

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I just found these photos from my 50th birthday. Lordy! And I got even larger!


    and this was taken two days after my 53rd

    Sometimes I'm just amazed at how large I allowed myself to get! x
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    First off - Laura - I stopped coloring about 5 years ago. Decided that since I was a gramma now I could look like one. :laugh: Anyhow, I also have blue eye, which I have always considered my best feature. I tend to lean toward the brown/sandy beige tones. really makes the bue pop.

    Interesting few days. Yesterday I found out that two people I knew died over the weekend and they were both in their 60's. UGH! Then one of my best friends called to tell me she wouldn't be coming to quilt camp this weekend because her cancer is back. She was declared clean 10 months ago. My DIL called to say that afternoon pre-school has been cancelled and we will all need to look at changing our schedules to figure out how we can get London back and forth to morning school while dealing with Jenson (1 yr old too). DH watches the kids on Wed and her mom on Tues. I think we came up with a plan that will work.

    There was other stuff going on all day and I was happy to say goodnight to it all.

    I'll be gone for a few days and may not get to post, tho I do take my ipad to camp. It provides our music. I love to play "oldies" while i sew. The ipad also has a Zumba work-out loaded if I feel so inclined. It should be nice out and there is a gorgeous lake at camp so I think I'll just go for a couple of walks.

    My food has been okay, tho I admit all I wanted to do yesterday was eat chocolate...

    Have a great weekend,
  • laurier12
    laurier12 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm new to the group (50). Just getting back on the bandwagon, had a really bad year - hospitalized twice then broke my ankle in april. I was heavy before but now I've joined the need to lose 100+ pounds group - aaaaahhhh!
    Some of you are real inspirations.
  • laurier12
    laurier12 Posts: 2 Member
    Dear Ginib - WOW 107 pounds, that's awesome. I'm a quilter too. What part of the world are you in?
  • ferb03
    Tiarapants you are A-mazing!!! When I grow up (?) I wanna be as awesome as you!!
  • menletti
    menletti Posts: 96 Member
    Thank you ladies for the advice! It helped a lot!!!


  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    JB and Amanda - Great pics!!:smile:

    12774 - That is a great NSV! It's always great when you're not in pain!

    Laura - I too have colored my hair for years and finally thinking about just letting the grey come out naturally.

    Finally caught up with all the posts!:happy: Don't have time to reply to more now but I'm glad that we have such a great group of women on here and I value all of you!
  • lorarock
    Hello to all. I have discovered that I really like Jillian's whey protein vanilla mixed with fruit and a 1/4 packet of instant sf pudding. (less than 200 calories) It has become an afternoon treat to look forward to, and is distracting me somewhat from the mindless stuffing. Need to workout before I begin the endless stack of paperwork. That will make my second time this week, so I guess I really need to step it up. Take care all!
  • maryinnc
    maryinnc Posts: 129 Member
    Can I join this group?
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Oh am I bad! I got my hubby's birthday and my brother in law's birthdays mixed up ( 3 days apart). Turns out today is his birthday! oops! What would you like for your birthday dinner dear?? Oh don't know...

    Just after I put a peach and raspberry crisp in the oven (because the angelfood cake pan is in the flood bins in the garage), he comes home with an ice cream cake as big as a hockey arena! There will be more dessert than is safe in this house and he has decided to bring up the deep fryer and make supper... deep fried everything!! Oh that brick wall is looking so much taller...... help!

    No he doesn't do veggies so its my job to make the salad.... a big salad.... a really big salad! Definitely walking tonight!

    Amanda, very inspiring pictures! WOW! Look at you now!

    Wishing everyone courage tonight!

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    How on earth did the post get to 11 pages in just six days? I'm so far behind!

    This will be quick as I'm off to do a little baking for my little girl (mom to my granddaughter ;): I'm out visiting the grandbaby for two weeks, head home tomorrow. I did take a few days off here and there but have managed to keep exercising daily even if it isn't always the P90X program. I have two more days of regular weights/cardio, then my last week of recovery - yay! However, I signed up for a 30 day challenge with some friends that starts on my recovery week, so no rest for me :).

    My goals for September:

    --Walk every day and enjoy this lovely fall weather (is that two goals?)
    --Keep up with P90X for another round
    --Get the yard in shape for winter (we have a graduation next year so extra incentive)
    --I like someone else's two goals so I'm stealing them: Come from a place of love and treat others as I would want to be treated

    Happy back to school/fall everyone!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: , come back often and chat with us!!!!

    Lila:smile: I am so ready to power shop, as soon as I get to my goal!!!!!

    Barbara:smile: I love the idea of prepping food for exercise!!!

    Linda SundanceB:smile: take time to take care of you!!!!

    Viv:smile: glad you're getting back on track!!!!

    Kate:smile: I thought I had all the ingredients for my "cold aid", I forgot the ginger:angry: , I knew I should have written it down!!! I will get it this weekend though!

    Carolyn:smile: I have a tempurpedic matteress, I LOVE it!!!!!! It really does make a difference, it's well worth the money!

    Michele:smile: congrats on getting great concert tickets!!!!

    Lentigogirl:smile: sounds like you had a fabulous evening!!!!

