

  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Gail -- Thank you for sharing your son's journey and for publicly giving thanks to the Lord. He is forever faithful.

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Gail, Praising God with you for your son's return to health! Eileen
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    We went blackberry picking at my dad's yesterday.

    Had blackberry crepes with lemon cream cheese. Tonight I made a blackberry port sauce for the pork chops and served it with oven roasted rosemary potatoes and green beans with shallots, almonds and balsamic.

    I love to cook.

    Time for bed :yawn: and the grind called the work week. :noway:

    :heart: :heart: Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening Ladies, :flowerforyou:

    @Megblair-- hope the book is coming along the way you hope.

    Yay to everyone who has recently bought new pillows!! Makes me think maybe I should add pillows to our shiooing lists.

    Bears yikes! We have bears here in Idaho but very grateful they don't seem to visit Caldwell, Idaho.

    @Lin I do think its the Fall weather effecting hunger. I have been hungry all day it seems.

    @Gail thank you for sharing your son's story. Happy to hear that he is now ready for the next step.
    @Linda--My daughter is 19 years old and she falls on the austim scale, she is lovely some days wants little contact but than we have days like yesterday were she's engaged. It is amazing!

    @Eileen. Yay on the scale victory. Sorry you are feeling a bit under the weather. Hope you feel better soon.

    @Dee that sounds like a good day.
    @Jane your Violet is so pretty!

    I am sure I am missing someone sorry but my brain is shutting down.

    Today has been a good day. :smile: Went to church we had our monthly potluck. Did well with food choices, use the day to catchup on housework, took Bella for a walk. Was a bit sore today took some aleve seems to be helping. DH has the football game on now and I am catching up here and soon taking some time out to do some reading,

    Tomorrow is my 3 day till 5pm than I half to go into Boise for renewing my cpr. So before hand errands. Hoping to use some of the time ro make some freezer meals for the week. It helps so much since I get off work at 6/6:30 allows my daughter to just put them in the oven or dump in the crockpot depending.

    Well I am tired. :yawn: :yawn: Hoping everyone has a good night. Till tomorrow!:smile:

    Liz :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Liz - congrats on that 5K!

    Well, started out the day by doing some pilates but only got in 20 minutes. Then since they didn't have a mass last night I had to go to mass this morning. Of course, it was jammed so it took extra long to get out. Came home, made chocolate bran muffins and Jessica and Vince went in the spa/pool while I strung some popcorn (since it wasn't real windy, need to do it when the weather is cooperating, and there aren't many days when it isn't breezy), Vince and I went to the play "9to5" by the local community theater, had dinner, did a bit more baking for the guys (in one sense I'll be glad when this construction is over), now I'm on the computer. Made a salmon loaf that we can have later in the week.

    Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class. They're supposed to finish building the retaining wall then at night I'm having mahjongg here.

    Eileen - hope you feel better fast. Congrats on the weight

    It's just so late now, I will skim the rest of the posts and then get to bed.

    Gail - what a very insspirational post about your son. You have been blessed so much.

    Liz - my CPR expires in Feb. The gal they fired from the Y was so very accommodating, she one time held a class for just 2 of us because we needed to be recertified. Don't know what this new person is going to do. He did tell me that they'd probably have it in Jan.

    I was good yesterday, even tho I didn't track. Jessica wanted to go out for Chinese and I got steamed chicken and shrimp with veges. It came with some sort of sauce, but honestly, I thought it was "yuk". But I was proud of myself for choosing the steamed dinner, even tho I knew that I wasn't tracking. Oh, my throat is much better now.

    Meg - the pool people told us that when they were finished, they would do a total cleaning of the pool. They probably don't usually have customers who run robotic cleaners or vacuum it regularly, tho. Vince did find this different type of filter for the robotic cleaner, it catches much finer particles. We ran the cleaner today, but the water still looks "yukky". That's probably because the particles of dirt that are left are so fine that the cleaner doesn't pick them up. I don't like to bake with any artificial sweetener, I'd rather use less of the real stuff. I realize that there are some people who have to use the artificial sweeteners, but I really don't like them so I can't remember the last time I baked with them, I may never have for all I know. I've used the prune puree also, but if I'm making something that's lighter, I use low fat yogurt. I did find that greek yogurt makes the finished product too heavy. Instead of eggs, I use egg substitute and even Vince can't tell the difference.

