

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Jittery and restless again tonight! What gives! I WANT CHOCOLATE!!

    No fireworks or explosions at work, new boss and trainer got along famously but the outcome of have too many cooks in the kitchen....... it turns out we are about to be buried under an avalanche of problems as noone communicated with each other and they all worked at cross purposes. I am pulling an extra shift tomorrow to help figure things out. Guess my hundred years of experience may come in handy or perhaps its the fact that I can laugh about it all (because the alternative is illegal!)

    Sometimes I like that I am no longer in management because ultimately now, the headache isn't mine!

    Cheers, Kate
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi Ladies,:smile:
    I started this post on Tuesday about 1:30 pm, now I am finishing it up at 0145 am. I did work my 4 hr shift this evening, watched the news and then came to finish the post when one of my girls said she was not feeling well. So, I went and layed down with her until she fell asleep. I am still doing laundry, but headed to bed soon. The WW scale that I finally opened up , and put in the bathroom might be broken. The scale says to “tap” here , to turn it on, but we have to TAP really hard! Ladies, what do you think about this? I even changed the battery’s thinking that may be the problem, but it did not change anything. I am not drinking enough water , as it seems that I am in the car so much , that I can not get to the BR fast enough! I have got to try and guzzle the water down early in the day. Need to update my measurements and get this scale thing worked out. Thank all of you for sharing your posts, it REALLY keeps me motivated and logging my food. I probably had something more to say, but now I really have brain fog, time for bed. I have to get up at 0730 to get my daughter off to school. I will come home a sleep for awhile, so my brain can be sharp for work tonight. I need a winning lottery ticket, because with 2 kids that need to go to college, retirement is not in sight for some time to come! God is good. :drinker:
    Blessing to you all, be loving nutritious to yourself! :heart:

    Cindy, I am sure your dogs enjoyed the walk. What is the issue with the elliptical? Sorry about the pump issue, but on the bright side, think how many calories you burned going up and down the stairs.  Hope all goes well with your DD’s move! Good luck learning to kayak! Attitude check- how are you doing? :wink: :wink:

    Carolyn, -so the food that you ate wasn’t the best, the main thing is that you were under your calorie goal. So, its still a win! I also chose to get in moderation. With 3 other people in the house it would be hard at this point to not purchase certain foods. I do chose to abstain on some foods sometime. Now, we have Halloween candy in the house. I had to say to myself” I do not eat candy”. So, far so good , since it is not an option. I guess I do a little of both. :drinker: :drinker:

    Tigress --the 3lbs should come off quickly esp if it is water retention. That is interesting about the election year and money. In the last 4 years , no one has really been spending that much money, thanks to a lousy economy. I hope that the economy will be better after the election! Maybe ,you need to see the nutritionist or a good exercise physiologist/trainer to get the burn that you need to lose the calories. Unfortunately, a few days of going over calories can sabotage a week or even the balance of input vs calories burned for the month. Don’t get too frustrated, it will come off again. A new start , a new day to move forward, be kind and loving nutritious to yourself and you will feel better! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Kathy,- thinking about you now and hoping that the job interview is going well! Thanks for the reminder about de-cluttering. I need to do that with paperwork. Ugh , well maybe it does burn a few calories! Lol Congrats on getting the job and the weight loss! You are doing a great job!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Mwheatcraft54- yes, I have to agree with you, time does fly ! How, nice that you were able to go out and enjoy yourself without DH. Sometimes this does a soul good! Oh, my your evening with your Dh sounds heavenly. We love kale chips. We have been making a kale salad with olive oil, lemon juice , dried cranberries and pine nuts. It is very yummy! Hope all was well with the mammogram. We have the digital machine out her for a few years now. It is way less painful with the digital machine! :laugh: :laugh:

    JB- I will agree with you on processed, white carbs and processed foods being addicting. The carbohydrates increase those endorphins that make us feel so good. I don’t feel that carb craving for whole wheat/grain products. I read in one of the medical journals that we are pre-wired for sweets, and this is how infants have the drive to drink breast milk. The carbs, processed foods are just like a drug, addicting and want you coming back for more. The economic side of it, the sellers have a steady customer base! , I love Andrew Weil.MD. I have the same book. Thanks for the refresher!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Nancy, Love the bike story, is this the day after the one glass of wine? Lol Sounds like your motorbike ride was fun and beautiful. We used to go to the desert and ride dirt bikes until the kids were born. I loved the feeing of freedom on the bike while traveling the bike trails in the desert! Kids locked in cars here is a bad combo, people do it in the scorching heat with kids and animals. There was a Dad here that left his kid in the car all day. He forgot to drop him off at daycare. :sad: :sad:

    Laura80111- glad that you and DH were able to get in some bike rides. Its nice that you have an alternative to work out if the weather gets bad. I am so glad that I have not been doing the birthday party thing any more. The simple birthday parties of our day are gone. Here in So. Calif everyone has to have these big extravagant birthday party’s. Its way to expensive. We just started to take the girls somewhere they wanted to go for their birthday. There choice was usually Disneyland! Thanks for the reminder about drinking the water. I am going back to costco to see if they got in wild salmon it. Good for your husband trying to lose weight. My DH needs to lose weight, but is not motivated to do anything. He is 5 years from retirement and it cannot come soon enough! :happy: :happy:

    WESSECG, glad that you are starting to feel better!! I think you have me beat with how many times you went to the bathroom in one night! Wow, you didn’t get much sleep that night! Congrats on your weight loss. You are lucky that you get to ride! How fun! :tongue:

    Kate, what an accomplishment to go from obese to over weight! The health benefits for this change are amazing. Good for you! I hope your DS gets somewhere with his police report. Sounds strange that the company doesn’t have any better standards to deal with employee theft. I am glad that there was a police report filed. Now, maybe the employer will get a little more helpful in solving the crime, unless it is him/her? Love your description of a switch being flipped, searching for food. I have experienced that same thing, mine was always the pre-menstrual thing. I didn’t know it at the time and I felt like there was something wrong with me. Like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Lol. You did very though and didn’t eat like you were starving! Good for you. Did you get your chocolate? :laugh: :happy:

    Welcome, Tracy :drinker: :drinker:

    Meg, that is so typical of what your DD does at the facility he is at. I have had patients call me when I am working and they want me to do something about the staff at a facility. I guess it is trying to maintain some sense of control. I am sure that staff loves the candy. Really, 4 jobs now that is some dedication, good for you! I think I have had one full time job and a part time per diem job at the same time, but never more than that. Ugh, I couldn’t imagine that. So, Now your work load is really light! Lol. For your book are you clinical contributing editor/writer? I know you told us, but I can’t remember! I forgot to tell you my DD made dinner the other night, for which I am so thankful. I had to go to the store for her and get some eggs, buttermilk and a few other things. Well, after dinner I asked her where the dozen eggs were because they were all gone. Well ,s he used them all because some of the over easy eggs didn’t turn out right!!! Then she made buttermilk pancakes and I asked her about the buttermilk pancakes, she said that the mix did not call for buttermilk, but she put some in anyway! The best thing was that she used every dish, spoon, spatula, measuring cup in the kitchen. The meal she made was very good, but I hope she learns to read directions better and through her trial and error , she will be an awesome cook one day! Lol Congrats on 2nd place, you ladies are rocking the boat! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Barbie, thanks for the inof on the Omron HJ-720ITC. I looked it up and I think I can get it ffrom Walmart. Not a bad price either! I still need to get the Happiness Project. Now, I have 2 things on my “to do” list. Thank you so much for the information.Love the new picture! :happy: :happy:

    DeeDee- I would love to see some pictures of your Halloween/fall decorations. Friday sounds like it is going to be a fun day for your riding in the golf cart. That is so much fun for a child too do! I will be making a lot of elk and venison stew this fall. It is still in the upper 90”s here in San Diego, so it will be a while before we get into the stew making! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Jen-hope you are out of your “funk” mood. At least you rode the bike that evening. Tell your mom that the plastic containers those frozen meals are in, that the chemicals leach out into the food that you are eating! This is true! Good luck with that , it might just be a thing of convience. Maybe you and her can make up a batch of meals for the week and freeze them for her. Then she can microwave them on a glass plate? :happy: :happy:

    Gail- nice that you got to sit down with everything done for the next day. Neither of my girls did their chores tonight. Dishes not unloaded and loaded, nor the cat litter box emptied. I am at wits end about trying to make kids do chores. UGH!!!!!!!!!! I have never heard of swai fish. Where is it from. Your trip to the river sounds like so much fun. I wish I had better joints to be able to do these things now with my girls. I am praying when I have lost this additional stress(weight) on my joints I will gain some flexibility! :grumble: :grumble: :explode: :explode: :angry: :angry:

    Liz- hope you got a good nights sleep! Oh, so wonderful sleep! I wish we didn’t need it! Think how much more we could get done without it! Thanks for the info on freezing meals. I have some research to do. Bless you for the work that you do! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Michele- thanks for the info on krud kutter. I have never heard of it! I will look for it. Now if they only made something for home clutter like clutter kutter I would be in heaven! You are the baking queen. Zucchini chocolate chip cookies, how do those taste? :happy: :happy:

    Glendalight- I had a total hip also, so I know exactly what you are going through. If I can find my home exercises I could fax them to you. Hope your recovery is going well! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Lila- sorry Lila, I probably did read where you are at, but this brain after 4 hours of talking with people on the computer /phone is some what jelly when I sit to write a post at midnight. My SIL would love you, she is a vet always trying to find homes for abandoned animals! This is why we have five animals! :sad: :sad: :laugh: :laugh:

    Amanda-very interesting line of work you are in. I’m afraid I would need to have a course to learn about all that you do! It sounds so very interesting! Great news, about your cousin. I hope he and your DD had a nice birthday celebration. Cold is not a good combo for joints and dry rot! Lol :laugh: :laugh:

    Stardancer7- congrats on your weight loss and I am glad that you are feeling better. What an awesome exchange, spinach and strawberries for ice cream! You go girl! :flowerforyou: :smile:

    Janehadji- I don’t know how to break a plateau, but my old trainer had people eating more calories if they were working out really hard, but not losing weight. There should be a wealth of information from the ladies here about this! :drinker:

    Cathy- glad to see you back. I think logging your meals will make al the difference in the world. I know for me it has kept me on track.:drinker: :drinker:

    Lentigogirl- interesting that they have public spas like that in Virginia. They must be something different that all the “bath houses” here in California that they shut down and banned! The media has harmed so many women and young girls in their thinking of they way they “should look” just like a 0 size model. Thank goodness the Dove has a campaign for girls to be “real girls” :drinker: :drinker:

    Jane- hope the interview went well for your husband. I am so happy for you that you have a true friend and that you don’t have to walk on egg shells anymore! :tongue: :tongue:

    : JNHeff-It takes time to heal that the exercise is different than walking. You will get back to normal, but it takes time. For me going walking with a shopping cart is different body mechanics than doing PT. If I go shopping and push a cart, I am in pain after the first 30 mins. It seems that this would be easy on the body, but it has to do with the different way in with it moves our muscles. Hang in there Janie, you can do it. Just take the time to heal slowly and correctly. You deserve it!:drinker: :drinker:
    Good night ya' all:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Have a great Wednesday! :drinker: :heart:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Amanda:smile: so glad your cousin is doing well:flowerforyou: .

    Kate:smile: I was going to get flowers yesterday, didn't happen, hoping I get to do that today! Wow, it sounds like you never know what's happening at work, not sure I would like that:grumble: . Can you maybe have a bite of dark chocolate to satisfy your craving?

    M:smile: glad your date night was fun! I'm decorating a Halloween tree, I say I do it for the granddaughters but I love it too! I fill it with ghosts, spiders, spooky words and orange and black garland, the tree topper is a witches hat.

    Jb:smile: good article! Hope you had a good hike with the doggies!

    Tigress:smile: hang in there!!! I know it's frustrating and slow! I'm sure there are others here that can give you some good advice. I'll be lucky if I lose one pound this month! Take your measurements, maybe you've lost inches!!!

    Laura80111:smile: hope everything went well at the courthouse!!! I'm having salmon tonight and then official weigh- in is on Sunday, so I'll be having it again on Sat. night!

    Cathy:smile: tracking food really helps, glad you're getting back to it!

    Lentingogirl:smile: good for you being able to do the " naked" spa, not sure I would be comfortable with that, not even if I was tiny:noway: . I bet it was very relaxing though.

    JaneMartin:smile: hope hubby's interview goes well!!!! Glad you're not walking on eggshells anymore!!!

    Janie:smile: give yourself time to heal:flowerforyou: . Take one day at a time and just try not to do too much!!!!

    Meg:smile: congrats on 2nd place!!!! Beef stew was good, it was even better last night, I put the rest in the freezer to make soup with at a later date. My dog before Noel loved her crate too, if there was too many people in the house she would go get in her crate, it was her safe place!

    Michele:smile: sounds like you had lots of guys working!!! I had some electrical work done a few years ago, they told me 3 days, it took them 3 weeks:angry: . These guys probably want to keep coming to your house, you feed them goodies :laugh: !

    Wessecg:smile: 10 pounds less than 6 weeks ago, with clothes on....CONGRATS!!!!

    Kathy:smile: Yay, yay, yay!!!!!! For the job and the scale!!!

    Liz:smile: Good for you making KFC work in your plan!!!

    Lila:smile: you have me craving kale now, think I'll get some to go with my salmon!!!

    Barbie:smile: you're so lucky to get really fresh salmon!!!!! YUM!!!!

    Linda:smile: I have to press hard on my WW scale to turn it on too, I think they do that for just incase if something is put on that is light it won't turn on and run the battery down. Hope your daughter is feeling better:flowerforyou: . I'm going to have to get my daughter to help me post pics, I'm totally lost on how to do it!!!! Clutter kutter:laugh: , I would buy that too!!!

    I`m sorry for those I`ve missed, I did read all the posts, it`s hard to keep up with everyone unless I check in everyday, twice a day.
    Today I`m going to try and get my flowers, I would love to get that done! Oh, Michele, no I didn`t carve the pumpkin that rotted, I did tell them about it, I got them at The Fresh Market, they replaced it free of charge for me.

    Well ladies it is now 7:00am, best get myself busy!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day, drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , log your food!!!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all! :happy:

    "I'm on my second cup of coffee and I just can't face the day..." That's a quote from a CDN folk singer, can't remember who. And it's not completely true, I am on my second cup of coffee, but I'm looking forward to the day. :drinker: The song just popped into my head. DH used to play a lot of folk guitar and we sang our way through many nights in the bush or on the sailboat.

