

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone! I had a wonderful evening with my husband last night – we went to see the new Clint Eastwood movie Trouble with the Curve – I know where he got the idea for talking to the chair ;). It was a very good movie – I’m always surprised at what a good actress Amy Adams is, and how likable Justin Timberlake is. Then we went to dinner at a restaurant we both love in Newark. I had a cup of the mushroom soup and a veggie tamale turnover – both were heavenly. And a glass of white wine! Fun date night – almost makes up for his bad attitude on Sunday.

    Cindy, I hope the well gets fixed soon. My mom is on a well – the house is pretty unlivable when it’s not working! I hope your DD just gets on with her life.

    Meg, it must be frustrating to your Dad too! Poor guy – he’s confused. I hope he settles in soon. Good for you for taking gifts to the staff! Your doggie stories made me laugh – although it takes a lot of patience to live with Houdini dogs.

    Barbie, I’m so jealous you live near the salmon. My sister to this day doesn’t eat salmon from our living in Oregon (and one memorable trip of bringing back salmon on the plane after a visit to our dad), but I think it’s wonderful, especially fresh Pacific NW salmon. Where we lived we were able to pick berries right down the street near the railroad tracks – it still makes me smile thinking about it. Need to go back.

    DeeDee, you’re decorating trees – for the fall, I hope. It depresses me to see Christmas stuff out already .

    Jen, I hope you’re out of the funk now – exercising really does help, so good for you for keeping it up! I still would love to [re]learn to knit. I used to do it when I was young but just crochet now. Have fun with your mom. My mom is the same way about the TV dinners, but I figure at least she’s eating something. She would tend to eat cheese and crackers if she didn’t have something a little healthier (guess where I get that from!).

    Gail, thanks for the tips on the cutter. I really hesitate to put poison on the grass, but I do want to make sure the beds look nice for next spring (we have a graduation party in June). That said, if I don’t get busy it won’t happen at all .

    Michele, I’m inspired by how busy you keep. I find I’m starting to slow down (I totally blame it on old age lol) – but really there’s no reason. I need to just start being my old self.

    Glenda, good for you on the tutoring. That’s something I would love to do again. When I was in school I worked in the writing lab tutoring, mostly ESL students. Between that and informally counseling non-traditional (read: older, returning) students, that was my favorite part of working there. That might be a good spot for me to volunteer. We have a number of Hispanic people around here – I’m sure there is a need.

    I’m so happy you’re going to be able to start exercising “for real” now! I hope the hip works out well for you. My husband’s dad had his done this summer and it was great at first, but then he got so residual pain. It’s getting better though, so no infection, just older muscles:smile: .

    Lila, have you tried making kale chips? So easy – just bake kale tossed or sprayed with a little olive oil and some garlic powder in the oven until crisp – about 10 minutes or so is all it takes. They’re delicious! I agree about the MFP yelling about not eating enough – I hear it a couple of times a week. I try to keep my calories low thinking it will speed along my weight loss, but I may have to rethink that ;).

    Stardancer, congratulations on the weight-loss – even if you had to be sick to get it! Sometimes the body does what it wants, eh? What an odd craving . . . but when I have cravings I almost always give in (if they’re the good kind anyway) – I’m positive my body tells me what it needs. LOL at the moving – I find that as well :laugh: .

    Amanda, I’m so happy for your cousin! That’s a heavy surgery, but it’s amazing how fast they get the patients up and moving after. My uncle was out of bed just a couple of hours later, walking the halls. I hope his recovery is speedy. LOL at dry rot!

    OK, off to work, then a mammogram today (joy!). Talk to you all later –
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning! :flowerforyou:
    The recent talk about carbs has caused me to find my favorite nutrition book and begin reading once again. I thought you might like to read a few quotes from "Eating Well for Optimum Health" by Andrew Weil, M.D., chapter II, "Carbohydrates Revisited: Staff of Life or Stuff of Sickness?"

