

  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Good evening lovely ladies--

    I'm finally back after a long weekend with no computer. I can't believe all the September posts. If I wait to get caught up it will be October before I reply. :laugh: :laugh: Will try to get caught up later.

    We had a good but LONG trip to Ohio.

    On Labor Day DH, my sister, Jill and I took a walk in the Cleveland Metro Parks. We drove and parked and started walking. Jill mentioned walking to Pearl Rd. So that was our goal. We walked and walked. Well, we finally made it. Whew!!!! She took my picture and had a niece post it on facebook. Guess what??? Now we had to walk back. :noway: :noway: I didn't think I could make it all the way back so DH walked back to get the car and pick us up. Jill and I walked as far as I could go. We drove the route to see how far we had walked and surprise, surprise--Jill and I had walked 6 miles :bigsmile: :bigsmile: DH walked 8 miles. I never thought I could walk that far.

    Tuesday spent 16 hrs. in the car. Ugh!!

    Since I got up Wednesday I have a groin pull so I haven't been able to walk since I got home. :sad: :sad: I'll give it another day and try for a long walk on Saturday.

    August goal of reaching 200# was not reached. Weighed 205.5 last week. Down from 211. So still made progress.

    September goals:
    Reach 200# (would love to make it out of the 200's)
    Drink 8-12 glasses of water
    Walk 4-6 days a week (already behind on this due to injury)

    Everyone have a great Friday.

    God Bless you all!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Liz - I've had some recipes that made it into the trash. I usually take it right out to the can by the street. Something inside of me hates to waste food (I think that's a throwback to my parents who grew up during the depression when NOTHING was wasted) so I'm always afraid that I'd eat the not-good stuff just so I'm not wasting the food, only I really don't want it on my waist so in the garbage can it goes. Or else if it's just an appearance-type of thing, I will donate it to the soup kitchen.

    The guys were here putting in the spa. They ran into a bit of a problem. Technically speaking, you're supposed to keep it away from the power lines by 5', ours is more like 4'. Our state just makes the rule of 5', some states it's less. Our installer feels confident that there won't be any problem, and if someone wants to really challenge it, they'd have to dig up the electric pipe and I don't think they're about to do that. The guys didn't leave here until 7:30, but there is water in the spa. No one will be here tomorrow. They want the pump to run for a while and water to sit in the spa so they can check for leaks, etc. Some of the guys will be here Sat. to check the lefeling, etc, and then Mon the electric co (hopefully) will be here to do the bonding inspection and then Tues the guy and the man who will build the retaining wall will be here. Wed. they're planning to put in the footers for the retaining wall and then build it. Vince and I have an MD appt (with the new md just to talk to him and then probably have our records transferred) Wed. but that's not until 1. He'll probably get started building the wall early Wed. and there's not much we can do during the day Wed. The talk was that we would be talking the concrete Thurs or Fri and then early next week pour the concrete. But that's a big IF. They worked late tonight so the guy bought the workers pizza. The one worker's wife and I went and got it since it'd be like 45 minutes for it to be delivered plus it was cheaper for me to pick it up. I did put it on his credit card, tho. Fortunately, I'd just bought some soda so I gave them an ice bucket, cups, they had the pizza, and so on.

    Right now I'm making these cherry spice brownies. There is no way Vince'll eat them with cherry in them (he's so pickey) so hopefully I can give them to the guys.

    jb - I love TSO. Vince likes the fact that they're a rock band but quite technical, too. We built a 2-car detached garage. One half is where he keeps his Outlook, the other half is a music studio for him. The upstairs is his train room. Now I'm getting my pool. I find it so relaxing to just lounge in the pool, now with the sound of the spillover from the spa, it'll be even more relaxing. Looks like we won't have time to look at the tiles today, but no one is going to be here tomorrow so we'll most likely do it then. What an interesting post. So sorry to hear about your husband, but glad that there's someone new in your life.

    Tomorrow I'll do a spinning downloadable workout, go to mahjongg, then get my hair done, then on the way home stop at a store to get the things on sale.

    Amanda - when I saw those pics, I had to do a double take, I couldn't believe that was you!

    Gini - I'm so sorry for everything you've had to go thru lately.

    Welcome everyone new! Come back often so we get to know you better.

    Jen - happy anniversary! So sorry for your losses

    Micki - what a walk you had!

