5'3 or 5'4 ladies. What is your goal weight?



  • GeekGirl23
    GeekGirl23 Posts: 517 Member
    I don't care what my jean size will be... I only care that I look good, feel good and am between 140-155 lbs. I have a larger frame so no matter what below that I'll look sickly.
  • Lavern77
    Lavern77 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I remember being at 145 pounds a long time ago, and was just barely fitting into a size 12 jeans even tho my shirt size was small. I carry most of my weight in the butt and thighs so I will probably have to go pretty low to get into a size 6 or 8 which would be my goal. Going for 130 but will have to see what I look like when I get there. May decide to keep going if the problem areas are still too big at 130.
  • kargreen
    I am 5'4 and have been stuck at 120-125 for the last year now. I really want to get back to 108-110 range. All of my weight is in my stomach right now. I have adrenal fatigue which causes the spare tire. I have tried everything - every diet, running, videos - every diet pill out there and nothing seems to work. So I went to a health and wellness doctor who is helping me with the fatigue part and says that once we get that under control I should be able to lose weight. I just wish it would happen sooner rather than later.
  • Beba1980
    My ultimate goal is 165 or 170. When I get there I may re evaluate but I really want to get back into a 12.
  • SophieC19
    SophieC19 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 5'4" and hoping to be 140lbs :) maybe even abit less :)
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    I am 5'4" and my goal weight is 130 but would not mind losing a little more....
  • Rizabees

    GW is at most 140. I'm going to reevaluate once I get closer to that.
  • DeannaPaige1
    DeannaPaige1 Posts: 84 Member
    I'am 5'3 1/2. I'm 149 right now. My current goal weight is 145 but my Ultimate goal is 135 :)
  • lisahale
    I am 5'3 started out at 201.8 I currently weigh 174.6 . My goal would be around 140.
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    5'4" and currently weigh 131. I wear a 4-6 pant and I would be happy to stay right where I am. I weighed 135 in college and wore an 8-10 pant. Muscle is awesome! :wink:
  • aryastarkk
    I'm 5"3' and my goal weight is somewhere in the 125-127 range, I'm not exactly sure because I haven't weighed that much since before puberty. I range around 129-135 right now and while I am wearing size 4 and fairly happy, I have a lot of extra fat on my thighs, hips, stomach still.

    I guess my goal weight would be at whatever weight I lose those my little lovehandles and jiggly thighs!

    I'm looking to tone up as well so who knows maybe 130 with more muscle will end up my ideal weight.
  • Tina_Boone
    Tina_Boone Posts: 16 Member
    im 5'4 and 27 as well and I am thinking 160-150 I would love to see 135 but that doesnt seem realistic to me? My heaviest was 122 then I dropped down to 170 and now back to 189 :-( so im starting over again. good luck to you!
  • Frofina
    My goal weight is 125. I have a light frame but heavy, lean muscle. I'd be happy at 130. Pant size 4-6 depending on the pants.
  • shar0006
    shar0006 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5"4' and I am happiest under 130, my current goal is 127
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I'm 5'1" and I was obese. When I started 3 years ago I wanted to get to size 8 which is the smallest I had ever been. I was over size 14 when I started.

    I lost 40 lbs on my own and learned about The Venus Index and The Anything Goes Diet about 2 years ago. It took me beyond my expectations because the goal setting and debunking myths about diet and calories, and the truth about exercise burn being negligible.

    I got down to 109 lbs earlier this year for my first ever fitness model photo shoot (for a contest but mainly for myself to look back upon). Now I'm up to around 120 and still size 2-3 and still under 12% BF.

    The most amazing thing was getting my DXA scan done recently and finding that the lifting weights has made my bone density that of a super athletic 30 year old and I'm almost 52!

  • blueroses_78
    5'4", currently 163 lbs. My goal right now is 160, but if I had my wish, I'd be 140 lbs. I was 150 when I graduated high school back in 1996, and though I weigh more NOW than I did, I'm in smaller clothes. Can't figure out why, exactly, but I'm in a size 10 pants (with some 8s fitting well, and even one pair of size 6 Dockers!), and mediums to large in shirts. I'm sitting here wearing a medium tank top, and a VERY loose pair of size 15 jeans. I can put them on and take them off without unbuttoning or unzipping them.

    I put on a pair of my old jeans last night and my hubby took a pic. I'll get him to upload it to his FB, and I'll get it and upload it here.
  • brissell
    brissell Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 5'3"-5'4", I have been anywhere from 118lbs-195lbs. When I was younger at 135 I was wearing size 7-8. I was down to size 5-6 when I was 118lbs. I have always had a nice bit of muscle due to playing a lot of sports (basketball, jogging, downhill skiing).

    Six years ago, I was down to 148 and wearing the same clothes (size 7-8). Your body changes as you age. I was definitely very happy wearing any size from 7-10.
  • sandrasturz
    I'm 5'4. I've been ranging from 131-138. I feel best at 131. My goal is to be 125-130. I am a size 4 at 131-135 but at 138 my pants are a tad too snug.
  • lyrical_melody
    lyrical_melody Posts: 242 Member
    I am 5'4 and I am trying to get back down to 130. I would love to be at 120, but I have never been that in my life so we will see.

    My pants are usually size 9-11, but I have a huge butt so thats part of it. I usually wear a small shirt.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm 5'4" and my goal is a range between 140-150 but after my tummy tuck on 9/21, i honestly just really want to focus on making the "new" body i have firm and tight....i have soooo wanted to be a specific number on the scale for so long but NOW i just want to look good, because really what difference does it make if you weigh xxx but have a rocking solid muscular body???? that's me anyway, it's taken over 4yrs for me to get to this realization but i'm there finally.....