    ----"We are told that the advent of agriculture and the introduction of cereal grains in the human diet started us on the road to obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and all manner of ills of modern civilization, social as well as physical.
    ----The reasoning behind this assertion goes like this: Cultivation of grains and secondarily of starchy tubers and roots introduced large amounts of carbohydrate into the human diet on a regular basis. Prior to that development, early humans got sugar only occasionally in the form of wild fruit or honeycombs and starch only occasionally in the form of wild nuts and tubers. This change required the pancreas to work much harder, because insulin is needed to manage the flood of glucose into the bloodstream that follows every high-carbohydrate meal. High levels of blood glucose (hyperglycemia) are toxic and must be cleared rapidly to maintain normal body function. One problem they create is abnormal reactions of glucose with protein molecules (glycation) that can result in defective enzymes and tissues. Glycation may account for some of the degenerative changes commonly seen in people with diabetes, such as vascular and retinal damage.
    ----In my view, the problem with carbohydrate in the human diet is not its introduction following the development of agriculture but rather a drastic lowering of the quality of carbohydrate foods as a result of modern food technology, specifically the refining and processing of low-GI (glycemic index) foods into high-GI counterparts, [such as] flour and corn syrup.
    ----But as a long-term strategy, either for weight control or fitness, I don not consider it healthy to keep carbohydrates out of the diet or reduce them to minimal levels.
    ----The majority of carbohydrate calories should come from less refined, less processed foods with low-glycemic index ratings. Processed foods tend to be unhealthy in several ways: They are low in fiber and other protective micronutrients, and often high in sodium and the wrong kinds of fat.
    ----It is desirable to eat some low-GI carbohydrate with most meals, such as whole grains, beans, vegetables, and low-GI (generally temperate fruits like berries, apples and cherries as opposed to tropical ones like mangoes, papayas and pineapples).
    ----Minimize foods and beverages sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup.
    ----Replace white and whole-wheat bread with dense, chewy, grainy breads whenever possible.
    ----Learn to like firmer-cooked (al dente) pasta rather than longer cooked.
    ----Eat more small, waxy, new potatoes and fewer large, floury ones.
    ----Eat more basmati and converted rice and less regular or sticky rice.
    ----Eat more beans. They are high-quality foods providing low-GI carbohydrate along with other nutrients.
    ----Finally, although low-carb diets may work for short-term weight loss, they are not the healthiest strategy for losing weight, and I do not recommend them as an everyday way to eat."

    I'd better stop there lest I copy the entire book :laugh: I knew nothing about the glycemic index until I read this book. It's interesting to take a look at a GI-foods chart if you never have. There's so much to learn, isn't there!

    Lila, the sauteed kale sounds wonderful! :love: I might just have to try that myself, thanks!

    Glenda, I think if we learn to eat "healthier" carbs, we wouldn't have such a feeling of addiction. It's all about balance. But boy, I'm right there with you on wanting the salty stuff! Some days are worse than others. I try to steer clear of chips, but every so often, yum yum! :blushing:

    Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone. Move those buns! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I'll be taking the doggies out hiking later this morning since I've been sitting here way too long and won't have time to get down to the school - public use of the track is not allowed during school hours.

    :smile: jb
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    I am so bummed today. Am I going to have to lose those same 3 lbs over and over again? What gives? I lose so slowly, and a few days of eating a little off, and BAM 3 lbs. Then it takes me 2 weeks to 3 weeks to lose it.:explode: Sorry for the rant, I'm just so frustrated. I was on Weight Watchers for over a year and only lost 11 lbs. I followed the plan like I should and lost so slowly. I just couldn't see spending the $40 a month on it anymore.

    I swam for 75 minutes yesterday, I only got out of the pool because I had to use the bathroom. You lose your lane if you get out and it is crowded, so I stayed for as long as I could. Tonight is Zumba so I will be doing at least an hour a day of exercise. Some thing has to start this weight moving. Any ideas out there?

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gonna be a cooler Tuesday,

    It took a long time to get caught up on the weekend posts and today I have limited time there were some great things said this weekend and for the life of me I can't remember anything:blushing: brain must be having a day off.

