Thigh Gaps



  • KarenBoehlke
    I don't care if I have a gap or not I just don't want to hear "thunder" whenever I walk.
  • oOMusicBabii
    Do I hate thigh chaffing? Absolutely.

    Do I want thigh gap? No thank you.

    Thank you for posting this as I think many woman had it as an unrealistic goal and need to understand that it doesn't have to be the end all mark of fitness or thinness.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I want curves, idgaf if my thighs have a gap or not.
  • snpease
    But does no thigh gap mean I'll always have to wear shorts under dresses to stop them from rubbing?

    Just put deoderant between them! That's what helps my thunder thighs =)
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    I wear leggings a lot under dresses because I don't like my thighs rubbing. I'm in the healthy BMI range (23.5) and still get it! I wouldn't mind losing a bit of weight off them.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Yes, and now clothes are designed to give a bit of a gap also., as in the first pic

    If the shorts were what was creating the gap, her legs would bulge at the bottom hem like a if you put a rubber band around a balloon.

    But I'm not sure if that really counts as a thigh gap, because I think it means there's a gap even when you're feet are together.
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    Yes, and now clothes are designed to give a bit of a gap also., as in the first pic

    If the shorts were what was creating the gap, her legs would bulge at the bottom hem like a if you put a rubber band around a balloon.

    But I'm not sure if that really counts as a thigh gap, because I think it means there's a gap even when you're feet are together.

    Yeah, it's only a thigh gap if the feet are together at the time. (According to the powers that be at tumblr - i.e. bored 13 year old girls.)
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    I don't care if I get a thigh gap or not. I just don't want my thighs to burn when they rub together.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    But I'm not sure if that really counts as a thigh gap, because I think it means there's a gap even when you're feet are together.

    Yeah, it's only a thigh gap if the feet are together at the time. (According to the powers that be at tumblr - i.e. bored 13 year old girls.)

    Really? I thought it was your legs were shoulder width apart. Either way, I'm not terribly concerned.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Well I am one with a thigh gap when I am in proper weight range but cursed with a little roll of fat around my knees that make me look like the proverbial knock kneed hen. Remember, the perfect body is a social creation. :happy:
  • kritterxx
    kritterxx Posts: 100 Member
    I noticed something the other day on lululemon.

    This model has a thigh gap:

    She doesnt have a thigh gap.. its when you stand with your feet together, fairly sure she wouldnt have one if her feet were together.

    I have a thigh gap, I had one at my highest weight too (BMI 24). My hips are about 34.5", I think. At my lowest weight they measured 32" (measuring across the hip bones), and it was wonderful: my thighs barely ever touched, even when sitting. It was wonderful. It's something I associate with my own weight loss. A bigger thigh gap for me would be a huge NSV.
    Good for me I guess haha? It doesn't matter, of course. I see girls who are tiny but with no gap. All about structure.
  • Glasgow_Vegan
    Glasgow_Vegan Posts: 209 Member
    But I'm not sure if that really counts as a thigh gap, because I think it means there's a gap even when you're feet are together.

    Yeah, it's only a thigh gap if the feet are together at the time. (According to the powers that be at tumblr - i.e. bored 13 year old girls.)

    Really? I thought it was your legs were shoulder width apart. Either way, I'm not terribly concerned.

    My sister has the gap when she stands with her feet together. You can see this even when she's wearing trousers. She's making an effort to put on weight though so she's basically on the reverse of my diet. I see her eating scones full of whipped cream, crisps, and meal replacement shakes with whipped cream on top. She eats a lot of chocolate too.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I still don't see what the big deal is about thigh gaps. I have one and always will. But so what? As long as you're at a healthy weight and happy with you, that's all that should matter. To focus on something so insignificant seems silly in the grand scheme of trying to get healthier.
  • Manrahan
    I'd just like to say that I'm a pretty well-read man of the world, and I'd already been around for three decades of life before I first heard the phrase "thigh gap." It's unfortunate the amount of time that women, in particular, are made to end up worrying about their bodies overall in this day and age, but even given that we all focus on our bodies to some degree, the thought that anyone anywhere is spending any time at all considering whether or not they have a "thigh gap" still absolutely floors me. I mean, I know plenty of boob men, leg men, *kitten* men, etc. I have yet to meet a thigh gap man. I have no idea if my hot wife has a thigh gap. Where the hell did this nonsense come from?
  • Arkani7
    Arkani7 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm really surprised how this whole thigh gap thing seems to become a new ideal of beauty in the 21st century.
    Some years ago (and still I guess ...) people wanted their hip bones to be visible, now they want a gap between their thighs.

    A few time ago, one of my male friends (he's a good guy, but a bit superficial and he has high expectations on women's looks) said: "if her thighs touch - she's fat."
    - and I just thought ", I hope you're the only one with that opinion...otherwise I have to find another planet to live on"

    Then I caught myself standing in front of the mirror wondering if my thighs would still touch when I lose some of my extra pounds.

    Now .... I don't really care anymore. And I think most other people don't care, too. I think the main point is to have a normal weight, to be fit and healthy. Once you reached this, a good-looking outer appearance comes automatically.
    So thanks for sharing this information :) I didn't know that it depends on genetics
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Well then none of the models on lululemon have thighs gaps if that tells you anything.
  • MoonIite
    MoonIite Posts: 341 Member
    I don't have a thigh gap, and I never had it as a goal to start with. This is just my observation, but the members who make threads inquiring on how to get a thigh gap tend to be younger, impressionable ones. They equate this physical characteristic with thinness and think that only those who are thin have a thigh gap. People should love their body as it is, with or without a thigh gap.
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I'd just like to say that I'm a pretty well-read man of the world, and I'd already been around for three decades of life before I first heard the phrase "thigh gap." It's unfortunate the amount of time that women, in particular, are made to end up worrying about their bodies overall in this day and age, but even given that we all focus on our bodies to some degree, the thought that anyone anywhere is spending any time at all considering whether or not they have a "thigh gap" still absolutely floors me. I mean, I know plenty of boob men, leg men, *kitten* men, etc. I have yet to meet a thigh gap man. I have no idea if my hot wife has a thigh gap. Where the hell did this nonsense come from?

  • misssiri
    misssiri Posts: 335 Member
    Another thread where women get to compare their bodies to others and bash the differences.Yay! Just what MFP needs.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Yes, and now clothes are designed to give a bit of a gap also., as in the first pic

    You think the shorts are creating the thigh gap? Mmm.... I'm going to have to disagree.

    As some one that has both types of these clothes, I can say for sure they are creating the gap. Gotta love tight spandex.

    Notice how different the crotch of the shorts and the yoga pants are made as well.