    Kate, sympathizing with your frustrations in dealing with the theft from your son’s locker. Did chocolate work its magic at on your manager-in-training? :ohwell: I am no longer in management either, and it’s great. All of the fun, none of the paperwork. :bigsmile:

    That deep seated craving for fooooood – I’d call it stress eating too. When it hits me I just go straight to bed – which is one reason I get 8-9 hours of sleep a night!

    Mwheatcraft – thanks for the movie recommendation. I’m a huge Clint Eastwood fan and it’s great to know he’s still got it all!

    JB, you’re talking my talk re: carbs! Eat the good stuff, that’s what I say. Interesting to read we should trade whole wheat bread for “dense, chewy, grainy breads”. That kind bread is banned from my house, because I LOVE it!

    Laura, I hope your hearing went OK, no stress driving/parking in the city. :flowerforyou:

    I made tacos for my boys last night but chose to try the kale/mushroom sauté thing for me. Didn’t want to take a chance on the Mexican temptation! :noway: You did well at the restaurant and I’ll look for something like that next time we’re out.

    Cathy, come back to us! :flowerforyou: Plan what you eat, eat what you plan.

    Lentigogirl, I am drooling with envy, imagining your day at the spa.

    Janie, you just rant along as much as you want, we’re all in this together. :drinker:

    Meg – yeehaw, you’re a loosing winner! :happy:

    Whew, Michele, you had a busy Tuesday. I hope it was all fun.

    Wessecg, congratulations on your landmark – 10 pounds down with clothes on! :drinker:

    Liz, I appreciated the way you referred you your client’s behaviour as “coping skills”. :ohwell: It takes the blame/shame right out of it, and that’s something teachers need to learn to do too. I am going to share that thought at work. The students aren’t “being jerks” on purpose, they’re using the best coping skills they’ve got!

    Lila, I think melted cheese is right up there with chocolate and toast, just short of utter bliss. :love: I made the kale/portobello mushroom sauté last night with some curry powder thrown in for flavour. It was great.

    Suitcases! We travelled around Europe, Africa and Asia for 12 months (2009-10) with a carry on sized bag and a small backpack (large purse in my case) each. Know what? Never lost our luggage and never had any damage at all. Go Eagle Creek, go. Still using the same bags.

    Sundance, I have the WW scale and yes, you do have to give it a pretty sharp rap to get it turned on. Sometimes I pick the corner up with my toe and drop it (the scale, not my toe). That works!

    Oh, time to get up and get J'boy jump started for the day.

    What am I looking forward to? Teaching a lesson about "reading between the lines" and figuring out what authors are inferring in text. Going to the first circuit training class of the season. Meeting the student teacher who will be sharing my class this year.

    Gotta go....

  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi, everyone –

    Meg, congratulations on the hard work and place win at work! Good for you for making good food choices too.

    Michele, it sounds like it won’t be long before the pool is finished. I know you’ll be happy. Those banana butterscotch muffins sound heavenly! Anything caramel or butterscotch is my weakness.

    Wessecg, wow! Congratulations – it sounds like the weight is really coming off. I’m going to have to listen about eating more calories. I try to stick to around 12 – 13 hundred a day, but I think I’ve forced my body into starvation. It doesn’t help when I skip a meal and wind up way below that too, like last night.

    Kathy, congratulations to you as well. And good luck with the new job – every little bit, and I’ve found with temp work that they often can lead to a full-time job too.

    Liz, I’ve been adding a lot of walking to my regular routine – love to get out while the weather is nice. Good for you for getting stronger too! I hope your day goes well at work – not too many fires.

    Sasha, I too have the locked/running car story – at the Girl Scout cookie pick-up van, at the front of the line, on one of the only days it was open. If anyone knows about the cookie vans, you know what the lines can look like. There were cars out the parking lot and out all the way to the main road. And I was blocking them all until the police came to open the car . I’m also with you on buying a new suitcase – we always wind up buying at least a new one every year. It’s kind of like a sunk cost of traveling.

    Barbie, still jealous of the fishies .

    Kate, what’s going on? I hope things relax for you soon – you sound on edge .

    Sundance, you have to tap hard – we have to do the same thing. It’s just how it’s made. It sounds like you had a really long day and were super busy – hope you get some good rest.
    The mammogram was about as painless as it could be, which isn’t saying a lot. Our hospital switched to digital a few years ago – I remember distinctly because they called and wanted me to come in for one last check before they switched over – and the only appointment they could find was four days after my hysterectomy. Lovely. Anyway, it was kind of funny – I was waiting in radiology and another lady came in, sat down, opened her mouth and vomited her entire life’s history out for the next half hour. She never even took a breath, I don’t think. Poor thing – she really needed someone to talk to, it sounded like, but what was really funny about it was most of it was complaining about a stepfather who is too needy and calls and talks non-stop. Oh, well – I’m happy to lend an ear and a shoulder where I can – I don’t think we feel “heard” enough sometimes .