    Wessecg- yes it is good to have hubby on board even if it's not the same as what I'm doing at least he is doing something. I asked last night how much he'd lost his first week and it was #7, funny but he was hoping for #8...and me I was amazed that it was #7 for him. It will keep him motivated for this week and realizes that it won't be that much this week but he did say he has a lot to lose now...which I can see:blushing:

    Kate- with all those managers changing things all the time how in the world do you get any work done / completed:ohwell: That would drive me crazy. Cant understand what is wrong with your sons employer that they would not want to take care of a theft, not a good impression to make on the other employees that's for sure:huh:

    Gail-what an inspiring story about your son and what a victory that he is able to move out on his own:drinker: You and your family have been truly blessed.

    Kacki- reading about your bear experiences and the wild life is just awesome...although I prefer my bears to be long distances away:noway:

    Nancy- o leaving the keys twice and having to get jump started...I would never be allowed to forget it:wink: How funny locking your kids in the car...I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time only after the fact:laugh: The meal I had was sauted shrimp served with tomato, 1/8 of an avacado, lettuce and parts of an orange on the side...was yummy:drinker:

    Tracy- Welcome:flowerforyou: There are a lot of women on here with fitbits and they will give you all kinds of info and encouragement with it's use.

    Cindy- sorry to hear you are having well problems, hope your hubby is able to make the repair soon.:happy:

    Meg- how frustrating you must feel with your Dad, although I do understand. When Mom was in the rehab place after breaking her pelvis she was convinced that I should give her her car back because she was going to be able to drive when she got out...it took some doing but we nipped that one in the bud...hubby and I took the car with us to Colorado and even a week before she died she was still telling me she wanted it back because she was going to drive it.:ohwell: of course it never happened.

    Barbie- it's so good to hear how you deal with the foods that cause you problems....with as many years of keeping off the weight as you have we can really learn from your example.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee- beef stew...yummy...it's almost that season here...maybe late October will see us eating some too:drinker:

    Jen- learing to knit so your Mom will eat a "non frozen" meal:laugh: Oh what we do to help our parents. Maybe you should see about a joint cooking time and make her some frozen meals that you have prepared then you will know what is in them...she probably feels it's too much work to prepare a meal for just one.:huh:

    Gail- I'm sure that putting the sod on the hill was a good physical workout:flowerforyou: Good for you being so organized getting ready for the next day. Glad the fish worked for you:drinker:

    Michele- you did extreme pump and then bowled:noway: My arms would have been so tired I wouldn't have been able to lift the bowling ball:blushing: I too love the WW Pineapple Angle Food Cake, when we go to peoples homes for dinner I try to take it then I know I can have something for dessert.

    Glenda- oh my hubby would love for us to ride faster but knows that isn't going to happen, so that's why I'm in front and I set the pace, whenever he complains about how slow I'm going I always tell he he can pass me and lead any time...but he never does:wink:

    Lila- yep I too sometimes forget to log the exercise but you can always add it later:ohwell:

    stardancer- so glad to hear you are feeling better and congrats on that loss:flowerforyou:

    Amanda-that's good news about your cousin, hoping that this will be a wake up call for him ...maybe he'll ask you about weight loss and you can direct him to MFP:huh:

    janehadji- I drink a lot of water and then there is the salmon I eat when I want to see a move on the scale. I don't always eat back my exercise calories, I usually do that on the weekends but that's because my eating is more on the weekends too. I also try to up my exercise to get it moving as well:flowerforyou:

    M- glad to hear a good review of the Clint Eastwood / Amy Adams movie, it's on the list of ones we want to see:flowerforyou:

    jb- I've read a lot about the low carb stuff too, and know it's not for a life time but I know it works for hubby to get him going on his weight loss journey, he'll get them back sometime after and will probably be eating more like me when he does...but until then it's what he knows how to do.:happy:

    Tigress- don't be discouraged we all have those times. Have you been drinking enough water? I find when I've gained if I increase my water the gain is gone in a day or two.:huh:

    I have a hearing with the judge for the Bankrupcy that my Boss filed putting the company in Chapter 11. I filed a complaint that Wells Fargo is getting paid and I was wondering when I'm going to get repaid for what is owed me. So Mid day I will head downtown to the courthouse. Last night after dinner hubby and I drove over there to make sure I knew where I'm going and where to park, I hate going downtown and not knowing where I'm supposed to be especially when there is all the added work traffic, but I'm prepared and feel okay about it:happy:

    Hubby is much encouraged by his first week of #7 lost, so he's hoping for about #3-4 this week. He was saying since he has so much to lose it shouldn't be a problem and for his motivation I hope he's right. I was sure surprised last night when I prepared him dinner of how little he wanted me to fix, he usually eats twice as much...so I was glad to prepare him a much smaller portion.

    I had my salmon last night and tomorrow is my weigh in day and am hoping that I will see the loss that I need to meet my month end goal. Being so close I just want to make it happen:ohwell: No bike ride last night as I was too cold, so the basement was where I headed, when hubby got home he tried to do the eliptical but because he had been on his feet all day at work he only lasted about 10 min. but I'm sure with his job he burned some extra calories at work.

    Well must go. I have billings to do and papers to shuffle.

    Everyone have a great day, do some exercise, drink plenty of water and log that food:drinker:

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    JB, Thanks for the info. I agree with what he's written - in that it's how I eat at least 90 - 95% of the time. I have weaned the entire family off of most white flour (except some pizzas) and have cut back on the amount of sugar to almost nothing (but can't stop them from stopping at the local quickie mart). I've been on a vegetarian diet for a year now and while I don't make a big deal of it, I'm finding myself just naturally steering towards "whole" foods. The only argument I would have with the good doctor, and without anything to back it up, just instinct, is using converted rice. I don't use white rice most of the time anyway, but I've never used converted rice - it's pre-cooked, right? We have a rice cooker, so when I do use rice I just plop it in there and forget about it. I guess I kind of consider precooked the same as processed, and I try not to do that too much unless I've done the cooking myself. Anyway, enough of that - again, thanks for the info.

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Tigress, is your diary open? I'll take a look and see if I see anything.
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    Hi Everyone , I've been off the computer for a couple of days and started this reply on the 22 nd! I haven't had time to read all the posts since then, but will read them later tonight.

    Megblair1: I’ve never heard of cedar parchment paper, but will defiantly look for it, and give it a try

    Sasha4427: We had cat doors in the country and one night we came home to mom and 4 babies in our back porch in the big bin that we kept sunflower seeds in …just pigging out and having a ball. Mom was more than willing to leave but there was one baby that was determined she wasn’t leaving till she had her fill! LOL!

    Kackie: Wow! I love wildlife, but not in my house! I can’t even imagine ever meeting a bear in my garage….a racoon or two maybe, but a bear! Wow!

    I haven't been tracking my food for a couple of weeks and I think that is making a big difference in my effort, I'm going down a pound up a pound etc.! Very frustrating but no ones fault but my own! Think I'll go do some meal planning, then make a shopping list and see if that helps.

    Bye for now Cathy
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Yesterday was my recovery day from the National Book Festival -- I spent it at an amazing Asian-style spa here in Virginia. The baths are single sex, no clothing permitted. I expected to be way more self-conscious than I was; I don't think I've EVER been around that many naked women. But they all seemed sufficiently matter-of-fact about it that it felt quite natural.

