~Fit N Fun Sized~ Week Three!!!



  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I'm just making a note that my post-refeed weight is 134.8. This isn't a weigh-in, just keeping track of my average increases due to glycogen, etc. Three lbs is about average for me, but I have seen more in the past. It'll be gone soon.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member
    Previous weigh in was 128.0 and today I am 127.0. I had been down a bit more, but I had 2 holiday parties yesterday and I feel a bit bloated.

    With 2 holiday parties and still to be down 1#.... Way 2 go! Woot Woot!!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,988 Member
    Use weigh-in from Saturday can be used for today because I'm having another refeed this weekend so today my weight will be unusually high.

    What's a refeed ?

    After being in a caloric deficit for a long period of time, certain hormone levels in the body change in response to the deprivation and make fat loss harder. A refeed is a period of time when you eat at maintenance or a little higher to lower those hormone levels and make fat loss a little easier until they increase again.

    Good to know. :smile:

    Yea, I ate more than I have in a LONG time yesterday. I did cardio for about 70 minutes and 20 minutes of stretching total, plus I played Wii Sports Resort for a couple hours. I ended up eating about 2800 calories for the day. Today I'm up to 1300 and I feel stuuuuuffed! So I'm hoping the transition down to 1300 cal/day will be easier now.

    Phew! I can't even imagine eating 2800 calories right now. Wow! The refeed will definitely be something I add into my routine when I get closer to my goal (since I am not having trouble yet since I am still far off from my goal weight). Thanks for sharing about it. :smile:

    Maybe that's why the "diet" guru's recommend once a week having a single meal where you eat whatever you want. Thanks for the information on what the body is actually doing, that was interesting.
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I'll try to get the updated list online tonight. Sorry to those that I missed.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Day 25 of my challenge is complete. I burned over 500 calories today at exercise boot camp.
  • cherie2304
    cherie2304 Posts: 632 Member
    Hello All...I weighed in today. I weighed in at 162...only 2 ounces down this week...as long as it is in this direction I'm great. I worked out hard last week. Maybe too hard. I might have just overworked my body. Sunday is my 5k so getting ready for that. Really excited!!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Use weigh-in from Saturday can be used for today because I'm having another refeed this weekend so today my weight will be unusually high.

    What's a refeed ?

    After being in a caloric deficit for a long period of time, certain hormone levels in the body change in response to the deprivation and make fat loss harder. A refeed is a period of time when you eat at maintenance or a little higher to lower those hormone levels and make fat loss a little easier until they increase again.

    Good to know. :smile:

    Yea, I ate more than I have in a LONG time yesterday. I did cardio for about 70 minutes and 20 minutes of stretching total, plus I played Wii Sports Resort for a couple hours. I ended up eating about 2800 calories for the day. Today I'm up to 1300 and I feel stuuuuuffed! So I'm hoping the transition down to 1300 cal/day will be easier now.

    Phew! I can't even imagine eating 2800 calories right now. Wow! The refeed will definitely be something I add into my routine when I get closer to my goal (since I am not having trouble yet since I am still far off from my goal weight). Thanks for sharing about it. :smile:

    Maybe that's why the "diet" guru's recommend once a week having a single meal where you eat whatever you want. Thanks for the information on what the body is actually doing, that was interesting.

    Yea, although one meal won't really do enough to change gene expression. That's why I try to go for a couple days. But yesterday I failed horribly and only ate 1500 calories LOL...oops.
  • jzbaby626
    Hey ladies. How is everyone?

    Chocolickkys- That sounds like a really hard challenge, but it seems like your rocking it..congrats!

    I did my 40 mins of circuit training today. Last night I didn't give into my craving for cookies. I usually never have any will power. Instead I brushed my teeth and laid down. yay me!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Is there a week 4 thread yet? I've been MIA and not doing well as far as posting and inputting my food/exercise...work is taking over my life...4 more days and I'm off for 2 weeks for the holidays ;)
    My goal is to get back into this forum more and commit myself to posting!
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    There is a week 4!! See you there
  • supermom1114
    This is what I have so far for our weigh in today.


    My current weight isn't 144 its 142
  • supermom1114
    Starting Weight- 191
    SW FNFS- 142.6
    1st Weigh In- 141.6
    2nd Weigh-in- 144
    This Week- 142

    I don't know whats going on, Ive been doing Jillians 30 Day shred everyday and working out on my other wii games as well and 3 or 4 days a week I do a C25K run. I'm eating 1200 cals a day plus some of my exercise cals but not all, so I'm probably around 1400-1500 cals a day. There have been a couple days I've had a christmas treat but can one or two treats a week really keep me from losing weight or cause me to gain it? Its just so frustrating to be stuck at 142 or 141... I just want to see the 130s already!!! Its taken so long just to get down to this low, its driving me crazy!

    You could try upping your calories for a day to boost your metabolism. Have you been measuring yourself? You could be losing inches and not pounds.

    Once a week or so I don't watch my calories as closely and usually splurge on something so I don't know if its my metabolism or whats going on. I've lost inches since I was 146 but not since I've stalled out around 141-142
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    Is there a week 4 thread yet? I've been MIA and not doing well as far as posting and inputting my food/exercise...work is taking over my life...4 more days and I'm off for 2 weeks for the holidays ;)
    My goal is to get back into this forum more and commit myself to posting!

    Wow - parallel lives. I'm in exactly the same boat and hope the coming weeks will be an improvement. Calories haven't been bad, but exercise has been almost non-existent. Same with sleep - ug.
    See you in the week #4 thread!