    Dee, your Halloween tree sounds great! My sister is having a 50th birthday party for her husband the weekend before Halloween (he’s an All Soul’s Day baby) and having a haunted house. I’m sure we’ll be decorating some trees like that for her too. In fact, I have a bunch of dusty old fake fig leaf trees that I can give her for that . . . good idea!

    OK, that’s all for now – apologies if I missed you. Did I give you my NSV for today (what does that stand for anyway?)? I was rushing to get dressed this morning and had to stop for a second – I have ribs! I can see my rib cage quite clearly now! It almost makes up for the disagreement with the husband last night :(.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a lovely day – almost the weekend already.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Good morning – so far behind on reading how everyone is doing. I’m just back from another trip to do things for my dad and go along on appointments. No details needed but very frustrating and infuriating day so I’m glad to be home. I will admit to being continually distracted and have trouble getting things accomplished. Do I blame ongoing menopause fog or just life stress? Ha.

    DeeDee – happy flower shopping to you. I use to do an uncarved pumpkin and a mum for my front porch. I changed my little porch over to a year round statuette and so far haven’t added anything else to it.

    Linda – I’ve forgotten what type of electronic scale I purchased but it does take quite the authoritative tap to turn the thing on so I’m use to that. I don’t know what others would say but I’m happy with mine. It’s consistent (some folks have told me they can weigh 3 times in a row and get 3 different readings).

    Kate – fingers crossed for you. OMG what a distressing situation you’re in.

    Barbie – what a gorgeous picture. You are just lovely!! And always an inspiration to be active. Yeah!

    Lila – the best part of your visit to the dentist is that it is over right? Sorry you missed your lunch. Keep enjoying your kale. I had an unfortunate experience with it as a child and I’ve tried to eat it as an adult but it just doesn’t work for me. Thankfully there are lots of other great veggies!

    Liz – that’s too bad that you had dinner planned and had to settle for KFC. I’m sure what you had planned would have been tastier! Kudos for all the walking you’re doing. Super.

    Kathy – congrats on getting the job. That is wonderful news. It’s nice to have something work out the way you want it to.

    Wessecg – FitBit went crazy yesterday, for me at least, and gave me over 1,400 exercise calories. Did yours flip-out too? Hope they get everything straightened out. Don’t know if it’s a MFP issue or FitBit. Makes for some interesting readings.

    Michele – busy as always!! You are such an active lady. Your story about the person who lost weight reminds me of a friend. She always had quite a bit of extra weight around the hips and all of a sudden it just disappeared---quite quickly. She said she didn’t know how, she didn’t change anything, and her doctor was concerned and ran a lot of tests and said everything was ok. Anyway, she’s stabilized now but she continues to look unhealthy.

    Meg: congrats on your success with the weight loss contest. Super!!! How much longer does the contest continue? Wishing you continued success on that.

    Janie – sorry you got so tired on your shopping trip. Hoping you continue to see progress.

    Jane – oh yes, having to watch what you do and what you say all the time is so exhausting. I’m glad you’re in a better place now.

    Lentigogirl – I could never do that. I never even liked to take a shower in the girls locker room after gym class back in high school! I hope you had a lovely day.

    Cathy – hope as you get back to planning and logging that you have success!

    Laura – I hope the experience in bankruptcy court turned out well. And of course, I hope the salmon will boost your results! Let us know. Was thinking of you yesterday as I hunted for all the files I need to start trying to figure out the cost basis for my dad’s house. They built it so there’s no easy purchase price to work from. Looking ahead to having to sell the place to pay for care. I could use an old fashioned adding machine from the looks of the mountains of receipts!!

    Tigress – I hope you see better results soon. I see others have given you recommendations. You certainly are getting some vigorous exercise! Zumba, swimming…….

    Jb – it’s always good for us to go back and do more reading and reinforcing regarding health and food choices. Sometimes I find I want to make some changes; sometimes I just feel that I am doing what’s best for me already.

    M – I had to laugh because I didn’t even KNOW there was a new Clint Eastwood movie. Glad you and DH enjoyed it.

    Sorry, gotta go now. Phone ringing, cell phone buzzing, doorbell ringing………what to do!!!!!

    Take care, best wishes, drink that water. Continue to be the wonderful ladies that you are!!


    :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Tigress -- I'm sorry for your frustration. I know that we've all felt it at times, so know that you're not alone! It looks like you got some great advice from several of the ladies -- I hope that some of it helps soon.

    Megblair -- First, congratulations to you and your partner on coming in 2nd in the Biggest Loser contest! That's exciting! I found it really interesting that you work with nursing textbooks and exam questions. I'm sure that my daughter must have been exposed to your work, as she graduated from nursing school in May 2011 from Regis University. I'll have to tell her about you. Am I correct in gathering that you also teach nursing?
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Wednesday morning!