    Laura80111:smile: welcome back, glad you had a fun trip!!!!!

    Meg:smile: hope your health screen results are fabulous!!!! I took Latin for 3 years too, I remember, pulchellus puella, pretty girl, and auris, ear:laugh: .

    Amanda:smile: wow you look amazing!!!!! You remind me so much of a friend of mine that moved to Flordia a few years ago, think I'll give her a call soon.

    Jb:smile: wow you look amazing too!!!! What a fantastic life journey you've had!!! Your back yard is beautiful too!!!

    Well ladies, I have to go now and finish my dinner, tonight it's salmon and asparagus and a salad thrown in for good measure.
    Will try to pop back in after dinner!!!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    No exercise today - crazy day at work and I didn't leave the office until 7:30p. I did stop at the store on the way home and replenish fruit and some veggies as we had used them all up before going out of town and not restocked since. Got home a little after 8p and DH started dinner - eggplant parmesan tonight. Will be tight on calories, but tomorrow is another day! Happily our time out of town has not impacted the scale. It seemed we ate our way through the weekend.... my perspective has definitely changed.

    Feedback on fingernails, ladies - who does acrylic and is it a huge maintenance issue? After many years doing deep tissue massage (most recently on a barter basis), and the recent surgery, I'm thinking I won't go back to it at all. I've been trying to let them grow, but they really are not sturdy and often split and have ridges. Can't decide if I want to continue trying or just keep them short, but not as short as previously.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    :flowerforyou: Dh and I are celebrating 26th anniversary today...I told him every day is full of bliss! LOL! One can at least always hope!

    :cry: This has been a rough week..my brothers friend lost his battle with west Nile virus and a friend of dd lost her3 month old baby, my heart breaks for both families...there don't seem to be words for these tragedies, just try to find and keep faith that God has a larger plan.

    I'm sorry but not feeling creative for my post tonight..will try tomorrow

    Hugs, high fives and prayers we need them all
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Jen - sorry to hear about the losses; praying that they both are resting in Jesus forever. Sometimes I just don't think people are taking this West Nile thing serious enough. Tonight I felt a bit dramatic putting on the OFF for a short journey home but I know it is better to be safe than sorry. CONGRATS on the 26 yrs of marriage; truly something to celebrate.

    I am just getting home from an evening TEA with a women's league I belong to and a bit tired so this is short. I hope all are doing well tonight. :yawn:
  • 26Nirak
    26Nirak Posts: 147 Member
    Jen - that is awful, blessings to the families!!!

    I don't know if I ever get all of you and your stories straight...this is a BIG group, but I can see the camaraderie and that is really nice!!!

    I hope everyone's week back to September has been within your goals, it is tough to get back again into the swing of things. I got my fitbit in the mail today, and maybe I am just tired...but I feel like I need a course....how can one button do soooo much??

    Two VERY long days at work, I am off to sleep!

    Good night, everyone

  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    @ Carolyn -- I use Osteo Biflex and within a few days I felt like I could move better overall. I especially noticed it in my knees and hips. I try to take only one a day, but when I'm tired and especially stiff or sore I'll take the (higher) recommended dose. I just finished a bottle and bought the less expensive store brand which is supposed to be the same. I'm hoping I get the same results.

    Too late to add more. Still reading today's posts. Hope everyone has some small victory to celebrate today.

  • 26Nirak
    26Nirak Posts: 147 Member
    wow - tiarapants - there is hope to do IT after 50...my birthday pictures are also...well, actually....I would only allow for people to take them with me hiding behind other folks....191 pounds is amazing, congrats!!!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening,

    I have caught up with everyone's posts. I agree with @Kathy it is wonderful to have so many women here. That we can all support and encourage each other along in this journey!

    @jen, So sorry you are having such a rough week. But on a lighter note Happy Anniversary!
    @Lin, i am glad you are able to be home and recharge your battery also happy your Dad is doing ok.
    @Michele congrats on the concert tickets. How cool on having a spa to go with that pool!
    @Lila wouldn't it be fun to go shopping!
    @Laura80111-- sounds like LV was a lot of fun.
    @Meg I hope all goes well with your health screen.

    Today was a fun one. I got home from work at 7pm, took the dog for her walk. Happy I had a plan for dinner tonight. Made it easier I was so tired. I can tell its Thursday I always feel a little burn out. I am working with this client tomorrow who I like but he doesn't know his own strength. He's at least 6ft and over 200lbs. Mentally like a 2-3 year old. So he throws tempers etc sometimes kicks, bite, pull hair etc. Sometimes everything goes well but I have experience my fair share of battle scars. The last time he went to hug me I didn't see him in time coming over if I do I stand and get ready to handle it. but I wasn't he was so excited he kept squeezing tighter and tighter my goal don't panic and have a co-worker notice to come help. They did and just a couple of marks. But after mmoments like that I think to self this job is a for a young person. Time for this old gal to find something else but I don't . Who hire this old gal and in this market very greatful to have a job.

    So really hoping for a good night sleep on my part to be at the top of my game. And maybe same for him to so he will be all mellow and happy.

    Wishing everyone a good evening.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Jen,sorry to hear about the losses.
    Happy anniversary.
    Have a good night all.
    Feel lousy,going to bed early.