

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Tigress - welcome back!

    Tinteardrop – do keep up with the doctor on the heart issue. Resolving my aortic valve with replacement surgery has made a world of difference. Clearly it was affecting other things I was not even aware of, including my ability to address the weight.

    Jan – so proud of your continued success in quitting smoking.

    I didn’t get to the gym (or do housework!) this weekend, but…. I mowed the grass and trimmed the edges yesterday evening. Today I trimmed a few shrubs, did some general cleanup, worked a bit on the gate, then sprayed weed killer on a bunch of weeds and a bunch of grass. Spraying the grass was on purpose - we will be creating a drainage channel and expanding some of the planting beds a bit later in fall, but (1) you have to spray the grass while it is still growing and (2) it is Bermuda grass, so it is bound to take multiple sprays. It didn’t really seem like much, but I started tripping over my own feet after a couple of hours.

    After I cleaned up I cooked a bunch for the coming week: gingered-carrot soup which we’ll have with sandwiches, chicken and noodles (tonight’s meal) and I put a pork roast in the crockpot. DH made a delicious eggplant parmesan casserole as well, so I’ll be able to take my lunches and have easy to finish meals when I get home at night.

    My weight didn’t change in the past month, also no big change in measurements – ½ “ off each thigh is about it. But my endurance is much better and I am lifting heavier weights now, both good things.

    DH and I went again to a church we’ve been visiting periodically and ended up going to a prospective member meeting after the service. We’ve been members at our current church for many years, but moved quite a distance away about 5 years ago and the travel was problematic. It took some time to wind down our commitments there and about 2 years ago we started visiting new/local churches. Shortly after we started doing that our eldest son had his brain injury and the prolonged recovery, followed by my surgery, really derailed that process, so I’m very excited to think that we’ll finally be settling in again. I’m looking forward to a church family again!

    Hope you all have a great week.

  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Hello ladies. I am new to this site (joined this Aug.) and have not posted to anyone before. I would like to join this group because you all sound like a great bunch of gals to help support one on their journey. :smile: I am a retired teacher but still sub a lot. I started out needing to lose approximately 163 lbs and I still have lots of weight to pull off (135 lbs). So far, I have lost 27 lbs since June 1, 2012, with 7 of that since I joined mfp. I have a long way to go and need all the encouragement that I can get!:bigsmile:
    Here are my September goals.
    1. Log in to mfp each day.
    2. Drink 8+ glasses of water per day.
    3. Exercise at least 30 min. per day (at the present-walking)
    4. Lose 1 lb by next Saturday (my 59th B-day) and at least 1 lb per week
    5. Eat healthy and especially more vegetables! I'm not too big on them but need to be.
    6. Limit processed foods, refined sugars, canola oil, margerine, and wheat.
    7. Be patient with myself and my goals.
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    What great goals! The last one is so very important and the one I have the most trouble with. Good luck this month.
    Take care,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: JipsyJudy, Brandy is our kisser......she loves babies and small children, but Sasha barks at them .

    :flowerforyou: Wanda, I weigh myself morning and evening every day but don't take any single weight seriously. Instead I watch the trends. After a day of eating food I don't normally eat (bread, peanut butter, cheese) my weight was up three pounds this morning over yesterday. I know that it's water retention and since today is our Isagenix cleanse day, the fluid retention will be gone soon. I also know that there are some really good reasons that I prefer to eat only at home.

    :flowerforyou: Carolyn, the best exercise is the one you'll do, so if walking and riding your bike are things you'll do, then do them and don't try the things that don't appeal......take life one day at a time and you might find that your likes change over time.

    :flowerforyou: Ann, make one small change today and you'll be on your way to the weight loss and health you seek. When I stated MFP my first change was to log my food for the day ahead of time and stick to the plan, no matter what.......it was a few weeks before I made big changes in what I ate, but starting with a plan got me going on the path.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I get up early enough every morning to walk the dogs for two hours before I go to whatever event is scheduled for the day and right now with my hubby away, I have to walk the dogs again at least once later in the day so getting a lot of steps isn't too big a challenge and then if I don't have enough steps, I'll walk in the house while talking on the phone or watching TV.

    :bigsmile: :drinker: Nancy, congratulations on your success at the fair and the workout you did when the spin class was cancelled.

    :explode: Meg, tax preparation is drudgery for me, too......just keep slogging away and it will get done.

    :bigsmile: Micki, congrats on weighing less than your hubby......that is a fabulous victory.

    :flowerforyou: sutts, one idea to go along with your planning your meals for the day, is to commit to the plan and not change it no matter what the temptation. Even if someone offers you food, you just say no

    :bigsmile: Welcome to everyone who is new.....it takes time to get to feel like part of the family, but if you jump right in and say what's on your mind or respond to others or ask questions, you'll feel connected even faster.

    :bigsmile: :heart: Hubby came over for awhile today and made all of us very happy.....he'll be home for good on Tuesday.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Jan- I am so proud of you for not smoking, you will feel better everyday.