    Remember the branch of the Y I was telling you about where they fired the one gal who taught the deep water aerobics? Well, I can't quite explain it, but to me it feels like it's lost something -- a feeling of warmth. I used to get the feeling that I would (and did) stay and talk to people, read a magazine. Now I don';t feel that way. They used to have a community bulletin board, but now it's gone. If the Y is about the community, this just seems strange to me. I feel like "come here, work out, then leave". It doesn't feel inviting any more. That's not to say that I won't go any more. I just called to see about getting my CPR recert (especially now that we have the pool), I was told that there is a CPR for the lifeguards coming up (but that's more involved), they are going to have a recert in Jan and supposedly this new guy is going to let me know about it. The gal who did it for me last time they don't have doing it any more (she's the daughter of the gal they fired). I don't know how he'll be. The gal they fired was very accommodating, she'd have a class for only 2 people. Would he go out of his way for a member, or only do things "by the book"?

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • poohmarsh
    poohmarsh Posts: 11 Member
    Hi!!!! I am still working in a school, but no longer in a classroom. I am an IB coordinator (International Baccalaureate). This is my 30th year in education! Can't believe it!!!

    My goals for September:
    -Continue loosing 1 - 2 pounds per week
    -Exercise at least 4 times a week for 30 minutes
    -Clean out some of the junk in my house
    -Try to sleep more hours (menopause and stress are killing my sleep!)
    -Try to make healthier food choices

    32 pounds down, 48 to go!

  • petalsandpaws
    Just marking a spot to find everyone.
    One day at a time.
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello everyone, :happy:

    I did my regular workout today but the HRM showed a calorie burn of only 468 calories instead of the usual 500+ :tongue: . I noticed a couple of times that the monitor was reading 0. Am I dead? No, all evidence points to another cause. Perhaps it’s time for a new battery!

    OK, Barbie, after I’m off line it’s a search for “Nancy Fairbanks” on my Kindle!

    Sundance, I am sorry to hear your job is so draining. :flowerforyou: What kind of work do you do? Have you tried stretches or chair aerobics? Can you work standing up? I have to stand up after an hour or so on the computer – I get too buzzy in the head after a while.

    My DH and J’boy do nothing in the way of kitchen chores or cooking, sometimes it gets me down :grumble: but most of the time I enjoy the “nurturing” aspect of the job enough so the cleaning chores are not to pressing. Sometimes I just say "tough luck" and they make Mac and Cheese. DH has begun to do his own laundry, though. It only took him 30 years to figure it out! J’boy does his too, but only if I remind him to. Funny thing about 15 year old boys… :ohwell:

    Viv – go you with the weights. :explode: Arm muscle is so cool!

    Kate – what part of Alberta did the DH drag you to? Thanks for the “sunshine on your struggles” line, I am adding to my favorite quotes wall.

    Carolyn, a new mattress is worth every penny – tell the DH I said so! :drinker:

    Oh, Michele, that pool & spa are getting very close to finished. I’m not sure about drying frozen cherries – could you just treat them like fresh cherries and put them in the food dehydrator or a low oven?

    Lentigogirl – Death at a Funeral, yes, one of the funnier ones out there. :laugh: Have you watched “Bruges”? An older movie, another one of those British black comedies.

    Laura, I weigh every day too, and track it in my diary. It’s a good way to stay conscious of the impacts of calories in/calories out

    JB, thanks for sharing your story. I really feel as if I know you, and I have the advantage of knowing just where your patch of N Idaho is, and what it’s like.

    Kathy – pita pockets with fresh veggies. Yummmmm. :love: I think I’ll add it to my lunch menu.

    Laura, I don’t always colour my hair (it’s kind of gray/light brown streaky) but I always, always, always get my eye brows tinted! I think I look too old when my eyebrows disappear! I use blue eyeliner and light beige eyeshadow just for highlights. Mascara for the eyelashes. My eyes are blue too.

    Amanda, Amanda, Amanda – you are amazing. :happy: And Inspiring. :happy: And beautiful. :drinker:

    Happy Anniversary, Jen. Hugs, high fives and prayers too, for your sad news.

    Liz, whew, that guy sounds like a challenge. Happy and mellow, that’s a good fellow!


    September goals:
    No bedtime snacks, no second helpings!
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    24 hours of exercise in the month. Total to date: 4.25 hours
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Good evening all, this will be a short post tonight. I read all of the posts but frankly am a little too tired to do much except mark my space.