    Lila - the red clay doesn't really cause any special problems. We were told even before construction began that we should get cheap filters since they'll get used a lot at first, so we have them and the good filters. How far noth do you live? When we lived in the Poconos, the Redbud trees were really pretty, bloomed early on, which is something I like. I get so tired of the winter that I'm ready for any hint of spring/summer

    Hope everyone has a great evening

  • walker54
    walker54 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi All,
    Haven't read posts since yesterday, so I'll save replies for later. Just wanted to share that I went through all my winter clothes and purged the 1X-16s that were too big. I discovered I have enough size 14s to get me started for the Fall so I didn't need to go shopping this weekend. Relief! I got rid of all the turtlenecks and mock turtlenecks because they call attention to my chins (yes, still plural) and my wrinkly neck. Making a list of things I need to shop for, so I can be thrifty -- and quick. (I hate clothes shopping.)

    Also went for a bike ride this morning with DH and DS -- before church. They made me ride in front so I wouldn't get left behind. :tongue: It was a cool morning but there were already lots of people out on the trail. I figured out our distance after we got home -- I almost made 4.5 miles, and one of my goals is to ride 5 miles sometime this fall, so I'm close!

    Challenging week ahead -- two back-to-school nights (6:15-9:00 pm), and I start a once-a-week class on Tuesday (4:30-7:30 pm). I planned menus and did my grocery shopping but I'm not really sure how I'll fit in dinners and exercise time. I might not have time to reply to posts this week, but I'll be lurking in the shadows, ladies.

    Keep up your good efforts everyone. Log it all, and drink your water. :drinker: :heart:

    Have a great week! :smile:

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Another beautiful day here. I can't believe the temp is still 27 (That's celsius, my American friends) and I haven't had to cover plants for frost at all yet. amazing extention of summertime!:happy: It was so niceout today that I was inspired to get my bike out for a 40 minute leisurely ride this afternoon.

    Linda - Yes, it was a total hip replacement, done on June 12th. It is healing up nicely I think. Just a little less range of motion and some discomfort at night. But I am thankful for the progress!

    Amanda - Antiquarian shop, and maps hundreds of years old? sounds fascinating! I understand a little bit of that thrill of holding something so old in your hands. A few years ago, I volunteered at a field station where dinosaur bones were being excavated. Every week, I would go in and clean some of the bone specimens. It was so very cool to unearth a piece,cradle it in your hand and know that perhaps no human hand had ever touched it before!!

    Lila - it sounds like you had a lovely mountain drive, with the bonus of some local produce! I do love the mountains and feel blessed to live within driving distance.

    Lin - do celebrate that three and a half pounds. Good for you. I do hope your dad's infection clears up soon and that he will be on the road to recovery soon.

    So many good losses out there today - congratulations all!:flowerforyou:
    -Micki - so good to be under that 200 mark. Good work
    - Kathy- it always feels so good to see the pant size decreasing. Keep it up!
    Eileen - 50 pounds!! What an accomplishment! :flowerforyou:

    Cindy - I hear you on not eating enough. I too am having trouble getting enough calories and still be making healthy choices. I have been avoiding the carbs (bread, rice,etc) and feel better for it. Tonight, I had a wrap to bump the calories but it is kind of sitting heavy. It is a bit ridiculous but I don't want to eat so little that I screw up my metabolism.

    Gail - I was so touched by the story of your son's journey. I am sure you did shed a few tears as you recounted it!. It is so hard in the middle of the struggle but it is amazing to look back and see what God has done, isn't it? so happy for this recent milestone - it must mean so much to your mother heart! Thank you for opening your heart and sharing this miracle of healing and grace with us. Praying for continuing progress for him. And he is an inspiration to us all!

    Have a good night ladies. It is a new week - press on! g
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Well, I slept in again today. Oh, this feels so good when getting up all week to get the girls to school. I did not feel like going to the gym today. I could not get my youngest daughter to go with me. She had started her menses and was having terrible cramps. Ok, so now I know where my sweet craving are coming from! :ohwell: :ohwell:
    I did go to the gym by myself and rode the recumbent stationery bike for 45 mins. I then did a trip to Costco. I was so looking forward to some wild salmon tonight, but they were out!! So, I just ate a light meal and will go back to Costco this week to get that Salmon. I feel a renewed feeling, like feeling stronger and I am committed to loosing the weight one day at a time. Thanks , to Meg mentioning her next weight loss goal. This got me to thinking that I need to do that too! So, I am going to think about this and give myself a non-food prize! :happy: :happy:
    Time, to get the yellow lab to bed and get a few chores done, before bed! :yawn: :yawn:

    Here's to a good week!. Drink water, eat nutritiously and exercise. Love yourself! :heart: Hugs,Linda

    Amanda- wow, that must be so amazing to hold such an old map. I would love to see old maps of Egypt. What type of book is your DH writing? You may have told us already, but I don’t remember! We I see your weight loss ticker; I am so in awe and motivated! :drinker: :drinker:

    Kackie, Wow, that is a scary story about the elk hunter and the bear. He is one lucky man! You are so lucky to have 2 homes to enjoy. That is our hope one day to have a second home in Montana, Wyoming or Idaho!:tongue::tongue:

    JB- I hear you about living in a place where there is ample supply of water and green gardens. OH, my that must have bee a site to see you running up the embankment on all fours! Think about all the calories you did on that run! Lol :laugh: :laugh:

    Wessecg- Take your time to get better. Be kind to yourself and let your immune system heal.:sick: :sick: :drinker: :drinker:

    Lin -congrats on the weight loss. I am so sorry to hear about the staff at the facility your Dad is at. :grumble: They should be more compassionate and understanding with individuals who are confused. If you or your Dad are paying for this facility, maybe a word with the director may be in order. :angry: :angry: I bet the staff is overworked and underpaid and they are probably burnt out. The behavior is still not acceptable! Health Care is such a big business and the bottom line these days seems to be all about money! Very unfortunate. You Dad is lucky to have you as his advocate, this is the way one has to be in health care these days. Praying for your Dad(healing) and for the staff(kindness, understanding and compassion). I think a few of us have that hibernating thing going on. Storing up for the long winters nap Lol :wink: :wink:

    Meg, I cant believe that the temperature got down to 34 last night! It was over 100 here again today. When I went out at 6:30pm it was still 93 degrees outside. Cooler weather and rain is so needed in Southern California now! Your poor Dad, choking on that scone. I hope he is ok. Thanks for the info about the cedar parchment paper. Can’t wait to buy some, but I will have to look on line! When will you be able to just have one full time job? :happy: :happy:

    Lila, where do you live? Canada? I think you commented on my post to Barbie. I was talking to her about the vampires and feeling rebellious. You are correct Barbie is a kind,gentle lady! What kind of fur people do you have! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Dar1356- homecoming already? That is going to be so fun for your exchange students. Are the students going to be with you for the entire year? Halloween will also be new for them! :smile: :smile:

    VogtAndrea- congrats on the NSV! Woot,Woot! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Micki, where are you going on your trip? What is going on with your hip? I hope that you will get some confort with the chiropractor tomorrow. CONGRATS on being 198!!!!!!!!!!! I will be so happy when I get there too! Thanks for the info on the WW cake, I have never heard of it! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Cindy, wow, you really got a work out with the elliptical and the stair climbing!

    Kathy- congrats on going from a 20w to an 18 regular! It didn’t take you that long for that accomplishment! Let us know how the pillow is! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    DeeDee, you had a really busy day. Funny how running errands is so tiring, but they must be done. You did a good job shopping with the store being crowded and you being hungry! I usually don’t go shopping on the weekend for that same reason. I did go to Costco late tonight and it was not crowded at all. Hope you have a great week! :yawn: :yawn: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Eileen, congrats on 50lbs gone! Hope you are feeling better tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

    Gail, that is am amazing story about your DS1. Praise God, for his recovery and all that he has taught. I am so happy that your DS1 is doing so well. God must have a special purpose in this life for him! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Tigress, are sales bad during an election year? I hope you get rested up. No matter what the scale says tomorrow be kind to yourself and just keep thinking positive and nurturing yourself! :wink: :wink:

    Robin,Bodi and Rittle, you are so lucky to just go and pick blackberries. What you made with the blackberries sounds so very yummy! :happy: :happy:

    Liz, how do you freeze meals for the week? Do you just do an entrée? I need to learn how to do this, but I would want to make the entire meal, Like meat, vegs and brown rice or whole wheat pasta. This would really help with dinner time at my house, because I work at home. I pick up the girls from 3:00pm up to 4:15pm. I start work at 4:45pm until8:45 pm or 9:30 pm to finish up paperwork. This means that I have to make the meal early in the day or freezing something that picky eaters will eat. :ohwell: :ohwell: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Michele- congrats on the Chinese food meal. What you chose sounds very yummy! I am learning so much about pools and spas. I think it must be karma that one day I will have both! I am keeping my fingers crossed! We have a lot of red clay here in our back yard and it stains clothes an nice rusty red color! Your house must smell so wonderful! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Eileen:smile: 50 pounds gone, CONGRATS!!!!!! Hope you're feeling better:flowerforyou: .

    Gail:smile: Wow, your sons story brought tears to my eyes! So glad he's doing better now and ready to move on to another step on his journey. Wishing him the best of luck!!!

    Tigress:smile: hoping the scale will have good news for you today!

    Robin:smile: I love blackberries:heart: , lemon cream cheese sounds yummy!!! How are the fur boys liking their new abode?