  • kateblue72
    Hello Barbie, et al ... I am just 'dropping back in'. Find it hard to keep up with all you movers and shakers out there, daily posts and all. But when I do 'come back', feels very homey - thanks. The back to school really makes me a bit sad .... kids all grown, and my career path is not in a school any more ... however, it is like fresh beginnings. I even went to Staples and found a few new supplies - LOL! Have been so focussed on my bike riding, ( I was in a 76.4km challenge ride yesterday, so was putting a lot of time in the saddle) that touching base with mfp peers has been lacking.
    Goals for Sept:
    Log onto MFP every day
    Lose 5 pounds
    Ride my bike 3-4x per week
    Sign up for some new fitness - goal ... pilates?
    Sign up for something else new ... photography?
    Continue to enjoy and appreciate life and the love of my good husband and 'children'
  • 26Nirak
    26Nirak Posts: 147 Member
    Hi Ladies - one week down, hope it was a good week for everyone! I am doing good with my September goals....lets keep it strong!!!
  • lioncrab
    I work in special ed myself. Much as I love it, the work is draining, and I think we fill up the well with food. Feel free to add me as a friend. Be aware that I'm new to this online community thing, so if I seem unresponsive it's because I don't know what I'm doing!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Deb:smile: welcome to the group:flowerforyou: ,come in often and chat with us.

    Carolyn:smile: slow and steady for the weight loss, I sure wish it would come off faster too!!! I celebrate every ounce that comes off!!!!

    Lin:smile: salmon is rich in omegas, lots of good fats!!!! 6 pounds in two weeks....Congrats:flowerforyou: .

    Leeleedc:smile: welcome to the group:flowerforyou: , come in often and chat with us!

    Tigress:smile: congrats on your show doing so well!!!!

    Ann:smile: welcome :flowerforyou: , the ladies here are the best!!! Lots of support and motivation! Come in often and chat,

    Katejkelly:smile: congrats on reaching your 20 pound goal :flowerforyou: !!!!

    Liz:smile: hope you enjoyed the game!!!

    Nancy:smile: congrats on your 1st and 3rd place wins, and your new title....Pickle Queen of Creston, wear the crown proudly!!!!

    Meg:smile: Love long naps:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: !!!!!!

    Glenda:smile: sounds like you had a busy and fun weekend!!!

    Kathy:smile: your ticker is working now, 18 pounds gone....woo hoo!!!!

    Micki:smile: congrats on your NSV!!!!

    Lila:smile: glad you had a good birthday!!!

    Texasgal(Teri):smile: yesterday was beautiful here too, I enjoyed being outside in the drier somewhat cooler air! I'm ready for fall!!!

    Cj:smile: you had a busy weekend, hope your knees are feeling better!!!

    1234exercise:smile: glad you're feeling better:flowerforyou: , congrats on your weight loss!!!

    Jan:smile: congrats, smoke free!!!!

    Wessecg:smile: Congrats on your 20,000 steps!!!!

    Stutts:smile: welcome to the group:flowerforyou: , come in often and chat with us.

    Doni:smile: congrats on joining a gym!!! Enjoy the time with your mom, I still miss mine so much!

    Manleymann:smile: welcome to the group:flowerforyou: , come I often and chat with us.

    Michele:smile: mini doughnuts...YUM, are they low cal?

    Gail:smile: ginger carrot soup sounds fabulous, do you have a recipe you can share?

    Junerbooner:smile: welcome:flowerforyou: , congrats on 27 pounds gone!!!!!

    I had a wonderful laid back day yesterday. I met up with a friend of mine who has just gotten a new puppy, all of three pounds of wiggly, kissy, goodness:love: . After I had been properly bathed by the puppy, she curled up in my lap and took a nap. Then I came home and got bathed again by my doggie and then we went on a long walk, which we both enjoyed. I decided a nap was in order after the walk, so slept for an hour and a half, and then went on another long walk, I love that the humidity has decreased and our long walks are so pleasant now:glasses: . I have taken another week off just for me, and now that I'm feeling better, I think I'll try to get some things done around the house. My youngest granddaughter turns 6 on Wed. so I've got to go shopping for presents, I'll probably do that today. Hopefully sometime this week I'll get to the farmers market, I just love fresh veggies!!!

    Time to get started on this beautiful day. Hope you all have a wonderful, happy, joyous Monday!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Here is a link to the carrot ginger soup: https://www.vitamix.com/Find-Recipes/C/A/Carrot-Ginger-Tofu-Soup

    Off to work~
  • Bassgirl51
    Just turned 52 a couple of days ago. I am almost to goal and then starting serious weight triaing. I bought the new rules for weight lifting for middle age..... Didn't even know they had that one. LOL
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Happy Monday, awesome babes! Here in DC it's crisp and clear -- quite a perfect day. I spent the weekend spreading mulch and trying to wrestle my "gardens"/jungle into shape, so I have enough aches & pains it's restful to sit in this nice soft chair!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello everyone, I hope your week is off to a good start. :happy:

    Thanks to all who cheered along with me for my Fall Fair triumph. :laugh:

    Thanks for the encouragement, Meg.