    Since I had no clue about converted rice, I had to look it up. Here's what I found: Converted rice is a white rice prepared from brown rice that has been soaked, steamed under pressure to force water-soluble nutrients into the starchy endosperm, and then dried and milled.

    My mom used Uncle Ben's when we were kids, but I've never used it myself. I'm thinking the reason that Dr. Weil suggests it is that it's brown rice from the git-go and doesn't have the thick, gooey starch that sticky white rice does.

    Has anyone heard the recent news about rice having "worrisome levels" of arsenic? They're saying it's in the soil, caused by decades of arsenic-based pesticides. Oh dear me. Check out this article. It contains a video of the live news broadcast.


    It was a gorgeous afternoon yesterday, :love: I hiked with the dogs for well over an hour down along the river's edge and all through the woods. Might have to do that again today after I do something with the 3 gallons of tomatoes sitting in a tub on my kitchen table. Perhaps a large batch of tomato soup is in order. I could freeze it in quart bags for use during the winter.

    After reading and writing about Dr. Weil's suggestion about dark, chewy, grainy breads, you can just about guess what I did. Yep, stopped in at a local whole foods market and picked up a loaf of heavy, dense, beautiful, delicious, unsliced whole grain. :love: I'll have to watch it this week and not overdo it, keeping my portion at 1/2" slice which is 80 cals. After my first bite yesterday i thought, oooh, I could just sit right down and eat the whole loaf! :noway: I was good though, well, pretty good. Had a piece at lunch and another small one at dinner. Not bad considering what I would have done with that loaf in the old days - Devour with a capital D!! I'm starting to see a big change in myself. :wink:

    My scale is creeping downwards at a mighty slow pace, but it's going in the right direction. Telling myself to eat light today. Eat light. Eat light. Eat light. Repetition might help it sink in. :bigsmile:

    Must scoot. Have a great day everyone!

    :smile: jb

    Edited to add a P.S.
    Here's kind of a fun thing, it's a life expectancy quiz. http://www.peterrussell.com/Odds/VirtualAge.php

    I'm going to live to be 98! :laugh:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Yes Linder, fitbit gave me like 1400 calories yesterday and today it has already added bunches.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Wednesday All,

    Cathy- I tried not logging my food last time I met my goal and was TOTALLY unsuccessful in keeping the weight off:sad: hence my return this year. One thing I've learned is that if I want to stay on track I must log and see what I'm eating...I'm sure that if you start logging again you will break that one up and one down routine.

    lenti-an all natural spa:noway: Not sure if I'm up to that .

    jane-hoping your hubbys interview goes well:flowerforyou:

    janie-sorry to hear that your shopping trip totally wore you out. I guess you need to take baby steps to recover:flowerforyou: Your rant was a very mild one and you can do it here anytime:drinker:

    Meg-congrats on the loss:flowerforyou: 4th place over all for your team...sounds like you are attacking this contest and hoping you continue to win :flowerforyou: I'm so glad to read that someone else doesn't eat back their exercise calories...I don't either and I don't burn that many when I do exercise...probably because I just don't push myself hard enough:blushing:

    Michele-I'm sure that while you are living through the process of your pool installation we here are hearing how fast it's going:wink: you will be telling us in no time that it's finally completed.:flowerforyou:

    wessecg- I weigh myself with my clothes at work (I have my own bathroom here) and I'm able to track the ups and downs of the day so that I feel like I really know my body and can tell when it's water or real weigh gain or loss. Hoping your Friday weigh in is all you are hoping for:flowerforyou: No I won't be going away once I reach my goal...I did that last time and because I wasn't be accountable I gained back #30 that I'd lost in 2010...I've been watching Amanda & Barbie and am seeing that leaving my MFP friends would not be a good thing...so I'm sticking here:wink:

    Kathy- Congrats on the job and the scale move:flowerforyou: That should give you a boost to keep going:drinker:

    Liz-hoping your day at work is not as bad as you are anticipating:flowerforyou:

    Sasha- don't you just hate it when you lose a day because you thought today is tomorrow:sad:

    Barbie-sorry you didn't get in the exercise you wanted, but loved hearing how your Brandy & Sasha locked you out in all their excitement:wink:

    Kate- I'm sure we all want chocolate too:wink:

    Linda-I remember when the boys were all at home and trying to get everyone to do their chores and keep the house running smoothly...what challenges...thank goodness they all grew up to be responsible young men, but at the time it was touch and go:noway: As I'm sure you know by now "this too shall pass" My curves scale I don't have to press hard at all, maybe someone else has a WW scale with helpful hints.