    Liz:smile: good for you choosing wisely at the potluck!!!

    Michele:smile: is your pool and spa heated? I thought it was rather chilly here yesterday, when I read that Vince and Jessica got in the pool I actually got chilly bumps, brrr. Of course if it's below 80 I get chilly:tongue: . Good for you for making a healthier choice at the Chinese restaurant!

    Polly:smile: 4.5 miles on your bike WOO HOO!!!

    Glenda:smile: That's really cool about the dinosaur bones! Your bike ride sounds lovely!

    Linda:smile: good for you going to the gym by yourself!!!! I think once you get used to going it becomes no big deal! I like that feeling, stronger and committed, I'm there with you!

    I am freezing this morning! The temp is around 50 degrees right now, I'm sitting here wrapped up in a sweater and my hands and feet are cold!!! It's about time to take the doggie out for her morning walk, hopefully a brisk walk will warm me up some!
    Today is a light day for me, one meeting this afternoon, and it's a conference call that I can do from home:bigsmile: . I still have to finish putting out the decorations, I didn't get any of that done over the weekend. I did find some big beautiful pumpkins over the weekend, I didn't buy them , last year one of them rotted before Halloween, so I'm thinking I'll get them maybe the first or second weekend in Oct. I do need to go to the nursery and get some fall flowers, maybe that I will do tomorrow, or maybe after my meeting today.

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Just finished my first 10 minute set on the elliptical. (my legs still aren't right). But I may do some walking outside today it is so pretty. I'm sure my dog will appreciate it.

    Robin; Blackberries sound so yummy. We used to have some in the garden but they finally died out. Come to think of it I probably should tell hubby to order some because I think they need to be planted in the fall. Your whole dinner sounded really good. I used to make crepes all the time. You will have to post your recipes.

    DeeDee you need to upload a picture of your fall decorations so we can all admire them.

    Glenda: I went to your profile to see where you live. What are the normal temps for your area of this world?

    Gail: So glad your son is doing so much better and what a testimony you have and can help others with.

    Well better go get Eric up, he has to go to the dentist this morning.

    Have a good day and Make Good Choices!

  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Good Monday Morning!

    I sure was inspired after reading the day's posts from yesterday. So many victories acheived especially with all the obstacles. I admire those who have chosen to stop eating certain foods. I made the choice to adjust my diet and allow myself to eat things in moderation.

    Yesterday at the football game I knew I had to eat something so the best option was chicken tenders. I did not drink enough water and by the time we arrived home I really wasn't hungry. I had an apple with peanut butter; peppers and hummus and some pumpkin custard. I was below on calories but it was the best I could do.....

    For those interested I discovered 100 Vitatops Muffins. They come in many varieties and will satisfy a sweet and carb craving.

    I am not a seafood person but would like to try a mild fish. I was wondering if Tilapia fit this bill....It is on sale here this week and would like some recipes/ideas. I do not like anything tasting very fishy....

    Thanks for all the pillow advice. Last night I slept with an older, flat polyster pillow. No neck pain this am but I like the Iso-Cool idea. Is it memory foam???

    Gail- Thank you for sharing your son's journey. It was incredible and inspirational! Best wishes for his transition out of the house!

    Meg- Thank goodness your Dad was okay after that choking episode! How scary for you!

    Robin- My mouth is watering with the blackberry recipes!!

    Amanda- I love old maps!! One line of my family is from Derbyshire and I would drool(not on the maps) if I could find my ancestor on an old map!

    Linda- NSV being motivated to go to the gym by yourself!!! I am impressed!!

    Kackie- Lions, and tigers and bears OH MY!!

    Lin- Hope things improve with the staff where your Dad is. Keep on advocating for him!

    Everyone else- Keep it up! Love reading all your stories! Love that we can all celebrate our joys and tribulations here!

    Enjoy the day!
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well, I'm a little bummed today scale says I gained 3 lbs. :explode: :sad: :noway: I am going with, water retention, yesterday I didn't drink enough water, but I'm still going to the pool this morning, then shopping. DH and I usually food shop together on Sunday, but due to the show, I have to do it today. My blood sugars were good this morning so I didn't eat all that bad.

    Yes Linda sales of hand crafted items are usually down in an election year. Lots of people are scared, they don't know what is going to happen and are holding on to their money. I do understand. We have had mostly cash sales, very little credit card action. I have 3 shows that are after the election and I am going to say that they will be better.

    I skimmed the posts this morning, cudos for all who lost, Gail you are blessed, and I'm so glad your son is doing better.

    Carolyn- I think tilapia is a mild tasting fish, I put Mrs. Dash chicken rotissrie (SP?) on it or lemon pepper, or well just about anything. Cats like it too.