    I am feeling quite ashamed :blushing: and a bit discouraged because I really let myself go with food & drink and the scale shows it this morning. I have to pick up a mantra or something that will stop me in my tracks – is this immediate gratification worth the sabotage of my long term goals? Sigh. You’a thunk I’d have it figured out by now.

    Congratulations on your NSV, Micki.

    Happy belated birthday, Sasha

    Hi cjspensley, it was the BMI index that kickstarted me too! :noway: Do take a little time off for yourself, you need to recharge those creative batteries of yours!

    Good work, Jan, staying on track during a stressful weekend. :drinker: Smoke free too!

    Sutts, Welcome. What part of N Ontario are you living in?

    Michelle, I poach my salmon filets and play with adding different flavourings to the water – sometimes lemon, sometimes herbs from the garden, sometimes a drop or two of liquid smoke. I cook 4 at a time and have them in the fridge for my lunch salads. Thanks for the tip on the downloadable workouts. I will try it out.

    Spatchcocking is cutting the backbone out of the chicken and flattening it on the grill under a weight of some kind (I use the lid from my big cast iron pot). It cooks more quickly and evenly than trying to do a whole chicken, and it’s kind of dramatic in presentation at the end. I put a mix of minced garlic & fresh rosemary & sea salt under the skin for extra flavour.

    Barbie I’m glad to read that your DH :heart: will be home for good on Tuesday, you’ve been lonely, I think.

    Bassgirl51 weight training is great – lift heavy!

    Must go and get J'boy & me ready for another day.


    September goals:
    No bedtime snacks, no second helpings!
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    24 hours of exercise in the month. Total to date: 4.8hours
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Haven't been here for a couple of days, haven't had time to read anything, had internet problems and couldn't log yesterday till today and man did I miss my calculator. Work gone crazy again, working more than I want, haven't walked in 3 days, think I need a dog! Weather has turned to grey and rain. Weigh in today and I gained a pound!! AUGHH! I was so sure I was going to be sitting on top of my wall, not running away from it!

    Hopefully tonight I can come back and catch up on everyone's posts.
    Hugs to all,
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Another beautiful Monday,

    Just poppling in to say HI, no time to read and catch up. Spent the weekend sorting and cleaning as I had plenty of time because hubby was gone camping. Did a lot of walking down memory lane as I was sorting some of Mom & Dad's stuff, still have a lot of boxes to go through but it was a start:wink:

    Because I was so busy I didn't track my food like I should have over the weekend, did manage to drink a lot of water and didn't do any special exercise...so today I'm back on track.

    Hope everyone had a good weekend, it will take me some time to catch up with everyone but maybe by tomorrow I will have.

    We can do this, one day at a time.:drinker:

  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Hello everyone. Happy Monday to all. It has been a good day for me as well. Not only did I shed another pound but I gained a new Grandbaby girl.:smile: Mother and baby Addalee are doing great. Even more reason to keep up my new life-style change. :bigsmile:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Monday morning! A bit of rain overnight here, but not enough to put all of my flowers face-down in the dirt, thank goodness. I'm not quite ready for that yet. Weather report shows we're in for another warm, sunny week after the clouds work their way outta here tomorrow. I sure hope that's the case.

    Nancy, you little Pickle Queen you! :bigsmile: I'm in the exact same boat with my scale this morning. :blushing: You'd think I would have learned by now to control myself on weekends, but no such luck. But you know, it's perfectly ok to let ourselves go a little as long as we get right back to business on the weekdays. That's my plan. C'mon, chin up, let's do this. :flowerforyou:

    I don't have a lot of time to write this morning, wishing you all a wonderful, productive, healthy day!

    :smile: jb
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Popping by to say hi to all and wish you a spectacular day; I have so enjoyed the break in the triple digits here in Texas. I have a few more things to do around the house then I will be out and about this afternoon. I am working on boosting my overall steps. I have spent far too many days sitting at the computer. My September challenge is to have one day with 10K steps or more. It wasn't all that long ago that would have been easily done until I started to home-office. Pedometer on - stepping out :bigsmile:

    ~Teri (Texasgal22)
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, I went out and did my exercise today, so I am feeling pretty good. I have tracked my food here and in my book. Which is the only way I stay on track. I have to go to the store and buy food for the next couple of days as soon as I am done here.
    I have adjusted my weight, :sad: I gained 3 lbs, sitting on my butt making earrings and not walking daily. Today I did 40 minutes and I will do a video when I get home from the store. Then I will make earrings :laugh:

    I will look back later and read more posts, everyone is just so busy and doing so much stuff. Tigress
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    New week, almost a new season starting....time to give my attitude an adjustment! I know I gained this week but not sure how much...it fluctuates by 1-2 pounds up and down constantly, my fault entirely!

    Off tonight to a fundraiser dinner for a" cat that would be Mayor!?":wink: A group of concerned citizens have banded together to try and raise awareness of the feral/stray cat situation here, so we're doing our small part....I wonder if they're serving fish?:wink:

    I've read 99% of the postings and got lots of information and support. Hope everyone has a good week.