    DeeDee- I too am finding that if I don't check in twice a day I'm soooo far behind with everyone:sad: But find it so hard to check in at the end of the day:blushing:

    Nancy- teaching about reading between the lines? Now that sounds like it would be interesting:huh:

    M- NSV = Non Scale Victory:wink:

    Lin-yep an old fashioned adding machine would come in handy if you have to take a bunch of receipts and figure out the value of your parents home. The role reversal was quite challenging and I will say I learned a lot. The doing all the funeral arrangements and house cleaning, moving etc in a 2 1/2 year period was stressful at the time but what I learned that I don't want to do to my kids I could write a book about:wink:

    jb-your bread sounds wonderful and maybe I will head to the store and see if our Sunflower Market has any...I too in times past would just devour a loaf...so that's why I don't keep bread that I love around:blushing:

    Drum roll please.....I met my goal of #2 lost for the month of September, I was able to post my weight this morning and was so glad to see the scale head down:bigsmile:

    Last night we both got home from work pretty late and exercise wasn't first on our minds so we did Red Robin (I had a free burger coming for my birthday earlier this month) so we had Lettuce Wrapped Burgers with side salads, it was more calories than I usually eat at dinner but it was all good calories and I was sure to drink a lot of water incase of sodium in the burger...needless to say I'm ready to start working on my October goals. Hubby if off work today and will be on the hunt for a real job ... we can hope he finds something, cause I'd really like to retire someday:ohwell:

    My hearing in court was really a waste of time, the Big Bank that's demanding their money had their lawyer there and the bosses lawyer was on the phone the judge listened to me and was very kind but bottom line I have to wait for my money to be paid back to me...of course hubby told me at dinner last night what I should have done....and I wish I would have done what he said...but alas I didn't :grumble:

    Today the boss is on the war path, everything is making him mad...thank goodness I'm not in the line of fire ...I'm figuring the stress is really starting to affect him...which I can understand...but it's nothing I can do to help...poor Peanut has been shaking because he's been banging around and talking so loudly.

    The morning started off not so good I had just opened MFP when the electricty went out for the next 50 min...and it's seemed to go down hill from there.

    I best go and get some real work done. Let's keep up the good work, logging that food, drinking that water and moving our bodies:drinker:

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. Hump day It is…nothing has been smooth here, all is bumpy LOL. My whole morning was taken up with a problem faculty member who just decided to randomly drop by my office wanting to get oriented to the ICU where I am doing clinical now. She will be there when I leave mid October. She was supposed to come to the ICU to orient with me Monday and Tuesday and was a no-call, no –show both days. She came in my office wearing skin tight sweats and a hoodie even though she had just been with other students. We have strict professional dress policies for clinical days and she was unhappy she had just gotten reprimanded for that and for texting while with the students…also something we and they are not allowed to do in clinical. UGH there went my whole morning. :explode: PLUs when I got to work this morning all the power was out, so there was nothing to do (and no coffee) for a while!

    On a bright note, even though my fitness buddy is gone today, I went for my usual Wednesday work walk. That helped me get rid of some angst! :wink: Tonight we are having a yummy spicy bean soup and homemade tortillas and guacamole dip. YUM can’t

    Michele: your house must be grand central station! I have never shopped at Aldi, you must like it? We have one here and they have great specials, but Walmart matches advertised prices, and I already go to 2 grocery stores a week, so I just match them.

    Wessecg: I read your post to say “dessert pickles” and found myself wondering what in the world?..... :laugh: Great job on the weight loss.

    Kathy: how was your first day at work?

    Liz: oh my….your students are stressing each other out? That would drive me crazy! Good for you to be so patient with them.

    Kate: isn’t it grand to go home and leave all that mess at work?

    Linda: I can just see your house and the huge mess DD made! When we had one daughter cook and the other clean for a week (then switch), they always did that on purpose to annoy each other. Then when the dishwasher was full, the cleaner didn’t want to wash by hand (because it was done on purpose of course) and the cook would say “It’s your night to clean.” UGH. :angry: For the books I have been a co-author and contributor. For my new role, I will be a section editor (think “junior” editor) for the next edition, then move up to author after that (if they keep me). I hope you get a good night’s sleep…you had a busy day!

    Nancy: I have a great mental image of you beating up your scale! :bigsmile:

    M: your ribs show? Great for you…a fabulous NSV = non scale victory!

    Lin: sorry your day was frustrating and annoying. :flowerforyou: All that running around always makes me cranky. Good thing dad has you! Our contest lasts until mid December.

    Janehadji: Yes I teach nursing…freshmen, sophomore, and senior courses with accelerated students. Great that DD is a nurse too! IF she used any books published by Elsevier, she may have had to answer some of my test questions!

    Jb: I have heard about the arsenic and rice issue. I think what they said is to use twice the normal amount of water to cook it in, then drain the excess. I’m going to live to be 90.1. That was a fun website! :tongue: Your bread sounds fabulous!

    Laura: sounds like you had a frustrating day too! But good news on the weight loss!!!