    It's been a very hectic week, municipal government is back after summer hiatus - with a vengeance. Feel like I am dragging myself around, tired enough not to even want to eat. Spent a couple of hours in the car going to Nelson and back for environmental meetings, at least it was a beautiful day for a drive - saw some deer, such graceful creatures. Seeing wildlife always makes me smile.

    Amanda - the photos are incredible, you have the same beauty, just more honed now.... My daughter is also a Latin scholar - is just starting her PhD in medieval studies, codicology, in Leiden, NL. Seeing we don't get Latin in school here at all, it's been 5 years of extra study in order to get to the appropriate level for her studies.

    All the talk of matresses and the sleep benefits have convinced me. That will be my next major purchase. I've wondered about the Temperpedic or any type of memory foam. The commercials all sound too good to be true.

    Michele - I am in awe of the energy you bring to every day.

    I am looking forward to the weekend - my closest sister is coming to visit with her grandchild so I'll get to be a vicarious grandma. They're from Vancouver Island so it's a long trip, 12 hours including the ferry. They're coming for my birthday on Saturday so that is going to be a one of those "free" days a la Meg.

    Tomorrow is going to be a very short staffed day at work and also agenda day so I'd better go and get a good rest.

    Good night ladies and sleep tight

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    kate- thanks for the suggestion ,that I needed to read as I am sitting here wanted to eat some sweets. I am off to fill my 20oz water bottle now and fill myself with water!! :drinker:

    Amamda, thank you for your kind words. I did get some rest today, but this is something I need to work harder on. Your before and after photos are so motivating. Wow, what a transformation! You are a great role model. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Lila, Hope you are getting some rest. Did you figure out why your scale is going up and down? Maybe you need to look at what you are doing? Maybe you need to add more calories ,if you are doing a lot of exercise? :smile:

    Liz, what did you make that you had to throw out? :ohwell:

    Nancy, good for you going to the gym after work. For some people that is a hard thing to do.:noway:

    Jb great pictures of your garden and of you! Thanks for sharing! Wow,that must have been quite a job building a log cabin from scratch! I live in s.e Portland for awhile. Too, grey and cold for me! :sad:

    Julie, sorry for the loss of your mother. Nothing can take the place of “Mom” :heart:

    Kathy, Is your foot feeling better yet? Take it slow and one day this will all be behind you! :tongue:

    Jen, so happy that you got to talk with your son. That must have been a very special talk! :bigsmile:

    Barbie, when is DH going to be done with the house sitting? That must be one long vacation the person is on!! :ohwell:

    Laura80111- Las Vegas is a unreal place. I have gone one time as an adult and it was just a bunch of us girls that worked together. We did have fun! :laugh:

    Kathy, hope you are feeling better now! :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee hope you are feeling better! :flowerforyou:

    Wessecg,,why are you weighing every day? I would recommend just once a week at the same time. Don’t let the scale rule your life or cause you to be upset. So, many factors can cause a day to day weight gain , that’s why most doctors and weight loss programs have you weigh only 1time a week. :ohwell:

    Glendalight- glad that you can start exercising again, that is slow and steady! :drinker:

    Lin, glad that your Daddy is doing well. Many elderly do not do well on pain meds. The kidneys when we get older have a hard time clearing out the drugs and some people go a little loopy on them. Still praying for a good recovery for your Dad! :wink: :wink:

    Carojrrn- the osteo biflex, works for some people and not for others, you really just have to give it a try and see if it helps you. Are you an R.N? :flowerforyou:

    Michele- the pool and spa are coming along nicely. One day I want to have a pool and a Jacuzzi. My aching bones could really use both. Can’t wait to see your photos! Who is TSO? :laugh:

    Meg, how did the yearly screening go? I hope all is well! Try adding cinnamon to your foods, it helps stabilize your blood sugar. My Dh has not always been like this. He was great when the girls were little, but now he is just a plain on lump on a log! He hates his job of which he has 4 years until he can retire. I think he needs to go to counseling, but he doesn’t. Anyway, I just do what I have to do and try to teach my girls that these are NOT the qualities you want in a partner. Thank you for the virtual hug! My heart goes out to you and the difficulties’ you have with your daughter. It is so hard as a parent to want the best for a child, but they have issues! :noway:

    Gini- did you eat some chocolate? Sometimes a little bit warms the heart. I recently read that milk chocolate has the heart benefits as the dark chocolate! Now that’s awesome! Lol :laugh:

    Welcome , to all the newbie’s…………this is the only place to be! Thanks to Barbie for keeping it going and going and going
    Sweet Dreams.
    Hugs to all, Linda
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you to all of you who respond to so many people..:heart::heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, your photos are awesome and inspiring.......you send such a positive message to anyone who is starting their journey and doesn't believe it could happen for them.

