exhausted to do this any longer tonight. :yawn:
    I did read all of the posts and I do need to catch up! I am doing well and hitting the gym with my 2 DD.:drinker: :drinker:

    I have not been successful with getting to bed at 10:00 pm though. Seems like when I get off work at 8:45 I spend the evening after 2 teenage daughters to get their chores done, and taking care of the dogs.:angry::angry:

    DH is useless, goes to bed at 8:00 pm. I am really like a single parent when it comes to the girls and house duties. Ugh, I am thinking that maybe my DH as Aspergers. :noway: :noway:
    Any way, feeling exhausted at this moment. My job is mentally draining, so I am drained. :indifferent: :indifferent:

    This is not affecting my success. I am putting myself first in this matter!:drinker: :drinker:

    Welcome to all the new ladies! :bigsmile:

    A journey of a life time starts with one step at a time!!!!!!!! Hugs to all, Linda :heart: :smile:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :embarassed: Hi everyone, sorry I've been missing (again) but my goal for September is to check back with you all regularly. :embarassed:

    Really need to get my act together, after doing so well at the beginning of the year, I've put all the weight back on plus a few lbs. So cross with myself, but I am going to pick myself off, dust myself down and start again. I hate feeling so fat and frumpy!!

    There's too many posts to catch up with all your news, but I will try to "keep up" now.

    :flowerforyou: One good thing is that I have been exercising most days (using weights) and can even feel a bit of a muscle peeping through my flabby arms:bigsmile: and of course I am walking the dogs every day.

    My main goal for September is to get back to logging food EVERY DAY!

    Lots of love to all my "old friends" and "hi" to the newbies

    Viv x