    Well my tea is almost gone, so it is off to the pool. I'm going to want a pillow report from those who got new ones. I hate buying new pillows, what if you don't like them. No you can't return them with a drool stain, you are stuck with them. :sick:

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Monday All!

    Today is the day before my big interview (the process starts at 11 and if they like you lasts until 4)! Not a monumental job (recruiter for MDA) but I really want it and it is working for a great cause! I'm going to start today with the pool and get bills organized and then start on de-cluttering my computer room, since my living room is done. I'm getting re-motivated because I have no loss to report for 2 wks. now and a gain of .5 . Seeing so many of you post losses, gives me the motivation to do better!:drinker: On the plus size, after night one with the new pillow, I think I actually might have picked a decent one!

    Mamacindy81- Your Iso-cool pillow sounds neat! Way to go on all those trips on the stairs!

    DeeDee-Sounds like you certainly did have a busy day! Glad you had fun with the grandkids!

    Eileen- Congats on your loss! Sounds like you had a great walk!

    Gail-What a workout you got in yesterday with your mulch! Thank you for sharing the journey that your DS and your whole family have had! I thank God everyday for the blessings in my life everyday, including all of you!:heart:

    Liz - Like your pic! And congrats on the 5K! You motivate me to keep at it!

    Tigress- I doublechecked with Sears on their return policy when we bought our new pillows. As long as you have the original receipt and the plastic bag that it comes in, you have 90 days to return it if you are not satisfied. Just let them know that it was used so they don't resell it and you can return it no problem.

    I'd love to respond to more of you but if I don't get off here, I'll be late to water aerobics so have a great day everyone!:smile:

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Welcome to the new week, last of September already! I feel reminded of my age almost every time I turn around these days – time flies.
    Monday weigh-in – no real weight loss (well, .3 pounds) but since it’s been steady for three months it was time for a plateau – I’ve been expecting it. Still, of course it comes right before I go to my doctor’s apt. I hope the extra walking will help in time.

    June, congratulations on the weight loss! I’m sure the doctor is happy with you. Be careful with the bone loss – my grandmother suffered from both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis – it’s a painful condition if you’re not careful. I hope your doctor keeps you on track there. What kind of conference?

    Kathy, good luck on the job interviews! I read that people are hiring (finally!) so I hope you get something.

    JB, I’m so jealous. I really miss the Pacific Northwest, rain and all. My family was in the orchard business up in the Gorge – we canned all summer and fall every year. Good job keeping on track (pun intended ;)!

    JaneH, I track both measurements and weight. The measurements give me a little solace when the scale is stuck. I did find my body shape changed considerably before my weight, mainly because my muscular structure was coming back from exercising. It’s a good thing!

    Meg, you sound like you’re really enjoying those bikes – they sound like a lot of fun! We had two cockers, one of which was never properly housetrained either. We finally had to put up baby gates and keep them penned in the kitchen so they wouldn’t piddle on the carpet. It’s much easier to clean linoleum than carpets, imo. Good luck on the book too – how exciting! Seems like everyone is writing these days. I should get back into it.

    Joy, Wow! 4.5 is exciting – let yourself get excited (you might burn some extra calories too!). Good luck on getting to your goal – you’ll get there, even if it’s DURING your vacation rather than before .

    Sasha, congratulations on your loss too, and breaking through that barrier. I was discouraged that I didn’t get there today, but I know it will happen this week sometime so not sweating it too much. Have fun shopping.
    *Now I’m on to your second posting – see what happens when you miss a day? I love fresh apples, especially organics. And now you know how to store them. You sound very industrious about mending and altering your clothes – good for you!

    Gail, did the sod cutter remove grass or just do . . . ? I’m trying to figure out if it’s what I want. We’re going to cut part of the grass on the north side of the house to put in a French garden (styled after the formal ones we saw in France) this fall/spring. I toyed with just rototilling the ground but think I’ll want to cut the sod out first.

    Carolyn, isn’t it great when you get affirmation from the ones you think notice the least ;0. My daughter is one of my biggest fans, so I always listen to her. I’m glad the new mattress is working out for you. What game?

    Kackie, I agree, the bear needs a new home (and not one in your garage!)

    Barbie, good for you on limiting the carbs. It’s a mind-set change, but it does help. I might have to try the buckwheat pillow. I’m still looking for something too.

    JaneM, glad you had fun with your granddaughter!

    Michele, hope it’s just allergies and you’ll keep from getting a full-blown illness.

    Liz, your run/walk sounds like a blast! The hot shower will help, and my husband swears turning it to cold for a minute helps too.

    Glenda, yay for getting back to your routine!