    :flowerforyou: Sundance, our friend is working on a masters degree at a great college in California.....this is part of her return to the work force after her divorce. she has been there for more than a year and will be there at least until the end of this school year.....she has had house sitters hired through a reputable website but the last couple turned out to be less than what they had promised and had been neglecting the animals and hinting loudly that they wanted to leave early.....the next couple wasn't available until later this month so DH encouraged her to let the neglectful people leave and he volunteered to fill the gap which turned out to be almost six weeks...but the dogs and horses are thriving, the yard is cared for and he's gotten a ton of exercise and lost some of the pounds that had crept up on him from too much TV watching and snacking....so it's all good

    :bigsmile: welcome to everyone who posted for the first time today.......you joined just by posting......jump right in and join us.....you have nothing to lose but some of the pounds you didn't want anyway.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: Brandy, Sasha and Bernie are in bed waiting for me, so good night to all :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Wow! How this group has grown! I love reading all of the posts and will try top respond to all soon. The last few weeks have been very busy getting ready for students and then starting classes. I have been reading all posts but have not had the time or brain energy to respond. My thoughts are with all of you. You keep me going in the right direction with my healthy life style.

    Amanda-I do have to say WOW!! Posts like yours are all the motivation I need!! My pictures don't show as dramatic of a change, but I do need to keep looking back at my "before" pics to remind myself how far I have come. I know it sounds strange, but when I am stressed or tired. I feel like the "old me" , including the feeling that it is just too hard to eat healthy and exercise. I think my brain has just not caught up wit the changes I have made.

    For the last two weeks I have not gotten in the exercise I should. I actually miss it! The start up of the school year is always challenging for me. It seems like there is too much to get done within the time I have. My students are great,but technology has been challenging me. My SmartBoard has once again become a DUMBBoard! They are working on it!

    Today I will go to the gym after work and start making it a priority again! I have been doing well with eating and logging my food. Drinking water is never a problem!

    Have a great Friday!

    Deb A
  • bigpal
    bigpal Posts: 19 Member
    missed a few weeks hope this finds everyone doing good my goals for september are to be a help to others who are losing weight on here and drink plenty of water keep my logging up every day and to lose a few pounds bye the end of this month and to feel healthier and happier and move alot more til we meet again carol
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Just a quick good morning before heading out for a Friday at school. Still haven't found a good routine to keep things together and organized for me yet. I'm falling behind with work stuff already and feeling like I never have time for anything. So I am going to do some rethinking and retiming and get my act together!. See all you ladies later and I'll read posts and get caught up~!

  • maryinnc
    maryinnc Posts: 129 Member
    Good morning! Hope everyone has a good day. My goals for Sept. are:

    Stay on track.
    Keep logging.
    Walking 4-5 x a week for 3.2 miles each time
    Continue with the C25K program
    Keep up with water drinking
    Positive thoughts and gratitude list daily
    Stay within calories
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Good morning to all! Determined to get my real lunch in today at work and not feel compelled to keep working through it just because of the volume to be done. (Self-inflicted... I tend to be a bit driven with work. Hello, my name is Gail and I could definitely be a workaholic!) I'm looking forward to cooler, less humid weather when I can go to the nearby park and walk the track for a few minutes at lunch without needing a shower before returning to the office. Looking forward to some time with a good friend tomorrow. We're going to be crafting some paper flowers for her (adult) daughter's black & white wedding reception tables. Hope everyone has a good day!

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Mazaron, I loved In Bruges -- to the degree we're going to try for a side trip to Bruges if we make it to Holland to visit my brother! I also sent my best friend to it for the weirdest blind date ever -- we figured that if he could handle that he was a good prospect. (He was so impressed by the choice that he ended up as a bit of a stalker. So it goes.)

    Today's adventure: my oldest is coming home for his first visit from college. He's sufficiently committed he's taking the bus. (His license is suspended for nonpayment of a fine and his car has a broken taillight that makes a stop likely. This standing back and letting them make their own mistakes is HARD. We've scheduled in time to work on his financial planning...)

    Does this explain my breakfast donut?
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Weeellll, today's Friday. :smile: (Stating the obvious) and I woke up tired because I stayed up late reading (:noway: never, ever start a novel on a workday eve).