    It was quite amazing seeing the full range of women's bodies and fitting myself into the continuum -- quite affirming in some ways, given the media obsession with non-real women, to fall somewhere in the middle.
  • rorae
    rorae Posts: 34 Member
    bump, bump, bump
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Wow,if you miss 1 day,the posts to catch up,love it.
    Welcome all newbies.
    Enjoying another nice autumn day in the Midwest.Hubby has an interview today.
    Went to a bible study and was nice to hear,tho I don`t like to hear people down on their luck,but almost all the ladies had lived with a family member or have a family member live with them,due to loosing their home,job,whatever.It was an experience and I loved the gramma time,but the stress was gonna kill me.It`s so much nicer living with a friend.They seem to understand and empazize with you,or at least in our case,it seems.Not walking on eggshells every day is nice.
    Hope everyone is enjoying the day!
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    went on my first shopping trip w/ Mom today. it was VERY short~ we went to ONE store (Lowe's), and i walked probably 30-45 minutes (on cane). i am offically WORN OUT!! trembly & shaky~ i am just NOT ready for this! :sad:

    how can it be that i work HARD and sweat like a mule for almost 2 hours in physical therapy, and a simple, SHORT shopping trip wore me flat OUT??? :grumble:

    i wanted to go to the pool and water walk today, but i need to REST. maybe i'll feel like trying it this evening.

    i am sooooo ready to get back to "normal". sorry for being a pill. :frown:
    i'll try hard not to rant next time.

    hang in there, y'all, and drink that water! :drinker:

    janie :flowerforyou:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    SCORE!!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Hello my wonderful friends. My fitness buddy at work and I made 2nd place last week in the biggest loser contest. We lost 2.61% (together) and overall we are in 4th place having lost 4.8%! Woohoo! :drinker: I’m excited about that. I kept checking my email while I was in clinical to see when the email went out about last week’s results (you have until Monday to weigh). I had wanted a bowl of soup with my sandwich today at lunch, but saw it was 240 calories a bowl, and said “No thanks” I got the cooked carrots instead which were yummy. :smile: They appeared to have a little butter on them, but it was very little.

    Clinical today was BORING LOL. I sent 2 students to the post intensive care unit, one was in the ED, so I only had 4 in the ICU and nothing to do! So I guess that’s good for everyone who is not in there, but bad for the students!

    Barbie; thanks for the information on the pedometer. IT may go on my Santa list! (My 19 year old still believes in Santa)

    DeeDee: you’re right…Benny didn’t like that crate one bit. Who knows why? He may have had prior bad experiences. Our last dog loved her crate and would see us getting dressed to leave and go right in it and wait to be locked up. A couple of times we left the gate unlocked and she was still in there when we got home from work. She’d sleep in it randomly too. I’m dreaming of your beef stew!

    Jen: I Noticed that healthy choice meals now say “Now healthier with more vegetables”. I think that’s hilarious. They (and lean cuisine, ect) are ok for the occasional work lunch, especially when there’s no time to make something better, but not for a steady diet!

    Michele: oh you are so right about plans, especially when they involve construction!:bigsmile:

    Lila: your sign off will be the right season soon!

    Amanda: I don’t know which map it is, but supposedly there is only one other copy of it in the National Library in Paris. I’ll have to ask him which one it is and who mine are by. Good news about your cousin.

    Cindy: have fun with the kayaking!

    Star Dancer: great news on your loss!

    Nancy: I got quite the laugh out of your story about locking your son in. I had various images of what he might have done! :happy:

    Janehadji: I don’t eat my calories back because I don’t burn that many (usually less than 300 a day) and I already eat 1900. I know a lot of people say that if you burn it, you have to give the fuel back to your body and that makes a lot of sense if you are really burning a ton or not eating much overall. I do think the site way over estimates the amount of calories burned from exercise. Also try changing your exercise routine.

    I mostly write test banks for nursing textbooks, not the most exciting thing in the world, but nursing test questions have rigid prescriptive rules for how they are written which somehow I manage to remember and I enjoy doing it. Not all that many people are good at writing test questions ( they have to be patterned exactly like the licensure exam questions in several ways) and even rarer for a publisher to find someone who enjoys doing it. So I am in a lot of demand. I think I have had something to do with every test bank for nursing books for one major publisher! Now I’m a section editor for the leading nursing textbook on the market. It’s a brand new position for this book, but the 2 authors want to retire and before they go want to mentor people instead of just leaving. There are 3 of us who hopefully will take the book over in the next couple of years. I have co-authored a book that is the study guide for nurses wanting to take the national Emergency Nursing certification exam and many book chapters and journal articles.