    Linda, don’t worry, your writing isn’t so bad I can’t tell what you’re saying, so it’s all good . I’m sorry if I missed a message from you – I accepted your friend request but think I may have skipped over the message with it. You might resend.

    Amanda, your gallery sounds lovely. We’ll have to look for it next time I’m in London.

    Lin, I hope your father is well. It’s a rough adjustment, but if you feel you have a good method that works with your father it wouldn’t help to pass it along to the attendants – they may be adjusting too. I think I have been noticing that tendency with my calories – I haven’t been overeating, but there were a couple of days when I just didn’t feel like eating much at all (yesterday being one). I’m not snacking as much these days either.

    Dar, have fun with your students! Homecoming is a big deal around here – took the little one shopping for shoes to go with her dress. She found the dress for $15, then got $60 shoes to go with it grr. Lol

    Andrea, I usually do housework on Mondays too. I used to do it on the weekend mornings but I’m trying to adjust (after 8+ years) to my husband’s preference to use weekends for play mainly. You sound really busy though! Yay for clothes that are too big – send them away (does your community have a closet for people returning to the workforce? We have several, and they’re always looking for larger-sized clothes.).

    Cindy, your exercise program will help you when the calories are getting too high. I have pizza about once a week, but since we make it I can do whole wheat and healthy options. I still try to limit it but if I’m hungry, I eat. I’m learning to listen to my body, ykwim?

    Eileen, congratulations on getting through the barrier! I hope you’re feeling better soon.

    Gail, do you have a heart rate monitor? I got one go to with my P90X program and use it now to figure out my exact calorie loss instead of guesstimating. I find the guesses are pretty close but sometimes off by 100 or more for an hour. Anyway, it sounds like a lot of work!
    Oh, my word – I’m so happy your son was able to recover as well as he has from his surgery. How awful the experience must have been! And yay for employers with heart!

    Robin, I’m so jealous – fresh picked blackberries are my favorite food ever, especially when they’re still warm from the sun.

    Polly, congratulations on the new clothes sizes! Good luck with the week and finding time – I will say, when I’m in a bind like that I either start my day a little earlier or schedule my workout when I know I can – it’s my first priority. Congratulations on almost hitting that biking goal too – good for you!

    OK, I’m not through the list but I’m going to stop here – I think three pages is enough:smile: . I took myself to the baseball game – wonderful weather and day but sorry outcome:cry: . My husband was in a mood so I went by myself, then went shopping after. I had read a book on my last trip and that got me excited to read again. I want to start reading “deeper” books but tend to stick with crime novels. I did pick up a copy of the Great Gatsby – I loved that book when I was young. I also bought some wrist weights to wear when I walk and do Kenpo (hope to up the calorie count) – and they look like they might help with my wrist issues. I have a lot of real work to finish this week so it will be a busy one. I hope everyone has a great week.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Ahh, Monday. Back on track, literally. I haven't taken in my leggings yet so I'll have to wear shorts when I do my laps in a few minutes. Lucky for me it's a clear morning, no clouds or drizzle. Yep yep! Goodie! No matter how many times I tell myself that I don't mind the rain, I'm always happy to have a nice, clear day.

    Lila, I'm glad you mentioned about carbs possibly being some sort of body addiction. From all I've read, that's exactly what happens when we take in too much of the bad stuff - it leaves us crying for more, like junkies. So our "love" for breads and baked goods might not be true love after all, but a physical addiction that causes us to keep going back for more, fooling us into thinking it must be good for us. Makes perfect sense.

    Robin, the blackberry port sauce for pork chops, oh my gosh, reading that made my mouth water! And blackberry crepes with lemon cream cheese!!

    I have 10 minutes to get dressed and outta here to the track. Best get a move on.

    Everyone be good today, eat your greens and drink drink drink that water!

    :smile: jb
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Happy Monday, all my on-line friends. :love:

    I don't think I will make my 24 hours of exercise goal because I didn't do any exercise that could be logged on my HRM this weekend. :ohwell:

    I did, however, have a fantastic weekend! :happy: DH and I went to the Farmer's Market on Saturday and got the ingredients for pickled jalapenos and tomatillo sauce. That meant a day of creativity in the kitchen, then an unexpected invite to friends for a glass of wine in the evening. As we left the house I was carrying a bottle of wine and a jar of pickled peppers, J'boy looked at me and said, "Don't drive drunk." "That's why I am also carrying a jacket," I said, "so I can walk home if I need to." It did strike me as a bit of a role reversal! :noway: I only had one glass and I did drive home, and I checked in with him when I got back, just like the dutiful parent I am.