    My first thoughts were, "It's OK, it's Friday, I have a prep first thing and I can come home right at 4. I don't need to go to the spin class..." :yawn: Then I had my morning weigh in. Down a pound! :happy: Not enough to show on the ticker, but getting really close to where I started the summer. "That's it" said I to myself, "Spin class, here I come!"

    Nothing motivates me like success. The best thing is I have to phone the Rec Center right as soon as it opens to book my bike for the 4 pm class. That means I'm committed before I get all tired and lazy this afternoon. :laugh:

    Even better - my new Weber BBQ is being delivered this morning, DH will have the gas hooked up by the time dinner comes and I will have a grill that works. Oh happy day.

    Must go and face the world now,

    Hasta pronto,


    PS OK, Lentigogirl, What other movies do you recommend?
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    That it is obviously Friday is not a given. I saw my son's homework on the table and it said "due Friday" and I thought, "Oh, it's Thursday I don't need to run that over to the school today. :ohwell: Duh.

    Well today was weigh in day - and I know that any loss is good, but I truly expected more. My fitbit says I walk between 13,000 and 17,000 steps a day, and that I'm burning between 2300 and 3000 calories a day. Well I'm only eating 1600 or less so by that math I am 700 to 1400 calories a day under!! That should have equated to more than a .6 loss for the week. Oh well, maybe I'll see two pounds next week. I did eat dinner right before bedtime last night.
  • retskciv63
    I'm not sure how this works. I've never joined a blog before. I picked this site because everyone seemed very positive and upbeat, and that is just what I need. At any rate, I am at a point where I need some motivation and support. I have been in fairly good shape most of my life, but this past year, I have been unable to golf or play tennis because of a tendonitis problem. This also affected lifting weights, etc. I have signed up for a boot camp and missed the first 2 classes as I am fearful I won't be able to do it anymore. I've used My Fitness Pal off and on, and I love it when I am using it, but then, for some reason or another, I get lazy and quit, thinking I can watch my calories without it as I know basically what to eat. That never works!! I've had treatment for my tendonitis, and have been trying to play tennis, but had to quit in the middle of a game this morning due to the pain. I feel lazy actually, and need a jumpstart.

    I will post this "reply", but not sure what I am replying to. There is no place that I can see to post my picture like I see on the site. If anyone can give me feedback on how this works, I sure would appreciate it. Thanks.:flowerforyou:
  • revpeg
    revpeg Posts: 18 Member
    I'm new to posting anything, but I do have some plans for September. They are:
    to join the pool at my physical therapy place
    to add some distance and more hills to my morning walk
    to continue to walk five mornings each week
    to have patience with my mother as she struggles with growing cognitive decline
    My weight loss goal is always the same -- to lose another pound, and then another.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    I DID IT!! I got the bike out, didn't let the soft tires dissuade me (pumped them a bit myself) and I took it out for a bit of a spin around the neighbourhood! Only 15-20 minutes but it seemed like enough for my first post surgery activity. A little stiff in the hip this morning so will continue to take it slow.

    Amanda - Your photos show an incredible transformation - always beautiful, but a huge difference in health I am guessing!

    Mikki - a six pound loss in August is terrific! celebrate it! (I do understand the mental barrier of the 200 pound mark though - you will get there!)

    Gardengail -- I deal with the cracked ridged fingernails too. I did try a product called Gel-ish (on a coupon promotion) for a trip I was taking. It was a more natural look with a durable finish - but I am pretty low maintenance and not willing to pay the $40 every 3-4 weeks to keep it up. It might be cheaper where you are though

    Kate - Oh, funny! I forgot my son's birthday one year and it has come up in family folklore every year since - you just can't live these things down!! :blushing: How did the birthday supper go? Keep that 200 pound threshold in your sights!

    I was reading - again:smile: - an article on productivity this week. when top executives were asked to share one tip to maximize productivity for success, some of the answers included
    Sounds like just what i need to be successful with my goals this month!

    Have a good weekend ladies! g
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Friday it is! it's WI day for me and for the 5th week in a row I do have a loss. today 1.2 lbs for a total of 10.4 :happy:
    I really must get up and move soon - that's one of my biggest obstacles - not enough moving parts :laugh:

    Welcome retskcrv63 and revpeg - I'm sure you will find the support here amazing. I'm still working on getting to know all the ladies myself so we can do this together :bigsmile: