For you diet soda drinkers out there...



  • Heyman09
    Not losing weight fast enough? Diet soda is worse for you than regular soda. Anyone wanting a healthy life style shouldn't drink any sodas. If you must, at least stay away from the fake sugar. The aspartame used in diet sodas also causes vitamins to be leached from your bodies and it is also highly carcinogenic. Studies have found that bodies react to fake sugar in the same way as real sugar. It might not have as many calories but your body still creates fat in response.

    I'm posting this for my mom and aunts who are diet coke addicts.

    I think moderation is always the key!!! I drink 1 diet dr pepper every day or every few days (Depending on when I can go out and get one).....I was bad at drinking them 5 times a day so you can see how much I've cut down but I'm not going to cut all out....Just like candy....I eat 1 to 2 twix every day and I've been fine.
  • newmanmb463
    newmanmb463 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm glad to see others reply to this nonsense. I don't know why so many people feel the need to get sanctimonious about causes like this. I have had at least a dozen people over the past 20 years get in my face about drinking diet soda, and how bad it is for you. There is NO scientific proof that diet soda causes obesity. Do obese people drink diet soda? Of course!

    As anecdotal evidence, about 8 years ago, I decided why not, I'll give it up. We bought a water cooler for the house, subscribed to a water delivery service, and went cold turkey on giving up all diet drinks (I don't drink any other soda or juice). For a little over a year, I stayed away from diet soda, and other than the initial 3-4 days of caffeine withdrawal headaches, I found no difference in my health or weight. Likewise when I started back to drinking diet soda, I didn't see a difference either.

    If one day they come up with proof that diet soda is bad for you will I be completely surprised? No... It has some bizarre chemicals in it after all.
  • cal_73
    All these studies say is that the diet sodas make you crave sugar more which means you eat more. But, if you are aware of what you eat, like tracking it on a website for example, it most likely does not apply in the least.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I drink diet ginger ale ....a few a week. I have NO problem losing weight.

    same here. i also add rum and muddled limes to it sometimes :laugh:

    Dark & Stormy!!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    Or just simply choose selzer water, they have a lot of great flavors out there and they are perfect for suppressing that bubbly carbination grave you get when you grave the sodas

    hellz yes.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I drink a diet pop or diet red bull once a week. I try to stick with water, ice tea, and sparkling water but sometimes I really want a soda. Blaming a zero calorie drink for weight gain seems ridiculous in my mind.
  • jjennasmithh
    I'm not going to stop drinking diet soda. I only drink it if I'm out at a restaurant, which is like never, and maybe once or twice per week if I really want it. PLUS I drink 14 cups of water per day, everyday. So I think that at least helps! You choose: Drinking regular pop and falling back into your old ways OR drinking diet soda to cure your craving and never give up! This is how I live!
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    I get so angry when people don't understand science! There is no evidence that diet sodas are bad for you!
  • FootballManaic
    I second ur post
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    blah blah blah blah... I like to think it was the nachos, and chocolate that made me fat and not the diet soda.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I get so angry when people don't understand science! There is no evidence that diet sodas are bad for you!

    I like science.
  • carriemtodd
    carriemtodd Posts: 1 Member
    I think it is great that you are concerned about the health of your family members. People need to remember that a view that is different than their own is not an attic on them, their choices, or their lifestyle. Nowhere in the original post did I see anything to indicate that the poster was accusing diet soda drinkers of being fat idiots.
    There are many sites that link artificial sweeteners with migraines, chronic fatigue, and yes even weight gain. Each of these sites mention that SOME people are more susceptible to these affects than others. Because I DO sometimes get migraines from them, and yet I still enjoy soda pop and can't make myself consume the 220+ calories of full flavor, I limit myself to one at a movie theater and none any other time.
    By the way, I believe the poster was merely saying that, IF you are having trouble losing weight that you MIGHT choose to take a look at your diet soda intake. If the poster had said, if you aren't losing weight as fast as you like it could be that you are improperly measuring your food, would people have reacted as defensively?
    I agree with the poster who said to listen to your body and do what's best for you. Incidentally, I remember talking with people who smoked cigarettes to keep their weight down.............not my choice, but it's their business.
  • reneeeeeh
    I dont understand why anybody would want to put all those chemicals in their body in the first place.
  • matthew_b
    matthew_b Posts: 137 Member
    I get so angry when people don't understand science! There is no evidence that diet sodas are bad for you!

    For this 'you' it really is bad for me. I react quite badly to aspartame, saccharin and sucralose. REALLY badly. Even a tiny bit of cross-contamination gets me.

    It was part of my incentive of giving up all sodas, because every now and then I would get the faintest hint of artificial sweetener flavor in regular soda and would react.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Oh this again.... haven't seen it in at least 2 days
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I get so angry when people don't understand science! There is no evidence that diet sodas are bad for you!

    For this 'you' it really is bad for me. I react quite badly to aspartame, saccharin and sucralose. REALLY badly. Even a tiny bit of cross-contamination gets me.

    It was part of my incentive of giving up all sodas, because every now and then I would get the faintest hint of artificial sweetener flavor in regular soda and would react.

    Some people are also allergic to shellfish, strawberries, bananas, soy, pitted fruits, etc., but these foods are generally prescribed as healthy for most of the population. Shrimp would be deadly to a friend of mine if he ate it, but it's an awesome source of protein for me. :)
  • chicadejmu
    chicadejmu Posts: 171 Member
    While I USED to be a diet drink addict... quitting soda hasn't made me lose weight. AND I was able to maintain a perfectly normal body weight for YEARS while drinking it. So... I do think diet soda is horrible for you because it is full of chemicals (and yes, that caramel coloring has been shown to cause cancer at least in lab rats) but I really don't think it has a thing to do with obesity.
  • MrsSassyPants
    MrsSassyPants Posts: 223 Member
    Just replaced diet Dr. Pepper with diet Cherry Pepsi. Still cutting out 40 grams of sugar a day. Love the bite carbonation gives me. To each his own but for now..... diet Cherry Pepsi wins. And I usually like coke. Hum. The competition is stiff out there.
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Just replaced diet Dr. Pepper with diet Cherry Pepsi. Still cutting out 40 grams of sugar a day. Love the bite carbonation gives me. To each his own but for now..... diet Cherry Pepsi wins. And I usually like coke. Hum. The competition is stiff out there.

    Diet Dr. Pepper still wins my heart.
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    Ha i dont dont drink soda at all..
    Cutt it out you will be healthier without that
    .and yes the diet soda is worse for you.
    so if you do need one just have the regular but i would cuttitout.