    Sunday started with a ride on the motorbikes down to the park to look at the vintage car show. I was witless and left my keys in the bike and the bike turned on. Dead battery.:grumble: DH had to jump-start it for me. Then met up with friends and went for a ride up the east shore of Kootenay Lake - rated one of the best roads anywhere for motorbike riding. Stopped at a friend's place for a break. I was witless and left my keys in the bike and the bike turned on. Dead battery. :noway: DH had to jump-start it for me. Sheesh. Twice in one day! As I said, it did not count as "exercise" on the charts but it was 5 hours of fun and made for a great weekend.

    I did go to the spin class Friday after work and I'll be at the gym today, :explode: so back on track.

    Kackie, you suit the mountain tops, as we see in your latest picture.

    Congratulations Kate on breaking the 200 barrier. :drinker: Your excitement radiates out of your Friday post.

    Meg, I just read your Saturday post about carpet cleaning. DH and I gave up on carpets when we renovated – it’s hardwood all the way for us! Sweep and go.

    Lila, congratulations on the loss, it’ll be “real” for sure. :flowerforyou: Don’t you just love apples at this time of year? I sure do.

    I did not start a purposeful low carb diet either, but I have cut out most of the bread and cut down drastically on the pasta, rice, etc. in what I eat. Like Barbie, I like to eat lots, so I pile on the greens and the veggies. The only cereal in the house is what my sisters left at the cabin this summer, and when it’s gone there will be none.

    Gail, it’s lovely to hear about your son and his journey to health. :flowerforyou: Your faith throughout is inspiring.

    MMMMM, Robin, blackberry crepes? Oven roasted rosemary potatoes? That sounds soooo good.

    Kathy, I do so hope everything goes your way on the job interview!

    Hasta pronto,


    September goals:
    No bedtime snacks, no second helpings!
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    24 hours of exercise in the month. Total to date: 14.6 hours
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Monday Morning to all,

    Hoping everyone had a good weekend. We were busy but did manage to get in two good bike rides, although I must confess that yesterday if hubby had said let's take a day off I would have, so it was a good thing he said let's get going:wink: Hubby has done really well on his lower carbs for one week, he's lost at least #6 as of yesterday, so today being his one week I'll be curious to hear what it is today. He works four days this week so we will have dinners together and weather permiting we will get in a few bike rides other wise we will be in the basement working out together, just glad we have that option.

    My Friday lunch with my friend at the Mexican place was wonderful and over all I did okay, but then for dinner I only had a salad as I wasn't very hungry because of the big lunch and that helped keep the calories under control:wink:

    #1 Grandson had his 5th Birthday party yesterday and yes I did have cake & ice cream, very small portions and it was good:blushing: then had a bunch of water. #2 DIL is still trying to figure out how to not have so many kiddos for a party, Grandson only invited 4 friends but the friends have brother's and sisters & Mommies...so there were a LOT of kiddos and four Mommies with infants too...so it was a bit wild for some of it.

    I will have to catch up with everyone on my lunch break. So keep logging, drinking your water and don't forget to get up and get moving:drinker:

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Feel a bit better today.

    @Linder - 3.4 pounds - that is awesome!!! I would love to have a week like that.

    @Megblair - 2 full time jobs??? I feel like I have two with one full time job, 7 horses, 3 kids in 3 sports and a husband.

    @Laura - Nice to have your hubby on board. It's disheartening though to see how much faster men lose than woman. Wish my husband would get back in the game. He had a heart attack 11 years ago and looked great after rehab - and did it again two years ago, but now he's creeping up. Watching him and his 11 pm snacks is driving me crazy.
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good Monday morning to all,

    Regular weigh in today and oops, up a pound. I should not have had that emergency sodium-laced pizza last night but I couldn’t find the fish in the freezer and I was hungry when I got home from work! I did find out one interesting fact for me this morning, I have just crossed over from the obese category to the over-weight category according to my BMI. Progress of sorts….

    My son is having no luck with his employer; it seems there is no one in a position of authority who could actually view the video tapes so I am taking him to the police this morning to fill out a report. Because it is not an emergency, he can only report problems between 8am-4pm Mon-Friday!!! Let’s see if they get anywhere.

    With regards to work, there are too many cooks in the kitchen so to speak; each new manager cycled in for a week has made changes, including our brand new manager. Well yesterday I worked with yet another one and she reversed the new mangers changes and made more of her own, it is rather like an on-going circus! It is upsetting to some of my coworkers but I am just finding it a fascinating study in human behavior and it makes the days go by quite quickly.

    As a side note to all these visiting ladies, I have been able to turn several of them onto MFP and I have become their new best friend they are excited by the site.

    I am off today so hoping to spend some time in the garden harvesting and cleaning up, its once again going to be a glorious sunny day so I want to take full advantage of it.

    Kathy – I will keep my fingers crossed that the best job comes through for you.

    JB- Thank goodness for sewing machines in our hour of need. I will have to start of bit of tucking here and there this week as well. Some stuff though will just go in the bag for the Salvation Army. I am with you, I like the rain too but much prefer a sunny day for a good walk.

    Jen – Thank you for your ideas for NYC, will have to look for the kiosk in Times Square as I do want o catch some Broadway productions.

    Janehadji- congratulations on the body change (1 ½ inches off the hips! Yippee!) and the fact that you have discovered new clothes in your closet, bonus!

    Meg – I gave up on carpet with kids and pets and went to vinyl and hardwood. What is this book you have mentioned? Are you writing a novel?

    Micki – so sorry you had to spend the night in the bathroom but being down 4.5#, I would take no matter what the cause! Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Lila! Congrats on breaking 145!!

    Gail – Thank you for telling us you’re the story of your son. Yes, his moving out on his own is a tremendous victory after this terrible time. The relief must seem enormous. Perhaps this trial is in preparation for a greater task and purpose ahead for him.

    Carolyn – new pillows always take at least a week to break in to a point where you are really comfortable. I hope you can develop a taste for seafood, my husband grew up inland on the prairies without much access to it and hates it all whereas I grew up on the coast of British Columbia and absolutely love it, love, love, love it! I bake tilapia in the oven with a light layer of chopped tomatoes and basil over top and a wee sprinkling of breadcrumbs if I have any.

    Kacki - I love the fact that you can see all this wild life but sometimes it can be a little too up close and personal! My brother and his wife live up in the wilds of B.C. and often have moose, deer and bear wandering through their acreage. Once a bear dug up an entire long row of carrots and ate them all… they followed his orange scat for quite a distance. When the mountain lions start appearing it’s time for everyone to go indoors or the family pets become hors’ deuvres for these creatures.

    Barbie- thanks also for you suggestion on NYC. I have had several pedometers but they have all disappeared over time. We have a kleptomaniac cat, who steals things, shiny things in particular, but I have not yet found her new hiding place.

    Jane- so glad you had a good time with Violet, she looks like a sweet little girl.

    Michelle – oh no! red clay in the pool, I can’t imagine that was in the plans!!

    Liz – wow! All that walking, good for you! You may be a bit stiff but look at what you have accomplished.

    Glendalight – it will be lovely for you to get back to normal. I am happy for you, I know it was a relief for me too, no more worrying about bending more than 90c, able to give back all the medical equipment…. It was great to finally feel normal again. Enjoy!!! Such a lovely long bike ride sounds marvelous. I have to get new brakes on my bike otherwise disaster could ensue!

    Deedee – oh you do decorate early, what fun! I feel in the need for autumn flowers too and think I will venture up to the local garden shop for perhaps some potted mums or something bright.

    Robin – blackberries, one of my favourite berries and I grew up being able to go out to the ravine and picking a bucketful. Here we have to pay exorbitant fees at the local farmers market for people to bring them in from elsewhere. Occasionally I do when I am desperate for them.

    Tigress – hopefully sales will pick up after the election and everyone is feeling buoyed by the results.

    Mwheatcraft54 – my husband is the international chairman of the Airline Pilots Security Committee ( this is all volunteer). These conferences take place all over the world but I only join him if we can get there in a day (we must fly standby) and I do not have to worry about the stability of the country. The scariest was flying to Japan one month after 9/11 and having machine-gun toting guards search the plane before we could pull up to the bridge.

    Nancy – I have done that too, left my keys in the car and the car running. Yep, I felt a little foolish and my friend loved to tease about it until she too did the same thing! Lol! It sounds like an absolutely marvelous weekend of play, good for you. I so wish my hubby knew how to play but he is burning his candle at both ends and in the middle with commitments I am afraid he will crater. I must find someone else to play with. Is it any wonder most of my friends are single women.

    Almost time to get my son to the police station to report his loss, sigh…

    Hugs to all, have a wonderful day, choose happiness,
  • thoogenboom
    thoogenboom Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to this board, just looking for additional women in my category - losing weight over 50! So I just bought a fitbit yesterday and was wondering if any of you had tried it and what your input might be. I am just trying to track my activity a little better. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm Tracy, mom to 23 y/o triplets (bbg) and a 21 y/o daughter. In and out of empty nest, own my own business (www.toerings.com) and live in gorgeous San Clemente CA. I've crawled out of a non-exercise decade and am doing TRX, circuit training, and running! Wow I can't believe I just wrote that! Well, there's me checking in. Loved reading a lot of posts and great camaraderie. Blessings and have a great Monday....Tracy