    Kate: sounds like boss-stress eating!!!:laugh:

    M: your date night sounds lovely. We try to have one every other week for sure. :heart:

    Jb: I love Dr. Weil and have several yummy recipes from him. I personally think he is right…the problem for carbs for most people is the overly refined garbage in the stores these days. I also like him because he is reasonable about medical care; even though he is a natural medicine practitioner, he also knows there are times to seek western (aka modern) health care without fail.

    Tigress: try changing your exercise routine and do some new things. I hear you on the frustration. Hang in there…change will come

    Laura: good luck on that court hearing. That’s a long, slow, and irritating process!

    Lenitgogirl: fabulous for you getting in that spa with no clothes on and not being as self conscious as you thought you’d be.

    Janie: oh I’m so sorry your shopping trip was more difficult than you thought it would be! Rest up…good plan. You’ll get back to normal I hope soon!:flowerforyou:

    Well ladies I must get some work on the book done…I’m behind where I thought I’d be. Dinner tonight is tilapia….yum the more fish the better, I say. Drink up! Meg
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    OH, Some one said a bit ago "Remind me to tell you where my fork was" or something to that effect. Then I never heard the story. Ring a bell anyone???
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Glenda - sounds like you are well on your way with your goals.

    Gail - glad to have helped. That Krud Kutter is fantastic stuff. But you do have to be sure to order the one for red clay. They do have a lot of Krud Kutters. But it works fantastic. I spray it on my clothes before I wash them, I use it almost everywhere.

    Amanda - yea for your cousin!

    jb - I don't like the white sticky rice. It's just so "bland". That's why the other day when we had Chinese food, I didn't get any rice.

    Tigress - I hear ya, takes no time at all for a few pound gain but forever to get it off. Congrats on the swimming. The minute I get out of the pool, I make a bee line for the bathroom!

    \Sorry if I've missed anybody. A bit on the rushed side today.

    Let's see, today started out with my doing 1-1/4 hr of a step DVD. Then there wasw the Newcomers board meeting. Vince couldn't go so I went and took his report with me. A lady I know came in (her hubby is the past pres), she'd lost quite a bit of weight. I told her that she's looking good, but, honestly, I thought she looked so "old", very boney. She said she needed to lose it for her arthritis. Even Vince said that she was someone he wouldn't have thought needed to lose weight. Then came home. You wouldn't believe the amount of people here. Let's see, the two guys who did most of the installation, Timmy and Justin (project managers?), Bob (owner of the pool company), Jeidel (not sure of the spelling) overseeing the remainder of the retaining wall being built, Hosea marking where the concrete will go, the three guys finishing up the retaining wall. Well, they didn't finish building the steps so this 2 day project is going to be turning into a 5 day project. Seems that 4 of our spa jets need to be replaced so they're ordering new ones.

    Went for my biannual eye exam, then stopped at Aldi's. After dinner made zucchini chocolate chip cookies for the buys and then this banana butterscotch muffins. The original recipe is for a bread but I made muffins. Actually, they usually stick to the pan when I make a bread so I used muffin liners and just made mini-muffins. Have some grapes in the freezer right now freezing.

    In one sense, I can't wait for the pool to be done, for one thing so that I'm not baking so much for these guys. They're supposed to be putting up the forms for the concrete tomorrow and, hopefully, finishing the steps.

    Oh no, time for Loki's medicine then it's off to watch DWTS results.

    Hope everyone has a great evening. Sorry for this being so short.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Tonight, after dinner, dessert, pickles and a large glass of water, I weighed myself fully dressed. I weighed exactly 10 pounds less than naked in the morning 6 weeks ago. That is awesome!

    To the person who asked about eating back calories - I've only been doing this for 47 days, but I know that when I didn't eat any of them back I had two weeks of very meager losses. So the next week I ate a couple of hundred above my goal each day and I had a 2 pound loss.

    That being said, on nights I ride, or do all the barn work myself, my fitbit adds so many calories to my total that I'd often have to eat 1200 more calores according to it. I don't believe for a moment if I actually ate all those calories I'd still lose weight.

    Anyway, weigh in is Friday morning and I am having a tough time sticking to my decision to not take a peek before then. I really feel this is at least a 2 pound week. Weighing myself fully dressed after dinner doesn't count. : )
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Two great things-I got the job and the scale finally budged a couple pounds! Thanks to all those who wished me luck! It's just a temp job for the the next 5 1/2 weeks (start tomorrow) but I'll take it! Back on track with food and exercise and hopefully will still get to some water aerobics after work.

    M- I love crime novels but nowadays it seems to take me forever to get through a book. Glad you had a fun date night! My DH and I try to do that every so often.

    Kate- Hope your son can make some headway with filing a police report!

    Barbie-I love Dancing With the Stars too!:bigsmile:

    DeeDee-How neat all the decorating you're doing! Your granddaughter will love it!

    Jen=I know what you mean-I'm always am in a better mood after I read all the posts here! My sister thinks frozen dinners are healthy too! And that's even after her heart attack! :frown:

    Michele-Pineapple in angel food cake sounds yummy!

    Glendalight-You're doing great with your goals! I have to work more on my de-cluttering one!

    Lila-MDA is Muscular Dystrophy Assn. so I feel like I'll be working for a good cause and making a difference!

    Amanda-Glad your cousin is recovering!

    Janehadji-Taking it one day at a time. Realize that I was trying to do too much to soon so backing off a little. Thanks for thinking of me!:flowerforyou:

    Janie-Give yourself time-you'll get there!:flowerforyou: You are definitely putting the work in! Just listen to your body and rest when it tells you too-I learned this the hard way!!

    Meg-Congrats on how well you're doing in the contest!

    I really need to get and move a bit! Good night all and sorry if I missed you!!

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening Ladies!!

    @Dee all of your decorating sounds fun!!

    @Michele--Angel food cake I really like and I think that with pineapple sounds really good.

    @Amanda-- Happy to hear that your cousin is recovering/

    @Meg- Congrats on doing so well in your contest.

    @Star Dancer yay on your loss!

    @Cindy have fun Kayaying! I have never been but it looks like fun.

    @Kate I hope everything works out for your son.

    @Linda, i use various websites for ideas on freezing meals it can be time consuming sometimes I just double a batch of whatever I am making freeze half for another day. i freeze almost a full meal except the salad.

    But its only good if you work the plan today on my way home realise that I forgot to call my daughter to put the dinner in the oven. So stop at KFC.:tongue: I just need to stick to the plan.

    @Janie sorry shopping was so hard for you!

    @Kathy congrats on the weight loss

    Outside of KFC today went ok. Still stay under got a lot of walking in. Hoping to continue up this walking getting stronger each time.

    Tomorrow more of the same at work. Tomorrow is a center day. Which means we stay there and run programs one of them is cooking . Its normally fun but tomorrow I have a lower functioning group I like all of them its just that all of them have coping skills that stress the other one out. So last time it was like putting out fires all day. They are so stress doesn't seem productive to me. But hey its why they pay me so we will make it work. :smile:

    Well that's it. Sorry if I missed anyone. Wishing everyone a good evening,


  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Happy Wednesday (I've been thinking it was Weds all day today). So I'm getting a head start on tomorrow. All in all it was a pretty good day. I missed lunch though because I had a dentist appointment to replace a filling at 11:30 and the freezing didn't come out until 3PM. When I was in my teens and 20s I used to just freak about dental needles. I have no idea why, they really are nothing. Must have had a bad experience in my childhood, which I have thankfully not hung to .

    I enjoyed the kale so much last night that I made it again tonight. Actually I think I had the same meal but covered the orange fake chicken cutlet with hot pepper cheese - definitely improved both the looks and the taste. Who doesn't love melted cheese.

    Cindy – I hope you enjoy the kayaking. It always looks so freeing (is that a word?)

    Stardancer – 2 wins, the cold almost gone and 3.5 pounds gone – great loss.

    Amanda – glad to hear your cousin in recovering well. And celebrating a birthday after the bypass certainly beats the alternative.

    Nancy – I locked the doors with the car running while I was in Northern Ontario (40 below) and maybe the car guys would have been quicker if it had been a child – I locked my dogs in, but like you said, at least the car was running.

    Kate I hear you about the airlines and suitcases. I usually end up buying a new set every year just because they get damaged – the locks get broken, the zippers ripped, One time I got my suitcase and it was soaked through and a lot of my clothes were wet; I only buy hard shell now. But even that gets all gouged up and chipped. Good luck with the chocolate remedy – lol.

    Mwheatcraft – I’m going to try making those kale chips, sounds yummy. I like crunchy things.

    JB thanks for the info. I much prefer chewy grainy breads to white and don’t have a sweet tooth, and prefer new potatoes to bakers, so that’s all good. I think I got heavy because I just overate my portions – drastically. When I look at what a normal portion is, yes I overate. And second helpings were obviously in my case only about taste, not about hunger. Question out there – what is converted rice and why is it better?

    Tigress – I will look forward to the suggestions you get from others about moving through the plateau. I think it’s going to be a problem for me too.

    Laura – When I’m going somewhere new, I like to go in advance and scout out the parking and how long it with take to get there and in etc. I absolutely hate walking in late for anything. Good luck with your meeting at the courthouse.

    JaneMartin – your bible study ladies sound like a good supportive group.

    Janie – you can rant all you like. We understand how frustrating it can be to be limited in motion. After surgery I felt like it was going to be forever before I was back to my normal self. It just takes time for the body to heal.

    Three cheers for Kathy’s job – hip hip hooray!!! I should have known the MDA, every so often acronyms just escape me totally.

    Well, time to go, the cat is making typing almost impossible this evening.
    Have a good sleep and drink drink drink that water.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    @Lila, glad to hear everything went ok at the dentist.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lila, I just looked at a map and realized that we have been close to where you live……in 2009 we spent a week in our RV in Trail, BC but that’s as far east as we got in BC on that trip. We loved Trail and talked a lot about how it would be a great place to live…My new profile picture was taken with the Columbia River in the background in Trail.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: We had salmon for supper……it was a piece of the fish our friends caught…….Jake brought salmon home from his fishing trip yesterday and we packaged it and froze it to eat later.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy, your story about locking your children in the car reminds me of the time I went outside and Brandy and Sasha started barking at me and pawing at the sliding glass door and managed to press the latch down and lock me out.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, thanks for the sharing the info about carbs with everyone…..there is so much ignorance on that subject and a lot of people who talk about low carb food plans don’t even know that fruits and vegetables are in that category.

    :flowerforyou: Tigress, have you tried paying more attention to the sodium content of what you eat…..too much sodium causes your body to retain fluid and makes the scale go up so it seems like you’re gaining and losing the same three pounds over and over…..also, salty foods seem to make me want to eat more and milder foods make me more satisfied.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, congrats on your success in the biggest loser contest.

    :sad: my only exercise today was walking dogs, but they are such great exercise partners that I walked a lot.......I took care of lots of chores and errands that have been haunting me for awhile.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    September Resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    * walk with hubby three days a week
    *17,000 steps a day
    * finish the rock project in the yard
    *Act the way I want to feel
    *Come from a place of love
    *Don’t take things personally

  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    Tigress!! I did look at your food diary and you are not eating enough! I used to do the same thing- I ate very few calories and my weight just went up and up. I finally listened to what everyone was telling me and I began eating more - healthy food, of course. There are days when your calories burned by exercise are more than you have even eaten. This is not good- not good at all. Your metabolism has shut down. You can search Eat more/weigh less on this site and find a lot of good information. You might find that you gain a pound or two but then you will begin to lose at a regular pace. It sounds wrong but it works.
    Good luck!