    Well it’s time to try to accomplish something! I hope all of you have a terrific day. Stay strong and take care, Meg:drinker:
  • beach163
    Just started today with a goal of 30 ilbs of weight loss partly to look better but also to be healthier, and concerns from my doctor.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    Hi M. - NSV is non scale victory. Something else besides the needle heading downward.

    I just had my mammogram earlier this week and they talked me into 3D. Selling point is smaller cancers can be detected. Thought I'd try it.


  • anjoneill
    anjoneill Posts: 98 Member
    I am interest to read about the digital mammograms as we do not yet have them in England, or not in the area that I live anyway. I have only had one mammogram so far but it was uncomfortable verging on painful.

    I have been on holiday this week as I have been celebrating my 24th wedding anniversary last Monday. It is so good not to have to work to the clock. The weather has been not so good but hopefully will pick up tomorrow. It has given me and my H a chance to catch up on watching some films which we so rarely get a chance to sit down together.

    It sounds like you have all been very busy and it takes a time to catch up with all the posts but there are many positive accounts and some great progress being made. It is so interesting to see how different approaches to this weight loss and maintenance work. I am currently reading Weight Lifting for Women and have started trying to apply some of the principles and the training today. The first stage is over 8 weeks so it will be interesting to see what change there has been, if any, to my body composition at the end of that time. I shall let you all know the results in due course.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Thanks, jb -- fun test! I'm virtually 31 and have a life expectancy of 101.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good afternoon all1 It is another lovely fall day here - too nice to be inside but here I am!!

    Lila - I know I have to up my calories or I will mess up my metabolism, but some days it is difficult. I may eat less during the day when I know I won't have control over what is in my evening meal. And, once i get started, I really crave the fresh crunch of salad and veggies! I do eat three meals a day, and snack, but still find myself too low. The day before yesterday, I got to bedtime and realized my calories were really down. I ended up eating 1/2 cup of ice cream and some cashews to boost the total and was still under! not good planning, I guess.

    jb - I totally agree - it is the refined, white carbs that I crave. Thank heaven I don't have to avoid fruits and veggies - I'd be chewing on air :) Like most things, not all carbs are bad, it is all about balance and wise choices. And we do sometimes have trouble finding that balance!!

    Cindy - Kayaking sounds wonderful. My daughter just bought one this summer and she is so enjoying it - beautiful quiet times on the lake away from the stress of the day! I hope you enjoyed it. I kayaked with my sister last summer - the getting in and out of it was the worst!:frown: - and it wasn't going to happen this year with mobility restrictions in place!

    Kate - I am SOO familiar with the attack of the munchies!!:embarassed: I will go from cupboard to cupboard, packing away a bite of this and a handful of that. I think I might be better off getting something 'real', plating it and sitting down to eat it. More satisfying and easier to log!!:tongue:

    mwheatcraft - I have had an ESL student through a literacy program at the library for several years now. It is a very rewarding volunteer experience and a real friendship has developed out of it. I have also taught a couple of classes - a citizenship class for immigrants preparing to write the citizenship test, and even a driver's class for people wanting to get their learner's permit. It is fun, helps others and satisfies my teaching urges :smile:

    Laura - wow, that is a significant loss for your hubby. Isn't it a little frustrating though how easily men lose weight!!:angry: I quit 'dieting' with my husband a while back - I think he would lose 10 pounds by saying "I think we should go on a diet" (while eating a chocolat bar) and I would struggle to lose five with no cheating!!

    I was up and out before seven this morning for Bible study, did an hour at the pool, delivered baby gifts, returned medical equipment, went to the bank and Costco (oh, the samples!!).....and now I am ready for a midafternoon nap!! But company will be arriving for supper, so up and at it!

    Have a super day ladies...almost the end of the month!! unbelievable!
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    jb- Fun website. My virtual age is 27 and life expectancy is 108!:drinker: :drinker: I'm going to go back and do the assessment with the info from 13 months ago- before I lost the weight and started living a healthier lifestyle.

    Went back and put in the numbers from before the lifestyle changes. Virtual age is 43 and life expectancy is 91. :frown: :frown: What a difference we are making by adopting a healthier lifestyle!:flowerforyou:
    Deb A
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions, I eat all I can hold now at least 1500 cals and some time more. I'm feeling better, I just got caught up in a pity party. Tigress
  • cathyb60
    cathyb60 Posts: 308 Member
    I started today badly with a "take out" breakfast (after going for bloodwork that I had to fast for) and figured I would wait till tomorrow to track my food because I already blew it...then when I got home I figured what the heck no better time to start back at it than today and guess what...I didn't do as bad as I thought, and if I hadn't tracked my food for the day I would have "definatley" gone way over. Lesson learned! LOL!

    Cathy in Nova Scotia
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    good for you! get back on that pony and RIDE! :happy:

    i learned over the weekend that the next time i use canned beans in a recipe, i will rinse them~ the sodium count was astronomical!

    we live, we learn, and just keep on keepin' on! :flowerforyou:
